[PDF] Corporate social responsibility in France: A mix of national traditions

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La loi NRE

Le texte du décret de l'article 116 de la loi NRE sur le reporting social et environnemental des sociétés cotées françaises. Décret n° 2002-221 du 20 février 

Aux origines de lobligation de publier des informations sociales et Aux origines de lobligation de publier des informations sociales et

13 мая 2011 г. D'un point de vue français l'article 116 de la loi NRE pourrait s'expliquer par la poursuite d'une tradition d'innovation avec notamment le ...

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présent rapport et qui seront désignés par « dispositif NRE » dans la suite du rapport : - l'article 116-I-alinéa 4 de la loi NRE (article L.225-102-1 

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L'article 116 de la loi NRE a obligé les sociétés cotées à intégrer des informations sociales et environne- mentales dans leur rapport de gestion. Au-delà de.

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15 окт. 2022 г. ... la Loi » la RSE est devenue normative (ISO ... national (de l'article 116 de la Loi NRE de 2001 à la Loi Pacte

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Economiques (NRE) du 15 mai 2001 (article 116) qui fixe l'obligation pour les sociétés l'obligation fixée par la loi NRE et introduit pour la première fois la ...


5 дек. 2010 г. cotées concernées par l'application de l'article 116 de la loi NRE et pour lesquelles on peut accéder aux rapports annuels. Nous avons ...

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Gouvernement – Bilan article 116 Loi NRE 8 juin 2004

La loi NRE

Le texte de l'article 116 de la loi "Nouvelles Régulations Economiques" sur le reporting social et environnemental des sociétés cotées françaises:.

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2 Rapport de mission remis au gouvernement : bilan critique de l'application par les entreprises de l'article 116 de la loi NRE - EpE – Orée – ORSE (avril 

Corporate social responsibility in France: A mix of national traditions

21 ????. 2013 ?. les entreprises de l'article 116 de la loi NRE Rapport de mission remis au gouvernement [Critical review of the application of Article 16 ...



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116. Article 242. Promotion of international cooperation . 116. Article 245. Marine scientific research in the territorial sea . . . 116. Article 246.

Corporate social responsibility in France: A mix of national traditions >G A/, ?H@yyde8kd3 ?iiTb,ff?HXb+B2M+2f?H@yyde8kd3 am#KBii2/ QM kR m; kyRj

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Corporate Social

André Sobczak

This articl



France is a particularly interesting case to explore for several reasons. Itis one of the world's largest

economies; however, little is known internationally marked than in some other countries ͞not least because many people think political and historical way" (Charkham, 1995, p. 119). -society nexus. i There are additional barriers to talking and writing about corporate corporate ii society nexus

Influence of Language and Problems of Translation

Ficorporate social responsibilitytends to cause confusion the notion of responsibility and the legal concept liability. Therefore, still today, the question of th character seems to be more prevalent in discussions in France than in other countries in which such of lawyers. As a result of this tradition, various insisting on the distinction between CSR and legal liability (Villette, 2003), or (Sobczak, 2003a; Supiot, 2004). A second problem with introducing the notion of CSR in F social is very different than insocial includes society, in iii sociétal to avoid the limitatisocial, and

Responsabilité . iv

social. corporate citizenship; citizenship. On the one hand, the idea developed in the Anglo vcitizenship was invoked in France corporatebecame embedded in new legislation aiming to empower workers in (see also, Ray, 2000; Supiot,

Influence of History, Culture, and Religion

Beyond the terminological hurdles are several features of French business- mistrust toward private actors to -socie The ͞goǀernment's right to influence and, where necessary, intervene quietly seem, admired" (Charkham, 1995, p. 120). The longstanding tradition of roles and responsibilities. For Stemming from the Jacobean tradition of ͞State monopoly on providing society" (Halba, 2003, p. 13, our translation), and relations, ͞goǀernment interference through formal laws in labor accepted" (Rey, French catholic culture. Instead, ͞discretion about good deeds, on the part proof of sincerity and disinterestedness" deemed appropriate

reporting of good deeds edžplains why the ͞business case for CSR" has been particularly problematic

conducted by

The Concomita

Since the mid-society nexus in France has undergone

The Ongoing Influence of the State

As compared to many other countries, and particularly to the United introducing legislation for the ͞bilan social" ΀social report΁ in

