[PDF] Debye length 4 nov. 2019 2) at

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Forces intermoléculaires

Forces d'autant plus fortes que les moments dipolaires sont élevés. Interactions entre un dipôle permanent et un dipôle induit – forces de Debye.

Debye?Hückel Potential of Mean Force and Activity Coefficient for

Debye-Hiickel Potential of Mean Force and Activity Coefficient for Point Defects in Ionic Crystals. A. R. ALLNATT AND P. C. HOINES.


2) Interactions dipôle permanent - dipôle induit : Forces de Debye. Ces interactions se produisent entre des molécules possédant un moment dipolaire 

Title: Yukawas short-range nuclear force vs. Debyes electrostatic

of simple-model short-range potentials to imitate the nuclear forces ? ? ?Y (Yukawa force) and ? ?S (Debye screening) under the same letter ? will be ...

Debye length

4 nov. 2019 2) at sufficiently high energy the space- charge forces become insignificant in comparison to the external forces acting on a beam. Debye length ...

Importance of Debye and Keesom Interactions in Separating m

forces. Physical and chemical parameters indicate that compared with p-xylene m-xylene has a greater Debye–Keesom interaction tendency with PEG molecules.

1.1. Lactivité des solutions électrochimiques. La loi de Debye

ions la plus connue étant la théorie de Debye-Hückel. Rappel : 2) Calculer la force ionique de l'eau de mer et comparez-là à celle de l'eau de source.

Adsorption of Polyelectrolyte Solutions on Surfaces: A Debye

1 janv. 1996 Debye-Hfickel length. At low salt concentration the profiles show damped oscillations. Similarly

X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Debye-Waller Factors.

j in XAFS Debye-Waller factors for a general scattering path j. Given a few local force constants the method yields 2 j via the projected densities.

[PDF] Forces intermoléculaires

Interactions entre un dipôle permanent et un dipôle induit – forces de Debye Une molécule polaire crée autour d'elle un champ électrique et si une molécule 

[PDF] Les transformations de la matière - Chimie en PCSI

En 1920 Debye a établi l'expression d'une nouvelle contribution qui s'ajoute à la précédente lorsqu'elle implique deux molécules polaires C'est l'interaction 


Les forces responsables de la cohésion des liquides et des solides sont des forces d'attraction intermoléculaires ces forces sont désignées sous le nom 

Les forces de Van der Waals et le Gecko - CultureSciences-Chimie

15 fév 2014 · La seconde contribution aux forces de Van der Waals est la force de Debye qui provient de l'interaction entre un dipôle permanent et un 

[PDF] Fiche-bilan Modèle de DEBYE-HÜCKEL - ENS Lyon

En 1923 DEBYE et HÜCKEL proposent une approche s'appuyant sur la description d'une atmosphère io- nique pour déterminer le cœfficient d'activité ?i dans l' 

[PDF] Forces intermoléculaires - AlloSchool

Les liaisons physiques résultent des forces intermoléculaires qui s'exercent entre molé- interaction de VAN DER WAALS de type DEBYE

[PDF] forces intermoléculaires et propriétés physiques - Chimie - PCSI

plus élevée traduit l'existence de forces intermoléculaires plus intenses à des forces de Keesom (et de Debye) ; sa température d'ébullition est donc 

Forces de Debye - Wikipédia

Les forces de Debye sont les forces intermoléculaires résultants de l'interaction entre un dipôle permanent et un dipôle induit Les forces de Debye font 

[PDF] ch ci4 : liaisons de van der waals et liaison hydrogene - solvants

2) Force de dispersion ou interaction de Debye Interaction dipôle permanent- dipôle induit : Les molécules polaires possèdent des dipôles permanents qui 

[PDF] Les interactions intermoléculaires

Interactions charge/dipôle induit et dipôle/dipôle induit (Debye) différents états de la matière relève de forces plus faibles qui ne


On theboundarybetweencoherent

andincoherenteffects: a smallstudy

G. Franchetti, GSI

Space Charge 2019, CERN

4/11/2019G. Franchetti1

4/11/2019G. Franchetti2


2.Debye length and collective effects 1D

3.An indicator for a beam

4.Summary and considerations


4/11/2019G. Franchetti3

A dynamics driven by a global force deriving from the full beam: e.g. space charge

Collective Effects

Incoherent Effects

A dynamics in which each particle is driven by a force independent by other particles

Coherent effects

A dynamics where particle move coherently AEhaving a same property in the dynamics, same phase Coherent effects AEare originated by collective force Coherent effects AEare originated by incoherent forces: envelope oscillations without SC Goal of this small study AEexplore the relation of collective effects to the Debye length to be used as an indicator of the relevance of the incoherent effects

IfࣅD>> a thescreeningwill beineffective

andsingle-particlebehaviorwill dominate.

IfࣅD << acollectiveeffectsdue totheself

fieldsofthebeam will playan importantrole. Beam a1)theDebyelengthincreaseswithenergy

2) at sufficientlyhigh energythespace-

charge forcesbecomeinsignificantin comparisontotheexternalforcesacting on a beam.

