[PDF] Superpave Volumetric Calculations Review

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Superpave Volumetric Calculations Review

%VMA = Percent Voids in Mineral Aggregate. Pa = Percent of Air Voids. Example Calculation: %VMA = 12.4%. Pa = 5.3. % = 100 × . 12.4 ? 5.3.

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May 1 2020 The estimation of a vector moving average (VMA) process represents a challenging ... Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.


Calculate the effective asphalt content of the mixture. (Pbe). 2.9. Calculate the percent voids in the mineral aggregate in the compacted paving mixture. (VMA).

Your Ref:

Sep 1 2020 3:10 4:10pm Maths. 11.1 Maths /MMO/S1. 11.2 Maths/VMA/S2. 11.3 Maths /SAB/S16. 11.4 Maths/MTA/S17. 11.5 Maths/HCH/F15. English.

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Apr 14 2020 Our parameter estimation method for perturbed VMA processes is ... Rudin

Superpave Volumetric Calculations Review

Bulk Specific Gravity of the Combined Aggregate

Where P n = Cold Feed Percentage of Each Aggregate in the Blend Gn = Bulk Specific Gravity of Each Aggregate in the Blend

Example Calculation:

1 = 2.60, P1 = 15

2 = 2.61, P

2 = 16

3 = 2.65, P3 = 49

௦௕=15+16+ 49+20 15 2 .60 +16 2 .61+49 2 .65+20 2 .69 =100 5 .769+6.130+18.491+7.435 =100



Calculation Activity

Find Gsb


1 = 2.68, P1 = 40

2 = 2.66, P2

= 20

4 = 2.60, P4 = 20

Effective Specific Gravity of the Mixture

=100െ ܲ 100
F2 Where G se = Effective Specific Gravity of the Mixture P b = Percent Asphalt Content in the Mixture G b = Specific Gravity of the PG Binder = 1.030 G mm = Maximum Specific Gravity of the Mixture

Example Calculation:

P b = 5.5 % G b = 1.030

Gmm = 2.470

=100െ 5.5 100
2 .470 െ5.5 1 .030 =94.5





Calculation Activity

Find G

se where: P b = 5.2% G b = 1.030 G mm = 2.468

Bulk Volume of the Specimen

Example Calculation:

Weight in Water = 2680.2 g

SSD Weight of Pill = 4646.3 g

Calculation Activity

Compute Bulk Volume where:

Weight in Water = 2729.4

SSD Weight of Pill = 4733.5

Bulk Specific Gravity

Example Calculation:

Weight in Air = 4728.4 g

Weight in Water = 2759.9 g

Saturated Surface Dry Weight = 4739.1 g

=4728.4 ݃

4739.1 ݃െ2759.9 ݃

=4728.4 ݃

1979.2 ݃

Calculation Activity

Weight in Air = 4769.2 g

Weight in Water = 2744.6 g


ted Surface Dry Weight =



Unit Weight

×62.4 ݈ܾ

Example Calculation:

Given Gmb = 2.389

݊݅ݐ ܹ݄݁݅݃ݐ=2.389×62.4 ݈ܾ ݊݅ݐ ܹ݄݁݅݃ݐ=149.0736 ݈ܾ

Calculation Activity

Given G

mb = 2.353, what is the Unit Weight?

Percent Air Voids

p Where G mm = Maximum Specific Gravity of the Mixture G mb = Bulk Specific Gravity of the Specimen

Example Calculation:

G mm = 2.451

Gmb = 2.350

2 .451 2 .451

Calculation Activity

Find P

a where:

Gmm = 2.491

G mb (Calculation Activity # 1) = 2.382 Percent of Absorbed Asphalt by Weight of Aggregate h Where G b = Specific Gravity of Binder = 1.03 P b = Percent Asphalt Content in Mix G se = Effective Specific Gravity of the Aggregate Mixture G sb = Bulk Specific Gravity of the Aggregate Mixture

Example Calculation:

