[PDF] Gift Messages G1 Weve lived together quite a while with all our pots

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City life Steve Reich – 1995

L'accélération du « pile driver » contribue à augmenter la tension. It's been a honeymoon-. Can't take it no mo' (C). Vif. “ 

City Life (1995)

C - tempo vif - « It's been a honeymoon » C'était une lune de miel. B' - tempo lent - « Heartbeats »


III « It's been a honeymoon – Can't take no more » 5'01. - IV « Heartbeats / Boats and Buoys » 3'54. III / Miles DAVIS (1926-1991). All Blues.

Gift Messages G1 Weve lived together quite a while with all our pots

We know it's not traditional but an awful lot more fun to have items on our wedding list to a donation to our honeymoon would really make our day!!


Honeymoon Israel (HMI) provides immersive trips to Israel A. We have been exploring our engagement with Jewish religious/cultural life.

(Séquence ville1)

Pile Driver/Alarm (Marteau pilon/Avertisseurs). 3. It's Been a Honeymoon-Can't Take It No Mo' (C'était un voyage de noce - on n'en 

1) Circonstances de composition City life est une commande faite à

Pile Driver/Alarm. 3. It's Been a Honeymoon-Can't Take It No Mo'. 4. Heartbeats. 5. Heavy Smoke. L'exécution des 


adalah kumpulan lirik lagu dari album Honeymoon milik Lana Del Rey yang terdiri dari 13 lirik lagu. ”It's been the blackest day”. ”Now that he's gone ...

Histoire des arts : « Comment les artistes sinspirent de la ville dans

3 « It's been a honeymoon » (c'était un voyage de noce). 4 « Heartbeats » (battements de cœur). 5 « Heavy smoke » (épaisse fumée).


PLANNING A TRIP TO GREECE? Whether you've been before or it's your first time it can be hard to process all the information out there. Be 

What is the history of a honeymoon?

But the history of a honeymoon is tangled with more of a dark past. Originally, this period would refer to the (at the time) normal wedding by abduction. A man would choose his bride and kidnap her to a very difficult to find location – in the hopes that this period would result in a pregnancy. At which point, the bride is now the man’s.

Is it time to plan your Honeymoon?

It’s time to plan your honeymoon. There are so many ways to experience a honeymoon and to plan it. You may have something in mind already or you may not even know where to begin. This guide will hopefully make planning your honeymoon easier or at least more organized. 1. Dream

What is a once-in-a-lifetime honeymoon experience?

A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to travel the world. A once-in-a-lifetime honeymoon experience is something that can't be bought in a store. This is truly a once in a lifetime prize that every rock ' n ' roller would sell their soul for.

What should I do if I can't afford a honeymoon?

If there is something you can not afford now, you can plan to do it later. If you do not have time to have the big vacation you want now, plan for a bigger trip later. If money is tight, consider setting up a honeymoon registry to get some help. You can also split your time up.

Gift Messages G1 Weve lived together quite a while with all our pots

Gift Messages

G1 to have items on our wedding list to help us catch some sun! So, if you'd like to give a gift and send us on our way a donation to our honeymoon would really make our day!! G2

We made a commitment, some time ago,

Together through life, we were destined to go.

To save you looking, shopping, and buying,

Come to our wedding, to wish us both well,

And please make a donation to our wishing well.

G3 contributing to our honeymoon, to make it all the sweeter. Our house is full of all the things, a couple could require, and so a holiday away, is what we most desire. Then while we're relaxing on the beach, or by the pool so blue we'll sit back and know, that it is truly thanks to you! G4 If you're thinking of giving us a gift, to help us on our way, a gift of cash towards our honeymoon, would really make our day. Then while we're relaxing on the beach, or by the pool so blue, we'll sit back and know that it's truly thanks to you! G5

As Love is what the night is all about,

But should you still believe that a gift is worth giving, a small envelope for our future is a delightful blessing.

Alternative: replace night with day

G6 The Occasion of our Marriage Is a Precious Time to Share With Family, Friends & Loved Ones So We Hope That You'll be There. We Do Not Ask You Bring a Gift But if You Feel The Need,

A Little Bit of Money Would be Very Kind Indeed.

