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International Labour Office Geneva E V L O












International Labour Office


Integrating Health Promotion

into Workplace OSH Policies Copy right © In ter na tional La bour Or ga ni za tion 2012

First published 2012

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or ga ni za tion in your country.SOLVE : integrating health promotion into workplace OSH policies : trainer's guide / International Labour Office. -

Geneva: ILO, 2012

ISBN: 9789221250296; 9789221250302 (web pdf); 9789221242819 (CD-ROM)

International Labour Office

occupational health / occupational safety / training of trainers / work organization / working conditions / stress /

bullying at work / workplace violence / HIV / AIDS / alcoholism / drug abuse / smoking / nutrition / role of ILO /

enterprise level


Also available in French: SOLVE: Intégrer la promotion de la santé dans les politiques de sécurité et santé au travail:

Guide du formateur ISBN: 978-92-2-225029-5 (print); 978-92-2-225030-1 (web pdf); 978-92-2-224281-8 (CD-ROM),

Geneva, 2012, and in Spanish: SOLVE: Integrando la promoción de la salud en las políticas de SST en el lugar de

trabajo: Guía del formador ISBN 978-92-2-325029-4 (print); 978-92-2-325030-0 (web pdf); 978-92-2-324281-7

(CD-ROM), Geneva, 2012.

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In recent years, there has been growing attention to the impact of psychosocial factors in the workplace both in developed and developing countries. Work-related stress, burnout, mobbing and other forms of violence at work are now generally acknowledged as global issues, affecting all countries, all professions and all workers. It is also accepted that they can have a significant impact on workers' health, absenteeism and performance. Rapid globalization and technological progress have transformed the world of work resulting in emerging psychosocial risks which require anapproach that breaks awayfromtraditional effortsandmovestowardsneweffective responses. Research and interventions are now being undertaken in many countries to devise innovative ways to deal with the consequences of psychosocial factors and, in particular, of work-related stress. These initiatives include preventive practices and incorporating health promotion measures, such as good nutrition, exercise and other healthy lifestyles to contribute to workers well-being. The potential of workplace health promotion to enhance working life is a vital component in improving workplace productivity and performance. Integrating health promotion into Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) policies benefits both workers and employers by improving the long-term well-being of workers and their families, promotion measures into OSH management systems enhances occupational health practice and contributes to the construction of a preventive culture. and preventive measures on the basis of the global knowledge gained. This second edition of the SOLVE training package builds upon the experience acquired through the implementation of SOLVE's training programme since 2002. It also takes into account the most recent trends concerning emerging psychosocial risks and integrates workers' health promotion and well-being as essential elements of workplace OSH policies and practices. The SOLVE training package advocates that a comprehensive OSH management systemshouldensure that risk managementalsoincludes theassessmentandcontrol of psychosocial factors to properly managetheir impactin the samewayas it is done with other hazards and risks; and that health promotion measures, such as nutrition and physical activity for health are incorporated into the organization's policy. OSH professionals and practitioners as well as national institutions responsible for the health and well-being of workers. iii The ILO strives for decent work, safe work and human dignity. Providing for mechanisms to address psychosocial risks at work by incorporating preventive and health promotion measures contributes to a more decent and human world of work. In the light of the recent financial crisis, this objective is more than ever everyone's concern.

Manuela Tomei


Labour Protection Department

(PROTRAV)Seiji Machida Chief

Programme on Safety and Health at

Work and the Environment (SafeWork)



The first edition of SOLVE, published in 2002, was designed as a direct response to the needs of ILO's constituents to protect workers against emerging psychosocial risks and to promote their health and well-being in the workplace. This second edition has been revised and considerably expanded to meet the new challenges of a changing world of work. The demands of constituents, course directors, and users of the original SOLVE training package have also been taken into account. The five original subjects have been reviewed in the light of scientific developments and good practices. The new version incorporates other health promotion aspects, such as nutrition, healthy sleep and physical activity. As any change in work organization and workplace culture requires an assessment of psychosocial factors to carefully manage and reduce stress, it also considers new challenging situations in times of change which can contribute to economic stress. the new SOLVE training programme covers nine topics related to workplace health promotion in a highly interactive way, aiming to provide participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to integrate the topics into an occupational safety and health policy and a workplace health promotion action programme. The ILO acknowledges that in times of global financial and social crisis and workplace change, coping successfully with psychosocial risks at the workplace is essential for protecting the health and well-being of workers while enhancing productivity. This training package intends to contribute to support ILO constituents and other social partners in protecting workers' health and promoting their well-being.

Valentina Forastieri

Editor Second Revised Edition SOLVE

Coordinator Health Promotion and Training Cluster

Programme on Safety and Health at Work and the Environment (SafeWork)

International Labour Office

Geneva, Switzerlandv

Table of contents

List of acronyms............................................................xi Introduction to the new edition.....................................1 Managing workplace health promotion..........................9 Work-related stress......................................................31 Alcohol and drugs at work...........................................65 Violence at work........................................................111 HIV and AIDS at work...............................................143 Tobacco and workplace second-hand smoke.............179 Nutrition at work.......................................................205 Physical activity for health.........................................247 Healthy sleep.............................................................273 Economic stress..........................................................299 From concept to action..............................................329 vii


ThesecondeditionofSOLVEisarevisedandextendedversionoftheoriginal SOLVE Policy Course, published in 2002. SafeWork wishes to acknowledge the contributions of all those involved in the drafting, editing, reviewing, and validating of the SOLVE training package for the first and the second editions. Furthermore, we wish to express our gratitude and appreciation for the kind assistance of the course directors who were co-authors of the technical chapters from the trainers' manual in the second edition. Special thanks to Chiara Cirelli for her contribution to this edition. The following individuals have directly contributed to both editions (listed in alphabetical order): ix

First edition:

VittorioDi Martino, ILO/Condit,

Editor First Edition, Geneva, Switzerland

AbuBakar Che Man,Department of

Occupational Safety and Health,


JohariBin Basri, National Institute of

Occupational Safety and Health,


Giovannidi Cola, ILO/CODEV, Geneva,


EnzoFortarezza, ILO/MDP

International Training Centre, Turin,


AmandaGriffiths,University of


DavidGold, ILO/SafeWork (Editor)

Geneva, Switzerland;

CarinHåkansta, ILO/SafeWork Geneva,


AsiahJaffar, National Institute of

Occupational Safety and Health,


ChristianKroll, Consultant, Germany;

SusanLeather, ILO/AIDS Geneva,

Switzerland;Mai-LiLim, National Safety Council,


MicheleMcClure, ILO/MDP

International Training Centre, Turin,


ValeriaMorra, ILO/MDP International

Training Centre, Turin, Italy;

MokarMusri, Department of

Occupational Safety and Health,


IreneNori, ILO/SOCPRO International

Training Centre, Turin, Italy;

SalvatorNiyonzima, UN/AIDS, Geneva,


JudithPeterson, ILO/SafeWork, Geneva,


JaimePujol, ILO International Training

Centre, Turin, Italy;

AnnetteSchaap, ILO/SafeWork,

Geneva, Switzerland;

BehrouzShahandeh, ILO/SafeWork;

Geneva, Switzerland;

JukkaTakala, ILO/SafeWork Geneva,


LynnVillacorta, ILO International

Training Centre, Turin, Italy;

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