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Le GVT est une notion de variation de la masse salariale à effectif

Le GVT positif correspond à l'augmentation de la rémunération individuelle d'un Le GVT négatif (ou effet de noria) mesure le tassement de la masse ...

CDG 45 - Masse salariale chargée

Pour mesurer l'incidence globale sur la masse salariale : calcul du GVT solde à savoir le GVT associé à l'effet de noria. LA PÉRIODICITÉ: annuelle.


Le GVT négatif (ou effet de noria) qui mesure le tassement de la masse salariale dû au départ d'une population dont le salaire est généralement supérieur à 

Guide pour le suivi de la masse salariale

Le GVT solde est le résultat du cumul de l'effet des entrants et des sortants (effet de noria) et du GVT positif (glissement-vieillissement-technicité). GVT 

Peut-on séparer GVH et GVT après greffe de cellules souches

cet effet GVH se traduit par une éradica- tion de la tumeur et réalise ainsi une réaction du greffon contre la tumeur ou effet GVT (graft versus tumor) [2].

Démographie du personnel et coûts salariaux: calcul du GVT dans

Jean-Yves Fournier [1] et [2] propose des formules de calcul du GVT. Il l'autre : en effet les mesures prises au cours de l'exercice prec6dent parti.

Foire aux Questions – DPGECP

En effet il y a un décalage entre plafond d'emplois et prévision de Afin de déterminer la totalité des effets du GVT négatif.

15267 - MES Masse Salar - Int

3) Exemple d'un calcul d'un GVT en glissement. 57. C - Détermination du GVT pour le personnel médical. 62. IV – L'effet “Modification de la structure des 

5 Rémunérations

7 nov. 2005 L'impact sur la masse salariale de ces mouvements d'entrées et sorties à effectifs constants est appelé effet de noria ou GVT négatif ;. Le ...

Diapositive 1

L'effet report mesure donc l'évolution de la masse salariale d'une Un GVT positif ou effet carrière. ... Un GVT négatif ou effet noria. Il traduit :.

Fabreeka Soft Support System for Ground Vibration Testing

and engineers use the data from GVT to validate flight control responses structural frequency functions and any flight anomalies For example if an airplane hits turbulence amid a flight GVT testing will help ensure that the aircraft is strong enough that it will not fail During GVT of an aircraft the modal testing

Qu’est ce que l’effet GVT - Formation WK

un effet «greffe contre tumeur» (Graft-Versus-Tumor - GVT) les cellules du donneur intera-gissant et détruisant les cellules cancéreuses du receveur (2) Grâce à cet effet GVT l’intensité des condi-tionnements a pu être réduite permettant de proposer l’allogreffe à des personnes plus âgées et présentant plus de comorbidités


«effet de la greffe contre la tumeur» (graft-ver-sus-tumor effect GvT) (1 3-6) Les allogreffes conventionnelles sont asso-ciées à une morbi-mortalité liée à la procédure élevée ce qui limite leurs indications à des patients jeunes et en bon état général Malheu-reusement l’âge médian des patients au dia-

Le greffé de cellules souches hématopoïétiques en réanimation

Effet GVT = Graft versus Tumour contribution de la greffe à éradiquer les cellules malignes Le tableau clinique • GVHD aiguë: dans les 100 jours suivant la greffe (entre 2 et 5 semaines habituellement) • GVHD chronique: apparaît plus de 100 jours après la greffe souvent mais pas systématiquement précédée d’une GVHD aiguë GVHD aiguë

Caroline Diard 27 CAS PRATIQUES GRH - Dunod

L’entreprise bénéficie du statut de JEI depuis sa création En effet les nouvelles entreprises créées depuis 2004 et avant le 31 décembre 2016 investissant dans la recherche et le développement (R&D) peuvent bénéficier d’exonérations fiscales et sociales (source : servicepublic fr) En effet chez DevLOG les dépenses de recherche

