[PDF] Treaty Series Vienna Convention on succession of

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Vienna Convention on Succession of States in respect of Treaties

(a). “treaty” means an international agreement concluded between States in written form and governed by international law whether embodied in a single 

Vienna Convention on Succession of States in respect of State

Bearing in mind the provisions of the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties and the. 1978 Vienna Convention on Succession of States in Respect of 

Draft articles on Succession of States in respect of Treaties with

of States in respect of treaties between States. Commentary eo. (1) This article corresponds to article 1 of the Vienna. Convention 61 and its purpose is to 


6 nov. 1996 respect of the territory to which that succession of States relates; ... Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.

Chapter III. Privileges and Immunities Diplomaticand Consular

8 avr. 1983 Bearing in mind the provisions of the Vienna Conventions on the Law of. Treacies of 1969 and on Succession of States in Respect of Treaties ...

No. 33356 MULTILATERAL Vienna Convention on succession of

23 août 1978 Vienna Convention on succession of States in respect of trea ... 4________United Nations Treaty Series » Nations Unies Recueil des Trait s.


2 déc. 2003 The 1978 Vienna Convention on Succession of States in Respect of Treaties provides for the continuity of obligations in respect of all ...

Treaty Series

Vienna Convention on succession of States in respect of treaties (with annex). United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis.


15 déc. 2004 to “treaties in force” — The Vienna Convention on Succession of States in respect of Treaties — The Genocide Convention.

MULTILATERAL Vienna Convention on the law of treaties (with

United Nations — Treaty Series • Nations Unies — Recueil des Traités. 1980. VIENNA CONVENTION1 ON THE LAW OF TREATIES. The States Parties to the present 

Treaty Series

Treaty Series

Treaties and international agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations

Recueil des Traitis

Traitjs et accords internationaux

enregistrjs ou classes et inscrits au repertoire au Secretariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

Copyright © United Nations 2000

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Treaty Series

Treaties and international agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations


Recueil des Traitis

Traitis et accords internationaux

enregistris ou classes et inscrits au ripertoire au Secritariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

United Nations * Nations Unies

New York, 2000

Treaties and international agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations



I. Nos. 33356-33362

11. No. 1162



Treaties and international agreements

registered from 6 November 1996 to 13 November 1996 Page

No. 33356. Multilateral:

Vienna Convention on succession of States in respect of treaties (with annex).

Concluded at Vienna on 23 August 1978 ................................................................ 3

No. 33357. United Nations and Austria:

Memorandum of Understanding concerning contributions to the United Nations Standby Arrangements System (with annexes and chart). Signed at New York

on 8 N ovem ber 1996 .................................................................................................. 189

No. 33358. Belgo-Luxembourg Economic Union and Romania: Agreement concerning the reciprocal promotion, protection and guaranteeing of

investments. Signed at Brussels on 8 M ay 1978 .................................................... 203

No. 33359. Belgo-Luxembourg Economic Union and Sri Lanka: Agreement for the promotion and protection of investments (with exchange of

letters). Signed at Brussels on 5 April 1982 ............................................................ 233

No. 33360. Belgo-Luxembourg Economic Union and Bulgaria: Agreement concerning the reciprocal promotion and protection of investments (with protocol). Signed at Sofia on 25 October 1988 .................... 253 No. 33361. Belgium, Luxembourg and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Agreement concerning the reciprocal promotion and protection of investments (with protocol). Signed at Moscow on 9 February 1989 ...................................... 287

Vol. 1946

Traites et accords internationaux

enregistrs ou classs et inscrits au ripertoire au Secritariat de 'Organisation des Nations Unies

VOLUME 1946 1996 I. N



II. NO 1162


Traitis et accords internationaux

enregistres du 6 novembre 1996 au 13 novembre 1996 Pages

NO 33356. Multilateral:

Convention de Vienne sur la succession d'tats en matitre de trait6s (avec

annexe). Conclue A Vienne le 23 aoit 1978 ........................................................... .3

