[PDF] Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

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Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

d) Si l'application de la r~gle qui suit joue en faveur de l'int~ress6 et A de prix minimaux k l'importation It la date de signature du present Accord ...


12 mai 2018 juste prix — a fait un bond de ... l'Anas en coupe réglée et qu'il se ser- ... gle ou lors des premiers directs où les tout.

Folder ID: 1697562 Project ID: P005354 Dates: Fonds: ISAD

29 nov. 2017 lisation de la gestion h6teliere conduisant a c~mprimer les prix de revient•. •. La duree. moyenne de seJour des touristes au Maroc etant .


b) R~gle le commerce extdrieur et l'dchange des marchandises entre la Norvege et En ce qui concerne les voyageurs et les bagages les prix de transport

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7 mars 2022 cables seulement 4 partir d'un prix de vente de 10.000 franes. ... gle. ARRETE: Art

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7 mai 2014 À son indépendance en 1956 le Maroc a d'abord repris les principa- ... de charbonnage et de service

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

Maroc: M. Emile Giraud reprisentant. Mexique: M. Emilio Calder6n Puig


Treaty Series

Treaties and international agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations


Recueil des Traites

Traitds et accords internationaux

enregistr~s ou classds et inscrits au rdpertoire au Secrgtariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies


Treaties and international agreements registered

or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations

VOLU ..266 I -322-----



Treaties and international agreement

registered from 30 April 1957 to 13 May 1957 Page No. 3822. Australia, Belgium, Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic,

Canada, Cuba, etc.:

Final Act of the United Nations Conference of Plenipotentiaries on a Supple- mentary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery. Done at the European Office of the United Nations at Geneva, on 7 September 1956 Supplementary Convention on the Abolition of Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Institutions and Practices Similar to Slavery. Done at the European Office of the United Nations at Geneva, on 7 September 1956 ....3

No. 3823. United States of America and Australia:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to the furnishing of certain supplies and services to naval vessels. Canberra, 19 and 31 December 1956 ..... ... .. ....................... 89

No. 3824. United States of America and Brazil:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to the loan of vessels to Brazil. Washington, 12 and 16 January 1957 ........... ... 99

No. 3825. United States of America and Canada:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to the use of the Haines Cut-Off Road for maintenance of the Haines-Fairbanks pipeline. Ottawa, 16 and 17 January 1957 ..... ................ ...109

No. 3826. United States of America and France:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to certificates of air- worthiness for imported aircraft. Paris, 6 August and 14 December

1956 ..... .... ............................ ... 117

Traitis et accords internationaux enregistris

ou classis et inscrits au repertoire au Secritariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

VOLUME 266 1957 I. Nos 3822-3833



Traitds et accords internationaux

enregistrds du 30 avril 1957 au 13 mai 1957 Pages No 3822. Australie, Belgique, Ripublique socialiste soviftique de

Bielorussie, Canada, Cuba, etc.:

Acte final de la Conf6rence de pl6nipotentiaires des Nations Unies pour une convention suppl~mentaire relative a l'abolition de l'esclavage, de la traite des esclaves et des institutions et pratiques analogues A 1'esclavage. Fait h l'Office europ6en des Nations Unies, A Gen~ve, le 7 septembre 1956 Convention suppl~mentaire relative a l'abolition de l'esclavage, de la traite des esclaves et des institutions et pratiques analogues A l'esclavage. Faite A l'Office europ~en des Nations Unies, a Gen~ve, le 7 septembre

1956 ... ....... ..... ......................... 3

No 3823. Rtats-Unis d'Amirique et Australie :

Rchange de notes constituant un accord relatif a la fourniture de certains approvisionnements et services aux navires de guerre. Canberra, 19 et

31 d~cembre 1956 ..... .. ...................... .... 89

No 3824. 2tats-Unis d'Amirique et Brisil:

-change de notes constituant un accord relatif au pr~t de navires au ]Rr~sil. Washington, 12 et 16 janvier 1957 .... ................ .... 99

NO 3825. Rtats-Unis d'Amirique et Canada:

