[PDF] Workshop: Introduction to Scilab

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13 nov. 2017 Le tableau 1 donne les priorités des opérateurs dans Scilab. Exercice 1.1. Nombres et calcul type double


scilab est un logiciel de calcul numérique que chacun peut télécharger livret au format PdF des exercices et des corrigés d'épreuves pratiques


CORRIGES EXERCICES SCILAB. EXERCICE 9. Rappel de cours : Soit X une variable aléatoire liée à une expérience aléatoire. La loi de X n'est pas complètement 

TP1 : Révisions sur la création de matrices en Scilab

À la fin de l'exercice 1 de l'épreuve HEC 18 on trouvait une question Scilab qui consistait à écrire une matrice n ? n dont les coefficients q(`

Révisions. Matrices et programmation.

4 Exercices. 10. Compétences attendues. / Création d'une matrice opérations sur les matrices. / Programmer en Scilab : fonctions d'entrée et de sortie

Démarrer en Scilab

8 nov. 2011 2.2 Exercices . ... En Scilab tout est matrice : les scalaires sont des matrices 1 × 1

Révisions. Les fonctions en Scilab.

3 Exercices. 5. Compétences attendues. Définir une fonction en Scilab. Tracer la courbe représentative d'une fonction. Mathieu Mansuy.

UPMC 2013-2014 P1 LM206 - Initiation `a Scilab Contrôle Continu

Exercice 1. Construire sans utiliser de boucle for

Scilab – Exercices sur les vecteurs lignes

Scilab – Exercices sur les vecteurs lignes. Exercice 01 – Minimum d'une liste. Écrire une fonction pmin() qui retourne le plus petit élément d'une liste 

Introduction à la programmation sous Scilab : TP auto-correctifs I

L'objectif de cette série d'exercices est de vous permettre d'acquérir les bases du logiciel de calcul //NOM prenom - Exercice 1 – Introduction SCILAB.

Scilabforverybeginners - wwwscilaborg

Scilab is numerical computation software that anybody can freely download Available underWindows Linux andMac OS X Scilab can be downloaded at the following address: http://www scilab org/ YoucanbenotifiedofnewreleasesofScilabsoftwarebysubscribingtoourchannelnotificationatthefollowingaddress:http://lists scilab org/mailman/listinfo/release

Ordinary Differential Equations with SCILAB - University of Utah

techniques that can be applied using SCILAB Since SCILAB is not a symbolic environment its applications to symbolic solutions of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) is limited However SCILAB can be used to calculate intermediate numerical steps in the solutions The strength of SCILAB in solving ODEs is in its numerical applications

Introduction to Scilab - Concordia University

this document we concentrate on Scilab Scilab provides an environment which uses matrices (both full and sparse) as it basic data type Algorithms are available for the numerical solution of di erential equations optimisation problems interpolation and quadrature High quality fortran and C codes can be easily linked into Scilab

Workshop: Introduction to Scilab

Workshop: Introduction to Scilab Funded by the National Mission on Education through ICT (The sequence of spoken tutorials to be listened/followed is same as that of exercise sets below ) 1 Getting Started (a) 04:17: Perform the following calcula-tions on the scilab command line: phi = ? 5+1 2 psi = ? 5?1 2 Find 1/phi and 1/psi

Introduction to SCILAB

SCILAB can be used for simple arithmetic operations as well as for some algebraic operations to generate graphics to program functions and to solve linear algebra problems and ordinary differential equations among other things You can also program SCILAB and produce simple or fancy graphic user interface components for your program

Programming in Scilab

Programming in Scilab Micha el Baudin September 2011 Abstract In this document we present programming in Scilab In the rst part we present the management of the memory of Scilab In the second part we present various data types and analyze programming methods associated with these data structures In the third part we present features to


CORRIGES EXERCICES SCILAB EXERCICE 9 Rappel de cours : Soit X une variable aléatoire liée à une expérience aléatoire La loi de X n’est pas complètement spécifiée : un paramètre

1 Introduction to SCILAB - IIT Delhi

Comments in SCILAB are represented by the double forward slash (//) Anything in front of // is taken as a comment For example enter: a = 4 5 // redefining a SCILAB will return the value of 4 5 for a and ignore the comment after the // Scalars: real logical string polynomial rational and basically any object that is not

Searches related to exercices scilab pdf filetype:pdf

In Scilab there are three different approaches (see figure) for modeling a physical system which is described by Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) For showing all these capabilities we selected a common physical system the LHY model for drug abuse This model is used in our

What are the functions of Scilab?

  • SCILAB provides a number of functions for the numerical solution of differential equations. These functions are designed to operate on single differential equations (i.e., similar to the examples presented so far), as well as on systems of differential equations.

Is Scilab a symbolic environment?

  • Since SCILAB is not a symbolic environment, its applications to symbolic solutions of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) is limited. However, SCILAB can be used to calculate intermediate numerical steps in the solutions. The strength of SCILAB in solving ODEs is in its numerical applications.

Can Scilab be used for symbolic solutions of ordinary differential equations?

  • The chapter starts with a review of concepts of differential equations and symbolic solution techniques that can be applied using SCILAB. Since SCILAB is not a symbolic environment, its applications to symbolic solutions of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) is limited.

Can Scilab be used to solve odes?

  • However, SCILAB can be used to calculate intermediate numerical steps in the solutions. The strength of SCILAB in solving ODEs is in its numerical applications. Thus, the chapter also includes a number of numerical solutions to ODEs through user-programmed and pre- programmed SCILAB functions.

