[PDF] Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

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Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

d) Si l'application de la r~gle qui suit joue en faveur de l'int~ress6 et A de prix minimaux k l'importation It la date de signature du present Accord ...


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29 nov. 2017 lisation de la gestion h6teliere conduisant a c~mprimer les prix de revient•. •. La duree. moyenne de seJour des touristes au Maroc etant .


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Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

Maroc: M. Emile Giraud reprisentant. Mexique: M. Emilio Calder6n Puig

Treaty Series

Treaties and international agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations


Recueil des Traites

Traites et accords internationaux

enregistres ou classes et inscrits au repertoire au, Secritariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

United Nations 9 Nations Unies

New York, 1967

Treaties and international agreements registered

or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations

VOLUME 565 1966 I. Nos. 8230-8235



Treaties and international agreements

registered tom 16 June 1966 to 1 July 1966 Page No. 8230.



and Greece: Exchange of letters constituting an agreement relating to the settlement of claims filed against the United Nations in the Congo by Greek nationals. New York, 20 June 1966 ...... ..........................3

No. 8231. United Nations and Italy:

Agreement regarding the arrangements for the second session of the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme. Signed at Geneva and Rome, on 23 May 1966 ..... ................ ... 11

No. 8232. Gambia:

Declaration recognizing as compulsory the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice, in conformity with Article 36, paragraph 2, of the Statute of the Court. Bathurst, 14 June 1966 .... ............... .... 21 No. 8233. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Panama: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement concerning the abolition of visas. Panama, 7 January 1966 ....... ..................... .... 25 No. 8234. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Ireland: Agreement on social security. Signed at Dublin, on 28 February 1966 ..33 No. 8235. Ireland and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Agreement establishing a Free Trade Area (with annexes and record of understandings) and the following related acts, all signed at London, on

14 December 1965:

Agreement on store animals and carcase meat;

Traites et accords internationaux enregistris

ou classe's et inscrits au repertoire au Secrtariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

VOLUME 565 1966 L Nos 8230-8235



Trailds et accords internationaux

enregistris du 16 juin 1966 au 11 juillet 1966 Pages

NO 8230.


des Nations Unies et Grkce: Rchange de lettres constituant un accord relatif au r~glement de r6clamations pr6sent6es contre l'Organisation des Nations Unies au Congo par des ressortissants grecs. New-York, 20 juin 1966 ..... ............ 3 NO 8231. Organisation des Nations Unies et Italie: Accord relatif aux dispositions concernant la deuxi~me session du Conseil d'administration du Programme des Nations Unies pour le d6veloppement. Sign ih Gen~ve et & Rome, le 23 mai 1966 ...... ............. 11

NO 8232. Gambie:

D6claration reconnaissant comme obligatoire la juridiction de la Cour inter- nationale de Justice, conform~ment au paragraphe 2 de l'Article 36 du Statut de la Cour. Bathurst, 14 juin 1966 ... ............. ... 21 NO 8233. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et Panama: tchange de notes constituant un accord relatif A la suppression de l'obligation du visa. Panama, 7 janvier 1966 ...... .................. .... 25 NO 8234. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et Irlande: Accord relatif A la s~curit6 sociale. Sign6 & Dublin, le 28 f~vrier 1966 ...33 NO 8235. Irlande et Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord: Accord instituant une zone de libre-6change (avec annexes et procs-verbal d'interpr6tation) et instruments connexes ci-apr~s, tous sign~s A Londres, le 14 d6cembre 1965: Accord sur les animaux A 1'engrais et la viande en carcasse;

IV United Nations -Treaty Series 1966

Page Agreement relating to trade in certain agricultural and fishery products; Agreement on trade in cotton textiles (with annex) ; Exchange of letters constituting an agreement regarding imports of butter from Ireland into the United Kingdom; Exchange of letters constituting an agreement regarding jute goods listed in Annex A to the Agreement establishing a Free Trade Area; Exchange of letters (with schedule) constituting an agreement regarding paragraph (5) of article VI of the Agreement establishing a Free

Trade Area;