NO 33357. Organisation des Nations Unies et Autriche : Mdmorandum d'entente relatif aux contributions au Syst~me de forces et moyens en attente des Nations Unies (avec annexes et diagramme). Signd A New York

le 8 novem bre 1996 .................................................................................................... 189

NO 33358. Union economique belgo-luxembourgeoise et Roumanie : Accord relatif A la promotion, la protection et la garantie r6ciproques des investis-

sem ents. Sign6 A Bruxelles le 8 mai 1978 ............................................................... 203

N 0

33359. Union economique belgo-luxembourgeoise et Sri Lanka:

Accord concernant l'encouragement et la protection des investissements (avec

6change de lettres). Sign6 A Bruxelles le 5 avril 1982 ........................................... 233

N 0

33360. Union economique belgo-luxembourgeoise et Bulgarie:

Accord concernant l'encouragement et la protection r6ciproques des investisse- ments (avec protocole). Sign6 A Sofia le 25 octobre 1988 .................................... 253 NO 33361. Belgique, Luxembourg et Union des Ripubliques socialistes sovi6- tiques : Accord concernant l'encouragement et la protection rdciproques des investisse- ments (avec protocole). Sign6 h Moscou le 9 fdvrier 1989 ................................... 287

Vol. 1946

Vi United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitis 1996 Page No. 33362. International Atomic Energy Agency and Saint Lucia: Exchange of letters constituting an agreement in connection with the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean ("the Tlatelolco Treaty"). Vienna, 6 November 1995 and Castries, 24 April 1996 ..... 319 II

Treaties and international agreements

filed and recorded from 2 November 1996 to 13 November 1996 No. 1162. United Nations and International Bank for Reconstruction and De- velopment: Memorandum of Understanding concerning the use of the United Nations Tele- communications Network. Signed at Washington on 11 November 1996 ........ 329 ANNEX A. Ratifications, accessions, subsequent agreements, etc., con- cerning treaties and international agreements registered with the

Secretariat of the United Nations

No. 970. Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field. Signed at Geneva on 12 August 1949:

A ccession by L ithuania .................................................................................................... 340

Declaration by the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia maintaining the reser- vations made by the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia .......................... 340 No. 971. Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of Wounded, Sick, and Shipwrecked Members of the Armed Forces at

Sea. Signed at Geneva on 12 August 1949:

A ccession by L ithuania .................................................................................................... 341

Declaration by the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia maintaining the reser- vations made by the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia .......................... 341 No. 972. Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War.

Signed at Geneva on 12 August 1949:

A ccession by L ithuania .................................................................................................... 342

Declaration by the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia maintaining the reser- vations made by the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia .............. 342 No. 973. Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in

Time of War. Signed at Geneva on 12 August 1949:

A ccession by L ithuania .................................................................................................... 343

Declaration by the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia maintaining the reser- vations made by the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia .............. 343

Vol. 1946

1996 United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitks VII

Pages NO 33362. Agence internationale de l'knergie atomique et Sainte-Lucie: tchange de lettres constituant un accord dans le cadre du Trait6 visant l'interdic- tion des armes nucl~aires en Amtrique latine et dans les Caraibes (" Trait6 de Tlatelolco )>). Vienne, 6 novembre 1995 et Castries, 24 avril 1996 ...................... 319 II

Traitis et accords internationaux classes

et inscrits au repertoire du 2 novembre 1996 au 13 novembre 1996 NO 1162. Organisation des Nations Unies et Banque internationale pour la re- construction et le diveloppement : Memorandum d'entente relatif A I'emploi du rdseau de t61communications de l'Organisation des Nations Unies. Sign6 A Washington le 11 novembre 1996.. 329 ANNEXE A. Ratifications, adhdsions, accords ultirieurs, etc., concernant des traites et accords internationaux enregistris au Secretariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies NO 970. Convention de Gen~ve pour I'amilioration du sort des blesses et des malades dans les forces armies en campagne. Signke A Genve le

