[PDF] SOCIETE DES NATIONS b) R~gle le commerce

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Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

d) Si l'application de la r~gle qui suit joue en faveur de l'int~ress6 et A de prix minimaux k l'importation It la date de signature du present Accord ...


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b) R~gle le commerce extdrieur et l'dchange des marchandises entre la Norvege et En ce qui concerne les voyageurs et les bagages les prix de transport

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Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

Maroc: M. Emile Giraud reprisentant. Mexique: M. Emilio Calder6n Puig


JRecueil des Traitks et des Engagements

internationaux enregistres par le Secritarial de la SocietM des Nations.


Treaty Series

Publication of Treaties and International Engagements

Registered with the Secretariat of the

League of Nations.


Necuei des Traitis

et des Engagements Internationaux enregistris par le

Secritariat de la Socidtd des Nations.

VOLUME XLVII 1926 NUMEROS 1, 2, 3 et 4


Pages No 1127.. Norvfte et Union des R6publiques sovi6tistes socialistes Trait6 de commerce et de navigation, et protocole final, sign~s 4 Moscou, le 15 d~cembre

1925 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...9

NO 1128. -Autriche et Suisse

Trait6 sur l'application de trait6s antdrieurs en matire de relations juridiques, avec pro- tocole final, signds h Berne le 25 mai 1925, et deux dchanges de notes y relatifs, Berne, le 6 m ars 1926 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 39 No 1129. -Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Br6sil, Empire britannique, etc. Convention et Statut sur le r~gime international des voies ferr6es, et protocole de signature, sign6s h Gen~ve, le 9 ddcembre 1923 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 55

No 1130. -Hongrie et Pays-Bas:

Convention de commerce, avec protocole final, signds 5, La Haye, le 9 ddcembre 1924 ...... 91

No 1131. -Danemark et Siam

Trait6 d'amiti6, de commerce et de navigation, avec protocole final et protocole concer- nant ]a juridiction applicable dans le Royaume de Siam aux sujets danois, signds h Copenhague, le ier septembre 1925, et 6change de notes y relatif. Copenhague, les ier septembre 1925 et i er mars 1926 .................. ................ 103

No 1132. -Esthonie et Pologne

Convention consulaire, avec protocole additionnel, signds h Tallinn, le ii janvier 1924 ....... 129 No 1133. -Finlande et Union des Rpubliques sovi6tistes socialistes : Convention concernant le transport direct des voyageurs et des marchandises par voie ferr6e, avec rgglement y relatif, signds h Helsing.ors, le 18 juin 1924 ............ 153


Treaty Series

Publication of Treaties and International Engagements registered with the Secretariat of the League of Nations.

VOLUME XLVII 1926 NUMBERS 1, 2, 3 and 4



No. 1127. -Norway and Union of Socialist

Soviet Republics

P Treaty of Commerce and Navigation and Final Protocol, signed at Moscow, December 15,

1925 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 9

No. 1128. -Austria and Sweden

Treaty regarding the Application of Previous Treaties Concerning Legal Relations, with Final Protocol, signed at Berne, May 25, 1925, and two Exchanges of Notes relating thereto, Berne, March 6, 1926 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 39 No. 1129. -Germany, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, British Empire, etc. Convention and Statute on the International Regime of Railways and Protocol of Signature, signed at Geneva, December 9, 1923 .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 55

No. 1130. -Hungary and the Netherlands :

Commercial Convention with Final Protocol, signed at The Hague, December 9, 1924 ... 91

No. 1131. -Denmark and Siam :

Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation, with Final Protocol and Protocol Concerning Jurisdiction Applicable to the Kingdom of Siam to Danish Subjects, signed at Copenhagen, September i, 1925, and Exchange of Notes relating thereto, Copenhagen, September I, 1925, and March I, 1926 ..................... 103

No. 1132. -Esthonia and Poland :

Consular Convention with Additional Protocol, signed at Tallinn, January II, 1924 ... 129 No. 1133. -Finland and Union of Socialist Soviet Republics : Convention with regard to the Through Carriage of Passengers and Goods by Rail with Regulations relating thereto, signed at Helsingfors, June 18, 1924 ............... 153

