[PDF] Trigonometry Using this method limits us

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Supplementary Trigonometry Exercise Problems

Find the value of the indicated trigonometric function of the angle ? in the figure. 18) A pendulum swings though an angle of 30° each second.


lesson contains several examples and exercises to demonstrate this type of procedure. which suggest the second Pythagorean identity tan2 t + 1 = sec2 t.

OER Math 1060 – Trigonometry

Angles and Their Measure. 1.1 Exercises. In Exercises 1 – 4 convert the angles into the DMS system. Round each of your answers to the nearest second.


Using this method limits us to finding trig function values for angles that are accessible on the unit circle plus who wants to memorize it!!! Second Way: If 

College Trigonometry

Jul 4 2013 nearest second. 1. 63.75?. 2. 200.325?. 3. ?317.06?. 4. 179.999?. In Exercises 5 - 8


Since trigonometric functions have no restrictions there is no inverse. • With that in mind

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  • Comment comprendre la Trigo ?

    Dessine un cercle trigo complet en 3 étapes simples :
    N'oublie pas de mettre les valeurs x=1 et y=1 Trace les demi-droites correspondantes aux 3 angles. Pour ?/4, c'est la moitié de l'angle droit, facile. Ensuite ?/6 c'est un tiers de l'angle droit, donc c'est l'angle plus petit que ?/4.
  • Comment résoudre des équations trigonométriques ?

    Il y a plusieurs choses à faire lorsqu'on résout une équation trigonométrique :

    1Utiliser les définitions des rapports trigonométriques (sinus et cosinus).2Poser les restrictions, si nécessaire.3Déduire la ou les solutions en lien avec le cercle trigonométrique. 4Donner la solution générale gr? à la période.
  • Quelles sont les formules de trigonométrie ?

    Formules fondamentales :

    sin² x + cos² x = 1.tg x . cotg x = 1.tg x = sin x / cos x.cotg x = cos x / sin x.1 + tg² x = 1 / cos² x.1 + cotg² x = 1 / sin² x.sec x = 1/cos x.cosec x = 1/sin x.
  • On définit le cosinus comme étant le rapport entre le côté adjacent à l'angle par rapport à l'hypoténuse. Le sinus est le rapport entre le côté opposé à l'angle par rapport à l'hypoténuse.
Trigonometry 1


An Overview of

Important Topics



Trigonometry - An Overview of Important Topics ....................................................................................... 4

UNDERSTAND HOW ANGLES ARE MEASURED ............................................................................................. 6

Degrees ..................................................................................................................................................... 7

Radians ...................................................................................................................................................... 7

Unit Circle .................................................................................................................................................. 9

Practice Problems ............................................................................................................................... 10

Solutions.............................................................................................................................................. 11

TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS .................................................................................................................... 12

Definitions of trig ratios and functions ................................................................................................... 12

Khan Academy video 2 ........................................................................................................................ 14

Find the value of trig functions given an angle measure ........................................................................ 15

Find a missing side length given an angle measure ................................................................................ 19

Khan Academy video 3 ........................................................................................................................ 19

Find an angle measure using trig functions ............................................................................................ 20

Practice Problems ............................................................................................................................... 21

Solutions.............................................................................................................................................. 24

USING DEFINITIONS AND FUNDAMENTAL IDENTITIES OF TRIG FUNCTIONS ............................................. 26

Fundamental Identities ........................................................................................................................... 26

Khan Academy video 4 ........................................................................................................................ 28

Sum and Difference Formulas ................................................................................................................. 29

Khan Academy video 5 ........................................................................................................................ 31

Double and Half Angle Formulas ............................................................................................................ 32

Khan Academy video 6 ........................................................................................................................ 34

Product to Sum Formulas ....................................................................................................................... 35

Sum to Product Formulas ....................................................................................................................... 36

Law of Sines and Cosines ........................................................................................................................ 37

Practice Problems ............................................................................................................................... 39

Solutions.............................................................................................................................................. 42

UNDERSTAND KEY FEATURES OF GRAPHS OF TRIG FUNCTIONS ................................................................ 43


Key features of the sine and cosine function.......................................................................................... 46

Khan Academy video 7 ........................................................................................................................ 51

Key features of the tangent function ...................................................................................................... 53

Khan Academy video 8 ........................................................................................................................ 56

Graphing Trigonometric Functions using Technology ............................................................................ 57

Practice Problems ............................................................................................................................... 60

Solutions.............................................................................................................................................. 62

Rev. 05.06.2016-4


Trigonometry Ȃ An Overview of Important Topics

So I hear you're going to take a Calculus course? Good idea to brush up on your


Trigonometry is a branch of mathematics that focuses on relationships between the sides and angles of triangles. The word trigonometry comes from the Latin derivative of Greek words for triangle (trigonon) and measure (metron). Trigonometry (Trig) is an intricate piece of other branches of mathematics such as, Geometry, Algebra, and Calculus. In this tutorial we will go over the following topics.

