[PDF] Annual Report of the Council -1973

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Doc 9085

Annual Report

of the Council -1973


for the session of the Assembly in 1974


Published by the Secretary General under authority of the Council Published in separate English, French and Spanish editions by the International

Civil Aviation Organization.

All correspondence, except orders and subscriptions, should be addressed to the Secretary General of ICA 0, International Aviation Building, 1080 University Street, Montreal101, Quebec, Canada. Orders for this publication should be sent to one of the following addresses, together with the appropriate remittance (by bank draft or post office money order) in U.S. dollars or the currency of the country in which the order is placed or m a freely convertible currency:

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I have the honour to transmit, at the directim of the Council, its Report for the year 1973, prepared in compliance with

J.rticle 54 (a) of the Convention

on International Civil Aviation. With the Retorts for 1971 (Doc 8982) and

1972 (Doc 9046),

it constitutes documentatim for Item 7 of the Provisional


of the 21 sl Session of the AssemblJ It will be supplemented by a brief review of the work of the Organizalim for the first six months of

1974, and will be sent to the Economic ani Social Council of the United

Nations in pursuance of Article VI, pararraph 2 (a) of the Agreement between the

United Nations and ICAO.

The Report was prepared by the Secretaiat and circulated in draft form to the Representatives of Council Member Sates for their suggestions. The


as a body, did not formally examhF or adopt it but, as in the past, delegated to its President authority to the final text after considering all the suggestions received. As in previous years, Chapter I is a desription of signifiCant develop ments in civil aviation during the year; tk activities of ICAO itself are described in Chapters II to VIII. The Council held three sessions in 1973.These were the Seventy-eighth


from 22 January to 29 March with a total of fifteen meetings, three of which were held outside the Council phlse; the Seventy-ninth Session from 30 April to 27 June, with a total c( fourteen meetings, and the


Session from 17 September to B December, with a total of twenty-three meetings, five of which were Jeid outside the Council phase.


was delegated to the President to on a number of matters, as necessary, when the Council was not in sessi01.


President of the Council



Chapter I. Civil Aviation in 1973 ..•.•..•.••.....

1. Traffic on Scheduled Services .

2. Non-scheduled Commercial Air Transport .

3. Financial Results.

4. Airline Fares and Rates

5. Inter-airline Co-operation .

12 17 20 25

6. General Aviation . 27

7. Evolution of the Commercial Air Transport Fleets of ICAO Contracting States 30


9. Technical Trends and Developments. 36


Chapter II. Air Navigation

1. Introduction.

2. Meetings.

3. International Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPS) and

Procedures for Air Navigation Services {PANS)

4. Air Navigation Plans . . . ..........•.

5. Participation of the Regional Offices in Air Navigation Activities ...

6. Projects given special attention during 1973 .

Chapter III. Air Transport . . . . . . . . . . • . . . • • . 66

1. Introduction. 66

2. Meetings ............................... . 66

3. Economic Activities . 67


Statistics. 68

5. Facilitation . . 68

6. Participation of the Regional Offices in Air Transport Activities 69

Chapter IV. Joint Financing. . . • . . . . • . . . • • • . • . . . . . . . • . • . . . . 74

I. General. 74

2. Agreement on the Joint Financing of Certail Air Navigation Services in

Greenland and the Faroes,

1956 (The Joint Financing Agreement). 74

3. Agreement on the Joint Financing of Certait Air Navigation Services in


1956 (The Icelandic Joint Financing Agreement) . 76

4. The North Atlantic Ocean Stations Joint Firlancing Agreement, 1954.. 77

Chapter V. Technical Assistance . . . . . . . . • . • . • . • • . • . . • . . . . . . • . • . . . . 79

1. Introduction. 79

2. Participation of the Regional Offices in Technical Assistance Activities . 80 u u

5. Fellowships . 83

6. UNDP and FIT Programmes 83

7. United Nations Fund for the Development of Irian Jaya (FUNDWI). 95

(iii) (iv) Annual Report of the Council 1973

Chapter VI. Constitutional and Legal Queilions 96

I. Introduction. 96

2. Chicago Acts . . 96

3. International Air Law Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

4. Un]awfullnterference with Internatbnal

Civil Aviation and its Facilities. 99

5. Work Programme of the Legal Comnittee. 99

6. Privileges, Immunities and Facilities of the Organization. 100

7. Registration of Agreements and Arnngements. 100

8. Collection of National Aviation La\W and Regulations . 100

Chapter VII. Relations with Other Interrutional Organizations

I. The United Nations.

2. Inter-Agency Bodies .

3. Specialized Agencies .


Other International Organizations .


