[PDF] ProgrammeLÉONARDO Projet SIFOR

What IIED Did

IIED and partners addressed these challenges through a five-year participatory action-research project 'Smallholder innovation for resilience (SIFOR): strengthening innovation systems for food security in the face of climate change', which formed part of a wider programme on biocultural heritage. We worked with 64 indigenous and traditional farming...


The project aimed to strengthen biocultural heritage as the basis of local innovation systems, recognising the close inter-dependence between traditional knowledge, biodiversity, landscapes, customary laws and cultural and spiritual values. It: 1. Generated new evidence of the role of biocultural innovations– such as developing traditional crops an...

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Le projet ConCert initié par le Centre Forestier de la Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur et fi- nancé par le programme européen Leonardo en 2011 et dont 

la biblioteca : Teoria gestione e pratiche biblioteconomiche nell

du XVIIIe siècle le projet des Bénédictins de saint-Vincent évolue quelque peu: à la fin de l'Ancien Régime

Culture Reportage Réflexion Portrait Actualités

La Toussaint peut-elle faire sens avec le projet de l'école catholique ? 2006 à Poitiers ce plan a pour ambition « de faire ... Enfin

Journal officiel de la République française

gestion location (vides ou meubles) de tous programmes immobi- liers ou hoteliers en France et à l'étranger promotion immobilière

Rapport dactivités 20191

Avis relatif au projet de plan national pour un développement durable. - Sustainable Responsible and Impact Investing Capability of Luxembourg Banks

Electric Routing Problems with Integrated Location Decisions

29 mars 2022 de la recherche (ANR) in France under the project Electric vehicle ... integer programming formulation and a hybrid algorithm that combines ...

European Commission Project Summaries

laboratories and by Network-wide workshops focussed on programme objectives. The The importance of Si for both coastal ecosystem health and the C cycle ...


"Avoiding Collisions at Sea" (ACTs) was a project funded by the European programme. "Leonardo da Vinci" and is managed by Faculty of Maritime Studies 

Provisional list of participants

12 déc. 2014 Disaster risk reduction programme officer. UNIC Lima ... Project Coordinator SIFOR. Project. KEFRI

Survey of Activities

Since its first study programme in computer science began in the history of the University of Ljubljana the project is also a significant.


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