[PDF] Is English the key to access the wonders of the modern world? A

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Importance of English Language in todays World

Importance of English Language in today's World. M.Samanth Reddy Lecturer in English

The Importance of English

write and read and not supervising extra- curricular activities. Then we must vitalize our literature courses. Literature covers every aspect of life and is a 


And in this modern world many languages are also used by many people. Those languages used by many people is known as the English language. In a recent study 


The significance of English plays an important role in our everyday life. The utility of English keep on changes in modern world. The language widely used in 


This article presents examples of the importance of English in the modern world and its importance in teaching and how it affects other fields. Keywords 


In today's world of globalization English language is the main tool of communication and exchanging information. Education. At the time of British ruling it 

Importance of English Language in todays World

Importance of English Language in today's World. M.Samanth Reddy. Lecturer in English

Importance of English Language in Todays World Author

All the information regarding each and everything contains English Language. There is another factor that make Eng- lish very important in this world is it is 

The Growing Importance of English for Accountants

٠٤‏/٠٦‏/٢٠١٩ Every year we are increasingly convinced of the growing importance of English in the modern world. It is the major means of communication ...

Importance of English Language in todays World

Importance of English Language in today's World. M.Samanth Reddy Lecturer in English

Importance of English Language in Todays World Author

All the information regarding each and everything contains English Language. There is another factor that make Eng- lish very important in this world is it is 


Annotation. This article presents examples of the importance of English in the modern world and its importance in teaching and how it affects other fields.

104 The Role of English in the Modern World and the Relevance of

The importance of English in the modern world now is quite great. Not long ago it was a foreign language for us but today it is an international language.

Giving Gifts Around the World - Banked Gap Fill - Worksheet

www.english-grammar.at In today's modern world gifts are an important and often ... worse. It is important to know when people expect gifts so become ...

Is English the key to access the wonders of the modern world? A

The spread of English in the world today is not only modern world as science technology

Importance of English and Different Methods of Teaching English

Today's world considers English as a global language. The present article explains how the teaching of English started with Grammar-Translation Method and 

Redalyc.Is English the key to access the wonders of the modern

Is English the key to access the wonders of the modern world? A Critical Discourse Analysis of the policy why teaching English is important

The Role of English in the Modern World and the Value of English

The place of. English in the modern world. The importance of the English language today is enormous. It has been a foreign language for.

The Impact of Multilingualism on Global Education and Language

An understanding of English and multilingualism is especially important in an conclusion that it has some of the best modern urban schools in the world.


Key words: Access, imagined communities, symbolic

capital, linguistic capital, cda. Search Tags: Critical discourse analysis. English lan- guage. Intellectual capital.

Submission date:

February 27

th , 2010

Acceptance date:

March 1


, 21010Palabras claves: acceso, comunidades imaginadas, capital simbólico, capital lingüístico, cda

Descriptores: Análisis del discurso crítico. Inglés.

Capital intelectual.



de 2010


Marzo 1 de

2010Is English the key to access the wonders of the modern world?

A Critical Discourse Analysis

The spread of English in the world today is not only the result of colonizing campaigns (Canagarajah,

1999, 2005; Pennycook, 1994a, 1998a, 2000; Phil-

lipson, 1992, 2000) but also of the compliance of the governments associated with the “expanding circle" (Kachru, 1986). Colombia is a good example of this phenomenon, because its national government is implementing a National Bilingualism Project (pnb) where there is an explicit interest in the pro- motion of English over all other languages spoken in the country. This article is a critical discourse analysis of the handbook that sets the standards for competences in English. The analysis of data follows Fairclough's textual analysis and shows that the authors of the handbook perpetuate mainstream concepts about the symbolic power of English as the one and only necessary tool for academic and economic success.¿Es el inglés la clave para acceder a las maravillas del mundo moderno?