Today, t

Social and environmental reporting imposed by legislation. A first example the 1977 law on the ͞bilan social" by edžpanding the scope of reporting and viitriple bottom line developed by Anglo that the impact of the ͞bilan social" was hampered by the fact that the legislation on the ͞bilan " that l'Enǀironnement et al. [EPE, OREE, & edžpanding beyond workers' representatiǀes to include NGOs and local Philanthropic activities stimulated by legislation. The other endogenous philanthropy in France (1987, 1999, 2002); however, their the law's by the traditional sense that ͞the general interest is the the State" a territory onto which it is risky for priǀate companies to trespass Furthermore, there is ͞the mistrust shown towards companies are not traditionally theirs" oǀerall in France, ͞companies intentions are still measured and disinterestedness" (Morel, 2003, p. 29). foundation's budget foundation's projects, thereby adding to the monetary form of corporatephilanthropy a ͞philanthropy of competence," in other words, the giving of

͞philanthropy of competence." This law is

CSR by legitimizing corporate activities

Occupational Pension Schemes, 1

Employees' Financial Participation, 2001).

Beyond legislation. Another evolution in the role of the French State is et de l'EgalitĠ Professionnelle, 2004). employees' rights, the traditional heart of CSR actiǀities in France. viii general of the United Nations thanked ͞President Chirac for making France country in the Global Compact moǀement" because ͞French companies today's champions of corporate citizenship" ix Given the still prevailing role of the State in the field of CSR, the exp The Ongoing, but Different Importance of Employees

Although between the mid

ies' practices toward their inform and consult with the workers' The importance in France of social dialogue with the workers' representatiǀes

Plan for Economic and Social

, 1989), and by Accor (hotels) and IUF inInternational Trade Union Agreement, xxi conduct and contain the company's commitment to guarantee d'Epargne, a French network of regional banks close to the public sector identified the strong and the weak points of the company and defined strategies

company's performance. The approach is ǀery similar at the Caisse d'Epargne (Daǀid, 2003), with the

agency VIGEO, of which the Caisse d'Epargne is a shareholder. d'Epargne noticed that its enǀironmental impact could be improved and continue to play a major role and of they share this role with NGOs. -society nexus ͞Manifesto for the social responsibility of managers" in cooperation with loyers' association,

Centre des Jeunes Dirigeants (CJD), and with

New Dimensions to CSR in France:

One of the most important changes in the French approach to CSR certainly Social and environmental indicators. To enable stakeholders to compare indicators that aim to measure companies' report. The goǀernment's decree of February 20, 2002, contains nine environmental social indicators in the French goǀernment's ͞bilan social." Thus it is ǀery detailed and Two French employer's associations haǀe also established their own list Centre des jeunes dirigea de l'Ġconomie sociale (CJDES), an organization the social economy sector, created the ͞bilan soci," which aims to measurea company's economic performance, and its social and enǀironmental the New actors in. Yet another change in the-society nexus in xii without making the rating public. VIGEO's approach VIGEO's director from the ranks of trade unions. It shows the importance problem is deeper because in fact ͞the obsession with numbers all too often is beyond us" (Castelnau, xiii

What Can Be Learned From CSR in Fr

Endogenous and exogenous factors of change have tended to reduce the CSR and corporate citizenship, and it also contributed to mainstream and Caisse d'Epargne seem particularly interesting for companies in other xiv representatives of employers and employees, Annan, K. (2004, January 27). SecretaryGeneral's remarks at meeting with President Chirac Les droits des travailleurs [The rights of workers; Report to the president

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