[PDF] Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

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Treaty Series Recueil des Traite-s

Pages. N O 4319. Convention internationale concernant 'emploi de la radiodiffu- sion dans I'intirit de la paix. Signie A Gen~ve le 23 septembre.

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

Page. No. 21593. Finland and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: des Etats contractants percoit au titre d'un emploi salari6 ne peuvent 8tre.

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Treaty Series Recueil des Traites

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Treaty Series

Treaties and international agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations

Recueil des Traites

Trait,6s et accords internationaux

enregistres ou classs et inscrits au repertoire au Secretariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

Copyright © United Nations 1995

All rights reserved

Manufactured in Canada

Copyright © Nations Unies 1995

Tous droits r~serv~s

hnprinm au Canada

Treaty Series

Treaties and international agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations


Recueil des Traite's

Traites et accords internationaux

enregistres ou classe's et inscrits au repertoire au Secretariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

United Nations 0 Nations Unies

New York, 1995

Treaties and international agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations

1. Nos. 21593-21601



II. Nos. 914-915



Treaties and international agreements

registered from 5 February 1983 to 22 February 1983 Page No. 21593. Finland and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Agreement on customs matters (with annexes). Signed at Moscow on

24 November 1960

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the above-men- tioned Agreement. Helsinki, 26 May 1962 Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the above-men- tioned Agreement of 24 November 1960, as amended. Helsinki,

30 November 1962

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the above-men- tioned Agreement of 24 November 1960, as amended. Helsinki,

13 December 1963

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the above-men- tioned Agreement of 24 November 1960, as amended. Helsinki,

13 December 1963

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the above-men- tioned Agreement of 24 November 1960, as amended. Helsinki,

25 July 1964

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the above-men- tioned Agreement of 24 November 1960, as amended. Helsinki,

12 October 1964

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the above-men- tioned Agreement of 24 November 1960, as amended. Helsinki,

11 January 1965

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the above-men- tioned Agreement of 24 November 1960, as amended. Helsinki,

31 December 1966

Vol. 1300

Traites et accords internationaux

enregistres ou classe's et inscrits au repertoire au Secretariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

VOLUME 1300 1983 1. Nos 21593-21601

II. No$ 914-915



Traits et accords internationaux

enregistrbs du 5 fivrier 1983 au 22 fivrier 1983 Pages N* 21593. Finlande et Union des Republiques socialistes soviftiques: Accord relatif aux questions douani6res (avec annexes). Signs i Moscou le

24 novembre 1960

Echange de notes constituant un accord modifiant l'Accord susmentionn6.

Helsinki, 26 mai 1962

tchange de notes constituant un accord modifiant l'Accord susmentionn6 du 24 novembre 1960, tel que modifi. Helsinki, 30 novembre 1962 Fchange de notes constituant un accord modifiant i'Accord susmentionne du 24 novembre 1960, tel que modifi&. Helsinki, 13 dcembre 1963 Echange de notes constituant un accord modifiant I'Accord susmentionne du 24 novembre 1960, tel que. modifi6. Helsinki, 13 dcembre 1963 Echange de notes constituant un accord modifiant l'Accord susmentionn6 du 24 novembre 1960, tel que modifi6. Helsinki, 25 juillet 1964 Echange de notes constituant un accord modifiant 'Accord susmentionn6 du 24 novembre 1960, tel que modifiE. Helsinki, 12 octobre 1964 Echange de notes constituant un accord- modifiant l'Accord susmentionne du 24 novembre 1960, tel que modifii. Helsinki, 11 janvier 1965 l~change de notes constituant un accord modifiant l'Accord susmentionne du 24 novembre 1960, tel que modifi .Helsinki, 31 decembre 1966

Vol. 1300

VI United Nations -Treaty Series * Natiom Unies -Recuil des Traitis 1983 Page Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the above-men- tioned Agreement of 24 November 1960, as amended. Helsinki.

26 January 1971

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the above-men- tioned Agreement of 24 November 1960, as amended. Helsinki,

14 September 1971

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the above-men- tioned Agreement of 24 November 1960. as amended. Helsinki.