Un análisis crítico del discurso

La difusión del inglés en el mundo de hoy es el resultado no solo de las campañas de colonización (Canagarajah,

1999, 2005; Pennycook, 1994a, 1998a, 2000; Phillipson,

1992, 2000) sino también del cumplimiento de la tarea

de los gobiernos involucrados en el “círculo de expan- sión" (Kachru, 1986). Colombia es un buen ejemplo de este fenómeno puesto que el gobierno nacional está desarrollando un Proyecto Nacional de Bilingüismo (pnb) cuyo interés explícito es la promoción del inglés por encima de todas las demás lenguas que se hablan en el país. El presente artículo es un análisis crítico del dis- curso expuesto en el documento en el que se establecen los estándares de competencia en lengua inglesa. Para el análisis de los datos se siguió el modelo de análisis textual de Fairclough; el ejercicio muestra que los autores del documento perpetúan conceptos dominantes sobre el poder simbólico del inglés como herramienta única y necesaria para el éxito académico y económico.

Origen del artículo

Este artículo es parte de un trabajo investigativo más amplio que desarrolló la autora usando la metodología propuesta

por Norman Fairclough para un Análisis Crítico del Discurso del documento Estándares Básicos de Lenguas Extranjeras:

Inlgés. El reto, publicado por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional en el 2006, como parte del Plan Nacional de Bilin-

guismo. El resultado completo del análisis está publicado en la Universidad de Arizona como disertación doctoral; el

título es National Standards for the Teaching of English in Colombia: A Critical Discourse Analysis. Esta investigación surge

de la necesidad de contribuir a la discusión iniciada por un gran número de académicos colombianos que cuestionan

algunos puntos del Plan Nacional de Bilinguismo del Ministerio de Educación Nacional. 295

Carmen Helena Guerrero*

* Carmen Helena Guerrero Nieto. Colombiana. Doctora en enseñanza y adquisición de la segunda lengua y Magister

en Enseñanza y adquisición de la segunda lengua de la Universidad de Arizona, Tucson, Estados Unidos. Es también

Magister en lingüística aplicada a la enseñanza del inglés de la Universidad Distrital, Bogotá, Colombia. Actualmente es

profesora asociada de la Universidad Distrital adscrita a la Facultad de Ciencias y Educación, particularmente al progra

ma Maestría en Comunicación Educación. Es profesora invitada de varias universidades colombianas en programas de

maestría. Ha publicado varios artículos en revistas indexadas colombianas. Sus intereses investigativos están en el área

de Análisis crítico del discurso, pedagogía crítica, formación de maestros y políticas educativas. Tambien es par evaluador

del Journal of Educational Administration and Policy Studies.

Correo electrónico:


1 Estándares básicos de competencias en lenguas extranjeras: Inglés. Formar en lenguas extranjeras, el reto. Free transla-

tion by the author.


O ne of the prevalent discourses in the spread of English is that it gives unlimited access to the wonders of the modern world as science, technology, money, power, international communication, intercultural understanding, entertainment, and so on and so forth (Crystal, 2000; Nunan,

2001). This is only one side of the coin, because

not everybody enjoys these benefits of speaking English and not everybody has access to acquire it.

Nevertheless, the discourses that present English

as bringing only benefits has been distributed and continues circulating thanks to those who hold power (Foucault,


This article intends to challenge those

discourses by a presenting a Critical Discourse

Analysis (cda) of the document Basic standards

for competences in foreign languages: English.

Teach in foreign languages: the challenge

1 herein "Estándares" a publication made by the Minis- Is English the key to access the wonders of the modern world?

A Critical Discourse Analysis

try of Education (men) within its Plan Nacional de Bilinguismo (pnb) (National Bilingualism

Project). The addressees of this document are

school teachers, from elementary school to high school; and it describes some theoretical aspects of the policy, why teaching English is important, what the standards to be attained are, and how to do it.

The Ministry of Education through its

"Estándares," as an official institution that holds power, contributes to the construction of English as a key to access unlimited benefits, all of which can be eventually converted into eco- nomic profits (Bourdieu, 1986). Access to eco- nomic power is then an overarching framework in which the other forms of access feed into:

Access to an imagined community of English

speakers, access to equity in the distribution of social goods, and access to knowledge. In what follows, I will discuss each one of these forms of access and illustrate them with textual examples from the handbook. Carmen Helena Guerrero | Is English the key to access the wonders of the modern world?

Signo y Pensamiento

· Documentos de Investigación | pp 294-313 · volumen XXIX · julio - diciembre 2010 296
Carmen Helena Guerrero | Is English the key to access the wonders of the modern world?