Peut-on séparer GVH et GVT après greffe de cellules souches

cet effet GVH se traduit par une éradica-tion de la tumeur et réalise ainsi une réaction du greffon contre la tumeur ou effet GVT (graft versus tumor) [2] À l opposé cette réaction de GVH peut revêtir des aspects délétères quand les cellules normales (peau foie tube digestif etc ) de l hôte deviennent elles-

Evaluation dE la thymopoïèsE : applications cliniques

et peut-être l’effet de la greffe contre la tumeur (GvT) Ceci désigne la destruction immunolo-gique des cellules tumorales du receveur par les cellules immunitaires du donneur présentes

Aircraft ground vibration testing - Siemens PLM Software

Ground vibration testing (GVT) is a major milestone in the aircraft certification process The main purpose of the test is to obtain experimental vibration data for the entire aircraft structure so you can validate and improve its structural dynamic models Among other things these models are used to predict flutter behavior and plan safety


: calcul du GVT solde à savoir le GVT associé à l’effet de noria LA PÉRIODICITÉ: annuelle > Exemple: le montant des gains indiciaires liés aux avancements et promotions peut être calculé mensuellement et pondéré sur l’année pour obtenir un montant total à ajouter à la masse salariale chargée de l’année N-1

Generic Valuation Tool (GVT) Management and Oversight

This GVT describes overarching departmental activities therefore it relates to many other internal services and operational activities (and associated GVTs) The GVTs for Cabinet Affairs and Treasury Board Submissions also contain business processes similar to those in Management and Oversight and should be used in conjunction with this GVT

Pharmacologic Inhibition of JAK1/JAK2 Signaling Reduces

GVHD while maintaining the GVT effect are needed to improve the cure rate of transplant Given the emerging role of JAK signaling in lymphoproliferative and myeloproliferative diseases and its

Searches related to effet gvt filetype:pdf

X-57 Mod II GVT X-57 Mod II Ground Vibration Test 4 • X-57 Mod II Ground Vibration Test (GVT) conducted at NASA Armstrong from Nov – Dec 2019 • Goal: Gather modal data of a near flight ready configuration to correlate and validate the Mod II aircraft beam finite element model (FEM) to the GVT results • Two boundary conditions were tested:

Quels sont les avantages du GVT?

  • Le glissement vieillesse technicité (GVT) s'avère alors un phénomène pivot pour expliquer les variations de masse salariale dans le secteur de la fonction publique. Ainsi, l'effet GVT permet de mieux évaluer les augmentations de salaire moyen qui touchent les fonctionnaires en France.

Qu'est-ce que le GVT négatif ?

  • Dû à des concours internes ou encore des promotions à l'ancienneté, cet indicateur est aussi prévisible qu'automatique. Le GVT négatif désigne l'impact négatif sur la masse salariale du remplacement de fonctionnaires en fin de carrière par de nouveaux arrivants moins bien rétribués (effet entrées/sorties). On parle dans ce cas d'effet de Noria.

Quels sont les effets de la QVT?

  • Les effets de la QVT sont ainsi déclinés selon quatre dimensions : psychologiques (motivation, satisfaction au travail…) santé (bien-être, réduction du stress, préservation de l’intégrité physique…) économiques (performance, productivité, innovation…)

Qu'est-ce que l'effet GVT ?

  • L’effet GVT qui se caractérise par la variation de la masse salariale entre deux périodes à partir du phénomène de Glissement (augmentation de salaire dû à une promotion), du Vieillissement (augmentation des salaires dû à l’ancienneté) et de la Technicité (augmentation de salaire dû à l’acquisition d’une nouvelle qualification technique)


Armstrong Flight Research Center


Virtual Conference, Feb 8-11. 2021

Submission Number: #10125

Natalie Spivey, Samson Truong & Roger Truax

Structural Dynamics Group

NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center

NASA's All-Electric X-Plane


57 Mod II Ground Vibration Test


Armstrong Flight Research Center

•Ultimate goal of the final X-57 modification is to demonstrate a 500% increase in high-speed cruise

efficiency, zero in flight carbon emissions, and 15 dB reduction in noise levels X

