[PDF] BHS – Center registration form

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BHS – Center registration form

BHS – Center registration form. 1. Hospital. Name. Grand Hôpital de Charleroi- site Notre Dame. Short name. GHdC. Address. 3grand rue; 6000 Charleroi.

BHS – Center registration form

BHS – Center registration form. 1. Hospital. Name. AZ ST DIMPNA. Short name. Address Daycare clinic. Tel 014577174. Head nurse Paul Willems.

BHS – Center registration form

BHS – Center registration form. 1. Hospital. Name. Cliniques Sud-Luxembourg. Short name. CSL. Address. Rue des Déportés 137

BHS – Center registration form

BHS – Center registration form. 1. Hospital. Name. University Hospital Leuven Gasthuisberg. Short name. UZL. Address. Herestraat 49 3000 Leuven. Telephone.

BHS – Center registration form

BHS – Center registration form. 1. Hospital. Name. Institut Jules Bordet. Short name. IJB. Address. 1 Rue Héger Bordet – 1000 Brussels. Telephone.

BHS – Center registration form

BHS – Center registration form. 1. Hospital. Name. Centre Hospitalier Pelzer-La Tourelle. Short name. CHPLT. Address. Re du Parc 29 4800 Verviers. Telephone.

BHS – Center registration form

BHS – Center registration form. 1. Hospital. Name. Centre Hospitalier Catholique. Short name. CHC. Address. Rue de Hesbaye 75 4000 LIEGE. Telephone.

BHS – Center registration form

BHS – Center registration form. 1. Hospital. Name. Hôpitaux de Jolimont-Lobbes1 Nivelles-Tubize2

BHS – Center registration form

BHS – Center registration form. 1. Hospital. Name. A.Z. St.Jan Brugge-Oostende AV. Short name. A.Z. St.Jan. Address. Ruddershove 10 – 8000 Brugge. Telephone.

BHS ± Center registration form



Name University Hospital Leuven Gasthuisberg Short name UZL Address Herestraat 49 3000 Leuven Telephone 016332211

Directions to

the hospital (link) http://www.uzleuven.be/gasthuisberg Website http://www.uzleuven.be/

Clinical Hematology


Head of Dpt Name Prof. Peter Vandenberghe Tel 016346889 E-mail peter.vandenberghe@uzleuven.be Secretary Name Liesbeth Celis Tel 016346880 E-mail liesbeth.1.celis@uzleuven.be Name Jeannine Smets Tel 016346889 E-mail jeannine.smets@uzleuven.be

Senior staff

(Internists with special competence in hematology) Name Dr. Marielle Beckers Tel 016346880 E-mail marielle.beckers@uzleuven.be

Specialization Lymphoma, auto- immune

hematology, apheresis Name Prof. Michel Delforge Tel 016346880 E-mail Michel.delforge@uzleuven.be

Specialization Myeloma, myelodysplasia

Name Prof. Timothy Devos Tel 016346880 E-mail Timothy.devos@uzleuven.be


Myeloproliferative diseases,

PNH, cellular therapy,

transfusion Name Prof. Daan Dierickx Tel 016346880 E-mail Daan.dierickx@uzleuven.be


Lymphoma, auto- immune

hematology, apheresis, revalidation Name Prof. Ann Janssens Tel 016346880 E-mail Ann.janssens@uzleuven.be


Lymphoma, auto-immune

hematology, bone marrow punctions Name Prof. Johan Maertens Tel 016346880 E-mail Johan.maertens@uzleuven.be


Acute leukemia, allogeneic

transplantation, supportive care Name Dr. Hélène Schoemans Tel 016346880 E-mail helene.schoemans@uzleuven.be


Allogeneic Transplantation,

graft vs. host disease, quality of life

Name Prof. Peter Vandenberghe Tel 016346880 E-mail Peter.vandenberghe@uzleuven.be Specialization Targeted treatment, cancer

genetics, hypereosinophilia

BHS ± Center registration form

2 and hypereosinophilic syndromes Name Dr. Vibeke Vergote Tel 01642354 E-mail Vibeke.vergote@uzleuven.be Specialization Name Prof. Gregor Verhoef Tel 016346880 E-mail gregor.verhoef@uzleuven.be

Specialization Lymphoma,myelopro-

liferative diseases, cytology Psychologists Name Ingrid Debeurme Tel 016346880 E-mail ingrid.debeurme@uzleuven.be Name Marlies Meersman Tel 016346880 E-mail Marlies.meersman@uzleuven.be


coordinator Name Carla Collijs Tel 016346880 E-mail Carla.collijs@uzleuven.be


coordinator Name Diane Reggers Tel 016346880 E-mail Diane.reggers@uzleuven.be Liaison nurses Name Kathy Goris Tel 016346880 E-mail kathy.goris@uzleuven.be Revalidation Name Marleen Sijbers Tel 016346880 E-mail Marleen.sijbers@uzleuven.be