19 September 1972

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the above-men- tioned Agreement of 24 November 1960, as amended. Helsinki,

30 December 1973

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the above-men- tioned Agreement of 24 November 1960, as amended. Helsinki,

31 January 1975 ....... ..................... 2

No. 21594. Finland and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement on the granting of multiple- entry visas to the employees of embassies and consulates and to the members of their families. Moscow, 28 September 1982 ..... .27

No. 21595. Brazil and Argentina:

Convention for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income (with protocol). Signed at Buenos Aires on 17 May 1980 ..... .............. 33 No. 21596. Afghanistan and German Democratic Republic: Treaty of friendship and co-operation. Signed at Berlin on 21 May 1982 103

No. 21597. Denmark and. Lesotho:

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement concerning a Danish grant assistance to a footbridge project in Lesotho. Copenhagen, 25 August and 30 September 1982 ...... ................ 121. No. 21598. Wrld Health Organization (Pan American Health Organi- zation) and Suriname: Emergency technical co-operation Agreement in case of a major natural disaster. Signed at Washington on 1 December 1982, and at Paramaribo on 3 January 1983 ....... .................. 129 No. 21599. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Norway: Agreement concerning the avoidance of double taxation of income and property. Signed at Moscow on 15 February 1980 ......... ...141

Vol. 1300

1963 United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitis VtI

Pages ,change de notes constituant un accord modifiant l'Accord susmentionne du 24 novembre 1960, tel que modifiE. Helsinki. 26 janvier 1971 Echange de notes constituant un accord modifiant I'Accord susmentionn6 du 24 novembre 1960, tel que modifi6. Helsinki. 14 septembre 1971 -change de notes constituant un accord modifiant l'Accord susmentionn6 du 24 novembre 1960, tel que modifi6. Helsinki, 19 septembre 1972 Echange de notes constituant un accord modifiant ['Accord susmentionne du 24 novembre 1960, tel que modifi .Helsinki, 30 d6cembre 1973 Echange de notes constituant un accord modifiant I'Accord susmentionn6 du 24 novembre 1960, tel que modifi6. Helsinki, 31 janvier 1975 3 N 0

21594. Finlande et Union des Republiques socialistes soviftiques:

,Echange de notes constituant un accord relatif i la d6livrance de visas d'entr6es multiples aux employ6s des ambassades et des consulats et aux membres de leur famille. Moscou, 28 septembre 1982 ........ .27 N 0

21595. Brtsil et Argentine:

Convention tendant i 6viter la double imposition et i pr6venir l'6vasion fiscale en mati6re d'imp6ts sur le revenu (avec protocole). Sign& i Buenos Aires le 17 mai 1980 .... .............. .. 33 N 0

21596. Afghanistan et Republique democratique allemande:

Traiti d'amiti6 et de cooperation. Sign6 i Berlin le 21 mai 1982 ....103 N 0

21597. Danemark et Lesotho:

Etchange de notes constituant un accord relatif i un don danois ayant pour objet d'appuyer un projet de construction de passerelles au Lesotho. Copenhague, 25 aofit et 30 septembre 1982 .. ......... .121 N 0

21598. Organisation mondiale de la sante (Organisation panam6ri-

caine de la santi) et Suriname: Accord de coop6ration technique de secours en cas de grave catastrophe naturelle. Signi ;i Washington le I' d6cembre 1982, et i Paramaribo le

3 janvier 1983 ....... ................... 129

N* 21599. Union des Republiques socialistes soviitiques et Norvege: Convention tendant ;i 6viter la double imposition sur les revenus et le patrimoine. Signe a Moscou le 15 f6vrier 1980 .. ........ .. 141

Vol. 1300

VIII United Nations -Treaty Seies a Nation Unies -Reeueil des Traitis 1983 Page No. 21600. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Nicaragua: Consular Convention (with protocol). Signed at Moscow on 19 March 1980 185 No. 21601. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and Sao Tome and


Consular Convention (with protocol). Signed at Sao Tome on 28 February

1981 ......... ....................... 239


Treaties and international agreements

filed and recorded from 1 January 1983 to 22 February 1983

No. 914. Switzerland and Liechtenstein:

Convention concerning old-age and survivors' insurance (with protocol and administrative arrangement of 6 April 1955). Signed at Berne on

10 December 1954 ....... .................. 299

Termination of the above-mentioned Convention (Note by the Secretariat) 336

No. 915. Switzerland and Liechtenstein:

Convention concerning old-age, survivors' and invalidity insurance (with final protocol). Signed at Vaduz on 3 September 1965 ........ .337 ANNEX A. Ratifications, accessions, prorogations, etc., concerning treaties and international agreements registered with the Secre- tariat of the United Nations No. 970. Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field. Signed at

Geneva on 12 August 1949:

No. 971. Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of Wounded, Sick, and Shipwrecked Members of the Armed Forces at Sea. Signed at Geneva on 12 August 1949: No. 972. Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of