12 aofit 1949 :

A dhesion de la L ituanie .................................................................................................... 340

Dclaration de l'ex-Rpublique yougoslave de Mac&toine maintenant les reserves formuldes par la R6publique socialiste f&1rative de Yougoslavie .......... 340 NO 971. Convention de Geneve pour I'amelioration du sort des blesses, des malades et des naufrages des forces armies sur mer. Sign~e A Gen~ve le 12 aofit 1949 : Adhesion de la Lituanie .......................................... 341 D&laration de l'ex-Rpublique yougoslave de Mac&toine maintenant les reserves formules par la Rtpublique socialiste f~ddrative de Yougoslavie ..................... 341 NO 972. Convention de Genive relative an traitement des prisonniers de guerre.

Sign~e A Genive le 12 aofit 1949 :

A dhdsion de la L ituanie .................................................................................................... 342

D&laration de l'ex-R~publique yougoslave de Mac~doine maintenant les reserves formulaes par la R~publique socialiste fdrative de Yougoslavie .......... 342 NO 973. Convention de Gen~ve relative a la protection des personnes civiles en temps de guerre. Sign~e Ai Genive le 12 aofit 1949:

A dhesion de la L ituanie .................................................................................................... 343

Ddclaration de l'ex-R~publique yougoslave de Mac&toine maintenant les rdserves formultes par la Rtpublique socialiste f&trative de Yougoslavie ..................... 343

Vol. 1946

United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitis Page No. 14533. European Agreement concerning the work of crews of vehicles en- gaged in international road transport (AETR). Concluded at Ge- neva on 1 July 1970:

A ccession by Liechtenstein .............................................................................................

No. 17512. Protocol additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949, and relating to the protection of victims of international armed conflicts (Protocol I). Adopted at Geneva on 8 June 1977:

Declaration by Argentina under article 90 ..................................................................... 345

Declaration by the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia maintaining the reser- vations made by the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia .......................... 346 No. 23353. Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF).

Concluded at Berne on 9 May 1980:

W ithdrawal of a reservation by Denmark ...................................................................... 347

Declarations by Slovakia and Czech Republic maintaining the reservations made

by C zechoslovakia ..................................................................................................... 347

No. 26164. Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer. Con- cluded at Vienna on 22 March 1985:

A ccession by M adagascar ................................................................................................

No. 26369. Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.

Concluded at Montreal on 16 September 1987:

A ccession by M adagascar ................................................................................................ 349

No. 27531. Convention on the rights of the child. Adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 20 November 1989: Objection by the Netherlands to declarations and reservations made by Singapore

upon accession ........................................................................................................... 350

International Labour Organisation

No. 12320. Convention (No. 134) concerning the prevention of occupational accidents to seafarers. Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its fifty-fifth session, Ge- neva, 30 October 1970:

R atification by B razil ........................................................................................................

No. 17906. Convention (No. 148) concerning the protection of workers against occupational hazards in the working environment due to air pol- lution, noise and vibration. Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its sixty-third ses- sion, Geneva, 20 June 1977:

Ratification by K azakhstan .............................................................................................. 354

Vol. 1946

United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recueil des Trait~s Pages NO 14533. Accord europken relatif au travail des kquipages des vehicules effec- tuant des transports internationaux par route (AETR). Conclu it

Gen~ve le ler juillet 1970 :

A dh6sion de L iechtenstein ............................................................................................... 344

NO 17512. Protocole additionnel aux Conventions de Gen6ve du 12 aofit 1949 relatif A la protection des victimes des conflits arm~s internatio- naux (Protocole 1). Adopt6 i Genive le 8 juin 1977 :

D6claration de l'Argentine en vertu de l'article 90 ....................................................... 345

D6claration de l'ex-R~publique yougoslave de Mac6doine maintenant les rdserves formulaes par la R6publique socialiste f6d6rative de Yougoslavie ..................... 346 NO 23353. Convention relative aux transports internationaux ferroviairesquotesdbs_dbs28.pdfusesText_34

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