VHI. Organization and Administmtion .. .

1. Introduction.

2. Organization.



4. Twenty-third ICAO Familiarization Course .


Public Information Activities ..

6. Computer Activities.

7. Language Services, Publications and Library .


Premises .............. .

9. Finance.


lOS 105
I. Part I -States Parties to the Chicago Acts as of 31 December 197 3 . I II Part II -Protocol on the Authentic Trilingual Text of the Convention on


Civil Aviation (Chicago, 1944), done at Buenos Aires on 24

September 1968 . . 1 I 4

2. List

of States Parties to the Geneva, Rome, Guadalajara, Tokyo, The Hague and Montreal Conventions and the !Iague Protocol, as of 31 December 1973 117 3. Part I -Annexes to the Convention -Amendments adopted up to 31

December 1973 . . . . . . . . . . I21

Part 11 -Procedures for Air NavigatiOn Services (PANS) -Amendments approved up to 31 December 1973. 127

4. The

Council, its Committees and the Air Navigation Commission. . . 129

5.1CA0 Meetings Held in 1973 . 135

6. Programme ofiCAO Meetings for H74 . 138

7. Participation

of States and InternatDnal Organizations in Main ICAO

Meetings in 1973 . I40

8. Structure ofiCAO Secretariat as of31 December I973 . . 145

9. National Distribution of Category Staff as of 31 December

1973.. 146

10. Distribution of Tedmical Assistance Field Staff by Nationality, Grade and

Programme, 1973 . 149

11. Distribution

of Technical Assistance Field Staff by Programme and Profes-

SiOn or Trade, 1973........ I50

12. Fellowship Awards Made During 1973 under ICAO Programmes . . . 152

13. Statistics for Diagrams.


14. Review of Action Taken up to 31 December 1973 on Resolutions of the

18th, 19th and

20th Sessions of the Assembly.. 164

Chapter I


This chapter describes the principal events in civil aviation in 1973. It is sub-divided into nine sections:

1. Traffic on scheduled services;

2. Non.scheduled commercial air transport;

3. Financial results;


Airline fares and rates;

5. Inter-airline co-operation;

6. General aviation;

7. Evolution of the commercial air transport fleets of

ICAO Contracting States;

8. Safety;

9. Technical trends and developments.

I. Traffic on Scheduled Services

In this section some general indications are given, mainly through a series of tables and diagrams, of the develop ment up to the end of 1973 of the scheduled traffic of the airlines of ICAO Contracting States



on such matters as rates of growth, national ranking and load factors is presented for total operations (inter national and domestic) and for international ope1ations separately with breakdowns according to the category of load (passengers, freight and mail) and the region of airline registration.

Total scheduled tro/]tc

Global traffic data for the decade 1964 to 1973 is given in Table

I-1 and presented graphically for the twenty-year

pen·od 1954 to 1973 in Diagram I. From this material it can be seen that during 1973, on scheduled domestic and international services, the airlines of ICAO Con tracting States carried a total of 75 600 million tonne kilometres of traffic (passengers, freight and mall), representing an increase of 11.0 per cent over 1972.

Breaking down

this total into its main traffic com ponents it appears that in 1973 the number of passen· gers carried rose by 7.3 per cent to 483 million, passenger·kilometres by l 0.2 per cent to 617 000 million, freight tonne-kilometres by 16.2 per cent to

17 450 million, and mail tonne-kilometres by 4.3 per

cent to 2 900 million. In terms of tonne-kilometres passengers accounted for 73 per cent of the load, freigh; for 23 per cent and mail4 per cent.

The average annual rates

of growth for the various traffic categories in the ten years 1964-1973 (excluding USSR traffic which has been available only from 1970) were as follows:quotesdbs_dbs42.pdfusesText_42
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