Exchange of letters constituting an agreement regarding articles VIII and IX of the Agreement establishing a Free Trade Area Exchange of letters constituting an agreement amending Annex C of the Agreement establishing a Free Trade Area. Dublin, 6 June 1966 Exchange of letters constituting. an agreement amending the Agreement on trade in cotton textiles. Dublin, 6 June 1966 ... ............ .... 58 ANNEX A. Ratifications, accessions, prorogations, etc., concerning treaties and international agreements registered with the Secretariat o the United Nations No. 1021. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. Adopted by the General Assembly of the United

Nations on 9 December 1948:

Accession by the Netherlands ....... ..................... ... 280 No. 1296. International Convention for the permanent control of outbreak areas of the red locust. Signed at London, on 22 February 1949, and Protocol modifying the above-mentioned Convention. Signed 'at

London, on 29 October 1953:

Denunciation by Belgium .......... ....................... 282 No. 2163. International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1948. ...Signed at London, on 10 June 1948: Denunciation by Poland ......... ....................... ...283 No. 2613. Convention on the Political Rights of Women. Opened for signature at New York, on 31 March 1953: Accessions by Trinidad and Tobago and Malawi .... ........... ..284

1966 Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitds V

Pages Accord relatif au commerce de certains produits de l'agriculture et de la pche ; Accord sur le commerce des textiles de coton (avec annexe) tchange de lettres constituant un accord concernant les importations de beurre d'Irlande au Royaume-Uni; lechange de lettres constituant un accord concernant les articles en jute

6num6r6s A 1'annexe A de l'Accord instituant une zone de libre-


tchange de lettres (avec annexe) constituant un accord concernant le paragraphe 5 de l'article VI de l'Accord instituant une zone de libre-


tchange de lettres constituant un accord concernant les articles VIII et IX de l'Accord instituant une zone de libre-6change ]change de lettres constituant un avenant I l'annexe C de l'Accord instituant une zone de libre-6change. Dublin, 6 juin 1966 tchange de lettres constituant un avenant 2 l'Accord sur le commerce des textiles de coton. Dublin, 6 juin 1966 ....... ............... 59 ANNEXE A. Ratifications, adhdsions, prorogations, etc., concernant des traitds et accords internationaux enregistris au Secritariat de l'Organisation des

Nations Unies

NO 1021. Convention pour la prevention et la repression du crime de genocide. Adopt~e par I'Assemb]6e g~nfrale des Nations Unies le 9 d- cembre 1948: Adhesion des Pays-Bas .......... .................... ... 281 No 1296. Convention internationale pour le contr6le permanent des foyers d'origine du criquet nomade. Sign~e A Londres, le 22 f6vrier 1949, et Protocole modiliant la Convention susmentionnee. Sign6 A Londres, le 29 octobre 1953: Ddnonciation de la Belgique .......... ..................... 282 No 2163. Convention internationale pour ia sauvegarde de la vie humaine en mer, 1948. Sign~e h Londres, le 10 juin 1948: D~nonciation de la Pologne ........ ...................... ...283 No 2613. Convention sur les droits politiques de la femme. Ouverte A la signature A New-York, le 31 mars 1953: Adhesions de-la Trinit6 et Tobago et du Malawi ... ............. ....284

VI United Nations -Treaty Series 1966


No. 2937. Universal



Signed at Geneva, on 6 Sep-

tember 1952: Accession by Kenya ........ ......................... ....285 No. 2952. European Convention relating to the formalities required for patent applications. Signed at Paris, on 11 December 1953: Ratification by Iceland and accession by Israel .... ............. ... 286 No. 2954. Protocol to the European Convention of 11 December 1953 on the equivalence of diplomas leading to admission to universities.

