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l'Education en Afrique -AEI de l'USAID » pour le Gouvernement du Sénégal. manuel. Hélène Sakiliba. Inspecteur Général des Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre.


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Report on Winged Bean Program in Asia


1981 -March 1983

Grant No. AID/ASIA-G-1467

c1 9 >






ii A.

Establishmient and Continuation of Germ Plasm

Centers in Asia

1 B.


Experimentation and Extension 2


Evaluation of International Winged Bean Varietal



Second International Winged Bean Cooperative

Varietal Trials


Information and Documentation Services


Winged Bean Growth Centers 29

G. The International Dambala (Winged Bean) Institute 33 H.

Other Activities


Present Directions



K. An




S- i




The following is a report of

the activities of the International Council for Development of Underutilized Plants during the period June

1981 through March 1983.

It is organized to follow the major categories of the grant made to the Council by the Agency for International Development, namely:

A. The work of the germ plasm centers


The goals of projects calling for study,

experimentation and extension under priority areas of work C.

The evaluation of the Internation.al Winged

Bean Variety Trials

D. The evaluation of the winged bean information

and documentation center. It includes also information on a number of additional developments that have taken place with the Council's support or that reflect its con tinuing effort to encourage work on this plant. Documents referred to in the text as well as other materials that may be of interest, are included in the Appendix. ii






JUNE 1981 -MIARCH 1983

A. Establishment

and Continuation of Germ Plasm Centers in Asia

As indicated in

the first report of the Council (or ICDUP, as it is also referred to below), the decision by the Government of Sri Lanka to establish an international research center on winged bean, now officially known as The International

Dambala* (Winged Bean) Institute, made it

likely that tile principal and world-wide germ plasm center for winged bean would be established as an integral part of the new institute. At the first meeting of the Institute's Board of Directors, held in Sri S Lanka in March 1982, it was decided that one of the principal and initial activities of the Institute would be the establiishment of the world-wide germ plasm collection. The as below


described in tie section devoted to it, is now in operation. While the Institute was in the process of being established, and in order to help establish the base for such an Institute collection the Council provided funds (as described below in the section, "Study, Experi mentation and Extension") to the Sri Lanka Winged Bean Committee to complete the collection of indigenous Sri

Lankan winged bean variotypes, and to

secure accessions from outside the country.

All accessions were to be

evaluated, tested and replicated, with all data, seeds, and other materials to be turned over to the Institute once the latter was in a position to assume full responsibility for germ plasm collection and management. The work of the Sri Lankan Winged Bean Committee would be carried out by

The Sinhalese

name by which winged bean has been known in Sri

Lanka for centuries.

i 0 0 University of Peradeniya staff on the University of Peradeniya Farm, which is adjacent to the grounds of the international Institute. Although the Council conducted considerable correspondence with the University of Papua New Guinea regarding the establishment of a sub-center in that country which is a principal center of winged bean cultivation, no agreement had been reached with the authorities of that University. It will now be the responsibility of the new International Winged Bean Institute to determine whether it wishes to encourage and help support the establishment of such a germ plasm subcenter in Papua New Guinea, linked to the principal collection at the Institute. B.

Study, Experimentation and Extension

Guidelines for Consideration of Winged Bean Research Proposals by the Council have been completed. These were reproduced, together with an out line to be used by research workers in makii.' requests for funds, in Tile Winged Bean Flyer, Vol. 3, No. 2 (August 1981). The announcement of avail able support, the guidelines and the form to be used in making requests for funds, are reproduced in the Appendix as item I. Bearing these guidelines in mind, the Council made the grants listed below for study, experimentation and extension during the period June 1, 1981-

April 30, 1983.

Each request for research or experimentation made by the Council must be approved by its Winged Bean Steering Committee, composed of thirteen outstanding researchers experienced with winged bean. The names of the members of the Winged Bean Steering Committee are listed in the Appendix.


made by the Council vary in size from under $500 to approximitely $15,000 and are usually for a period of one year, though at times renewable on evidence of satisfactory performance. Grants have supported research and -2 experimentation on varietal testing, plant breeding, agronomy, testing and processing of plant parts, etc.