57 Background

X-57 Mod II Ground Vibration Test2IMAC-XXXIX


Armstrong Flight Research Center


57 Mod II Background

X-57 Mod II Ground Vibration Test3

X-57 Mod II Aircraft 2,780 lbs

•X-57 Mod II aircraft is the Mod I baseline Tecnam P2006T aircraft redesigned with two electric motors powered by traction batteries

•Mod II Modifications

•Added: Cruise Motors/Mounts (adapters, trusses), Propellers/Hubs, Cruise Motor Controllers (CMCs) Traction Batteries and Air Data Probe •Electric motors mounted onto motor adapters and truss which has the new

CMCs and then mounted onto the existing firewall

Motor Mount TrussCAD of Motor Mount

Truss, Adapter, Motor,

Hub, Props & Spinner



Air Data ProbeFwd Batteries

Traction Batteries

Aft Batteries



Armstrong Flight Research Center


57 Mod II GVT

X-57 Mod II Ground Vibration Test4

•X-57 Mod II Ground Vibration Test (GVT) conducted at NASA Armstrong from Nov. -Dec. 2019

•Goal: Gather modal data of a near flight ready configuration to correlate and validate the Mod II aircraft

beam finite element model (FEM) to the GVT results

•Two boundary conditions were tested:

Free-Free: Aircraft on soft support system to simulate free flight conditions On-Tires: Aircraft on-tires to characterize on-ground modes for future aircraft ground motor testing safety clearance and taxi tests X-57 Mod II GVT, Conducted at NASA Armstrong Fall 2019Right Electric Cruise Motor



Armstrong Flight Research Center

•Primary Objective: Capture modes that are part of the aircraft predicted flutter & whirl flutter mechanism

•Secondary Objective: Capturefuselage lateral bending & torsion modes, wing modes, and landing gear modes

•Tertiary Objective: Capture higher order wing modes and control surface modes X

57 Mod II GVT -Test Objectives

X-57 Mod II Ground Vibration Test

Primary ObjectiveReasoning

Stabilator Rotation

Fuselage 1

st Vertical Bending (F1VB)Modes predicted in pre-test FEM that were part of Classical Flutter Mechanism

Motor Assembly Vertical Bending

MotorAssembly Lateral BendingModes predicted in pre-test FEM that were part of Whirl Flutter Mechanism Aircraft Rigid Body ModesTo characterize soft support system effectiveness



Armstrong Flight Research Center


57 Mod II GVT -Test Setup Overview

X-57 Mod II Ground Vibration Test6

Nose Gear Bulkhead

Soft Support

A-Frame for Nose Gear Soft Support

Lt MLG Soft Support

Lt Wing Shaker

X-57 Mod II GVT Test Setup on Soft Supports



Armstrong Flight Research Center


57 Mod II GVT -Locking Devices

X-57 Mod II Ground Vibration Test7

Rudder & Rudder Trim Tab Gust LocksAileron Gust Locks •Locking devices are a common method used to constrain moving components during GVTs which can dominate the desired structural modes •Control surfaces were locked to constrain motion, unless that surfaces was the mode of interest

•Yoke & pedal locks used to simulate pilot contact with yoke & pedals for steady level flight & also prevent motion in

control surfaces



Armstrong Flight Research Center

•X-57 Mod II FEM is a highly modified version

of original Tecnam P2006T FEM provided by the manufacturer •Due to proprietary nature of the original FEM, Mod II pre-test FEM comparisons to GVT results are not shown in this presentation

•Aircraft primary structure, control surfaces and electric motors are modelled by elastically equivalent beams while retaining the same mode shapes and frequencies

•Wing and fuselage are rigidly connected

•Stiff beams and springs used for visualization

X-57 Mod II Ground Vibration Test8


57 Mod II GVT -Finite Element Model (FEM)

X-57 Mod II FEM



Armstrong Flight Research Center

•Free-Free: On Soft Supports

To simulate free-free boundary condition flight and to separate the aircraft rigid body modes from its elastic modes

Multiple tests were conducted on the aircraft at a variety of different shaker locations in order to excite the target