Please Don't Feel Obliged Though, Please Don't Feel You Must, Just the Pleasure of Your Company Would Mean the World to Us! G7 To have no wedding list at all, your attendance means so much more! For those of you who do insist, we have a savings pot, A small gift to add to this, it would really mean a lot! To help us do some repairs, to our much-loved home,

To put on our final mark and make it all our own.

G8 More than just kisses so far we have shared, our home has been made with love and with care. Most things we need we've already got, and in our small home we now can't fit a lot. Our next wish once husband and wife, is to buy a house and enjoy married life. We can't wait to see you on our wedding day, to enjoy all the special moments and party away! But please, only IF you wish to participate, a donation of money would be ever so great. And when we are sat in our home so new, we can look back and say it was all thanks to you. G9 We really hope you can join us on our special day, Our house and contents are complete with pots and plates and pans. But should you really want to give and celebrate this way, A gift towards our honeymoon would really make our day. G10 We've been together a few years and have a lovely home There are not too many items now we don't already own So, if your thoughts were on a gift your presence will suffice But if you really feel the need a donation would be nice The choice is really up to you, and we would like to say We hope you come, enjoy yourselves and have a lovely day G11

The most important gift to us is

having you share in our special day.

But if you wish to contribute in

some other way, we would love a few pennies to put in our pot, for our honeymoon trip after tying the knot! G12 The most important gift for us is to have you share our special day But should you wish to contribute in some other way Then to help us on our honeymoon in our chosen paradise A little extra spending money would be really very nice. G13

Please keep our ceremony camera-free.

G14 is to save you all the hassle, as shopping is a pain. our heartfelt thanks go out to you G15 We've been together quite a while and have a lovely home, There are not too many items that we don't already own. So, if your thoughts were on a gift, your presence will suffice, But if you really feel the need then vouchers would be nice. The choice is really up to you and we would like to say We hope you come, enjoy yourselves and have a lovely day. G16 Please find within this poem, information just for you, With some rules and regulations that we both insist you do. Save the date of the 1st of May is the very first thing to say, To share the love and happiness, on our Wedding Day. The second one is vital, if you're going to be our guest,

To eat, drink and be merry or do your very best.

The third rule can be broken, we really do not mind, But if you choose to follow it, thank you for being kind. A gift is not requested, your presence will suffice, But if you really feel the need then money would be nice. The choice is really up to you and we would like to say, We hope you come and enjoy yourselves on our very special day. G17

The love of family and friends

Bring happiness that never ends

While wedding presents are so nice

Your presence really will suffice

But if a gift is on your mind

Your contribution would be kind

We have a fund, please see below

Each welcome gift will help it grow


The date has been set and we'd love you to come,

To our wedding in (place name), a long way for some,

All you must do, is decide what to wear,

Then polish your jewellery and comb up your hair.

Don't worry about gifts, don't buy us a yacht,

The things that we need, we've already got.

Our home is quite compact, we may have to move

Then our storage and space will surely improve.

Don't go out shopping or get yourself stressed,

Don't alter your plans for a pre wedding rest.

If you want to be generous, despite what we've said,

Then save all the hassle and do this instead...

Contributions are most welcome; we'll go somewhere hot! A honeymoon would be marvellous, to start off our life, In our long winding journey, as new husband/man and wife! G19 We do not have a gift list as we already have everything we need - we just appreciate you coming to celebrate with us. G20 To celebrate our wedding, you may wish to buy us presents, However, this is not required, all we want is your presence. Some money towards our honeymoon, would be absolutely GREAT!! Regardless of which choice you make, all we would like to say, Is come along and have some fun, on this, our special day! G21 We do not wish for presents, we hope you do not mind, We haven't got a gift list, there's nothing we could find. Your presence at our wedding, will give our day a lift, Your company is priceless, we accept it as our gift. G22 As our special day draws near, we hope our sentiment is clear Your presence is what matters most, not gadgets for our tea and toast But if a gift is on your mind, a contribution would be kind.

With Love the Bride & Groom

G23 We've been together quite a while, and have a lovely home So, if your thoughts were of a gift, although that's very nice There is no need for presents, as your presence will suffice You are special to us both and so we'd like to say

We hope that you can join us on our wedding day!

