[PDF] Canada Gazette Part I 22 juin 2019 (i) a

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Canada Gazette Part I

7 mai 2022 and sale of biocides products in Canada pursuant to the ... They will regulate disinfectants and sanitizers for use on.

The Government Agencies Boards and Commissions Act

this Act as it read immediately before the coming into force of this section. (« ancien bureau »). "new agency" means the Manitoba Farm Products.

Patent Act Loi sur les brevets

Government may apply to use patented invention Term of patents based on applications filed before ... (i) by adding the name of any patented product.

Canada Gazette Part I

22 juin 2019 (i) a consumer product to which the Canada Con- sumer Product Safety Act ... the quantity of substance that is used before June 22 of.

Canada Gazette Part II

23 juin 2021 versely as per the Convention

Canada Gazette Part I

24 nov. 2018 reaction products with glycidyl p-tolyl ether Chemical ... the quantity of the substance that is used before Novem-.

Canada Gazette Part II

17 oct. 2018 Asbestos product in use. (2) These Regulations do not apply to a product con- taining asbestos and used before the day on which these.

Canada Gazette Part I

24 avr. 2021 Bilingual texts received as late as six working days before ... properties they are used in a wide range of products

Bill 155 - The Legislation Act/Loi sur la législation

enactment may continue to be used as before the repeal as far as is c) les procédures dans toute affaire qui remonte à l'époque de l'ancien texte.

Economic and Social Conditions in France During the Eighteenth

The French peasants during the two last centuries of the ancien régime

Vol. 153, No. 25



Part I



Y, JUNE 22, 2019

Vol. 153, n

o 25


du Canada

Partie I





UIN 2019

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© Sa Majesté la Reine du Chef du Canada, 2019 Publié par l'Imprimeur de la Reine pour le Canada, 2019

2019-06-22 Canada Gazette Part I, Vol. 153, No. 25 Gazette du Canada Partie I, vol. 153, n


25 2914

TABL E DE S M AT I RE S Avis du gouvernement ........................................ 2915 Possibilités de nominations ........................... 2959


Chambre des communes ................................ 2963 Commissions ....................................................... 2964 (organismes, conseils et commissions) Avis divers ............................................................ 2968 (banques; sociétés de prêts, de fiducie et d'investissements; compagnies d'assurances et de chemins de fer; autres agents du secteur privé) R èglements projetés ........................................... 2969 (y compris les modifications aux règlements existants) I ndex ..................................................................... 3161


Ministère des Ressources naturelles

TABL E OF CO N T EN TS Government notices ............................................ 2915 Appointment opportunities ............................ 2959


House of Commons ........................................ 2963 Commissions ....................................................... 2964 (agencies, boards and commissions) M iscellaneous notices ......................................... 2968 (banks; mortgage, loan, investment, insurance and railway companies; other private sector agents) Proposed regulations .......................................... 2969 (including amendments to existing regulations) I ndex ..................................................................... 3159


Department of Natural Resources

2019-06-22 Canada Gazette Part I, Vol. 153, No. 25 Gazette du Canada Partie I, vol. 153, n


25 2915










Avis de nouvelle activité n

o 19799

Avis de nouvelle activité

[Article 85 de la Loi canadienne sur la protection de l'environnement (1999)] Attendu que la ministre de l'Environnement et la ministre de la Santé (les ministres) ont évalué les renseigne- ments dont elles disposent concernant la substance

2-méthylprop-2-ènoate d'éicosyle polymérisé avec du

2-méthylprop-2-ènoate d'hexadécyle, du 2 méthylprop-

2-ènoate d'octadécyle et de l'acide prop-2-ènoïque,

numéro d'enregistrement 133167-76-7 du Chemical Abstracts Service, en application de l'article 83 de la Loi canadienne sur la protection de l'environnement (1999); Attendu que la substance n'est pas inscrite sur la Liste intérieure; Attendu que les ministres soupçonnent qu'une nouvelle activité mettant en cause la substance pourrait faire en sorte que celle-ci devienne toxique au sens de l'article 64
de la Loi, Pour ces motifs, la ministre de l'Environnement assujettit, en vertu de l'article

85 de la Loi canadienne sur la protec-

tion de l'environnement (1999), la substance au para- graphe

81(4) de cette même loi, conformément à


La ministre de l'Environnement

L"honorable Catherine McKenna


Exigences en matière de renseignements

[Article 85 de la Loi canadienne sur la protection de l'environnement (1999)]

