[PDF] Business Planning for Co-oPeratives - BCCM

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Etude de faisabilité –Projet de création dune poissonnerie Tous

Il s'agit d'un business plan précisant la faisabilité et la rentabilité de Prenons par exemple que la poissonnerie les ecluses vend en moyenne 600 carton de ...


- poissonnerie autres établissements spécialisés dans le poisson On utilisera par exemple ce couteau pneumatique

FAM - Etude POISSONNERIE - CP final 111219

Prospective et Plan d'action. L'avenir de la poissonnerie en France. Proteis +. ETUDES et CONSEILS. MARKET RESEARCH and CONSULTANCY. Montreuil-sous-Bois 19 

Guide PPA 2013.indd

Ainsi dans l'optique d'une aquaculture professionnelle

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Ensuite des pâtes accompagnées de ses diverses sauces par exemple Spaghetti à la carbonara. Business Plan

Etude de faisabilité –Projet de création dune poissonnerie Tous

Services et Produits offert par la poissonnerie les Ecluses. Le Marché Il s'agit d'un business plan précisant la faisabilité et la rentabilité de.

FAM - Etude POISSONNERIE - CP final 111219

Quel environnement à moyen terme ? ? Un portrait de la poissonnerie à 5 – 10 ans. ? Un projet pour le secteur : les prémices d'un plan d'action 

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AIDE SUR L'UTILISATION DE CE MODELE : ? Sur la page couverture indiquez le nom de votre entreprise

Etude de la poissonnerie de détail en France Etat des lieux et

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Marketing of fresh fish appears to be a profitable business primarily to s'approvisionnent auprès des poissonneries modernes où se vendent des.


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4 juil. 2017 faire vivre la poissonnerie par exemple en organisant des évènements ... veulent pas se fédérer car le business leur monte à la tête ».

Business plan

15 oct. 2014 Un nouveau modèle pour les processus de l'AFSCA. 29. 3.4. Plan du personnel ... était nécessaire de rédiger un nouveau business plan.

Etude de faisabilité –Projet de création d’une poissonnerie

Ce présent document est élaboré en vue de rechercher le financementnécessaire a la réalisation du projet de création d’une poissonnerie Il s’agit d’un business plan précisant la faisabilité et la rentabilité deprojet qui reste gage du financement sollicité

2 Prospective et Plan d’action

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Example of a business plan - WIPO

This plan is prepared to obtain a location for the initial launch of this concept Additional financing will need to be secured for the two subsequent outlets (Umoja and Karen) anticipated in month 13 and early in year three The financing in addition to the capital contributions from shareholders

2 Prospective et Plan d’action

Objectif 1: connaissance de la situation actuelle de la poissonnerie => phases 1 et 2 Objectif 2: réaliser un exercice prospectif en identifiant les facteurs qui vont influencer le devenir de la poissonnerie et définir les scénarios d’évolution probable de ce secteur => phase 3 Objectif 3: en réponse aux menaces et opportunités

CHECKLIST - How to Write a Business Plan

Remember a business plan outlines the complete operating framework of your business by detailing who you are why you’re in business what you do how you do it where you operate how you will generate profits who your customers are and why your business is important

Business Planning for Co-oPeratives - BCCM

2 Business Planning for Co-operatives Business Planning for Co-oPeratives All co-operatives regardless of their size or type need a business plan A business plan helps clarify the activities for the co-operative and identifies the logistics resources and finances needed for it to be successful

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Démarrer avec un business plan bien structuré? Pourquoi pas

un business plan ce document vous aidera à présenter votre entreprise ou vos projets de façon simple et rapide En général il est nécessaire d’établir un business plan lors de la création d’une entreprise Il existe encore de nombreuses autres possibili-tés d’utiliser un business plan par exemple pour

Searches related to exemple business plan poissonnerie filetype:pdf

Un business plan Pour les convaincre un business plan (un plan d'affaires) préparé dans les normes requises; est une étape indispensable L'objectif de cet article est de vous communiquer tout ce que vous devez savoir pour rédiger le dossier capable d'attirer des investisseurs

Quel projet pour le secteur de la Poissonnerie?

  • Un projet pour le secteur de la poissonnerie de détail Différents niveaux d’action Trois objectifsstratégiques Quinze pistes d’améliorationàpotentiel testéauprès des consommateurs Neuf Facteurs Clés de Succèsinternes àmaîtriser par chaque entreprise

Quel est le marché de la Poissonnerie?