G24 Please find within this poem, information just for you, With some rules and regulations, that we both insist you do. Save the date of xxxxxx is the very first thing to say, To share the love and happiness, on our Wedding Day.

To eat, drink and be merry or do your very best.

The third rule can be broken, we really do not mind, But if you choose to follow it, thank you for being kind. A gift is not requested, your presence will suffice, But if you really feel the need then money would be nice. The choice is really up to you and we would like to say, We hope you come enjoy yourselves on our very special day. G25

As our wedding day draws near

we hope our sentiment is clear.

We need you there as we are wed

to witness our love as vows are said. to find the ideal thing to buy.

We have no list of pots and pans

just hopes and dreams and honeymoon plans.

So, if a gift is on your mind,

a contribution would be kind.

It will help us more than words can say

to celebrate our special day.

Thank you

G26 We know coming to our wedding will cost some money and take up a day, And what we really want from you is to eat well, drink heartily and dance the night away.

Though if a gift for us is what is on your mind,

A contribution towards our honeymoon in Hawaii would be most kind. Whether snorkelling with turtles, climbing volcanoes or doing the hula! We really hope you can make our big day ʹ lots of love Sarah & James xxx G27

We haven t got a gift list for all of you to see,

Because as you all know, we never can agree!

A donation to our honeymoon, would really make our day!

Love the bride and groom

G28 We'd love for you to join us on our very special day, To make our memories wonderful in every single way,


We've been together quite a while and have a lovely home,

We've even got a toddler to call our very own.

Now we know it's not traditional,

But instead of a towel and toaster list, we'd rather have some fun. So, if you're thinking of a gift, our honeymoon is planned, (For a romantic break/trip to xxx

A contribution would be grand)

Or (For a romantic break in New York

A contribution would be grand.

For a Staten Island ferry ride, a walk in Central Park,

Brooklyn Bridge, a Broadway Show,

Times Square lit up in the dark.)

But most importantly we request

You share our day as our special guest.

G29 having you there to share our day would really mean a lot. If you would like to lend a hand, to help us on our way, a token in our honeymoon pot would really make our day. G30 We haven't got a wedding list, the reason we'll explain Is to save you all the hassle as shopping is a pain. We've been together for a while and have most things we need so vouchers, cheques or cash would be gratefully received. The choice is yours so please don't fuss, the most important thing is that you come and be our guest and celebrate with us.

But if you do contribute to our soft & cosy rooms

Our heartfelt thanks go out to you

With love the bride & groom


We have our dishes and towels for two,

Pots and pans and a toaster too,

Knives and forks and spoons galore,

There isn't much room for anything more!

So, if for our wedding you'd like to bring us a gift,

A cheque or cash would give us a lift,

Perhaps you could help towards our honeymoon spends,

Or when our home is in need of a mend,

Please don't be offended at this type of request

As our day will be complete with you as our guest. G32

We hope that you can join us, on our special day,

you'll make our memories complete in every single way. We do not have a gift list, we hope you'll understand, our house and contents are complete with blankets, plates, and pans. But should you wish to give a gift, we still have jobs to do, and any money we receive would really help us through. But most of all we do request, you attend our wedding as our guest, to share with us our special day and have some fun along the way! G33 to help us on our way,

Some cash towards our house

would really make our day.

Don't go overboard or rob any banks,

any little thing will make us smile with thanks. by this type of request,

As our day will be complete

having you as guests. G34 In a wedding invitation, you usually find some lists, for venues, menus, and hotels and also for the gifts. But this one is unusual, & comes in a different way, Now please don't think we're selfish or that it comes from greed, We would appreciate some help though, to send us on our way, and allow us to have a honeymoon in a land quite far away. So now the point of all this rhyme, the thing that we would like, isn't towels, bowls, or microwaves, but pounds and pence alike. Now you know the reason, behind the cheeky accord, Please help to give us memories of a honeymoon dream abroad! G35 A contribution to our honeymoon, a cruise quite far away. But mostly we want your company, to help make our day.

To eat, drink, be merry and dance the night away!