P change de notes constituant un accord relatif A l'utilisation du chemin de traverse de Haines pour l'entretien du Haines-Fairbanks pipe-line. Ottawa, 16 et 17 janvier 1957 ....... .................. 109,

No 3826. Rtats-Unis d'Amirique et France:

]echange de notes constituant un accord relatif A la d~livrance de certificats de navigabilit6 pour les a~ronefs import~s. Paris, 6 aofit et 14 d~cembre

1956 .............. ................. 117

IV United Nations -Treaty Series 1957


No. 3827. United Nations and Lebanon:

Exchange of ltters LU1ILuU1Li -vision-a, arrangemt ...h United Nations Emergency Force Leave Centre in Lebanon. Beirut,

20 and 29 April and 1 May 1957 .... ................. ....125

No. 3828. United States of America and Jordan:

Agreement relating to special economic assistance. Signed at Amman, on 17 June 1954 Amendment No. 1 to the above-mentioned Agreement. Signed at Amman, on 17 March 1956 ......... ...................... 137

No. 3829. United States of America and Brazil:

Agricultural Commodities Agreement under Title I of the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act (with Memorandum of Under- standing and exchange of notes). Signed at Washington, on 31 Decem- ber 1956 ... ... ... .......................... ... 151 No. 3830. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Poland: Treaty concerning the legal status of Soviet forces temporarily stationed in Poland. Signed at Warsaw, on 17 December 1956 .......... ....179 No. 3831. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and United Kingdom of

Great Britain and Northern Ireland:

Agreement on fisheries (with Minute to article I thereof and exchange of notes). Signed at Moscow, on 25 May 1956 ... ............ ...209 No. 3832. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Bulgaria and Romania: Agreement concerning co-operation for the saving of human lives and assistance to vessels and aircraft in distress in the Black Sea. Signed at Moscow, on 11 September 1956 ....... ................ 221 No. 3833. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Czechoslovakia: Agreement (with Supplementary Protocol and annexes) concerning the r6- gime of the Soviet-Czechoslovak frontier and the procedure for the settlement of frontier incidents. Signed at Moscow, on 30 November

1956 ......... ............................ ...243

ANNEX A. Ratifications, accessions, prorogations, etc., concerning treaties and international agreements registered with the Secretariat of the United


No. 4. Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations. Adopted by the General Assembly of the United

Nations on 13 February 1946:

Accession by Tunisia and Austria ........ .................. 363

1957 Nations Unies -Recuei des Traitds V


No 3827. Organisation des Nations Unies et Liban:

tchange de lettres constituant un accord provisoire concernant le Centre de permissionnaires de la Force d'urgence des Nations Unies au Liban. Beyrouth, 20 et 29"avril et ler mai 1957 .... .............. ...125

No 3828. 9tats-Unis d'Amrrique et Jordanie:

Accord relatif A l'octroi d'une aide 6conomique spciale. Sign6 A Amman, le 17 juin 1954 Amendement no I a 'Accord susmentionn6. Sign6 A Amman, le 17 mars

1956 ...... ... ............................ ...137

No 3829. 9tats-Unis d'Amrique et Brisil:

Accord relatif aux produits agricoles, conclu dans le cadre du titre I de la loi tendant d~velopper et favoriser le commerce agricole (avec Memorandum d'accord et 6change de notes). Sign6 Washington, le

31 d~cembre 1956 ..... .. ...................... ...151

No 3830. Union des Ripubliques socialistes soviftiques et Pologne: Trait6 relatif au statut 1gal des troupes sovi~tiques stationn~es temporaire- ment en Pologne. Sign6 A Varsovie, le 17 d6cembre 1956 ... ....... 179 No 3831. Union des Ripubliques socialistes sovi6tiques et Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord: Accord concernant la p~che (avec Protocole additionnel l'article premier de l'Accord et 6change de notes). Sign6 A Moscou, le 25 mai 1956 ...209 No 3832. Union des Ripubliques socialistes soviftiques, Bulgarie et