G b = 1.03 P b = 3.9% G se = 2.697

Gsb = 2.66


2 .697×2.66൨ 7 .17൨ = 1.03×[(96.1)×0.0052] = 1.03×[0.500] = 0.52

Calculation Activity

Find P

ba where: G b = 1.03 G se = 2.708 G sb = 2.67 P b = 5.7 %

Percent Effective Asphalt Content

Where P b = Percent of Asphalt Content in the Mixture P ba = Percent of Absorbed Asphalt

Example Calculation:

P b = 5.7% P ba = 0.54

Calculation Activity

Find P

be where: P ba = 0.91 % P b = 5.7 %

Voids in Mineral Aggregate (VMA) @ Ndes

% ܣܯܸ= 100െቆܩ


G Where G mb = Bulk Specific Gravity of the Specimen (Pill) G sb = Bulk Specific Gravity of the Combined Aggregate P b = Percent of Asphalt Content in the Mixture

Example Calculation:

G mb = 2.389 G sb = 2.66 P b = 5.7% 2 .66ቇ 2 .66 2 .66

Calculation Activity

Find VMA

where: G mb = 2.367 G sb = 2.66 P b = 5.2%

Voids Filled with Asphalt @ Ndes

% ܣܨܸ= 100×൬%ܣܯܸെ ܲ p Where %VMA = Percent Voids in Mineral Aggregate P a = Percent of Air Voids

Example Calculation:

%VMA = 12.4%

Pa = 5.3

12.4 12.4

Calculation Activity

Find VFA where:

VMA = 12.7 %

P a = 4.7 %

Percent of Maximum Specific Gravity @ Nini




% G mm @ Nini = Maximum Specific Gravity of a Paving Mixture at Nini G mb @ Ndes = Bulk Specific Gravity of a Paving Mixture at Ndes

Ht @ N

des = Pill Height @ Ndes

Ht @ N

ini = Pill Height @ Nini Gmm @ Ndes = Maximum Specific Gravity of a Paving Mixture at Ndes

Calculation Example:

G mb = 2.386

Ht @ N

des = 116.2

Ht @ N

ini = 129.1

Gmm = 2.578


2 .578൨ =2.386×[0.90×38.790] =2.386×[34.911] =2.386×[0.90×38.790] =83.3 %

Calculation Activity

Find Percent of Maximum Specific Gravity @ N

ini where: G mb = 2.384

Ht @ N

des = 122.8

Ht @ N

ini = 119.6 G mm = 2.518

Dust to Asphalt Ratio

Where P #200 = Percent Passing the #200 sieve P be = Percent of Effective Asphalt Binder

Example Calculation:

P #200 = 5.9%

Pbe = 3.8%

3 .8

Calculation Activity

Find D/A given:

P #200 = 7.5% P be = 4.8%

Percent of Maximum Specific Gravity @ Nmax

=100×ቈܩ I


% Gmm @ Nmax = Percent of Maximum Specific Gravity of a Paving Mixture at N max G mb @ Nmax = Bulk Specific Gravity of a Paving Mixture at Nmax G mm @ Ndes = Maximum Specific Gravity of a Paving Mixture at Ndes

Calculation Example:

G mb @ Nmax = 2.470 G mm @ 4.0 = 2.528 2 .528൨ =0.977 ݋ݎ 97.7 %

Calculation Activity:

G mb @ Nmax = 2.396 G mm @ 5.5 = 2.468 Computing Maximum Specific Gravities at Different Asphalt Contents Where P mm = Percent of Total Loose Mix = 100% P s = Percent Aggregate by Weight of Mix G se = Effective Specific Gravity of Aggregate P b = Percent of Asphalt Content in Mixture G b = Specific Gravity of Binder = 1.03

Example Calculation

P mm = 100% P s = 94.5% G se = 2.665 P b = 5.5%

Gb = 1.03

=100 94.5
2 .665 +5.5 1 .03 =100


=100 40.8

Calculation Activity

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