War. Signed at Geneva on 12 August 1949:

No. 973. Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Per- sons in Time of War. Signed at Geneva on 12 Angust 1949: Accessions by Vanuatu ........ .................. ..366 No. 4789. Agreement concerning the adoption of uniform conditions of approval and reciprocal recognition of approval for motor vehicle equipment and parts. Done at Geneva on 20 March 1958:

Vol. 1300

1963 United Nations -Treaty Series e Natlion Unies -Recueil des Traiti IX

Pages NO 21600. Union des Ripubliques socialistes sovi6tiques et Nicaragua: Convention consulaire (avec protocole). Sign6e d Moscou ',e 19 mars 1980 185 NO 21601. Union des Republiques socialistes soviwtiques et Sao Tom- et-Principe: Convention consulaire (avec protocole). Sign& i Sao Tom6 le 28 f~vrier

1981 ......... ....................... 239


Traits et accords internationaux

classes et inscrits au repertoire du I" janvier 1983 au 22 fivrier 1983

NO 914. Suisse et Liechtenstein:

Convention en mati6re d'assurance vieillesse et survivants (avec protocole et arrangement administratifdu 6 avril 1955). Sign~e i Berne le 10 decem- bre 1954 ......... ..................... 299 Abrogation de la Convention susmentionne (Note du Secritariat) .336 N 0

915. Suisse et Liechtenstein:

Convention en matilre d'assurance vieillesse, survivants et invalidit6 (avec protocole final). Signe fi Vaduz le 3 septembre 1965 ........ .337 ANNEXE A. Ratifications, adhesions, prorogations, etc., concernant des traitis et accords internationaux enregistris au Secritariat de

I'Organisation des Nations Unies

N 0

970. Convention de Geneve pour I'amelioration du sort des blessis et

des malades dans les forces armees en campagne. Signie i Geneve le 12 aofit 1949: N 0

971. Convention de Geneve pour l'amrilioration du sort des blesses,

des malades et des naufrages des forces armes sur mer.

Signee i Geneve le 12 aofit 1949:

N 0

972. Convention de Geneve relative au traitement des prisonniers de

guerre. Signee i Geneve le 12 aofit 1949: N 0

973. Convention de Geneve relative it la protection des personnes

civiles en temps de guerre. Signee i Geneve le 12 aofit 1949. Adhesions de Vanuatu ....... .................. 366 NO 4789. Accord concernant radoption de conditions uniformes d'homo- logation et la reconnaissance rciproque de I'homologation des equipements et piees de vehicules i moteur. Fait A

Genive le 20 mars 1958:

Vol. 1300

X United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Receuil des Traitis 1983 Page Entry into force of amendments to Regulation No. 31 annexed to the above-mentioned Agreement ..... ............. ..368 Application by Switzerland of Regulations Nos. 40 and 47 annexed to the above-mentioned Agreement ..... .............. 369 No. 7310. Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. Done at Vienna on 18 April 1961: Objection by Australia to the reservations made by Bahrain, Kuwait, the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and Saudi Arabia upon accession, in respect of the treatment of the. diplomatic pouch ... .......... .372 No. 7525. Convention on Consent to Marriage, Minimum Age for Mar- riage and Registration of Marriages. Opened for signature at New York on 10 December 1962: Accession by Mexico ....... ................... ...373 No. 14861.International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid. Adopted by the General Assem- bly of the United Nations on 30 November 1973:

A~ession by Zambia ........ ...................

No. 15034. International Coffee Agreement, 1976. Concluded at London on 3 December 1975: Accession by Ghana to the above-mentioned Agreement, as extended by the International Coffee Council in Resolution No. 318 of 25 September

1981 .......... ........................

No. 15121.Agreement on the international carriage of perishable food- stuffs and on the -special equipment to be used for such carriage (ATP). Concluded at Geneva on 1 September 1970:
Entry into force of amendments to annex 1 to the above-mentioned

Agreement ....................

No. 16041. Agreement establishing the International Fund for Agricul- tural Development. Concluded at Rome on 13 June 1976:

Accession by Suriname ........ ..................

No. 17512.Protocol additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August

1949, and relating to the protection of victims of interna-

tional armed conflicts (Protocol I). Adopted at Geneva on

8 June 1977:

Accessions by Saint Lucia and Cuba .............