Accord relatif la cooperation pour le sauvetage des vies humaines et A 'assistance aux navires et a~ronefs en d~tresse dans la mer Noire. Sign6 Moscou, le 11 septembre 1956 ...... .............. 221 No 3833. Union des Ripubliques socialistes soviitiques et Tchicoslo- vaquie: Trait6 (avec Protocole additionnel et annexes) relatif au regime de la fronti~re sovi6to-tch6coslovaque et au mode de r~glement des incidents de frontire. Sign6 A Moscou, le 30 novembre 1956 .. .......... ... 243 ANNEXE A. Ratifications, adhisions, prorogations, etc., concernant des traitds et accords internationaux enregistris au Secrdtariat de l'Organisation des

Nations Unies

No 4. Convention sur les priviliges et immunit~s des Nations Unies. Approuvie par l'Assemble gin~rale des Nations Unies le

13 fivrier 1946:

Adhesion par la Tunisie et l'Autriche ..... ................ ...363

VI United Nations -Treaty Series 1957

Page No. 339. Economic Co-operation Agreement between the United States of America and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Signed at London, on 6 july 1948;: Exchange of notes constituting an understanding regarding the application of the above-mentioned Agreement to the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. London, 15 January and 28 February 1955 ... ...... 364 No. 588. Convention (No. 5) fixing the minimum age for admission of children to industrial employment, adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its first session, Washington, 28 November 1919, as modified by the Final Articles Revision Convention, 1946: Ratification by Haiti ....... ........................ ...370 No. 594. Convention (No. 11) concerning the rights of association and combination of agricultural workers, adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its third session, Geneva, 12 November 1921, as modified by the

Final Articles Revision Convention, 1946:

Ratification by Brazil ....... ....................... ...371 No. 595. Convention (No. 12) concerning workmen's compensation in agriculture, adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its third session, Geneva, 12 November 1921, as modified by the Final Articles

Revision Convention, 1946:

Ratification by Brazil ....... ....................... ...371 No. 597. Convention (No. 14) concerning the application of the weekly rest in industrial undertakings, adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its third session, Geneva, 17 November 1921, as modified by the

Final Articles Revision Convention, 1946:

Ratification by Brazil ....... ....................... ...372 No. 602. Convention (No. 19) concerning equality of treatment for national and foreign workers as regards workmen's com- pensation for accidents, adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its seventh session, Geneva, 5 June 1925, as modified by the Final Articles

Revision Convention, 1946:

Ratification by Brazil ....... ....................... ...372

1957 Nations Unies -Recuei des Traitis VII

Pages No 339. Accord de coopiration iconomique entre les P-tats-Unis d'Amirique et le Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord. Signi i Londres, le 6 juillet 1948: Rchange de notes constituant une entente au sujet de r'application de 'Accord susmentionn6 aux lies Anglo-Normandes et a l'ile de Man. Londres,

15 janvier et 28 f~vrier 1955 ....... .................. 365

NO 588. Convention (no 5) fixant l'ige minimum d'admission des en- fants aux travaux industriels, adoptee par la Conference ginirale de l'Organisation internationale du Travail Ai sa premiere session, Washington, 28 novembre 1919, telle qu'elle a &6 modifiie par la Convention portant revision des articles finals, 1946: Ratification par Haiti ....... ....................... ...370 NO 594. Convention (no 11) concernant les droits d'association et de coalition des travailleurs agricoles, adopt~e par la Conference gknirale de l'Organisation internationale du Travail i sa troisikme session, Genive, 12 novembre 1921, telle qu'elle a ktk modifiie par la Convention portant revision des articles finals, 1946: Ratification par le Br~sil ....... ...................... .. 371 No 595. Convention (no 12) concernant la r6paration des accidents du travail clans l'agriculture, adopte par la Confirence g~n(rale de 1'Organisation internationale du Travail i sa troisikme session, Genive, 12 novembre 1921, telle qu'elle a &6 modifiie par la Convention portant revision des articles finals, 1946: Ratification par le Br~sil ...... ........ .............. 371 NO 597. Convention (no 14) concernant l'application du repos hebdoma- daire dans les itablissements industriels, adopt6e par la Conference ginirale de l'Organisation internationale du Travail i sa troisiime session, Genive, 17 novembre 1921, telle qu'elle a &6 modifi~e par la Convention portant revision des articles finals, 1946: Ratification par le Brtsil ......... ...................... 372 No 602. Convention (no 19) concernant l'6galiti de traitement des travailleurs itrangers et nationaux en matiire de riparation des accidents du travail, adopt~e par la Confirence g~n(rale de l'Organisation internationale du Travail i sa septitme session, Genive, 5 juin 1925, telle qu'elle a iti modifiie par la Convention portant revision des articles finals, 1946: Ratification par le Br~sil ......... ...................... 372

