[PDF] [PDF] Map 15 Arelate-Massalia Map 15 Arelate–Massalia Map

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Programme détaillé festival 2022

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ARELATE. Long A - 1/2 Précoce. Obtention : France - (2001). Caractéristiques Technologiques. Grain naturel. Grain étuvé. Longueur de grain (L) : 64 mm.

Map 15 Arelate-Massalia

Map 15 Arelate–Massalia. Map 16 Colonia Forum Iulii–Albingaunum. All the French départements covered here were treated in the CAGR series beginning with 

La romanisation

Arles (Arelate en latin) est fondée dans la Gaule narbonnaise en 46 av J.-C. Par Jules César après la conquête de toute la Gaule. Elle devient très vite un 

Envie de faire du théâtre ? Rejoignez la troupe Arelate !

L'association « Arelate journées romaines d'Arles » organise des initiations aux techniques de théâtre de rue pour adultes




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ARELATE Long A - 1/2 Précoce Obtention : France - (2001) Caractéristiques Technologiques Grain naturel Grain étuvé Longueur de grain (L) : 64 mm

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[PDF] Map 15 Arelate-Massalia

Map 15 Arelate–Massalia Map 16 Colonia Forum Iulii–Albingaunum All the French départements covered here were treated in the CAGR series beginning with 

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Arles (Arelate en latin) est fondée en 46 av JC par Jules César après la conquête de toute la Gaule Elle devient très vite un port important sur le Rhône 

Arelate (Arles) Request PDF - ResearchGate

Request PDF Arelate (Arles) Arelate (Arles) is an important ancient city situated in southern France on the Rhône River currently located about 40 km 

La centuriation des territoires des cités romaines dArles (Arelate) et

17 jan 2023 · PDF Cet article fait l'historique des recherches sur les centuriations de Basse Provence depuis les années 1960 (travaux de F Benoit 

[PDF] Map 15 Arelate-Massalia

Map 15 Arelate-Massalia

Compiled by S. Loseby, 1995


Map 15 Arelate-Massalia

Map 16 Colonia Forum Iulii-Albingaunum

All the Frenchdépartementscovered here were treated in the CAGR series, beginning with its first volume,

Alpes-Maritimes, in 1931. Its successor CAG is far more comprehensive, although unfortunately both maps were

compiled before publication of the relevant volumes. Some references to them are incorporated in the Directories,

however. Provence and Languedoc have in recent years been among the most dynamic regions of France in

archaeological terms. As well as the periodic entries inGallia Informations, the archaeology of the region sustains a

series of journals, notably theRevue Archéologique de Narbonnaise, Documents d'Archéologie Méridionale,Bulletin

d'Archéologie de Provence, Archéologie en Languedoc,andRevue des Etudes Ligures/Rivista di Studi Liguri.A

comprehensive, up-to-date overview of the ancient history and archaeology of the region is lacking (Rivet 1988 is the

best single work available); Bromwich (1993) at least provides a basic guide to the principal Greek and Roman


Of the numerous sites known exclusively from archaeology, only those significant enough to have attracted at

least an article-length study are marked. The whole span from early Greek engagement with the region (c. 600 B.C.)

is covered, up until c. A.D. 500; locations mentioned only in works associated with Caesarius of Arles are therefore


From Cap Couronne eastwards (see La Couronne, Map 15 E3), the Provençal coastline appears to be little

altered since antiquity, while on the western side of Map 15 the evolution of the shores of Languedoc has largely

been gradual and minor-involving the shifting and consolidation of the sandbars which now separate the coastal

étangs (lagoons) from the sea, but which seem to have been less developed in antiquity. In between, however, in the

Rhône delta (ancient Rhodanus), change has been both constant and considerable. Its most striking manifestation is

the submerging of the ancient port of Fossae Marianae, and the associated ambiguities surrounding the course of the

celebrated Fossae Marianae canal; but the morphology of the whole area of the delta has undergone significant

evolution over the centuries. The reconstructions offered here can therefore be regarded as no more than

approximate. The course of the Durance (Druentia) has been much discussed too. Although the theory of a

subsidiary arm of the river running along the north side of the Alpilles should be abandoned, it is clear that much of

the land around the western end of the Alpilles, extending south-west towards Arles (Col. Arelate), was considerably

marshier than it is today.