1. La définition qui suit s'applique dans cet avis :


» s'entend du 2-méthylprop-2-ènoate

d'éicosyle polymérisé avec du 2-méthylprop-2-ènoate d'hexadécyle, du 2 méthylprop-2-ènoate d'octadécyle et de l'acide prop-2-ènoïque, numéro d'enregistre- ment 133167-76-7 du Chemical Abstracts Service. GOV






ACT, 1999

Significant New Activity Notice No. 19799

Significant New Activity Notice

(Section 85 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999) Whereas the Minister of the Environment and the Minis- ter of Health (the ministers) have assessed information in their possession in respect of the substance 2-propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, eicosyl ester, polymer with hexadecyl

2-methyl-2-propenoate, isooctyl 2-propenoate, octadecyl

2-methyl-2-propenoate and 2-propenoic acid, Chemical

Abstracts Service Registry No. 133167-76-7, under sec- tion

83 of the Canadian Environmental Protection

Act, 1999;

Whereas the substance is not specified on the Domestic

Substances List;

And whereas the ministers suspect that a significant new activity in relation to the substance may result in the sub- stance becoming toxic within the meaning of section 64 of
the Act, Therefore, the Minister of the Environment indicates, pursuant to section

85 of the Canadian Environmental

Protection Act, 1999, that subsection 81(4) of that Act applies with respect to the substance in accordance with the Annex.

The Honourable Catherine McKenna

Minister of the Environment


Information requirements

(Section 85 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999)

1. The following definition applies in this notice:

"substance" means 2-propenoic acid, 2-methyl-, eicosyl ester, polymer with hexadecyl 2-methyl-2-propenoate, isooctyl 2-propenoate, octadecyl 2-methyl-2-propenoate and 2-propenoic acid, Chemical Abstracts Service Regis- try No.


2019-06-22 Canada Gazette Part I, Vol. 153, No. 25 Gazette du Canada Partie I, vol. 153, n


25 2916

2. In relation to the substance, a significant new activity is

(a) the use of the substance in the manufacture of any of the following products in which the substance is present in a concentration that is equal to or greater than 1% by weight: (i) a consumer product to which the Canada Con- sumer Product Safety Act applies, which releases or sprays the substance in airborne particles of equal to or less than 10 micrometres in size, or (ii) a cosmetic as defined in section

2 of the Food

and Drugs Act, which releases or sprays the sub- stance in airborne particles of equal to or less than

10 micrometres in size; and

(b) the distribution for sale of the substance in a quan- tity greater than 10 kg in a calendar year in any of the following products in which the substance is present in a concentration that is equal to or greater than 1% by weight: (i) a consumer product to which the Canada Con- sumer Product Safety Act applies, which releases or sprays the substance in airborne particles of equal to or less than 10 micrometres in size, or (ii) a cosmetic as defined in section

2 of the Food

and Drugs Act, which releases or sprays the sub- stance in airborne particles of equal to or less than

10 micrometres in size.

3. Despite item 2, a use of the substance is not a significant

new activity if the substance is used (a) as a research and development substance or as a site-limited intermediate substance as those terms are defined in subsection

1(1) of the New Substances Noti-

fication Regulations (Chemicals and Polymers); or (b) in the manufacture of a product that is referred to in this item and is intended only for export.

4. For each proposed significant new activity, the follow-

ing information must be provided to the Minister of the Environment at least 90 days before the day on which the activity begins: (a) a description of the proposed significant new activ- ity in relation to the substance; (b) the information specified in paragraph

13(c) and


13(d)(i) to 13(d)(iv) of Schedule 9 to the

New Substances Notification Regulations (Chemicals and Polymers);

2. À l"égard de la substance, est une nouvelle activité :

a) l'utilisation de la substance pour fabriquer l'un ou l'autre des produits qui suivent, s'il en résulte que la substance est présente dans une concentration égale ou supérieure à 1 % en poids : (i) un produit de consommation visé par la Loi cana- dienne sur la sécurité des produits de consomma- tion, qui rejette ou vaporise la substance sous forme de particules en suspension dans l'air d'une taille

égale ou inférieure à 10 micromètres,

(ii) un cosmétique, au sens de l'article

2 de la Loi sur

les aliments et drogues, qui rejette ou vaporise la substance sous forme de particules en suspen- sion dans l'air d'une taille égale ou inférieure à

10 micromètres;

b) la distribution pour la vente de la substance, en une quantité supérieure à 10 kg au cours d"une année civile, dans l'un ou l'autre des produits qui suivent dans les- quels la substance est présente en une concentration

égale ou supérieure à 1 % en poids :

(i) un produit de consommation visé par la Loi cana- dienne sur la sécurité des produits de consomma- tion, qui rejette ou vaporise la substance sous formequotesdbs_dbs26.pdfusesText_32
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