VIII United Nations -Treaty Series 1957

Page No. 609. Convention (No. 26) concerning the creation of minimum wage-fixing machinery, adopted by the General Conference of the international Labour Organisation at its eleventh session, Geneva, 16 June 1928, as modified by the Final

Articles Revision Convention, 1946:

Ratification by Brazil ....... ....................... ...373 No. 612. Convention (No. 29) concerning forced or compulsory labour, adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its fourteenth session, Geneva,

28 June 1930, as modified by the Final Articles Revision

Convention, 1946:

Ratification by Brazil ....... ....................... ...373 No. 679. Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Haiti relating to an Air Force Mission to Haiti. Signed at Wash- ington, on 4 January 1949 : Exchange of notes constituting an agreement extending the above-men- tioned Agreement. Washington, 3 December 1956 and 7 January 1957 374 No. 792. Convention (No. 81) concerning labour inspection in industry and commerce. Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its thirtieth session,

Geneva, 11 July 1947:

Ratification by Belgium and Brazil ..... ................. ...378 No. 898. Convention (No. 88) concerning the organisation of the em- ployment service. Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its thirty-first session, San Francisco, 9 July 1948: Ratification by Brazil ....... ....................... ...379 No. 918. Payments Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Uruguay. Signed at London, on 15 July 1947:
Exchange of notes constituting an agreement prolonging the above-mentioned Agreement. Montevideo, 4 and 6 February 1953 .......... .380 No. 1017. Convention (No. 77) concerning medical examination for fit- ness for employment in industry of children and young persons. Adopted by the General Conference of the Inter- national Labour Organisation at its twenty-ninth session,

Montreal, 9 October 1946:

Ratification by Haiti .......... ....................... 386

1957 Nations Unies -Recuei des Traitds IX

Page No 609. Convention (no 26) concernant 1'institution de mithodes de fixation des salaires minima, adoptie par la Conference ginirale de 1'Organisation internationale du Travail i sa onziime session, Genive, 16 juin 1928, telle qu'elle a 6t( modi- fiie par la Convention portant revision des articles finals, 1946:
Ratification par le Br~sil ....... ...................... ...373 No 612. Convention (no 29) concernant le travail forci ou obligatoire, adoptee par la Conference ginirale de 1'Organisation inter- nationale du Travail i sa quatorzi~me session, Genive,

28 juin 1930, telle qu'eUe a iti modifiie par la Convention

portant revision des articles finals, 1946: Ratification par le Br~sil ......... ...................... 373 No 679. Accord entre le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amirique et le Gouvernement d'HaIti relatif i 1'envoi d'une mission mili- taire airienne en Haiti. Signi i Washington, le 4 janvier 1949: techange de notes constituant un accord prorogeant l'Accord susmentionn6. Washington, 3 dcembre 1956 et 7 janvier 1957 ............ ... 375 NO 792. Convention (no 81) concernant l'inspection du travail dans lin- dustrie et le commerce. Adoptee par la Conference ginirale de l'Organisation internationale du Travail A sa trentiime session, Genive, 11 juillet 1947: Ratification par la Belgique et le Br~sil ..... ................ ...378 NO 898. Convention (no 88) concernant l'organisation du service de l'emploi. Adoptie par la Conference ginirale de l'Organisa- tion internationale du Travail i sa trente et unikme session,

San-Francisco, le 9 juillet 1948:

Ratification par le Br~sil ....... ...................... .. 379 No 918. Accord de paiement entre le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et le Gouvernement de l'Uruguay. Sign6 i Londres, le 15 juillet 1947: Rchange de notes constituant un accord prorogeant l'Accord susmentionn6. Montevideo, 4 et 6 f~vrier 1953 ....... ................. 383 NO 1017. Convention (no 77) concernant 1'examen midical d'aptitude A l'emploi dans l'industrie des enfants et des adolescents. Adopt~e par la Conference g~nirale de l'Organisation inter- nationale du Travail i sa vingt-neuviime session, Montreal,

9 octobre 1946:

Ratification par Haiti ....... ....................... ...386

X United Nations -Treaty Series 1957

Page No. 1018. Convention (No. 78) concerning medical examination of children and young persons for fitness for employment in non-industrial occupations. Adopted by the General Con- ference of the International Labour Organisation at its twenty-ninth session, Montreal, 9 October 1946: Ratification by Haiti .......... ....................... 387 No. 1055. Mutual Defense Assistance Agreement between the United States of America and Norway. Signed at Washington, on

27 January 1950:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending Annex C to the above-mentioned Agreement. Oslo, 15 and 23 November 1955 ...388 No. 1070. Convention (No. 89) concerning night work of women em- ployed in industry (revised 1948). Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its thirty-first session, San Francisco, 9 July 1948: Ratification by Brazil ....... ....................... ...392 No. 1239. Convention (No. 90) concerning the night work of young persons employed in industry (revised 1948). Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Or- ganisation at its thirty-first session, San Francisco,

10 July 1948:

Ratification by Haiti ....... ........................ 393 No. 1341. Convention (No. 98) concerning the application of the prin- ciples of the right to organise and to bargain collectively. Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its thirty-second session, Geneva,.

1 July 1949:

Ratification by Haiti .......... ....................... 394 No. 1351. Exchange of notes constituting an agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the United States of America amending the Agreement of 21 July 1950 for the establishment in the Bahama Islands of a long-range proving ground for guided missiles. Washington, 11 and

22 July 1955:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the above-mentioned Agreement of 11 and 22 July 1955 by extending the civil aircraft services to the Turks and Caicos Islands. Washington, 6 December 1956 and 4 January 1957 .......... ........................ 396

1957 Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitds XI


No 1018. Convention (n

78) concernant 1'examen midical d'aptitude i

l'emploi aux travaux non industriels des enfants et des adolescents. Adoptie par la Conference ginirale de l'Or- ganisation internationale du Travail A sa vingt-neuviime session, Montrial, 9 octobre 1946: Ratification par Haiti .......... ....................... 387 No 1055. Accord entre les 2tats-Unis d'Amirique et la Norvige relatif a l'aide pour la defense mutuelle. Sign6 A Washington, le

27 janvier 1950:

Rchange de notes constituant un accord modifiant l'annexe C de l'Accord susmentionn6. Oslo, 15 et 23 novembre 1955 ... ........... ... 389 No 1070. Convention (no 89) concernant le travail de nuit des femmes occupies dans l'industrie (revisie en 1948). Adoptie par la Conference gin~rale de l'Organisation internationale du Travail A sa trente et uniime session, San-Francisco,

9 juillet 1948:

Ratification par le Br~sil ....... ..................... ...392 No 1239. Convention (no 90) concernant le travail de nuit des enfants dans l'industrie (revis~e en 1948). Adoptie par la Confirence gen~rale de 1'Organisation internationale du Travail i sa trente et uniime session, San-Francisco, 10 juillet 1948: Ratification par Haiti ....... ....................... ...393 No 1341. Convention (no 98) concernant l'application des principes du droit d'organisation et de ngociation collective. Adoptie par la Conference g~nirale de l'Organisation internationale du Travail A sa trente-deuxiime session, Genive, ler juillet 1949:
Ratification par Haiti ....... ....................... ...395 NO 1351. Echange de notes constituant un accord entre le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Amirique modifiant l'Accord du 21 juillet 1950 relatif i la criation aux iles Bahama d'un centre d'essai pour engins teliguidis i longue port~e. Washington, 11 et 22 juillet 1955: Achange de notes constituant un accord modifiant l'Accord susmentionn6 des 11 et 22 juillet 1955 par l'extension aux iles Turques et Caiques des services a~ronautiques civils. Washington, 6 d~cembre 1956 et 4 janvier