Yoke & pedals were locked for the most part, except for one test case that when the yoke was free in order to excite the Stab Rotation mode

Gust locks on the aileron and rudder, as well as the stab counterweight, were either installed or removed from time to time depending on the target mode to be excited


To verify the taxi ground modes prior to flight and cross-check with the on soft support modes for any significant


Also to obtain the baseline characterization of the motor assembly modes for safety clearance of near-term ground

motor testing before flight Yoke & pedals were locked, all gust locks were removed, and stab counterweight was off For the motor test, aileron & rudder gust locks were installed as well as the stab counterweight

•Additional last minute configuration was added during the GVT by exciting on the A-Frame lifting device

directly in order to ensure there was no coupling to the aircraft modes of interest X

57 Mod II GVT -Test Configurations

X-57 Mod II Ground Vibration Test9IMAC-XXXIX


Armstrong Flight Research Center


57 Mod II GVT -Test Matrix

X-57 Mod II Ground Vibration Test10IMAC-XXXIX


Armstrong Flight Research Center

•To create the GVT Free-Free boundary condition, the Mod II aircraft was suspended around the nose bulkhead with the 2-ton A-Frame (via a single bungee, chain hoist, & lifting strap) and at each of the main landing gears (3 bungees on each MLG suspended on bungee support beams supported by two 5 ton jacks) •MIL-C-5651B, Type II bungees (1080HD loops) produced by SBC

Industries (Huntsville, AL)

•Bungees were characterized prior to GVT 1 Hz

•Aircraft modes did not couple with soft supports •Soft support system eliminated the need for overhead crane support and a critical lift •Soft supports easy & efficient to come on/off -took crew 10 minutes •Used same bungees throughout GVT with no need to swap out any bungees X

57 Mod II GVT -Soft Supports

X-57 Mod II Ground Vibration Test11

1080HD Bungee LoopX-57 Soft Support System



Armstrong Flight Research Center

•Single bungee attached to chain

hoist hook, and top of lifting strap, using two 6.5 ton shackles •Lifting strap wrapped around aircraft nose bulkhead

•High-friction material placed in

between lifting strap and fuselage surface to guard against slippage •A-frame wheels chocked using shot bags and mechanical wheels locked to prevent castoring •Nose wheel remained on and nose gear strut unlocked

X-57 Mod II GVT -Fuselage Nose Soft Support

X-57 Mod II Ground Vibration Test12

X-57 Nose Soft Support



Armstrong Flight Research Center

X-57 Mod II GVT -Main Landing Gear Soft Support

X-57 Mod II Ground Vibration Test13

X-57 Main Landing Gear (MLG) Soft Support

•Two 5-ton Regent Model 985S

jacks were positioned on each side of the aircraft around the axle and interfaced to the MLG soft support beam •Three bungee loops were linked between the jack soft support beam to MLG axle •MLG soft support setup was duplicated on both axles



Armstrong Flight Research Center


57 Mod II GVT -GVT Equipment

X-57 Mod II Ground Vibration Test14

PCB T356A16

Triaxial Accel

•Accelerometers (all 100 mV/g)

-PCB T356A16 triaxial accels -PCB T333B32 uniaxial accels -PCB T333B uniaxial accels

•Excitation System

-Shaker: MB Dynamics Electromagnetic Modal 110, 3 qty •Data Acquisition system: Brüel & Kjaer LAN-XI -Mainframes -Daisy chained together thru network switch

•LAN-XI 11-slot Main frame, 2 qty

•LAN-XI 5-slot Main frame, 2 qty

-Modules -Capable of recording 344 channels (if needed) •LAN-XI 4-channel Input + 2-channel Output 3160