Centuriation is another challenging problem. Alongside the well-known Orange cadasters (Col. Arausio),

much painstaking work has now shown that the coastal plain of Languedoc was thoroughly centuriated in antiquity

(note especially Clavel-Lévêque 1983). The existence of sundry overlapping centuriations (up to five in places)

makes it impossible to represent all of these systems here; see the spate of specialist articles appearing in particular in

Revue Archéologique de Narbonnaise. East of the Rhône valley, in Basse-Provence, extensive centuriation is

rendered less likely by the fragmented nature of the terrain. Although attempts have been made to claim the

existence of numerous small systems (Soyer 1973; 1974), these have generally been doubted on both empirical and

chronological grounds. More broadly, in recent years Languedoc and Provence have given rise to numerous studies

of the long-term evolution of rural settlement patterns. Much valuable and innovative survey work is being done for

the areas around the Etang de Berre (Stomalimne) and Etang de Thau (Taurus in Map 15 B3) in particular.

The roads of the region have not been systematically examined as a network. The arterial routes, the east-west

axis formed by the Via Iulia Augusta-Via Aurelia-Via Domitia, and the north-south route on the eastern side of the


Rhône, with their chains of road stations, are relatively well attested and discussed; but few other roads have been

considered in similar detail, and their courses are often ill-defined. No attempt is made here to show really minor or

extremely short stretches of road. Certain routes are omitted as too conjectural for inclusion; at the same time it must

be acknowledged that some of those shown may depend upon little more than local antiquarian tradition.


All place names are in France unless otherwise noted


CAG 13/1 F. Gateau,Carte archéologique de la Gaule 13/1. L'Etang-de-Berre,Paris,1996

CAG 34/1 L. Schneider and D. Garcia,Carte archéologique de la Gaule 34/1. Le Lodévois,Paris,1998

CAG 48 D. Fabrié,Carte archéologique de la Gaule 48. La Lozère,Paris,1989 CAGR 5 F. Benoit,Carte archéologique de la Gaule romaine, V. Bouches-du-Rhône,Paris,1936 CAGR 7 J. Sautel,Carte archéologique de la Gaule romaine, VII. Vaucluse,Paris,1939 CAGR 8 M. Louis and A. Blanchet,Carte archéologique de la Gaule romaine, VIII. Gard,Paris,1941 CAGR 10 E. Bonnet,Carte archéologique de la Gaule romaine, X. Hérault,Paris,1946 CAGR 11 J. Sautel,Carte archéologique de la Gaule romaine, XI. Drôme,Paris,1957 CAGR 12 A. Grenier,Carte archéologique de la Gaule romaine, XII. Aude,Paris,1959 Names

Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference

A3 Ad Ermum RL mine and road station at

Peret-CabrièresCombarnous 1971, 82-83

E2 Ad Fines RL Mariquan area, near Goult Barruol 1962, 164-66 E3 Aemines R Sormiou? ItMarit 506.6; Rivet 1988, 222 A3 Agatha ACHRL Agde Bérard 1990; Nickels 1981; NPauly

F2 Alaunium See Map 16

E2 Albici HR near Notre-Dame des

AngesBarruol 1969, 273-77

C1AlèsCHR CAGR 8.365; Dedet 1981

C1AllègreRL? CAGR 8.326; PECS

C2 Ambrussum HR Pont-Ambroix, near

VilletelleFiches 1989

D2 Anatilii HR Barruol 1969, 203

B1 Andusia HR Anduze RE; PECS Anduze

E2 Apta Iulia RL Apt Barruol 1968; Rivet 1988, 256-58; NPauly


Aquae Sextiae

D2 *Aramo? R Aramon CIL 12.2971; CAGR 8.127

C2 *Arandunum R Calvisson? CIL 12.4155; CAGR 8.61

A3 Araura/


ACHRLSt-Thibéry ItAnt 389.4; PECS Cessero

A2 Arauris fl. HR Hérault RE

Arausio = Col. Arausio

Arelate = Theline

A2ArrigasR? two mines CAGR 8.433

A2AspiranR Fiches 1973; CAG 34/1.013

E3 Avatici HR Barruol 1969, 194-96

D2 Avennio ACHRL Avignon Gagnière 1970; Rivet 1988, 265-68;

Christol 1992

Baeterrae = Col. Baeterrae

B3Balaruc-les-BainsRL Bermond 1992

F1BanonRL Gallia 16 (1958) 392-99; 18 (1960) 284-85

E3Baou-de-St-MarcelACH Rayssiguier 1990


Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference

F3Baou-RougeCH Honoré 1968

E3Baou-RouxACH Boissinot 1990

D2BarbegalRL Amouretti 1992

B3Le BarrouRL Sète PECS Sète; Gallia Infos (1987-88, i) 259

C2BarutelR Bessac 1981

F3Les BaumellesSee Map 16

E2BeaumajourRL Bellet 1978; CAG 13/1.044

E1Beaumont-du-VentouxRL CAGR 7.85B; Goudineau 1991, 130;