1957 ......... ............................ ...397

XII United Nations -Treaty Series 1957

Page No. 1361. Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Turkey for the use of funds made available in accordance with the Agreement signed in Cairo on 27 February 1946 by and between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Turkey. Signed at

Ankara, on 27 December 1949:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement modifying the above-mentioned Agreement of 27 December 1949. Ankara, 8 January 1957 ....... 404 No. 1656. Exchange of letters constituting an agreement between Belgium and the Netherlands on the provisional increase in pilotage charges on the River Scheldt. Brussels, 25

September and 9 and 14 November 1951:

Prolongation ........... .......................... 410 No. 1671. A. Convention on Road Traffic. Signed at Geneva, on 19

September 1949:

Extension of the application to the Netherlands Antilles ........... ...411 No. 1671. B. Protocol on Road Signs and Signals. Done at Geneva, on 19 September 1949: Extension of the application to the Netherlands Antilles ........... ...412 No. 1783. Agreement between the United States of America and Chile relating to the assignment of an Air Force Mission to Chile.

Signed at Washington, on 15 February 1951:

Prolongation ........ .............. ............... 413 No. 1871. Convention (No. 95) concerning the protection of wages. Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its thirty-second session, Geneva,

1 July 1949 :

Ratification by Brazil ....... ....................... ...414 No. 2181. Convention (No. 100) concerning equal remuneration for men and women workers for work of equal value. Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Or- ganisation at its thirty-fourth session, Geneva, 29 June 1951:
Ratification by Brazil .... .......................... .415

1957 Nations Unies -Recuei des Traitds XIII

Pages NO 1361. Accord entre le Gouvernement des Atats-Unis d'Amirique et le Gouvernement de la Ripublique de Turquie relatif A l'utilisation des fonds fournis en application de l'Accord conclu entre le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis d'Am~rique et le Gouvernement de la Ripublique de Turquie et signi par eux au Caire le 27 fivrier 1946. Signi it Ankara, le 27 ddcem- bre 1949: tchange de notes constituant un accord modifiant l'Accord susmentionn6 du

27 d~cembre 1949. Ankara, 8 janvier 1957 ... ............. ...405

No 1656. Rchange de lettres constituant un accord entre la Belgique et les Pays-Bas au sujet de l'augmentation provisoire des tarifs de pilotage sur l'Escaut. Bruxelles, 25 septembre et

9 et 14 novembre 1951:

Prorogation ........... ........................... 410 No 1671. A. Convention sur la circulation routiire. Signie A Genive, le 19 septembre 1949: Extension de l'application aux Antilles n~erlandaises ............ ...411 NO 1671. B. Protocole sur la signalisation routire. Fait i Genive, le

19 septembre 1949:

Extension de l'application aux Antilles n~erlandaises ............. ...412 NO 1783. Accord entre les Ptats-Unis d'Am~rique et le Chili relatif AL l'envoi d'une mission d'aviation militaire au Chili. Sign i

Washington, le 15 fivrier 1951:

Prorogation ........... ........................... 413 NO 1871. Convention (no 95) concernant la protection du salaire. Adoptie par la Conference generale de l'Organisation internationale du Travail i sa trente-deuxiime session, Genive, ler juillet 1949:
Ratification par le Br~sil ....... ...................... ...414 NO 2181. Convention (no 100) concernant l'6galit6 de r~muniration entre la main-d'ceuvre masculine et la main-d'oeuvre fi- minine pour un travail de valeur igale. Adoptie par la Confirence gin~rale de l'Organisation internationale du Travail i sa trente-quatrii~me session, Genive, 29 juin 1951: Ratification par le Br~sil ......... ...................... 415

XIV United Nations -Treaty Series 1957

Page No. 2211. Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of the Jordan relating to a program of technical co-opera- tion in Jordan. Signed at Amman, on 12 February 1952:quotesdbs_dbs1.pdfusesText_1
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