[PDF] Intubation trachéale (2004)

Does repeated tracheal intubation contribute to patient morbidity?

Repeated conventional tracheal intubation attempts may contribute to patient morbidity. Critically-ill patients (n = 2833) suffering from cardiovascular, pulmonary, metabolic, neurologic, or trauma-related deterioration were entered into an emergency intubation quality improvement database. This pra …

How long does tracheal intubation take?

For patients in the exposed group, the median time to tracheal intubation was 4 minutes (IQR, 2-6 minutes). Among the unexposed group, 29?539 patients (68.2%) were intubated at some time point after the matching. For these patients, the time to intubation was 8 minutes (IQR, 5-12 minutes).

What is the difference between RSI and routine tracheal intubation?

One important difference between RSI and routine tracheal intubation is that the practitioner does not manually assist the ventilation of the lungs after the onset of general anesthesia and cessation of breathing, until the trachea has been intubated and the cuff has been inflated.

What is an indication for intubation of the trachea?

Actual or impending airway obstruction is a common indication for intubation of the trachea. Life-threatening airway obstruction may occur when a foreign body becomes lodged in the airway; this is especially common in infants and toddlers.

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stenose tracheale post-intubation

Mots-clés : Sténose trachéale Intubation trachéale

MAQUETTE ORL Décembre 2004

L?examen endoscopique initial a montré une sténose trachéale double dans un seul Results : All patients were victims of pathology needing intubation.

Intubation trachéale en médecine durgence

L'intubation trachéale en urgence et a fortiori en médecine Mort TC (2004) Emergency tracheal intubation: complications.

Recommandations pour lorganisation de la prise en charge des

Conférence d'experts - Sfar - 2004 de la ventilation au ballon auto-remplisseur de l'intubation endotrachéale ... matériel pour intubation trachéale ;.

Matériels dintubation et de ventilation utilisables en cas de controˆle

Comparison of the Williams airway intubator and ovassapian fibreoptic intubating airway for fibreoptic oro- tracheal intubation. Anaesthesia 2004;59:173–6. [32] 

Réactualisation de la conférence dexperts sur lintubation difficile

2004 from closed claims registered by the Danish patient insurance algorithm for tracheal intubation: daily practice is the key to success in.

Médecine Interne présentation Juillet 2004

la lumière de la trachée sans excéder le diamètre trachéal. post intubation endotrachéale) ... Ulcération cicatrice trachéale


L'intubation trachéale du patient de réanimation s'effectue le plus souvent en urgence chez Anesth Analg. août 2004;99(2):607-613


27?/09?/2016 Emergency tracheal intubation: complications associated with repeated laryngoscopic attempts. Anesth Analg. août 2004;99(2):607?613 table of ...

Emergency tracheal intubation: complications associated with

gency tracheal intubation outside of the operating room (OR) However the severity and frequency of complications were not correlated with the number of intubation attempts Another anesthesia-based study of emergency intubation reported that 1 in 10 airway encounters required 3 or more intubation attempts and suggested that multiple attempts were

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