[PDF] Canada Gazette Part I 24 nov. 2018 reaction products

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Canada Gazette Part I

7 mai 2022 and sale of biocides products in Canada pursuant to the ... They will regulate disinfectants and sanitizers for use on.

The Government Agencies Boards and Commissions Act

this Act as it read immediately before the coming into force of this section. (« ancien bureau »). "new agency" means the Manitoba Farm Products.

Patent Act Loi sur les brevets

Government may apply to use patented invention Term of patents based on applications filed before ... (i) by adding the name of any patented product.

Canada Gazette Part I

22 juin 2019 (i) a consumer product to which the Canada Con- sumer Product Safety Act ... the quantity of substance that is used before June 22 of.

Canada Gazette Part II

23 juin 2021 versely as per the Convention

Canada Gazette Part I

24 nov. 2018 reaction products with glycidyl p-tolyl ether Chemical ... the quantity of the substance that is used before Novem-.

Canada Gazette Part II

17 oct. 2018 Asbestos product in use. (2) These Regulations do not apply to a product con- taining asbestos and used before the day on which these.

Canada Gazette Part I

24 avr. 2021 Bilingual texts received as late as six working days before ... properties they are used in a wide range of products

Bill 155 - The Legislation Act/Loi sur la législation

enactment may continue to be used as before the repeal as far as is c) les procédures dans toute affaire qui remonte à l'époque de l'ancien texte.

Economic and Social Conditions in France During the Eighteenth

The French peasants during the two last centuries of the ancien régime

Vol. 152, No. 47



Part I



VEMBER 24, 2018

Vol. 152, n

o 47


du Canada

Partie I






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© Sa Majesté la Reine du Chef du Canada, 2018 Publié par l'Imprimeur de la Reine pour le Canada, 2018

2018-11-24 Canada Gazette Part I, Vol. 152, No. 47 Gazette du Canada Partie I, vol. 152, n


47 4019

TA b L e de S m AT i re S Avis du gouvernement ........................................ 4020 Nominations .................................................... 4065 Possibilités de nominations ........................... 4067


Chambre des communes ................................ 4071 Bureau du directeur général des élections ... 4071 Commissions ....................................................... 4073 (organismes, conseils et commissions) Avis divers ............................................................ 4080 (banques; sociétés de prêts, de fiducie et d'investissements; compagnies d'assurances et de chemins de fer; autres agents du secteur privé) i ndex ..................................................................... 4084


Ministère de l'Environnement

TA b L e


e NTS Government notices ............................................ 4020 Appointments .................................................. 4065 Appointment opportunities ............................ 4067


House of Commons ........................................ 4071 Office of the Chief Electoral Officer ............... 4071 Commissions ....................................................... 4073 (agencies, boards and commissions) m iscellaneous notices ......................................... 4080 (banks; mortgage, loan, investment, insurance and railway companies; other private sector agents) i ndex ..................................................................... 4083


Department of the Environment

2018-11-24 Canada Gazette Part I, Vol. 152, No. 47 Gazette du Canada Partie I, vol. 152, n


47 4020

A vi S du GO uver N eme NT MI N I





Condition ministérielle n

o 19663

Condition ministérielle

[Alinéa 84(1)a) de la Loi canadienne sur la protection de l'environnement (1999)] Attendu que la ministre de l'Environnement et la ministre de la Santé (les ministres) ont évalué les renseignements dont elles disposent concernant la substance N-(2- aminoéthyl)éthane-1,2-diamine, produits de réaction avec l'oxyde de glycidyle et le p-tolyle, numéro d'enregistre- ment du Chemical Abstracts Service 68411-70-1; Attendu que les ministres soupçonnent que la substance est effectivement ou potentiellement toxique au sens de l'article

64 de la Loi canadienne sur la protection de l"en-

vironnement (1999) [la Loi]; Par les présentes, la ministre de l'Environnement, en vertu de l'alinéa

84(1)a) de la Loi, autorise la fabrication

ou l'importation de la substance aux conditions énoncées

à l'annexe ci-après.