Debye length in a beam

20/6/2018Giuliano Franchetti4

M. Reiser book

y x Typical textbook example:the one dimensional example

4/11/20195G. Franchetti

Vibration and Waves in physics, Iain G, Main, Cambridge University Press, 1978

Model including the bounding

potential z

Quadratic potential


Micro-plane = infinite plane with uniformly

distributed charged particles each with mass m, and charge q

4/11/20196G. Franchetti

Surface particle density

G. Franchetti IPAC19 orIOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series to appear

Electric field created by a

micro-plane z

Quadratic potential


Infinite plane

uniformly charged

Constant field

4/11/20197G. Franchetti


Equation of motion


4/11/2019G. Franchetti8

Space charge force for a full

distribution z

Quadratic potential

Z=0 microplanesplane density

4/11/20199G. Franchetti


Space charge force for a full

distribution z

Quadratic potential

Z=0 microplanesplane density

4/11/201910G. Franchetti


Equation of motion

With this equation it is possible to compute the evolution of micro-planes

Distribution of micro-planesDynamical coordinates

͞Beam distribution"

4/11/2019G. Franchetti11

Stationary distribution

In general a distribution depends on time

Stationary distribution AEkeep the same ͞character" (edžample͗ KV remains a KV)

In this example the distribution is

If all forces are linear, stationary distributions are possible if f() is function of the single particle invariant

Distribution is of type:

4/11/2019G. Franchetti12

Linearity of forces requires


Number of ͞particles" constant

4/11/2019G. Franchetti13

Generating the macro-planes

distribution An approximated distribution is obtained transforming two Gaussian

4/11/2019G. Franchetti14

Matched distribution

4/11/2019G. Franchetti15

Single particle equation for a

stationary distribution

For this distribution

With Debye frequency and

Using scaled coordinates

4/11/2019G. Franchetti16

Depressed focusing

Depressed Twiss parameters

For each particle of the


Optics and invariants

4/11/2019G. Franchetti17

Incoherent tune-shift

͞Debye" tune-shift

Oscillation frequencies

4/11/2019G. Franchetti18

Dynamics at the space charge limit

Space charge limit AE

Distribution: 1) uniform in

Lets add a perturbation to the equilibrium distribution:

Add some velocity to particles in a small region

4/11/2019G. Franchetti19

2) stationary

Equation of motion

Stationary solutionperturbation

Feature of the perturbation

( N-+ N+ = N0 )

For small perturbations

4/11/2019G. Franchetti20

Evolution of a density perturbation

4/11/201921G. Franchetti

Matched distribution


Perturbing the velocities

4/11/201922G. Franchetti


Motion of the perturbation

4/11/2019G. Franchetti23

Equation of motion of

micro-planes harmonic oscillator

Initial conditions

4/11/2019G. Franchetti24

Solution for central ͞particles"

4/11/2019G. Franchetti25

In phase space


1-1 distribution at the space charge limit

G. Franchetti

Perturbing the velocities



G. Franchetti


Perturbing the velocities


1-1 v

G. Franchetti

Perturbing the velocities


1-1 z1 v

What happen

according of weather ?

G. Franchetti


G. Franchetti



G. Franchetti



G. Franchetti

Above the space charge limit

depressedlatticekz/kz0dynamics, whichacts incoherentlyoverall particles

Incoherent regime

a Debye dynamicscharacterizedby thetermwithʘ2/kz0whichinvolve theperturbationɷNо(z)

Collective regime


4/11/2019G. Franchetti33

Which regime dominates ?



In terms of optical functions


= rmssize = rmsvelocity is the Debye length

4/11/2019G. Franchetti34

Regimes and Debye length

Incoherent dominated regime

Collective dominated regime

4/11/2019G. Franchetti35

Distribution above

the space charge limit


AEUse the stationary distribution

This is a density function f(ߝ

The x projection yields a uniform

distribution f(ߝ xG. Franchetti


This distribution

Does not change

With time

Xrms= 1.73

G. Franchetti



The projection of

This distribution

Does not change

With time and is


Xrms= 1.73

G. Franchetti


Here we perturb the

Distribution and look

For ͞collectiǀe" effects

Xrms= 1.73

G. Franchetti


Here we perturb the

Distribution and look

For ͞collectiǀe" effects

Xrms= 1.73

G. Franchetti


Here we perturb the

Distribution and look

For ͞collectiǀe" effects

Xrms= 1.73

G. Franchetti


Here we perturb the

Distribution and look

For ͞collectiǀe" effects

Xrms= 1.73

G. Franchetti


Collective effects are related

to the Debye length the more intense the beam is, the higher is the tune-shift

Is the thermal


G. Franchetti

What is it

?In an particle accelerator beam

Only with the thermal velocity


x -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 -0 0.2 0.4 0.6 -4-2024

For a ͞linear correlation"

G. Franchetti

Debye length in beams

Matched beam distribution

Debye length (Reiser Book)

4/11/2019G. Franchetti45


4/11/2019G. Franchetti46

Incoherent vs Collective

4/11/2019G. Franchetti470

1 2 3 4 5|Qx| / Qx0



Space charge


Space charge








Possible dynamical regimes

4/11/2019G. Franchetti48

Collective EffectsIncoherent Effects

Space charge forces

create a collective beam response:

Envelope oscillations

Envelope instabilities

Coherent tunes

Space charge forces

acts only on particles like ͞edžternal forces"

Amplitude dependent detuning


Modification of optics

Structure resonances



Time scale


Summary and comments

4/11/2019G. Franchetti49

1.Although the beam is a ͞non-neutral" plasma, the Debye length seems still

to have a meaning for collective effects

2.The Debye length relative to the beam are an indicator of the strength of the

collective beam response

3.Larger Debye length with respect to the rmsbeam size implies weak

collective beam Response AEmore relevance of incoherent dynamics


The relation of coherent resonances for non-uniform beam with Debye length is not yet derived from first principles [i.e. 1stfind non-uniform stationary beam distribution, On the other hand this small study suggest that taking as indicator of the incoherent effects makes some sense.quotesdbs_dbs41.pdfusesText_41
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