BHS ± Center registration form



research associates Name Myriam Cleeren Tel 016341700 E-mail Myriam.cleeren@uzleuven.be Name Saskia Cremers Tel 016346890 E-mail Saskia.cremers@uzleuven.be Name Carine Geysemans Tel 016347683 E-mail Carine.geysemans@uzleuven.be Name Chris Impanis Tel 016347682 E-mail Chris.impanis@uzleuven.be Name Hannelore Van Eeckhoute Tel 016341969 E-mail Hannelore.vaneeckhoute@uzleuven.be

Name Tel E-mail

Hospitalization E 630 Tel 016346300 Head nurse Mireille Kusters Dirk Steenwegen E 467 Tel 016344670 Head nurse Kristof Vermaelen Dirk Steenwegen Daycare clinic E616 Tel 016340241 Head nurse Els Raets


E 612 Tel 016346660 Address Maria Dieu

Thrombosis/hemostasis (in same hospital) (if separate from clinical Hematology) Website https://www.uzleuven.be/bloedings-en-vaatziekten/bloedings-en-vaatziekten Head of Dpt Name Prof. Kathelijne Peerlinck Tel 016343491 E-mail Kathelijne.peerlinck@uzleuven.be

Secretary Name Tel 016343491 E-mail

Senior staff

Name Tel E-mail Specialization

Name Tel E-mail Specialization

Name Tel E-mail Specialization

Name Tel E-mail Specialization

Name Tel E-mail Specialization

BHS ± Center registration form

4 Hematopoietic tissue bank and cell therapy unit (in same hospital)


Head of Dpt Name Prof. Timothy Devos Tel 016340939 E-mail Timothy.devos@uzleuven.be

Secretary Name Tel E-mail

Senior staff

Name Tel E-mail Function

Name Tel E-mail Function

Name Tel E-mail Function

Name Tel E-mail Function

Name Tel E-mail Function

Laboratory Hematology (in same hospital)


Head of Dpt Name Prof. M Van Ranst Tel 016347018 E-mail Marc.vanranst@uzleuven.be

Secretary Name Tel 016347018 E-mail

Senior staff

(specialized in hematology) Name Prof. Nancy Boeckx Tel 016347902 E-mail Nancy.boeckx@uzleuven.be Specialization

Flow cytometry,

cytology, automated cell counting

Name Dr. Caroline Brusselmans Tel 016347902 E-mail Caroline.brusselmans@uzleuven.be Specialization Cytology

Name Prof. Davy Kieffer Tel 016354448 E-mail Davy.kieffer@uzleuven.be Specialization

Red blood cell

disorders and hemoglobinopathies, automated cell counting and flow cytometry Name Prof. M. Jacquemin Tel 016340448 E-mail Marc.jacquemin@uzleuven.be Specialization Hemostasis

BHS ± Center registration form


Other laboratories (in same hospital)


Bone marrow

Name Prof. Nancy Boeckx Tel 016347902 E-mail Nancy.boeckx@uzleuven.be Name Dr. Caroline Brusselmans Tel 016/347902 E-mail Caroline.brusselmans@uzleuven.be Name Prof. Gregor Verhoef Tel 016346880 E-mail Gregor.verhoef@uzleuven.be Name Prof. Thomas Tousseyn Tel 016336582 E-mail Thomas.toussyn@uzleuven.be

Name Tel E-mail


Bone marrow

Name Prof. Thomas Tousseyn Tel 016336582 E-mail Thomas.toussyn@uzleuven.be

Name Tel E-mail


Lymph nodes

Name Prof. Peter Vandenberghe Tel 016346880 E-mail Peter.vandenberghe@uzleuven.be Name Prof. Lucienne Michaux Tel 016346085 E-mail Lucienne.michaux@uzleuven.be Cytogenetics Name Prof. Peter Vandenberghe Tel 016346880 E-mail Peter.vandenberghe@uzleuven.be Name Prof. Els Lierman Tel 016342530 E-mail Els.lierman@uzleuven.be


biology Name Prof. Olivier Gheysens Tel 016343714 E-mail Olivier.gheysens@uzleuven.be

Name Tel E-mail


medicine Radiotherapy for hematology patients (in same hospital)

Senior staff

Name Prof. Maarten Lambrecht Tel 016347600 E-mail Maarten.lambrecht@uzleuven.be

Name Tel E-mail

Name Tel E-mail

Name Tel E-mail

Coordinator Name Tel E-mail

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