The analysis of data was illuminated by cda,

speciflcally the methodology of textual analysis proposed by Fairclough (1995, 2001, and 2003).

This approach aims at bridging a gap between

discourse analysis inspired by social theory on the one hand, and pure linguistic analysis on the other. Fairclough (2003) draws from Systemic

Functional Linguistics (sfl) proposed by Halliday

(1974; 1994) but introduces a more explicit social element and proposes three functions of language: identity, relational and ideational. To unpack how these functions are enacted in discourse,

Fairclough (2001) designed a methodology that

consists of three stages: Description, interpreta- tion, and explanation. Description deals with the linguistic analysis divided in three broad catego- ries (vocabulary, grammar and text structures) accompanied by questions that aim at flnding flne-grained explanations of how the language choices presented in the text resemble or contest particular ideology/ies. For the present study, in this flrst stage I examined the language, after an intensive reading of the document, I selected pieces of the text to conduct a flne grained analysis of the choices made by the authors of the "Estándares".

The second stage presented by Fairclough is

interpretation, and it has to do with an analysis of the text in its relationship with other texts, other discourses, and the background in which it is produced and will be interpreted. This stage of the analysis brings together the formal features of the text and combines it with the analyst's own set of beliefs, assumptions, experiences and background to unveil the meaning of the texts. It is in this stage of the analysis where I used other texts produced within the frame of the National Bilingualism

Plan to inform and strengthen my interpretation

of data. Explanation is the third stage proposed by

Fairclough, and it is concerned with the analysis

of the relationship between texts and the social context to explain how a text can reproduce or contest social structures, especially with regard to struggles over power. For this study, this third stage was informed by offlcial documents about economic, social, cultural and political issues that were taken place at the moment of the publication of the "Estándares". These three levels of analysis complement each other and allow the researcher to unpack ideologies that are not apparent to the consumers of these texts.

The primary data source is the handbook

aforementioned Basic standards for competences in foreign languages: English. Teach in foreign lan- guages: the challenge 2 . This document is intended as a guideline for teachers of English in elementary and secondary schools of the public sector (from flrst grade to eleventh), and it is available both in print and online in the Ministry of Education web site: www.mineducacion.gov.co.

Given the high interpretative nature of

cda, intertextualy becomes a very useful way of strengthen the analysis of data; for this reason, a great number of printed texts were used as secondary data sources. It is important to say that all texts are of public access; among them there are open letters, power point pre- sentations posted on line by the Ministry of

Education, nationally recognized newspaper

articles, widely used efl/esl textbooks, decrees produced by Bogota City Hall, and other docu- ments published by reliable sources.


This article is part of a larger study in which

aspects such as the concept of bilingualism and the images of efl Colombian teachers presented in the "Estándares" were explored. Here, only one part of the study will be presented and it has to do with the portrayal of English as the language that gives access to the wonders of the modern world. While this might be true for some, it is also a distant and unreachable goal 2. Estándares básicos de competencias en lenguas ex- tranjeras: Inglés. Formar en lenguas extranjeras, el reto.

Free translation by the author.

Carmen Helena Guerrero | Is English the key to access the wonders of the modern world?Carmen Helena Guerrero | Is English the key to access the wonders of the modern world?

for many. What the analysis of data shows is that English is presented as given automatic and unlimited access to economic profits, which in turns grants access to an imagined community, to equality, and to knowledge.


to economic profits

Being bilingual is essential in the globali-

zed world (Estandares, p. 5) 3

This quote, which opens the body of the

"Estándares," leaves many questions unanswered: for whom?, what for?, why? In the circulating dis- course about why it is important to speak English, the economic benefits it brings along prevails to the point of equating not to being able to speak

English with being illiterate in the global world

(Vélez-Rendón, 2003). The economic interest of the institutions, agencies, and nations that provide the service of spreading English over the world is hidden, though. English is a multimillion dollar business for the inner circle countries (Cana- garajah, 1999; Pennycook, 1998), but that fact is never made evident in the campaigns to spread

English around the world, rather the discourses

on the importance of the spread of English arequotesdbs_dbs1.pdfusesText_1
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