Bellet 1992

E2BeauregardACHR Poumeyrol 1959; PECS Urgo

D2 Bellintum L between Graveson and

RognonasItBurd 553.4; Rivet 1988, 269

B3 Blasco Ins. HR Ile de Brescou RE Blasco(n)

C2Bois des LensHR Bessac 1986

D1La BrècheL Feugère 1987

A3Les BréginesR? Clavel 1970, 339; Bedon 1984, 33, pl. 2 C1 *Briginnum? CHR Serre de Brienne, Brignon PECS Brignon; Souq 1989; Gallia Infos (1992, i) 107 C1 Brugetia? R Bruyès CIL 12.3362; Rivet 1988, 168 E2 Cabellio HRL Cavaillon PECS; Rivet 1988, 262-63; Bellet 1990 E3 Calcaria Solarium RL Vitrolles? RE Calcaria 1; Rivet 1988, 205

F3 Camactulici? See Map 16

D1Camp de CésarCHRL Laudun PECS Laudun; Gallia Infos (1992, i) 112-13

F3Camp de la FiguièreSee Map 16

D2 Campi Lapidei HR La Crau RE

C2CanteducR Bessac 1981

A2 Capraria L Cabrières Weidemann 1982, 2.67; CAG 34/1.045

B1CarnoulèsR? CAGR 8.374

E1 Carpentorate/

*Forum NeronisRL/

RCarpentras Ptol. 2.10.8; PECS; Rivet 1988, 283

F3 Carsicis R Cassis ItMarit 506.2-3; Rivet 1988, 222 E3Castellas de RognacHR Chabot 1968; PECS Rognac; CAG

13/1, pp. 273-75

C2Les CastelsHR Nages Py 1978

D2La CatalaneHR Arcelin 1973

F2 Catuiacia RL St-Sauveur? near Céreste Barruol 1962, 166-69

D2 Cavares HR people Barruol 1969, 236-44

D2 Cavares H confederation Barruol 1969, 231-72

B1 Cebenna M. See Map 17

Cessero = Araura

E2Château-BasRL Vernègues Grenier 1958, 280-85;

Bromwich 1993, 237-39

F1Châtelard de LardiersACHRL Lardiers PECS Lardiers F3 Citharista RL La Ciotat ItMarit 506.3-4; Rivet 1988, 198, 201-202

A2Clermont-l'HéraultR CAG 34/1.079

E3La ClocheH Chabot 1983

B2Clos-de-l'ArmetRL Majurel 1967

D2Clos de SerreRL Caumont-sur-Durance Mouraret 1990

E2 Col. Aquae Sextiae

§ Col. Iulia Augusta

Aquae SextiaeHRL Aix-en-Provence PECS; Ambard 1984; Guyon 1986; NPauly

Aquae III.5

D1 Col. Arausio

§ Col. Firma Iulia

Arausio SecundanorumHRL Orange PECS; Bellet 1991; Bromwich 1993,

181-94; NPauly Arausio

Col. Arelate = Theline

A3 Col. Baeterrae

§ Col. Victrix Iulia

PaternaHRL settlement and bridge at

BéziersPECS 134-35; Clavel 1970; Sagnes 1986;

NPauly Baeterrae

A2CombedeFignolsR Peret Olive 1989; CAG 34/1, pp. 243-45

A3La CondoumineRL Puissalicon Bacou 1971

Constantina = Theline


Grid Name Period Modern Name / Location Reference

E2ConstantineHRL Bouloumié 1987; Leveau 1990; CAG

13/1, pp. 212-16

A1Coste GuizonACHR CAG 48.91

E3La CouronneCHR CAG 13/1, pp. 258-61

F3La CourtineSee Map 16

E2CucuronR Guéry 1990

D1 Cypresseta L Sorgues area ItBurd 553.6; Rivet 1988, 269

E2 Dexivates HR Barruol 1969, 203-206

E3 Dilis RL Anse des Laurons area ItMarit 507.5-6; PECS; CAG

13/1, pp. 255-57

D2 Druentia fl. HRL Durance Barruol 1965; NPauly

A3 Elisykoi CH? Barruol 1973

B3EmbonneHRL Pomaredes 1992

E2EntremontH PECS; Arcelin 1990a

D2 Ernaginum RL St-Gabriel RE; CAGR 5.577

D2Les EscaunesR Bessac 1981

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