Understand how angles are measured

o Degrees o Radians o Unit circle o Practice

ƒ Solutions

Use trig functions to find information about right triangles o Definition of trig ratios and functions o Find the value of trig functions given an angle measure o Find a missing side length given an angle measure o Find an angle measure using trig functions o Practice

ƒ Solutions

Use definitions and fundamental Identities of trig functions o Fundamental Identities o Sum and Difference Formulas o Double and Half Angle Formulas o Product to Sum Formulas o Sum to Product Formulas o Law of Sines and Cosines o Practice

ƒ Solutions

5 Understand key features of graphs of trig functions o Graph of the sine function o Graph of the cosine function o Key features of the sine and cosine function o Graph of the tangent function o Key features of the tangent function o Practice

ƒ Solutions

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Since Trigonometry focuses on relationships of sides and angles of a triangle, let's Angles are formed by an initial side and a terminal side. An initial side is said to be in standard position when it's ǀertedž is located at the origin and the ray goes along the positive x axis. An angle is measured by the amount of rotation from the initial side to the terminal side. A positive angle is made by a rotation in the counterclockwise direction and a negative angle is made by a rotation in the clockwise direction.

Angles can be measured two ways:

1. Degrees

2. Radians



A circle is comprised of 360°, which is called one revolution Degrees are used primarily to describe the size of an angle. The real mathematician is the radian, since most computations are done in radians.


1 reǀolution measured in radians is 2ʋ, where ʋ is the constant approdžimately


How can we convert between the two you ask?

Easy, since 360Σ с 2ʋ radians (1 revolution)

Then, 180Σ с ʋ radians

So that means that 1° = గ

ଵ଼଴ radians 8

And ଵ଼଴

గ degrees = 1 radian

Example 1

Convert 60° into radians

60 ڄ

ଵ଼଴ = 60 ڄ ଷ radian

Example 2

Convert (-45°) into radians

-45 ڄ ସ radian

Example 3

Convert ଷగ

Example 4

Convert െ଻గ

ଷ radian into degrees Before we move on to the next section, let's take a look at the Unit Circle. 9

Unit Circle

The Unit Circle is a circle that is centered at the origin and always has a radius of

1. The unit circle will be helpful to us later when we define the trigonometric

ratios. You may remember from Algebra 2 that the equation of the Unit Circle is Need more help? Click below for a Khan Academy video

Khan Academy video 1


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Definitions of trig ratios and functions

In Trigonometry there are six trigonometric ratios that relate the angle measures of a right triangle to the length of its sides. (Remember a right triangle contains a

90° angle)

A right triangle can be formed from an initial side x and a terminal side r, where r is the radius and hypotenuse of the right triangle. (see figure below) The used to label a non-right angle. The six trigonometric functions can be used to find the ratio of the side lengths. The six functions are sine (sin), cosine (cos), tangent (tan), cosecant (csc), secant (sec), and cotangent (cot). Below you will see the ratios formed by these functions. sin ߠ

௥ , also referred to as ௢௣௣௢௦௜௧௘ ௦௜ௗ௘

cos ߠ

௥ , also referred to as ௔ௗ௝௔௖௘௡௧ ௦௜ௗ௘

tan ߠ

௫ , also referred to as ௢௣௣௢௦௜௧௘ ௦௜ௗ௘

These three functions have 3 reciprocal functions

csc ߠ ௬ , which is the reciprocal of sin ߠ 13 sec ߠ ௫ ,which is the reciprocal of ...‘•ߠ cot ߠ ௬ , which is the reciprocal of -ƒߠ You may recall a little something called SOH-CAH-TOA to help your remember the functions! Example: Find the values of the trigonometric ratios of angle ߠ Before we can find the values of the six trig ratios, we need to find the length of

Pythagorean Theorem)

