[PDF] BHS – Center registration form

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BHS – Center registration form

BHS – Center registration form. 1. Hospital. Name. Grand Hôpital de Charleroi- site Notre Dame. Short name. GHdC. Address. 3grand rue; 6000 Charleroi.

BHS – Center registration form

BHS – Center registration form. 1. Hospital. Name. AZ ST DIMPNA. Short name. Address Daycare clinic. Tel 014577174. Head nurse Paul Willems.

BHS – Center registration form

BHS – Center registration form. 1. Hospital. Name. Cliniques Sud-Luxembourg. Short name. CSL. Address. Rue des Déportés 137

BHS – Center registration form

BHS – Center registration form. 1. Hospital. Name. University Hospital Leuven Gasthuisberg. Short name. UZL. Address. Herestraat 49 3000 Leuven. Telephone.

BHS – Center registration form

BHS – Center registration form. 1. Hospital. Name. Institut Jules Bordet. Short name. IJB. Address. 1 Rue Héger Bordet – 1000 Brussels. Telephone.

BHS – Center registration form

BHS – Center registration form. 1. Hospital. Name. Centre Hospitalier Pelzer-La Tourelle. Short name. CHPLT. Address. Re du Parc 29 4800 Verviers. Telephone.

BHS – Center registration form

BHS – Center registration form. 1. Hospital. Name. Centre Hospitalier Catholique. Short name. CHC. Address. Rue de Hesbaye 75 4000 LIEGE. Telephone.

BHS – Center registration form

BHS – Center registration form. 1. Hospital. Name. Hôpitaux de Jolimont-Lobbes1 Nivelles-Tubize2

BHS – Center registration form

BHS – Center registration form. 1. Hospital. Name. A.Z. St.Jan Brugge-Oostende AV. Short name. A.Z. St.Jan. Address. Ruddershove 10 – 8000 Brugge. Telephone.

BHS ± Center registration form



Name Cliniques Sud-Luxembourg Short name CSL

Address Rue des Déportés, 137, 6700 Arlon Telephone 063 231111

Directions to

the hospital (link)

Website www.clinsudlux.be

Clinical Hematology


Head of Dpt Name Dr Pascal Pierre Tel 063 231386 E-mail ppierre@clinsudlux.be

Secretary Name Tel 063 231386 E-mail

Senior staff

(Internists with special competence in hematology) Name Dr Pascal Pierre Tel 063 231386 E-mail ppierre@clinsudlux.be Specialization Name Dr Nicolas Weynants Tel 063 231386 E-mail nweynants@clinsudlux.be Specialization

Name Tel E-mail Specialization

Name Tel E-mail Specialization

Name Tel E-mail Specialization

Name Tel E-mail Specialization

Name Tel E-mail Specialization

Name Tel E-mail Specialization

Name Tel E-mail Specialization

Name Tel E-mail Specialization

Psychologists Name Pascal Paillot Tel 063 231785 E-mail ppaillot@clinsudlux.be Name Raquel Perez Tel 063 231396 E-mail rperez@clinsudlux.be


coordinator Name Tel E-mail Liaison nurses Name Stéphanie Charbaut Tel 063 231344 E-mail scharbaut@clinsudlux.be

Name Tel E-mail

BHS ± Center registration form



research associates Name Sylvie Poncin Tel 063 231392 E-mail sponcin@clinsudlux.be

Name Tel E-mail

Name Tel E-mail

Name Tel E-mail

Name Tel E-mail

Name Tel E-mail

Hospitalization Etage 5, bâtiment D Tel 063 231560 Head nurse Marie-Therese Bilocq

Tel Head nurse

Daycare clinic Etage 4, bâtiment C Tel 063 231380 Head nurse Pascale Feller


Etage 4, bâtiment C Tel 063 231386 Address Rue des Déportés, 137, 6700 Arlon

Tel Address

Tel Address

Tel Address

Tel Address

Thrombosis/hemostasis (in same hospital) (if separate from clinical Hematology)


Head of Dpt Name Tel E-mail

Secretary Name Tel E-mail

Senior staff

Name Tel E-mail Specialization

Name Tel E-mail Specialization

Name Tel E-mail Specialization

Name Tel E-mail Specialization

Name Tel E-mail Specialization

BHS ± Center registration form

3 Hematopoietic tissue bank and cell therapy unit (in same hospital)


Head of Dpt Name Tel E-mail

Secretary Name Tel E-mail

Senior staff

Name Tel E-mail Function

Name Tel E-mail Function

Name Tel E-mail Function

Name Tel E-mail Function

Name Tel E-mail Function

Laboratory Hematology (in same hospital)


Head of Dpt Name Nicolas Hougardy Tel 063 231630 E-mail nhougardy@clinsudlux.be

Secretary Name Tel 063 231630 E-mail

Senior staff

(specialized in hematology) Name Nicolas Hougardy Tel 063 231630 E-mail nhougardy@clinsudlux.be Specialization cytométrie

Name Frédéric Grandjean Tel 063 23 1630 E-mail fgrandjean@clinsudlux.be Specialization hémostase

Name Fernand Bormans Tel 063 231630 E-mail fbormans@clinsudlux.be Specialization Cyto, hémostase

Name Tel E-mail Specialization

Name Tel E-mail Specialization

BHS ± Center registration form


Other laboratories (in same hospital)


Bone marrow

Name Nicolas Hougardy Tel 063 231630 E-mail nhougardy@clinsudlux.be Name Frédéric Grandjean Tel 063 231630 E-mail fgrandjean@clinsudlux.be


Bone marrow

Name Tel E-mail

Name Tel E-mail


Lymph nodes

Name Dr Stéphanie Talpe Tel 063 588115 E-mail laboanapath@clinsudlux.be

Name Tel E-mail

Cytogenetics Name Tel E-mail

Name Tel E-mail


biology Name Nicolas Hougardy Tel 063 231630 E-mail nhougardy@clinsudlux.be

Name Tel E-mail



Name Tel E-mail

Name Tel E-mail

Radiotherapy for hematology patients (in same hospital)

Senior staff

Name Dr Marie-Laurence Herman Tel 063 231386 E-mail

Name Dr Mia Meyns Tel 063 231386 E-mail

Name Tel E-mail

Name Tel E-mail

Coordinator Name Tel E-mail

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