The Council

is encouraging experimentation with contract farming among small holders of low income in order to secure adequate-sized harvests from the viny plant in order to meet local demand.

Because of the shortage

of ripe seed for use by researchers, experimenters and leaders of village level programs, the Council Is also supporting seed multiplication of selected varieties for distribution.

The Council is the

principal source of winged bean seed, though some seed alsois obtainable from such institutions as the Mayaguez


of Tropical




Rico and from national

agencies or individuals such as the National


of Plant



in New Delhi for work in India principally and from Sri Kuntjiyati


Gadjah Mada University,


for work in Indonesia. In most cases, the Council provides only partial support for the res--archl proposal submitted.

Letters of agreement

with project principals detailing the nature of the work to be performed, must be entered into before any grant is made.

These letters of agreement

indicate also the contributions in cash and/or kind that will be provided by the participating institution.

In most cases this counterpart

contributionl exceeds the contribution made by the Council.


and financial reports are required at the conclusion of the project and, depending on tile project and its size, during the course of the project.

These are maintained

in the records of the Council and made available to the Information and Documenta tion Center for the Winked Bean. The grants made by the Council during the period June 1, 1981-April 30,

1983, are

as follows: -3 Winged Bean Growth Center, Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (Agricultural University of Malaysia), Mr. Wong Kai Choo. "Support for Work of Center, March 1, 1981-February 28, 1982." (1 year project: $15,000) Partial support for Center's work in increasing knowledge and use of elite varieties of winged bean among small farmers in Malaysia and tile neighboring region, so as to improve their nutrition and income. Work to be performed includes completion of screaning processes begun in preceding year of Malaysian and foreign winged bean accessions, con duct of advanced yield trials, and genetic improvement. The Center will also coordinate the Council's Second International Winged Bean

Varietal Trials.

Center will be expected to work with scientists in other institu tions and to cooperate closely with The International Dambala (Winged

Bean) Institute.

Grant covers cost of agricultural supplies and small equipment, services of an assistant and labor, internal travel, postage, publica tions, etc. Counterpart contribution of the University includes the services of 2 research personnel, a laboratory assistant, field assistants, green house, provision of an equipped winged bean research laboratory, cold rooms for short and long term storage, land, land preparation, and additional laborers, estimated as amounting to a total of $41,300. Department of Primary Industries, Maroochy Horticultural Research Station, Australia, Dr. R. A. Stephenson: "Editorial Costs for The

Winged Bean Flyer." (1 year project: $1,000)

Editorial expenses in preparing the Council's semi-annual newsletter, The Winged Bean Flyer, for the period January 1, 1981 through December 31,