Vol. 1300

1963 United Nations -Treaty Series e Naflo Unies -Reenil des Traitis Xl

P0ag Entree en vigueur d'amendements au Riglement n' 31 annex6 i l'Accord susmentionn6 ........ .................... 370 Application par la Suisse des R~glements nS 40 et 47 annexes fi l'Accord susmentionn6.. ...... .................... 371 N' 7310. Convention de Vienne sur les relations diplomatiques. Faite a Vienne le 18 avril 1961: Objection de 'Australie aux reserves formules par 'Arabie saoudite, Bahrein, la Jamahiriya arabe iibyenne et le Koweit lors de I'adhsion, en ce qui concerne la valise diplomatique ... .......... .372 N 0

7525. Convention sur le consentement au mariage, i'age minimum du

mariage et I'enregistrement des mariages. Ouverte a la signature a New York le 10 decembre 1962: Adh6sion du Mexique ....... .................. 373 N' 14861. Convention internationale sur i'61imination et la r6pression du crime d'apartheid. Adoptee par I'Assemblke g6nerale des

Nations Unies le 30 novembre 1973:

Adhesion de la Zambie ................... 374

N' 15034. Accord international de 1976 sur le caf6. Conclu i Lamdres le

3 d6cembre 1975:

Adhksion du Ghana i I'Accord susmentionn6, tel que prorog6 par le Con- seil international du caf6 dans sa resolution n' 318 du 25 septembre

1981 ......... ....................... ..375

N* 15121. Accord relatif aux transports internationaux de denrees peris- sables et aux engins speciaux a utiliser pour ces transports (ATP). Conclu a Geneve le 1 septembre 1970: Entr6e en vigueur d'amendements i 'annexe I de l'Accord susmentionne 376 N 0

16041. Accord portant creation du Fonds international de diveloppe-

ment agricole. Conclu. Rome le 13 juin 1976:

Adhesion du Suriname .................... 388


17512. Protocole additionnel aux Conventions de Geunve du 12 aoft

1949 relatif i Ia protection des victimes des conflits armes

internationaux (Protocole I). Adopt6 i Genkve le 8 juin 1977:
Adhesions de Sainte-Lucie et de Cuba .... ............. ...389

Vol. 1300

XII United Nations -Treaty Series o Nations Unies -Recueii des Traites 1963 No. 17513.Protocol additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August

1949, and relating to the protection of victims of non-

international armed conflicts (Protocol ii). Adopted at

Geneva on 8 June 1977:

Accession by Saint Lucia ....... .................. No. 18961. International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974.

Concluded at London on 1 November 1974:

Rectification of the English, French, Russian and Spanish authentic texts No. 20669.Protocol to the Agreement on the importation of educational, scientific and cultural materials of 22 November 1950.

Concluded at Nairobi on 26 November 1976:

Ratification by Denmark ....... .................

No. 21139.Sixth International Tin Agreement. Concluded at Geneva on

26 June 1981:

Rectification of the authentic French text ..... ............. No. 21418.Memorandum of Understanding between the United Nations and the Government of the Argentine Republic concerning the arrangements regarding the Fifth Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77. Signed at Geneva on 3 December 1982: Memorandum of Understanding on financial arrangements relating to the above-mentioned Memorandum of Understanding. Signed at Buenos

Aires on 17 February 1983 .... ............... .

Vol. 1300

1963 United Nations -Treaty Series e Natios Unies -Recuedi des Traitks XI

Pages NO 17513. Protocole additionnel aux Conventions de Genive du 12 aoft

1949 relatif ii la protection des victimes des conflits arnis

non internationaux (Protocole 11). Adopte a Geneve le

8 juin 1977:

Adhesion de Sainte-Lucie ..... ... .............. 390 N 0

18961. Convention internationale de 1974 pour la sauvegarde de la vie

humaine en mer. Conclue i Londres le 1' novembre 1974: Rectification des textes authentiques anglais, frangais, russe et espagnol 402 N 0

20669. Protocole a 'Accord pour 'importation d'objets de caractere

6ducatif, scientifique et culturel du 22 novembre 1950.