Done at Strasbourg, on 3 June 1964:

Ratification by Luxembourg ........ ..................... ...287 No. 3515. General Agreement on Privileges and Immunities of the Council of Europe. Signed at Paris, on 2 September 1949, and Additional Protocol to the above-mentioned Agreement. Signed at Strasbourg, on 6 November 1952: Accession by Switzerland .... .... ...................... ... 288 Second Protocol to the above-mentioned Agreement-Provisions in respect of the members of the European Commission of Human Rights. Done at Paris, on 15 December 1956: Signature and ratification by Switzerland ..... ................ ... 288 Fourth Additional Protocol to the above-mentioned Agreement. Done at

Paris, on 16 December 1961:

Ratification by Switzerland ....... ..................... ....288 Entry into force as regards Turkey ....... .................. ...288 No. 3850. Convention on the Recovery Abroad of Maintenance. Done at

New York, on 20 June 1956:

Accession by Belgium ..... ...... ........................ 290 No. 4214. Convention on the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative

Organization. Done at Geneva, on 6 March 1948:

Signature without reservation as to acceptance by Malta .... ......... 291 No. 5022. European Agreement on the exchange of therapeutic substances of human origin. Done at Paris, on 15 December 1958: Signatures and ratifications by the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Switzerland ..... ................. ....292 Ratification by Turkey ........ ........................ ... 292

1966 Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitds VII

Pages No 2937. Convention universelle sur le droit d'auteur. Sign~e it Gen~ve, le 6 septembre 1952: Adhesion du Kenya ......... ......................... ...285 No 2952. Convention europienne relative aux formalitis prescrites pour les demandes de brevets. Sign~e i Paris, le 11 d~cembre 1953: Ratification de I'Islande et adhesion d'Israel. ..... .............. ... 286 No 2954. Protocole additionnel i la Convention europienne du 11 d~cembre

1953 relative i I'6quivalence des dipl~mes donnant accis aux

6tablissements universitaires. Fait A Strasbourg, le 3 juin 1964:

Ratification du Luxembourg ....... ..................... ....287 No 3515. Accord g6n~ral sur les privilges et immunit~s du Conseil de I'Europe.

Sign6 i Paris, le 2 septembre 1949, et

Protocole additionnel i l'Accord susmentionn. Sign6 k Strasbourg, le 6 novembre 1952: Adhesion de la Suisse ......... ........................ ... 289 Deuxikme Protocole additionnel i l'Accord susmentioan6 -Dispositions relatives aux membres de la Commission europ~enne des droits de l'homme. Fait A Paris, le 15 d6cembre 1956: Signature et ratification de la Suisse ...... .................. ...289 Quatrikme Protocole additionnel A l'Accord susmentionn6. Fait A Paris, le

16 dicembre 1961:

Ratification de la Suisse ........... ....................... 289 Entr6e en vigueur A '6gard de la Turquie .... ................ ...289 No 3850. Convention sur le recouvrement des aliments i l'6tranger. Faite i

New-York, le 20 juin 1956:

Adhesion de la Belgique ........ ....................... ... 290 No 4214. Convention relative it la crdation d'une Organisation maritime consultative intergouvernementale. Faite i Genive, le 6 mars 1948: Signature de Malte sans reserve quant A I'acceptation .. .......... ...291 No 5022. Accord europ~en relatif A l'dchange de substances thfrapeutiques d'origine humaine. Fait it Paris, le 15 d~cembre 1958: Signatures et ratifications du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et de la Suisse ....... ...................... ... 293 Ratification de la Turquie ........ ...................... ...293 viii United Nations -Treaty Series 1966 Page

No. 5146. European Convention

on extradition.

Done at Paris, on 13 Decem-

ber 1957: Signature and ratification by Ireland ...... .................. ...294 No. 5155. Exchange of notes constituting an agreement between the Govern- ment of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia regarding the import of British books and films into

Yugoslavia. Belgrade, 12 April 1960:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the above-mentioned Agreement as amended. Belgrade, 9 November 1965 .......... ... 296 No. 5375. European Agreement on the abolition of visas for refugees. Done at Strasbourg, on 20 April 1959: Signature and ratification by Italy ...... ................... ...300 No. 5471. Treaty instituting the Benelux Economic Union. Signed at

The Hague, on 3 February 1958:

Convention concluded pursuant to article 37, paragraph 2, of the above- mentioned Treaty. Signed at Brussels, on 14 January 1964 ..... .312 No. 5715. Convention concerning the exchange of official publications and Government documents between States. Adopted by the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific andquotesdbs_dbs1.pdfusesText_1
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