Source Module, Qty 2

•LAN-XI 12-channel 3053 Modules, 27 qty

•LAN-XI 6-channel 3060 Modules, 2 qty

•GVT Software

-BK Connect

B&K LAN-XI Main Frame

LAN-XI ModuleMB Modal 110 Shaker

PCB T333B32

Uniaxial Accel


Uniaxial Accel



Armstrong Flight Research Center


57 Mod II GVT -LAN-XI DAQ Setup

X-57 Mod II Ground Vibration Test15

LAN-XI DAQ Aft Aircraft Setup

For MLG soft support & aft aircraft accels

LAN-XI DAQ Fwd Aircraft Setup

For fwd aircraft accels & A-frame

•LAN-XI DAQ frontend setup: Four mainframes (two 11-slot & two 5-slot) capable of driving 4 shakers & recording 344 channels with network switch daisy chaining modules -Fwd aircraft setup •MF#1: two source module (3160) & nine 12-channel input module (3053)

•MF#2: eleven 12-channel input module (3053)

-Aft aircraft setup

•MF#3: five 12-channel input modules (3053)

•MF#4: three 12-channel input modules (3053)

MF #3MF #4

MF #2 MF #1

Network Switch



Armstrong Flight Research Center


57 Mod II GVT -Shaker Setup

X-57 Mod II Ground Vibration Test16

Motor Prop Hub

Right WingtipVertical Tail

Aft Fuselage

Main Landing Gear



Armstrong Flight Research Center


57 Mod II GVT -Accel Locations

X-57 Mod II Ground Vibration Test17


-127 accelerometer locations measuring 318 degrees of freedom (DOF)


-Soft support accelerometers removed -113 accelerometer locations measuring 276 DOF

X-57 Mod II GVT Accel Locations (Lt Side View)X-57 Mod II GVT Accel Locations (Front View)X-57 Mod II GVT Accel Locations (Top View)



Armstrong Flight Research CenterX-57 Mod II Ground Vibration Test X

57 Mod II GVT -Aircraft Results


•GVT results processed in BK Connect with different parameter estimation techniques for both setups: Free-

Free vs. On-Tires

•Many modes were found during the GVT that were missing in the pre-test FEM

•Asymmetries were seen between the left and right sides of the vehicle, particularly in the control surfaces, and

were seen in all of the test configurations

•GVT modes for On-Tires setup do not necessarily follow the order in the Free-Free setup, with several modes

not observed or missing •Several modes from the Free-Free setup are coupled together in the On-Tires setup case

Sym Flap Rotation

34.40HzStabilator Rotation

14.17HzSym Wing 1st Bending (SW1B)



Armstrong Flight Research CenterX-57 Mod II Ground Vibration Test X

57 Mod II GVT -Motor Results

19 •Motor results will focus on comparisons of the two main setups: Free-Free vs. On-Tires

•Stab counterweight block installed, all control surfaces locked and cockpit locks (yoke & pedals) on

•Post-processing a bit tedious as motion from the wings and control surfaces tend to dominate over any motion from the

motor assemblies

•Motor modes fell between 29 -35 Hz for both setups, with the anti-symmetric motor lateral mode being the most different

between setups

•Similar to the aircraft results, asymmetries were observed again between the left and right motor assemblies


Lateral Motor Modes


Armstrong Flight Research CenterX-57 Mod II Ground Vibration Test X

57 Mod II GVT -Rigid Body Results


•Aircraft rigid body tests were performed while the aircraft was installed on soft supports in order to identify the

approximate frequencies of the 6 different rigid body modes and to evaluate the frequency separation between the highest rigid body mode (1.06 Hz) and the first aircraft elastic mode (7.83 Hz)

•Manual excitation was provided from test engineers and shakers were not used for rigid body tests



Armstrong Flight Research CenterX-57 Mod II Ground Vibration Test •GVT assisted in understanding Mod II vehicle's modal characteristics •Pre-test FEM did not capture all modes that appeared in GVT •Asymmetries were present on both sides of the aircraft and were particularly visible in the control surfaces and motor assemblies •On-Tires GVT showed some coupling of modes that were not seen in the Free-Free GVT •Follow-on tasks include: Updating post-test Mod II FEM to match the GVT results

Performing both Mod II classical and whirl flutter analyses to verify flight envelope flutter margins

Prepping for Mod II flight testing next year


57 Mod II GVT -Summary & Path Forward



Armstrong Flight Research CenterX-57 Mod II Ground Vibration Test22

Thank You


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