1981. The grant covers costs of secretarial assistance, materials (paper,

envelopes, etc.), postage, telephone and cable, and a small amount ($30) for contingencies. Issues to be prepared and distributed world-wide will be Vol. III, No. 2; Vol. IV, No. 1; and preliminary work on Vol. IV. No. 2. The publication covers activities, reports oi research, field experiments, meetings, etc. on winged bean. Dr. Stephenson donates his time. The Research Station provides space and equipment without charge. Community-Based Appropriate Technology and Development Services (CBATDS), Bangkok, Thailand, Mr. Mechai Viravaidya, Director and Thailand Institute of Scientific and Technological Research (TISTR), Thailand, "Cultivation and Use of Winged Bean Among Kampuchean Refugees and Thai Farmers." Two year project: first year, $8,300. The purposes of the project are twofold: to promote cultivation and use of winged bean as a source of nutritious food for Kampuchean refugees and for Thai farmers who would market it, and to achieve a large, regular supply of ripe seed required for processing by using an existing farmer network to promote cultivation of winged beans on snall holdings, thus helping introduce winged bean into the Thai farming system. Distribution of seeds, extension information and collection and marketing of farmer harvests to be carried out by CBATDS through its farm network. Seeds and technical information to be provided by TISTR. Project designed to affect nutrition and income while laying basis for introducing larger and more regular cultivation and sale of winged hean by Thai small holders. The CBATDS will provide the services of Its organization and staff, technical and managerial, office and warehouse space and facilities, etc., and vehicles. TISTR provides services of its professional and clerical staff, laboratory facilities, anc] ripe winged bean seed. The value of the CBATDS and TISTR contributions, not including the services of the two -5 senior persons associated with the project (Mr. Viravaidya and Dr. Chom chalow) is estimated at $8,000 and $15,000 respectively. Winged Bean Coimittee of Sri Lanka, Professor II.P.M. Gunasena, University of Peradeniya: "Germ Plasm Evaluation and Agronomic Studies on Winged Bean." (1year project: $4,256) The objectives of the project are to collect, introduce and evalu ate all local germplasm; to determine those accessions most adaptable to the different regions of the country for green pod, grain, and tuber production; to incorporate the desirable characteristics for the crop of those genotypes selected as suitable and incorporate them in a crop im provement program to be undertaken bv the International Winged Bean Institute; and to develop optimum agronomic practices for the varieties selected. The work is to be carried on bv Dr. Gunasena in cooperation with Dr. Y.D.A. Senanavake and Dr. Walter Hlerath of Sri Lanka. The University of Peradeniva will pay salaries and allowances of the senior University personnel and clerical staff associated with the project, basic equipment, office, laboratory and greenhouse space, vehicles as required, and land. University Kebangsaan Malaysia (The National University of Malaysia), Dr. B. S. Jalani: "Breeding and Genetic Studies of the Winged Bean." (30 months project: $15,000; 1st year: $8,000) The purpose of the study is to develop an efficient breeding strategy based on resource availabilitleo through comparison of alternative selec tion procedures (modified bulk, visual pedigree and an average index selection). Special emphasis Is to be given to problems affecting selec tion in grain legumes and to identification of stable high yielding lines -6 S suitable for release to local farmers. The program will also inlude studies of the genetics of agronomic characters. Work will be carried on in cooperation with the Winged Bean Growth Center of the Universiti Pertainian Malaysia. Dr. B. S. Jalani, Deputy Dean of tile Faculty of Science, Associate Professor in Genetics and his associates will be principally responsible. The cost of the project over the 30-month period is estimated at $150,000. This includes part of the time of 4 senior professional staff 'ull-time of technicians and field workers (SlO0,000); equipment ($14,000); expendable agricultural supplies ($16,500); in-countrv travel and subsistance ($3,000); cost of multilocation trials ($4,000); clerical and computer expense, cost of land preparation, etc. ($12,500). Of this, the University will pay 90 per cent, or $135,000. 1 rhe International Documentation Center for tile Winged Bean, AIBA


2 , Mrs. J. S. Sison, Project Manager: "Operation of The Inter national Documentation Center for the Winged Bean." (1 Year Project: $13,000) Partial support for the operation of the Internati.nal Documentation


for the Winged Bean, jointly sponsored by SEARCA and the Council; for the publication and distribution of 1,500 copies of two issues of the Council's semi-annual newsletter, The Winged Bean Flyer; and 300 copies of one issue of the Winged Bean Annotated Bibliographv, to be distributed world-wide by subscription. lr. R. A. Stephenson of Australia serves as Editor of The Winged Bean Flver.

Agricultural Information Bank for Asia

2 Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture,


-7 0 Sri Lanka Winged Bean Development Committee, Sri Lanka, Dr. Walter Herath: "Preparation of Charter for Proposed Winged Bean Institute". (23rd September to 15th October 1981: $2,790.20) Grant providing round trip airfare, meals, lodging, internal transportation and incidental expenses for Dr. Walter lerath from the University of Maryland (where he was a Visiting Professor) to Sri Lanka to assist in preparing the draft of the charter for the proposed Inter national Winged Bean Institute. Dr. Herath, who is a member of the Council's Winged Bean Steering Committee, was required to meet with members of the Sri Lanka Winged Bean Development Committee, officials of the Sri Lanka Ministry of Agricultural Development and Research, and other senior government officers. Dr. lierath received no compensation for the time he spent on this work. The International Winged Bean (Dambala) Institute, Sri Lanka, Dr. Cyril Ponnamperuma, Chairman, Board of Directors: "Support for Costs of Firstquotesdbs_dbs47.pdfusesText_47
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