  • Un marchétrès dominant pour la poissonnerie : les produits de la mer frais représentent pour la poissonnerie 88% des ventes aux ménages => La poissonnerie n’a pas saisi la diversification du traiteur

Quels sont les domaines d’action stratégiques pour le secteur de la Poissonnerie de détail?

  • Six domaines d’action stratégiquespour le secteur de la poissonnerie de détail dans son ensemble Des initiatives interprofessionnelles Une boîte àoutils«Profession Poissonnier» Un environnement d’acteursexistant ou àfaire émerger

Quels sont les acteurs de la Poissonnerie?

  • Organisation Professionnelle de la Poissonnerie FRANCE FILIERE PECHE Criées, mareyage Associations locales Commerce de Bouche Chambre des Métiers Organismes de Formation Organismes sociaux Pouvoirs publics CT, Élus locaux





Business Planning for Co-operatives2




All co-operatives, regardless of their size or type need a business plan. A business plan helps clarify the activities for the co-operative and identi?es the logistics, resources and ?nances needed for it to be successful. All co-operatives should be able to prepare forecast ?nancial statements that identify how the co-operative will fund its ?rst year of operation. This information establishes what the co-operative's capital and ?nance needs will be. The rules for a co-operative must set out the minimum share capital required for membership or the amount of an annual subscription. For distributing co-operatives, the business plan is an essential component of your disclosure statement. The founding members, sometimes referred to as 'promoters', must prepare a constitution (rules) and, if necessary, a disclosure statement that clearly show what the co-operative's primary activities are, how they will be carried out and what ?nancial or other commitment is required from members. This guide will take you through the range of questions to consider as part of your business plan. At the end of the guide, there are sample forecast pro?t & loss, and cash ?ow statements. Forecast ?nancial statement are mandatory for distributing co-operatives, and may be required for non-distributing co-operatives as part of the formation process under

Australian law.

Business Planning for Co-operatives is not intended as legal or ?nancial advice. The promoters of a new co-operative should seek

such advice from specialists to ensure that the information that you provide is accurate or based on reasonable assumptions.

Any forecasts regarding ?nancial or other material matters need to be carefully assessed. Providing either misleading or deceptive

information and omitting to include material information may lead to liability for loss su?ered by persons who rely on the


Business Planning for Co-operatives3





As you work your way through this guide, use the suggested structure set out below, so that you can add information into your draft Business Plan. 1.

Introduction to the Co-operative:

1.1 Purpose and objectives

1.2 Member value proposition


Operating Context:

2.2 Operating environment

2.3 Key opportunities and challenges


Resources and Strategy:

3.1 Operations (products / services)

3.2 Business establishment, Due diligence and Compliance

3.3 Financial resources (Income)

3.4 Human resources

3.5 Asset requirements and Logistics

3.6 Marketing strategy

3.7 Member engagement strategy

3.8 Risk management strategy


Forecast Financial Statements:

4.1 Pro?t and loss statement

4.2 Cash ?ow statement

Business Planning for Co-operatives4


Introduction to the co-operative

In this section, you should 'set the scene' for the co-operative by explaining the ways in which the co-op will create, protect and return value to its members. 1.1

Purpose and objectives

The purpose and objectives explain what the co-op intends to do for its members. This section should describe the longer-term goal or vision of the co-op, and the shorter-term goals that will help the co-op to achieve its vision. To prepare a purpose statement and objectives, consider the following: It is unlikely that the purpose will be achieved in the rst year of operation so take the time to realistically identify what should be in place after 12 months.

It may be modest. Setting up

governance and internal processes as well as any business registration may be enough, what can be achieved will depend on available nance and resources. 1.2

Member value proposition

The member value proposition is essentially a sales pitch to potential members. It is usually a short statement or list that clearly explains what bene?ts a member can expect by joining the co-op. The member value proposition should be reviewed over time and will be central to all the co-operative's business planning and communications. To prepare a member value proposition, consider the following: member only discounts, dividend payments, access to member only services or information, savings or cost benets to each member"s operations, access to a community of knowledge

Business Planning for Co-operatives5


Operating context

Whether you are forming a local community based co-op or a potentially large enterprise co-operative looking to export markets, knowing your community and market context is very important. 2.1

Operating environment


Key opportunities and challenges

To prepare an overview of your co-op's key opportunities and challenges, consider the following:

Business Planning for Co-operatives6

3. Resources and strategy

This section should contain detailed information about your co-operative's ?rst year of operations - what it will do, how it will do it and what resources it will use to do it. In addition to this, this section should consider how your co-op will communicate with members, market its services to attract new members, and manage risks. The information that you develop in this section will then be used to prepare forecast ?nancial statements. A sample forecast pro?t and loss statement is provided at the end of this guide, to demonstrate the relationship between business planning, and ?nancial planning. 3.1

Operations (products / services)

wholesale cost of product purchase. accounting software, computers and internet, IT support. 3.2 Business establishment, Due diligence & Compliance As promoters of a new co-operative, it is important that new members can trust that your research and calculations about income and costs has been done carefully. If your information about how the co-operative will operate and your forecast ?nancial information has been prepared with assistance or independent advice, it is both important and valuable to let new and potential members know. To ensure transparency, it is important to be clear about the costs associated with starting up the business consultants. If you have written consent from that professional, you may choose to include this advice as part of the Business Plan. registration costs, legal fees, room hire or travel costs for holding meetings.

Business Planning for Co-operatives7

consulting fees. 3.3

Financial resources (Income)

This section addresses the co-op's forecast income for its ?rst year of operations. You will probably need to come back to this section a few times, as you begin to develop a clearer picture of the co-op's forecast expenditure for its ?rst year of operations. Co-operatives are no dierent from many start-up businesses. Money for operations must come from members themselves, the sale of products or services or from borrowings. Distributing co-ops and some non-distributing co-ops have the capacity to raise capital by issuing shares to members. A non-distributing co-operative without share capital must rely on member subscriptions, grants or income from trading activities. year of operations, consider the following: 3.4

Human resources

operations grow, consider the following:

Business Planning for Co-operatives8

superannuation, workers" compensation insurances, mediation and counselling services. 3.5

Asset requirements & logistics


Marketing strategy

Because the creation, protection and return of value to members is at the heart of all co-operatives, a co-op's marketing strategy is closely linked with its member engagement strategy (see below). Depending on the speci?c context and needs of your co-op, you may choose to keep these two strategies separate. Alternatively, you may choose to combine these two strategies. To prepare a marketing strategy, consider the following: 3.7

Member engagement strategy

Without eective member engagement, a co-op will not attract members.

Without members, there is no co-operative.

To prepare a member engagement strategy, consider the following:

Business Planning for Co-operatives9


Risk management strategy

To prepare a risk management strategy, promoters should identify the key risks to the co- operative achieving its objectives, across a range of categories. Possible categories of risk might include: ?nancial, legal, health and safety, membership, governance, political and environmental. Managing those risks will involve costs. Sometimes this will be through insurance or it may be through other practical activities, such as employing someone to monitor the risk. For each risk that the promoters identify, consider the following: 4.

Forecast ?nancial statements

based on the information you have gathered in the previous sections of this guide.


statement to sections in the guide to help you include the possible range of components for each item.

Please note - these are basic samples only. More detailed ?nancial statements will likely also include additional notes or

breakdowns of income and expenses. Each co-op will be di?erent. The information that you provide to members about ?nancial

forecasts must be accurate or based on reasonable assumptions. If you are unsure about any aspects of the ?nancial statements

you should consult a professional person for assistance. Providing inaccurate or unsupported information without quali?cation

may be misleading and may lead to liability for promoters for loss su?ered by persons who rely on the information.

Business Planning for Co-operatives10


Membership application fees

1 1 000 A nnual subscriptions 2

10 000

S ales to members 3

100 000

20 000

Funding grants


24 000

Loan 20 000



Purchase of wholesale products25 000

Product development10 000

Market research1 000

IT & computers 500


Financial audit

5 5 000

Subtotal42 500

Business establishment, due diligence &

compliance costs (see section 3.2)

Registration fees400

Formation meeting 100

Legal fees for business establishment3 000

2 000

Legal Fees

6 1 000

Accounting fees 500

L icensing1 500

Subtotal9 000

Financial resources (see section 3.3)

Loan repayments1 000

Bank fees & interest25


Human resources (see section 3.4)

D irectors" Meetings1 000

50 000

S uperannuation4 000 500
2 500

Subtotal58 000

Assets & logistics (see section 3.5)

Motor vehicle 15 000

2 000

Information technology2 000

2 000

10 000

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