La sous-ministre adjointe

Direction générale des sciences et de la technologie

Nancy Hamzawi

Au nom de la ministre de l'Environnement

ANN e X e


[Alinéa 84(1)a) de la Loi canadienne sur la protection de l'environnement (1999)]

1. Les définitions qui suivent s'appliquent aux présentes

conditions ministérielles déchets » s'entend notamment des effluents générés par la formulation ou le transport de la substance, des conte- nants jetables utilisés pour la substance, de la substance déversée accidentellement, des effluents des procédés contenant la substance ainsi que de toute quantité rési- duelle de la substance sur tout équipement ou dans tout contenant; déclarant » s'entend de la personne qui, le 28 juin 2018, a fourni à la ministre de l'Environnement les renseigne- ments réglementaires concernant la substance conformé- ment au paragraphe

81(1) de la Loi;

GO ver N me


i C e S DE PA R T ME




ACT, 1999

Ministerial Condition No. 19663

Ministerial condition

(Paragraph 84(1)(a) of the Canadian Environmental Protection

Act, 1999)

Whereas the Minister of the Environment and the Minis- ter of Health (the ministers) have assessed information pertaining to the substance 1,2-ethanediamine, N-(2- aminoethyl)-, reaction products with glycidyl p-tolyl ether, Chemical Abstracts Service Registry No. 68411-70-1; And whereas the ministers suspect that the substance is toxic or capable of becoming toxic within the meaning of section

64 of the Canadian Environmental Protection

Act, 1999 (the Act);

The Minister of the Environment, pursuant to para- graph

84(1)(a) of the Act, hereby permits the manufacture

or import of the substance in accordance with the condi- tions of the following annex.

Nancy Hamzawi

Assistant Deputy Minister

Science and Technology Branch

On behalf of the Minister of the Environment



(Paragraph 84(1)(a) of the Canadian Environmental Protection

Act, 1999)

1. The following definitions apply in these ministerial

conditions: “engineered hazardous waste landfill facility" means a facility that is part of an overall integrated hazardous waste management system where wastes that do not require additional treatment or processing are sent and where hazardous materials are confined or controlled for the duration of their effective contaminating lifespan;

“notifier" means the person who has, on June

28, 2018,

provided to the Minister of the Environment the pre- scribed information concerning the substance, in accord- ance with subsection

81(1) of the Canadian Environ-

mental Protection Act,

1999 (the Act);

2018-11-24 Canada Gazette Part I, Vol. 152, No. 47 Gazette du Canada Partie I, vol. 152, n


47 4021

"substance" means 1,2-ethanediamine, N-(2-aminoethyl)-, reaction products with glycidyl p-tolyl ether, Chemical

Abstracts Service Registry No.


“waste" means the effluents that result from formulation or transportation of the substance, disposable vessels used for the substance, spillage that contains the sub- stance, the process effluents that contain the substance and any residual quantity of the substance in any equip- ment or vessel.

2. The notifier may manufacture or import the substance

in accordance with the present ministerial conditions.


3. The notifier may import the substance only to use it as a

curing agent in an epoxy coating system that does not meet the definition of a consumer product to which the

Canada Consumer Product Safety Act applies.

4. The notifier shall transfer the physical possession or

control of the substance only to the person who will use it in accordance with item 3.

5. At least 120 days prior to beginning manufacturing the

substance in Canada, the notifier shall inform the Minis- ter of the Environment, in writing, and provide the follow- ing information: (a) the information specified in paragraph

7(a) of


4 to the New Substances Notification Regula-

tions (Chemicals and Polymers) [the Regulations]; (b) the address of the manufacturing facility within


(c) the information specified in paragraphs

8(a) to (e),


9 and paragraph 10(b) of Schedule 5 to those

Regulations; and

(d) the following information related to the manufac-quotesdbs_dbs26.pdfusesText_32
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