Now we can find the values of the six trig functions sin ɽ с ௢௣௣௢௦௜௧௘ ଵଷ csc ɽ с ௛௬௣௧௢௘௡௨௦௘ cos ɽ с ௔ௗ௝௔௖௘௡௧ ଵଷ sec ɽ с ௛௬௣௢௧௘௡௨௦௘ tan ɽ с ௢௣௣௢௦௜௧௘ ହ cot ɽ с ௔ௗ௝௔௖௘௡௧ 14

Example 5

a) Use the triangle below to find the six trig ratios

Example 6

Use the triangle below to find the six trig ratios Need more help? Click below for a Khan Academy Video

Khan Academy video 2

First use Pythagorean Theorem to find the hypotenuse a² + b² = c², where a and b are legs of the right triangle and c is the hypotenuse 15 Find the value of trig functions given an angle measure

Suppose you know the value of ߠ

the six trigonometric functions? First way: You can familiarize yourself with the unit circle we talked about. An ordered pair along the unit circle (x, y) can also be known as (cos ߠ, sin ߠ since the r value on the unit circle is always 1. So to find the trig function values With that information we can easily find the values of the reciprocal functions We can also find the tangent and cotangent function values using the quotient identities 16 tan 45° = ୱ୧୬ସହι = 1 cot 45° = 1

Example 7

Find •‡...ቀగ

Example 8

Find -ƒቀగ

Example 9

Using this method limits us to finding trig function values for angles that are accessible on the unit circle, plus who wants to memorize it!!! Second Way: If you are given a problem that has an angle measure of 45°, 30°, or

60°, you are in luck! These angle measures belong to special triangles.

If you remember these special triangles you can easily find the ratios for all the trig functions. Below are the two special right triangles and their side length ratios 17 How do we use these special right triangles to find the trig ratios? If the ɽ you are giǀen has one of these angle measures it's easy͊

Example 10 Example 11 Example 12

Third way: This is not only the easiest way, but also this way you can find trig values for angle measures that are less common. You can use your TI Graphing calculator. First make sure your TI Graphing calculator is set to degrees by pressing mode 18

Next choose which trig function you need

After you choose which function you need type in your angle measure

Example 13 Example 14 Example 15


Find a missing side length given an angle measure

Suppose you are given an angle measure and a side length, can you find the remaining side lengths? Yes. You can use the trig functions to formulate an equation to find missing side lengths of a right triangle.

Example 16

Let's see another edžample,

Example 17

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First we know that •‹ߠ

௛ǡ therefore •‹͵-ൌ௫

Next we solve for x, ͷڄ

Use your TI calculator to compute ͷڄ

We are given information about the opposite and adjacent sides of the triangle, so we will use tan 20

Find an angle measure using trig functions

Wait a minute, what happens if you have the trig ratio, but you are asked to find the angles measure? Grab your TI Graphing calculator and notice that above the trigonometric functions, also known as arcsine, arccosine, and arctangent. If you use these buttons in conjunction with your trig ratio, you will get the angle measure for ߠ

Let's see some edžamples of this.

Example 18

How about another

Example 19

We know that -ƒߠ

So to find the ǀalue of ɽ, press 2nd tan on your calculator and then type in (8/6) We are given information about the adjacent side and the hypotenuse, so we will use the cosine function 21

Practice Problems




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Fundamental Identities

Reciprocal Identities

sin ߠ = 1/(csc ߠ) csc ߠ = 1/(sin ߠ cos ߠ = 1/(sec ߠ) sec ߠ = 1/(cos ߠ tan ߠ = 1/(cot ߠ) cot ߠ = 1/(tan ߠ

Quotient Identities

tan ߠ = (sin ߠ)/(cos ߠ) cot ߠ = (cos ߠ)/(sin ߠ

Pythagorean Identities

sin²ߠ + cos²ߠ

1+ tan²ߠ = sec²ߠ

1+ cot²ߠ = csc²ߠ

Negative Angle Identities

Complementary Angle Theorem

If two acute angles add up to be 90°, they are considered complimentary.

The following are considered cofunctions:

sine and cosine tangent and cotangent secant and cosecant The complementary angle theorem says that cofunctions of complimentary angles are equal. 27
How can we use these identities to find exact values of trigonometric functions?

