[PDF] Unterstützer des Science March Germany – Science March Germany

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Science, Scientists for Future

Rainer W. KühneBürgerstr.

4, 38118 Braunschweig, GermanyE-Mail:





the abolition or alteration of the constitution of the Kingdom of Hanover. In 1939 the Einstein-Szilard letter suggested that the United States should start its own nuclear program. In 1945 the Franck Report recommended that the United States not use the atomic German army with nuclear weapons. In 2017 the March for Science protested in more than 600 cities worldwide against climate change denial. In 2019 Scientists for Future supported the climate activists Fridays for Future. Here I present full lists of the names of the signatories.


Scientists for Future, Fridays for Future

The of the constitution of the Kingdom of Hanover by its new ruler, King Ernst August.The names of the seven professors were:


Eduard AlbrechtFriedrich

Christoph DahlmannGeorg

Heinrich August von EwaldGeorg

Gottfried GervinusJacob



Eduard Weber

Einstein-Szilard Letter

The Einstein-Szilard letter was a letter written by Leo Szilard and signed by Albert Einstein(Nobel Prize in Physics 1921) that was sent to the United States President Franklin DelanoRoosevelt on 2 August 1939. Written by Szilard in consultation with Edward Teller and Eugene Paul Wigner (Nobel Prize in Physics 1963), the letter warned that Germany might develop atomic bombs and suggested that the United States should start its own nuclear program. It prompted action by Roosevelt, which eventually resulted in the Manhattan Project developing the first atomic bombs.

Franck Report

The Franck Report of June 1945 was a document signed by seven nuclear physicists recommending that the United States not use the atomic bomb as a weapon to prompt the surrender of Japan in World War II. The names of the seven physicists were: James

Franck (Nobel Prize in Physics 1925)Donald

James HughesJames

Joseph NicksonEugene


Theodore Seaborg (Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1951)Joyce

Clennam StearnsLeo


The Fritz


Born (Nobel Prize in Physics 1954)Rudolf



Hahn (Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1944)Otto


Heisenberg (Nobel Prize in Physics 1932)Hans


von Laue (Nobel Prize in Physics 1914)Heinz




Paul (Nobel Prize in Physics 1989)Wolfgang





March for Science

The March for Science was held on 22 April 2017 in more than 600 cities across the world.Its main goal was to protest against climate change denial (especially by United States President Donald Trump) and misinformation [1, 2]. Its German declaration was signed by approximately

1000 scientists, among them five Nobel Prize winners:


Ertl (Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2007)Wolfgang

Ketterle (Nobel Prize in Physics 2001)Klaus

von Klitzing (Nobel Prize in Physics 1985)Erwin Neher (Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1991)

Scientists for Future


for Future was an initiative of scientists to support Fridays for Future. Fridays forFuture itself was founded on 20 August 2018 by Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg and Hagedorn in January 2019. Its declaration was signed on 15 March 2019 by 26,800 scientists [8]. Among the signatories were two Nobel Prize winners:


Dubochet (Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2017)Gerhard

Ertl (Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2007)


declaration of Scientists for Future was initiated by Gregor Hagedorn, signed by more than 3,000 scientists, and published in the magazine Science on 12 April 2019 [9].


[1] A. Abbott, E. Callaway, B. Casassus, N. Phillips, S. Reardon, E. R. Mega, A. Witze: March for Science attracts thousands across the globe. Nature 544 (2017) 404-405. [2] T. Appenzeller: An unprecedented march for science. Science 356 (2017) 356-357. [3] G. Thunberg: No One is Too Small to Make a Difference (Penguin, 2019).[4]

G. Thunberg: Cambiemos el mundo (Lumen, 2019).[5]

G. Thunberg: Rejoignez-nous (Kero, 2019).[6]

G. Thunberg: Ich will, dass ihr in Panik geratet! Meine Reden zum Klimaschutz (Fischer,


G. Thunberg: Canviem el mon #vagapelclima (Destino, 2019 [8] M. Warren: Thousands of scientists back kids' climate strike. Nature 567 (2019) 291-292. [9] G. Hagedorn et al.: Concerns of young protesters are justified. Science 364 (2019) 139-140.quotesdbs_dbs25.pdfusesText_31
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