4 Socite' des Nations -Recuei des Traits. 1926


No 1134. -Finlande

et Union des R6publiques sovi6tistes socialistes Arrangement concernant la restitution des archives et actes appartenant aux adminis- trations et institutions publiques, et protocole, sign~s h Helsingfors, le 18 juin 1924... 241

No 1135. -Espagne et Finlande

Convention de commerce, sign~e h Madrid, le 16 juillet 1925 ................ ....... 271

No 1136. -Finlande et Suede

Convention concernant les rennes dans les r~gions-frontire, avec protocole final, sign6s h Helsingfors, le 9 mai 1925 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 283 No

1137. -Canada et Finlande :

Convention pour l'6change des mandats-poste, sign~e h Ottawa, le 28 octobre 1925, et h Helsingfors, le i8 d~cembre 1925 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 319

No 1138. -Etats-Unis d'Am6rique et Finlande :

Echange de notes comportant un arrangement concernant les droits de tonnage et autres charges, Washington, le 21 d~cembre 1925 .............................. 345

No 1139. -Etats-Unis d'Am6rlque et Finlande :

Echange de notes comportant un arrangement commercial provisoire. Washington, le

2 m ai 1925 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 351

No 1140. -Danemark et Finlande :

Echange de notes concernant 1'exemption de certaines personnes des contributions commu- nales, H lsinki (Helsingfors), les 25 septembre et i9 octobre 1925 ............ 359

No 1141. -France et Tch6coslovaquie

Convention relative h la protection et h l'assistance judiciaire, avec protocole de signature, sign6s L Paris, le 7 octobre 1922 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 365

No 1142. -Hongrie et Royaurne-Uni :

Accord modifiant l'accord du ii d6cembre 1923, concernant les versements p6riodiques que la H)ngrie doit effectuer aux termes d- ce dernier accord, sign6 h Budapest, le

17 octobre 1925 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 373

No 1143. -Portugal et Royaume-Uni :

Echange de notes confirmant le Drotocole sign6 au Cap, le 5 mars '1915, et d6finissantune portion de la ligne-fronti~re entre la colonie portugaise d'Angola et la Rhod~sie. Lisbonne, le 3 novembre 1925 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 379

No 1144. -Grande-Bretagne et Finlande

Echange de notes accordant r6ciproquement aux a6ronefs britanniques et finlandais la permission de survoler les territoires finlandais et britannique, respectivement. Hel- singfors, le 14 d~cembre 1925 ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .. .... ........ 403

1926 League of Nations -Treaty Series. 5

• Pages

No. 1134. -. Finland and Union of Socialist

Soviet Republics

P Arrangement concerning the restitution of Archives and Documents belonging to PublicAdministrations and Institutions, and Protocol, signed at Helsingfors, June 18, 1924 241

No. 1135. -Spain and Finland :

Commercial Convention, signed at Madrid, July 6, 1925 ..................... 271

No. 1136. -'Finland and Sweden:

Convention concerning Reindeer in Frontier Districts, with Final Protocol, signed at .lelsingfors, May 9, 1925 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... 283

No. 1137. -Canada and Finland :

Convention for Exchange of Money Orders, signed at Ottawa, October, 28, 1925, and at Helsingfors, December 18, 1925 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... 319

No. 1138. -United States of America and Finland

Exchange of Notes Constituting an Agreement respecting Tonnage Lues and other Charges. Washington, December 21, 1925 .............. .... ............. 345

No. 1139. -United States of America and Finland :

Exchange of Notes Constituting a Provisional Commercial Arrangement. Washington, May

2, 1925 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...


No. 1140. -Denmark and Finland

Exchange of Notes concerning the Exemption of certain Persons from Communal Taxes, Helsinki (Helsingfors), September 25 and October 19, 1925 .................. 359

No. 1141. -France and Czechoslovakia :

Convention with regard to Judicial Protection and Legal Assistance, with Protocol of Signature, signed at Paris, October 7, 1922 .... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 365

No. 1142. -Hungary and United Kingdom :

Agreement modifying the Agreement of December 11, 1923, relating to the Periodical Instalments T ayable by the Hungarian Goveriment thereunder, signed at Budapest, October 17, 1925 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 373

No. 1143. -Portugal and United Kingdom :