Follow these examples to find out! Examples 21-26

21) Find the exact value of the expression

Solution: Since •‹(ߠ൅...‘•(ߠ

22) Find the exact value of the expression

Solution: Since ቀୱ୧୬ସହι

23) -ƒ͵ͷιڄ...‘•͵ͷιڄ

Solution: ୱ୧୬ଷହι

24) -ƒ--ιെ...‘-͸ͺι

Solution: -ƒ--ιൌ...‘-͸ͺιǡ-Š‡"‡ˆ‘"‡ ...‘-͸ͺιെ...‘-͸ͺιൌ-

25) ...‘-ߠ

ଷ , find ...•...ߠ, where ߠ Solution: Pick an identity that relates cotangent to cosecant, like the Pythagorean identity 1 + cot² ߠ = csc² ߠ

1 + ସ

ଽ = csc² ߠ ଽൌ csc² ߠ ଽൌ csc ߠ The positive square root is chosen because csc is positive in quadrant II 28

26) Prove the following identity is true

...‘-ڄߠ•‹ߠή...‘•ߠൌ cos² ߠ ଵൌ cos² ߠ Need more help? Click below for a Khan Academy video

Khan Academy video 4


Sum and Difference Formulas

In this section we will use formulas that involve the sum or difference of two angles, call the sum and difference formulas.

Sum and difference formulas for sines and cosines

How do we use these formulas?

Example 27 Find the exact value of ...‘•ͳ-ͷι Well we can break 105° into 60° and 45° since those values are relatively easy to find the cosine of.

Using the unit circle we obtain,

Example 28 Find the exact value of •‹ͳͷι 30

Sum and difference formulas for tangent

Example 29 Find the exact value of -ƒ͹ͷι ଷିξଷ (rationalize the denominator)

Example 30 Find -ƒቀ଻గ

Cofunction Identities

Example 31

Find ...‘•͵-ι

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Double and Half Angle Formulas

Below you will learn formulas that allow you to use the relationship between the six trig functions for a particular angle and find the trig values of an angle that is either half or double the original angle.

Double Angle Formulas

...‘•-ߠൌ cos²ߠെ sin²ߠ =-cos²ߠെͳൌͳെ-sin²ߠ

Half Angle Formulas

Lets see these formulas in action!

Example 32 Use the double angle formula to find the exact value of each expression 33

Example 33

First we need to find what the ...‘•ߠ is. We know that -ƒߠ adjacent leg, so we need to find the hypotenuse since cos is adjacent over hypotenuse. Now we know the ...‘•ߠ ଵଷ. Now use the double angle formula to find ...‘•-ߠ

We take the positive answer since ߠ

negative over a negative.

Now lets try using the half angle formula

Example 34

Choose the positive root

Example 35

First we use the Pythagorean Theorem to find the third side 34
Since sin is positive in the third quadrant we take the positive answer Need more help? Click below for a Khan Academy video

Khan Academy video 6


Product to Sum Formulas

Example 36 Use the product-to-sum formula to change •‹͹ͷι•‹ͳͷι to a sum


Sum to Product Formulas

Example 37 Use the sum-to-product formula to change •‹͹-ιെ•‹͵-ι into a

product 37

Law of Sines and Cosines

These laws help us to find missing information when dealing with oblique triangles (triangles that are not right triangles)

Law of Sines

You can use the Law of Sines when the problem is referring to two sets of angles and their opposite sides. Example 38 Find the length of AB. Round your answer to the nearest tenth.

Law of Cosines

You can use the Law of Cosines when the problem is referring to all three sides and only one angle. Since we are given information about an angle, the side opposite of that angle, another angle, and missing the side opposite of that angle, we can apply the Law of Sines. Multiply both sides by the common denominator in order to eliminate the fractions. We do this so that we can solve for the unknown. This gives us, 38
Example 39 Find the length of AB. Round to the nearest tenth. Since all three sides of the triangle are referred to and information about one angle is given, we can use the Law of Cosines. Since AB is opposite of

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UNDERSTAND KEY FEATURES OF GRAPHS OF TRIG FUNCTIONS In this section you will get a brief introduction to the graphs of the three main trig functions, sine, cosine, and tangent. This section will not go over how to actually graph these functions, but will go over how to identify key features of the graphs of each function. The graphs of sine and cosine are considered periodic functions, which basically means their values repeat in regular intervals known as periods.

A periodic function is a function f such that

We talked about the fact that one reǀolution of the unit circle is 2ʋ radians, which means that the circumference of the unit circle is 2ʋ. Therefore, the sine and cosine function haǀe a period of 2ʋ. 44
If you notice, the range of the sine function is [-1, 1] and the domain isquotesdbs_dbs29.pdfusesText_35
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