G36 We've been together quite a while, with all our pots and pans And as we don't need homely gifts, we have another plan! We know it's not traditional and not the way it's done But rather than a wedding list we'd love a bit of fun! So if you would like to give a gift and send us on our way A donation to our weekend break would really make our day! G37

Because at first we lived in sin,

we have the sheets and rubbish bin.

If a gift is what you would like to bring,

some money would be the perfect thing.

We hope that this won't cause offence

as in our case it makes perfect sense.

But most importantly we request

you come along as our guest.

To share with us our special day

and have some fun along the way. G38 We'll soon be saying our vows, preparing to say 'I Do' but when it comes to wedding gifts we just don't have a clue. We do not have a wedding list for reasons we'll explain as it saves you all the hassle because shopping is a pain. So, what we'd really love, is donations big or small to help us grow our holiday fund to the most magical place of all. We hope you won't be offended by this type of request because our day will be complete just having you as our guest. G39

Our life together has already begun

We have almost everything under the sun.

If you were thinking of buying a gift

A little extra money would give us a lift.

But most importantly we request

You share our special day as our guest.

Now that we have saved you any fuss

G40 The most important gift to us is having you share our special day.

But if you wish to contribute in some other way,

we would love a few pennies to put in our pot, for our very own home after tying the knot! G41 The most important gift to us is to have you share our day But should you wish to contribute, you can some other way. You can help us on our honeymoon, in our chosen paradise Where that little extra spending money, would be so very nice. G42 We know it's not tradition, it's not the way it's done, But instead of a wedding list we'd like a bit of sun. We've lived together quite a while and all the bills are paid, We've got our plates, our pots and pans, our plans have all been made. We would appreciate your help though, to send us on our way, A contribution to our honeymoon somewhere far away. But, most importantly, we request, you come to our wedding as a guest. To share with us our special day and have some fun along the way. G43

An amazing honeymoon would really make us smile.

Instead of a gift list from a high street shop,

Your financial donation would truly mean a lot,

So thank you for contributing to our honeymoon pot! G44 We know it's traditional to write a list, but in this case this is a slight twist. Our home is complete with the usual stuff, and the things we have are all good enough. Our dream is to honeymoon in a foreign land and walk along the beach hand in hand. We hope you don't think of us as being rude, and that our request is not misconstrued, but a small contribution to our honeymoon pot, would be appreciated such a lot. But the most important thing to say, is that we hope you'll be there on our special day. G45 With _____ by our side we've been a family for a while, and our next big step is to walk down the aisle. knives and forks and spoons galore, there isn't much room for anything more, so, if for our wedding you'd like to bring us a gift, a cheque or cash would give us a lift. Perhaps you could help towards our honeymoon spends, or where our home is in need of a mend.

Please don't be offended at this type of request,

as our day will be complete with you as our guest. G46

We hope that you can join us, on our special day.

Having you there will make it complete in every way. Although we have no gift list, there is one thing we desire.

A honeymoon to ______ is what we most require.

But most of all we hope, to share our wedding day with you! G47

Your presence as a guest, is all that we request.

But if you insist on giving a gift,

some pennies for our honeymoon would give us a lift! G48

Just hopes and dreams

And honeymoon plans.

If giving a gift is on your mind

Then a contribution would be kind.

And just remember, what means the most,

Is that you're with us to raise a toast!


As we are blessed with material things,

And all that living together brings,

Your presence as a guest is all that we request.

But if a gift is your intention,

We thought that we would mention,

What we would really like for our special day,

Is to top it off with a holiday!

We'd love some pennies to put together,

For a time away that we will treasure.

G50 The Bride & Groom would like to say, being at our wedding will make our day. We have no need for pots and pans, just hopes and dreams for future plans. So if a gift is on your mind, a contribution would be kind. We will save this in our little pot, for our honeymoon trip after tying the knot. G51 We do not have a wedding list or request for certain things, We just want your company and the memories the day brings. A gift of money would be lovely and appreciated by us, But please do not feel pressured as this is really not a must. The choice is really up to you, and we would like to say, We hope you come, enjoy yourselves, and have a lovely day. G52

Your presence without presents

is enough to make our day, of gifts, in any way.

Should you wish to give us cash,

So, we can buy the things we like

to help create our home. G53

If a gift is your intention,

we just thought that we would mention,quotesdbs_dbs29.pdfusesText_35
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