Exchange of Notes confirming the Protocol signed at Cape'Town. March 5, i915, defiding a Section of the Frontier Line between the Portuguese Colony of Angola and Rhodesia, Lisbon, November 3, 1925 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 379

No. 1144. -Great Britain and Finland :

Exchange of Notes respecting the Reciprocal Granting of Permission for British and Finnish Aircraft to fly over Finnish and British Territory respectively. Helsingfors, December 14, 1925 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 403

Socite' des Nations -Recuei des Trait6s. 1926


No 1145. -Italle et Royaume-Uni

Echange de notes concemant la d6portation de Somalis ressortissants britanniques, expulsds de la Somalie italienne, et d'indig6nes de la Somalie italienne ressortissants italiens, expuls~s d'Aden. Londres, les 14 d~cembre 1925 et 29 janvier 1926 ............. 409

No 1146. -Grande-Bretagne et France

Arrangement pour le transport de la ((Malle de l'Inde )) sign6 h Paris, le 3 f6vrier, et h Lon-

dres, le 15 mars 1926 .... .... ... .... .... ... .... ... .... .... ... .... ... ... 415

No 1147. -Grande-Bretagne et Irak

Traitd sign6 h Bagdad, le 13 janvier 1926 .............................. ... 419

No 1148. -Finlande et Pays-Bas

Convention concernant l'admission, les droits, devoirs et immunit~s des fonctionnaires consulaires finlandais dans les principaux. ports des Indes n6erlandaises, du Surinam et du Curagao, sign6e h La Haye le 9 mars 1925 ............................. 431

No 1149. -Norv6ge et Turquie :

Echanges de notes comportant des accords commerciaux provisoires, Angora, les i i f6vrier et ii 'aofit 1926 .................................................... 441

1926 League of Nations -Treaty Series. 7


No. 1145. -Italy and United Kingdom


of Notes respecting the Deportation of British Somali Subjects expelled from Italian Somaliland and of Italian Native Subjects expelled irom Aden. London, December 14, 1925 and January 29, 1926 .................................. 409

No. 1146. -Great Britain and France :

Agreement relative to the Conveyance of the Indian Mail, signed at Paris, February 3, and at London, March 15, 1926 ... .... ... .... ... .... ... ... ..... ... ... ... 415

No. 1147. -Great Britain and 'Iraq :

Treaty signed at Baghdad, January 13, 1926 .................................. 419

No. 1148. -Finland and the Netherlands :

Agreement concerning the Admission and the Rights, Duties and Immunities of Finnish Consular Officials in the Principals Ports of the Dutch Indies, Surinam and Curagao, signed at The Hague, March 9, 1925 ...................................... .. 431

No. 1149. -Norway and Turkey :

Exchange of Notes constituting Provisional Commercial Agreements, Angora, February ix I and August ii, 1926 .... ... .... ... ... ... ... .... ... ..... ... .... ... ... 441

No 1 127.




Traiti de commerce et de navigation

et protocole final, signes i Moscou, le i5 decembre 1925.




Treaty of Commerce and Navigation

and Final Protocol, signed at

Moscow, December 15, 1925.

10 Socide't des Nations -Recuei des Traite's. 1926



Texte offciel /ranfais communiqui par le ministre des A//aires itrangdres de Norvdge. L'enregistre- ment de ce trait! a eu lieu le 22 mars 1926. SA MAJESTI LE RoI DE NORVtGE et LE COMITP, CENTRAL EXICUTIF DE L'UNION DES RAPUBLI- QUES SOVIP-TISTES SOCIALISTES, 6tant d6sireux de contribuer au ddveloppement des rapports

6conomiques des deux pays, ont r~solu de conclure h cet effet un tiait6 de commerce: et de navi-

gation et ont nomm6 pour leurs pl6nipotentiaires, savoir:


Monsieur A. URBYE, son envoy6 extraordinaire et ministre pl6nipotentiaire h Moscou ; et LE COMITt CENTRAL EXtCUTIF DE L'UNION DES R]P UBLIQUES SOVI1ATISTES SOCIALISTES : Monsieur Maxime LITVINOFF, commissaire du Peuple adjoint aux Affaires trangres, membre du Comit6 central ex6cutif de 'Union des Rdpubliques sovi~tistes socialistes,quotesdbs_dbs1.pdfusesText_1
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