Conclu a Nairobi le 26 novembre 1976:

Ratification du Danemark ...... ................. ...412 N 0

21139. Sixieme Accord international sur i'ktain. Conclu a Geneve le

26 juin 1981:

Rectification du texte authentique franqais ......... ....... 413 N 0

21418. Memorandum d'accord entre I'Organisation des Nations

Unies et le Gouvernement de la Republique argentine relatif aux dispositions i prendre en vue de la Cinquikme Reunion Ministfrielle du Grnupe des 77. Signe i Geneve le 3 de- cembre 1982: Mnorandum d'accord sur les arrangements financiers relatifs au M6mo- randumn d'accord susmentionn6. Signi i Buenos Aires le 17 f6vrier 1983 414

Vol. 1300


Under Article 102 of the Charier of the United Nations every Ireaty and every international agree-

ment entered into by any Member of the United Nations after the coming into force of the Charier shall,

as soon as possible, be registered with the Secretariat and published by it. Furthermore, no party to a

treaty or international agreement subject to registration which has not been registered may invoke that

treaty or agreement before any organ of the United Nations. The General Assembly, by resolution 97(l).

established regulations to give effcct to Article 102 of the Charter (see text of the regulations, vol. 859,

p. VIII). The terms "treaty" and "international agreement" have not been defined either in the Charter or in

the regulations, and the Secretariat follows the principle that it acts in accordance with the position of the

Member State submitting an instrument for registration that so far as that party is concerned the instru-

ment is a treaty or an international agreement within the meaning of Article 102. Registration of an in-

strument submitted by a Member State, therefore, does not imply a judgement by the Secretariat on the

nature of the instrument, the status of a party or any similar question. It is lie understanding of the

Secretariat that its action does not confer on the instrument the status of a treaty or an international

agreement if it does not already have that status and does not confer on a party a status which it would

not otherwise have.

Unless otherwise indicated, the translations of tire original texts off treaties, etc., published in this

Series have been made by tire Secretariat (if tire United Nations.


Aux termes de rArticle 102 de la Charte des Nations Unies. tout irait6 ou accord international conclu

par un Membre des Nations Unies apr~s I'entrL en vigueur de la Charte sera, Ic plus t6i possible,

enregistri au Secretariat el publii par lui. De plus, aucune partie A un trait, ou accord international qui

aursit dQ Etre enregistr6 mais ne I'a pas 61e ne pourra invoquer ledit trai ou accord devant un organe des

Nations Unies. Par sa rksolution 97 (t), IAssemble g6n rale a adoptc tn rtglenict destin6 A mettre en

application I'Article 102 de la Charte (voir lexte du r~glement. vol. 859, p. IX). Le terme -traitt,,et lexpression ,accord international' ,'omt d-linis rii dans la Charte ni dans le

r.glcment, et Ic Secretariat a pris comme principe de s'en icnir A la position adopite A cet 6gard par I'Etat

Membre qui a prcsen l'instrument A I'enregistrerncnt, a savoir que pour aulant qu'il s'agit de cet Etat

come partie coniracante l'insruimnt cosltitu un trait6 ou in accord interniational au sens de 'Arlicle

102. 1I s'ensuil que I'enrcgistreinent d'un instrument prcsnl par un Flat Mcnibre nnimplique, de la part

du Sccrtlariat, aucun juge n stir la nature de l'insrunent, Ic staitt d'une partic ou toute autre question

similairc. Le Secrktariat considbrc donmc qte les actes qu'il pourrait etre amnicC A accomplir tie conf rent

pas A un instrument la qualite de -irait ,, ou d'-accord international,, si ct instrument iia pas dej& cette

qualitM, et qu'ils ne confrrnt pas A urc partic un snatut que. par aillcurs, clie ne poss~derait pas.

Sauf indication conlraire, Ic, traduclionis des tetes-; originaux des trait6, ctc., publis dans cc Re'ueil

ont t etablicsl par Ic Secrttariat de I'()rgaiation des; Namioirs ititics. I

Treaties and international agreements

registered from 5 February 1983 to 22 February 1983

Nos. 21593 to 21601

Traites et accords internationaux

enregistris du 5 flyrier 1983 au 22 flyrier 1983 N

21593 Ai 21601

Vol. 1300

No. 21593




Agreement on customs matters (with annexes). Signed at

Moscow on 24 November 1960

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the above-mentioned Agreement. Helsinki, 26 May 1962
Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the above-mentioned Agreement of 24 November

1960, as amended. Helsinki, 30 November 1962

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the above-mentioned Agreement of 24 November

1960, as amended. Helsinki, 13 December 1963

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the above-mentioned Agreement of 24 November

1960, as amended. Helsinki, 13 December 1963

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the above-mentioned Agreement of 24 November

1960, as amended. Helsinki, 25 July 1964

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the above-mentioned Agreement of 24 November

1960, as amended. Helsinki, 12 October 1964

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amendingquotesdbs_dbs44.pdfusesText_44
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