[PDF] BHS – Center registration form

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BHS – Center registration form

BHS – Center registration form. 1. Hospital. Name. Grand Hôpital de Charleroi- site Notre Dame. Short name. GHdC. Address. 3grand rue; 6000 Charleroi.

BHS – Center registration form

BHS – Center registration form. 1. Hospital. Name. AZ ST DIMPNA. Short name. Address Daycare clinic. Tel 014577174. Head nurse Paul Willems.

BHS – Center registration form

BHS – Center registration form. 1. Hospital. Name. Cliniques Sud-Luxembourg. Short name. CSL. Address. Rue des Déportés 137

BHS – Center registration form

BHS – Center registration form. 1. Hospital. Name. University Hospital Leuven Gasthuisberg. Short name. UZL. Address. Herestraat 49 3000 Leuven. Telephone.

BHS – Center registration form

BHS – Center registration form. 1. Hospital. Name. Institut Jules Bordet. Short name. IJB. Address. 1 Rue Héger Bordet – 1000 Brussels. Telephone.

BHS – Center registration form

BHS – Center registration form. 1. Hospital. Name. Centre Hospitalier Pelzer-La Tourelle. Short name. CHPLT. Address. Re du Parc 29 4800 Verviers. Telephone.

BHS – Center registration form

BHS – Center registration form. 1. Hospital. Name. Centre Hospitalier Catholique. Short name. CHC. Address. Rue de Hesbaye 75 4000 LIEGE. Telephone.

BHS – Center registration form

BHS – Center registration form. 1. Hospital. Name. Hôpitaux de Jolimont-Lobbes1 Nivelles-Tubize2

BHS – Center registration form

BHS – Center registration form. 1. Hospital. Name. A.Z. St.Jan Brugge-Oostende AV. Short name. A.Z. St.Jan. Address. Ruddershove 10 – 8000 Brugge. Telephone.

BHS ± Center registration form




1. Rue Ferrer, 159, 7100 Haine-Saint-Paul

2. Rue Samiette, 1, 1400 Nivelles

3. CHR Haute Senne, chaussée de Braine, 49, 7060 Soignies

4. CHR Mons-Warquignies, Avenue Baudouin de Constantinople, 5, 7000



1. 064/233011

2. 067/885211

3. 067/348787

4. 065/385511

Directions to

the hospital (link)

1. http://www.entite-jolimontoise.be/hopital-de-jolimont/plan-dacces-5/

2. http://www.entite-jolimontoise.be/hopital-de-nivelles/plan-acces-et-

parking-3/ 3

4. http://www.chr-afic.be/contentFR.jsp?page=75


1 & 2: http://www.entite-jolimontoise.be/

3 : http://www.chrhautesenne.be/

4 : http://www.chrmons.be/homeFR.jsp?page=114

Clinical Hematology

Website No specific website. See hospital websites

Head of Dpt Name André Delannoy 1,2. Dominique

Boulet 4 Tel 0497/680424 1,2

065/359170 4 E-mail a.delannoy@skynet.be 1,2 dominique.boulet@chr-mw.be 4

Secretary Name Dessers Bernadette 1,2

Chavepeyer Béatrice 4 Tel 064/234196 1,2

065/359473 4 E-mail Bernadette.DESSERS@entitejolimontoise.be 1,2


Senior staff

(Internists with special competence in hematology) Name Dominique Boulet Tel 065/359170 E-mail dominique.boulet@chr-mw.be Specialization Hematology Name André Delannoy Tel 0497/680424 E-mail a.delannoy@skynet.be Specialization Hematology Name Vanessa Delrieu Tel 064/235171 E-mail Vanessa.Delrieu@ulb.ac.be Specialization Hematology Name Alain Kentos Tel 064/235171 E-mail alain.kentos@hotmail.com Specialization Hematology Name Christophe Ravoet Tel 064/235171 E-mail christophe.ravoet@entitejolimo ntoise.be Specialization Hematology Name Nicole Straetmans Tel 064/235171 E-mail nicole.straetmans@scarlet.be Specialization Hematology

Name Tel E-mail Specialization

Name Tel E-mail Specialization

Name Tel E-mail Specialization

Name Tel E-mail Specialization

Psychologists Name Sebastien Krzewinski Tel 064/234635 E-mail Sebastien.KRZEWINSKI@entitejolimontoise.be

Name Audrey Lachaux Tel 064/234636 E-mail Audrey.LACHAUX@entitejolimontoise.be

BHS ± Center registration form



coordinator Name Nicole Staetmans Tel 064/235171 E-mail nicole.straetmans@scarlet.be

Liaison nurses Name Tel E-mail

Name Tel E-mail


research associates Name Hélène Pêtre Tel 064/233986 E-mail Helene.PETRE@entitejolimontoise.be

Name Sophie Iseboom Tel 065/385741 E-mail

Name Tel E-mail

Name Tel E-mail

Name Tel E-mail

Name Tel E-mail

Hospitalization Tel 064/235171 Head nurse Brigitte Boulangier

Tel 065/385759 Head nurse

Daycare clinic Tel 064/235071

065/385741 Head nurse Delphine Bocklant












Tel 067/348 450 Address Soignies

Tel 065/385512 Address Mons/Warquignies

Tel Address

Tel Address

Thrombosis/hemostasis (in same hospital) (if separate from clinical Hematology)


Head of Dpt Name Tel E-mail

Secretary Name Tel E-mail

Senior staff

Name Tel E-mail Specialization

Name Tel E-mail Specialization

Name Tel E-mail Specialization

BHS ± Center registration form

3 Hematopoietic tissue bank and cell therapy unit (in same hospital)


Head of Dpt Name Gauthier Detry Tel 064/234103 E-mail Gauthier.DETRY@entitejolimontoise.be

Secretary Name Jolimont Tel 064/234081 E-mail

Senior staff

Name Caroline Debecker Tel 064/234102 E-mail Gauthier.DETRY@entitejolimon toise.be Function Clinical biology

Name Tel E-mail Function

Name Tel E-mail Function

Name Tel E-mail Function

Name Tel E-mail Function

Laboratory Hematology (in same hospital)


Head of Dpt Name Laurent Boon-Falleur

Pascal Boudry Tel 064/234081 E-mail Laurent.BOON-FALLEUR@entitejolimontoise.be

Secretary Name Tel 064/234081 E-mail

Senior staff

(specialized in hematology) Name Gauthier Detry Tel 064/234103 E-mail Gauthier.DETRY@entitejolimon toise.be Specialization Clinical biology Name Caroline Debecker Tel 064/234102 E-mail Gauthier.DETRY@entitejolimon toise.be Specialization Clinical biology Name Pierre Fally Tel 065/359111 E-mail Pierre.fally@chr-mw.be Specialization Clinical Biology Name Philippe Dupret Tel 065/359112 E-mail Philippe.dupret@chr-mw.be Specialization Clinical biology Name Thibaut Vandesande Tel 068/359106 E-mail Thibaut.vandesande@chr- mw.be Specialization Clinical biology

BHS ± Center registration form


Other laboratories (in same hospital)


Bone marrow

Name Tel E-mail

Name Tel E-mail


Bone marrow

Name Tel E-mail

Name Tel E-mail


Lymph nodes

Name Tel E-mail

Name Tel E-mail

Cytogenetics Name Tel E-mail

Name Tel E-mail



Name Tel E-mail

Name Tel E-mail


medicine Name Didier Françoise Tel 064/234162 E-mail Didier.FRANCOIS@entitejolimontoise.be

Name Tel E-mail

Radiotherapy for hematology patients (in same hospital)

Senior staff

Name Carine Mitine Tel 064/234181 E-mail Carine.MITINE@entitejolimontoise.be

Name Tel E-mail

Name Tel E-mail

Name Tel E-mail

Coordinator Name Tel E-mail

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