Workshop: Introduction to Scilab

Funded by the National Mission on Education through ICT(The sequence of spoken tutorials to be listened/followed is same as that of exercise sets below.)

1.Getting Started

(a)04:17: Perform the following calcula- tions on the scilab command line: phi = ⎷5 + 1 2 psi =⎷5-12 Find 1/phi and 1/psi.(b)6:06: Verify Euler"s identity: Iseπi+1 close to zero? Compare with cos(π) +i·sin(π).2.Matrix Operations (a)03:15: In Scilab, enter the following


A=? ?1 1/2

1/3 1/4

1/5 1/6?

B=?5-2?, C=?4 5/4 9/4

1 2 3?

Using Scilab commands, compute

each of the following, if possible.i.A?Cii.A?Biii.A+C?iv.B?A-C??Av.(2?C-6?A?)?B?vi.A?C-C?Avii.A?A?+C??C

Explain the errors, if any.(b)04:15: From the video: i.Find E(:, :) ii.Extract the second column of E iii.Display just the first and last columns

1of E.(c)05:46: If A =

?1-1 0 2 3 1

4 1 5?

Use a suitable sequence of row opera-

tions onAto bringAto upper trian- gular form.

2(d)07:28: Represent the following linear

system as a matrix equation. Solve the system using the inverse method: x+y+ 2z-w= 3

2x+ 5y-z-9w=-3

2x+y-z+ 3w=-11

x-3y+ 2z+ 7w=-5(e)08:01: Try solving the above system using the backslash method.(f)08:38: Verify the solution from the previous question.(g)09:38: Try det(A),A2,A3and Eigen- values of A (from the previous ques- tion).

Also multiply A by an identity matrix

of the same size.3.Scripts and Functions (a)02:48: i.Create a scilab script file to dis- play time on console window. (hint: clock())ii.Create a scilab script file to dis- play product of a matrix A and inverse of A.A= [1,1;1,-1]iii.Create a scilab script file to plot 'x" vs 'sin(x)". 'x" varies from -2p to 2p, wherepis specified at the beginning of the script file.(b)05:04: i.Create a function file to calcu- late sum and difference of any two numbers. The output should be the sum and the difference of numbers.ii.Create a function file to calcu- late the rowwise and columnwise mean and standard deviation of a user defined matrix. Display the matrix, its mean and standard de- viation in output. (hint; mean(), stdev() )(c)09:05: 1

Tip: from a given matrixE, desired columns can be specified by defining a vectorvconsisting of just the desired

column indicesand usingE(:,v). Similarly for rows also.

2Upper triangular matrix: all elements belowthe North-West to South-East diagonal of the matrix are zero.

i.Create an inline function to sort the elements of a random vec- tor in descending order. (hint: gsort())ii.Create an inline function to round off the elements of a vector [1.9,

2.3, -1.1, 50.5] to the nearest in-

teger. (hint: round())(d)10:30: i.Create a function file to calcu- late LU factorization of a matrix. (hint: lu()).ii.Create a function file to that takes two matrices A and B as in- put. Calculate their trace.A.If trace of A is greater than trace of B, then display 1.B.If trace of B is greater than trace of A, then display -1.C.If both traces are equal, then display 0.(e)Create a function file to evaluate and plot following function for x(x varies from -1 to 1 with step size of 0.1). f(x) =x2-sin(x), x?0 x(x) = cos(x), x >0 (hint : if else)(f)Create an inlinescilab function file to

3-d plot of parametric curve (Given

a=2). t = varies form 0 to 2π(with 100 in- termediate points). x=a?cos(t);y=a?sin(t); (hint : linspace(), param3d())4.Conditional Branching

Note the importance of 'end" at the end of

the 'if-then-else-end" construct.(a)1:20: Write a code to check if a given numbernis less than or equal to 10, if yes, display its square.(forn= 4,13 and 10)(b)2:04: Write a code to check if a num- ber is less than 10, if yes, then display '>10", if it is greater than 10, then display '>10", else display the num- ber. (forn= 4,13 and 10)(c)2:26: Write the previous code in one line.(d)3:09: Write a code using select case conditional construct to check whether a given number is a multiple of 10 (take 5 values/multiples), and if so, display the number.5.Iteration (a)0:42: Create a vector starting from 1 to 10(b)1:02: Create a vector from 2 to 20 with an increment of 3(c)1:55: Write a for loop to display all the even numbers between 1 to 50(d)2:55: Write a code that takes as input a vectorx=1:10, displays the values ofxone by one and comes out of loop when the value ofxis 8.(e)3:31: Write a code that takes an input vector x=1:2:10 and displays only last two values of the vector.(f)4:44: Find summation of vector x = [1 2 6 4 2], using iterative procedure.

Hint: Check length(), add each num-

ber using 'for" loop.(g)5:20: Write a code using while loop to display odd numbers in the range 1 to

25.(h)5:40: Write a code using while to

which take input from 0 to 15 in in- crements of 1 and display number 10 and 156.Plotting (a)01:12: Create a linearly spaced vector from 0 to 1 with 10 points(b)01:12: Also create a linearly spaced vector from 0 to 1 with 11 points(c)01:35: plot sin(x) versus x. (d)02:50: Use plot2d and try changing the color to red. Also try style = -1(e)03:53: Put a title: "Sine", and labels, 'x axis" and 'y axis"(f)05:50: Plot sin(x) and cos(x) on the same window.(g)06:08: Create a legend for the above plots.(h)09:25: Now plot sin(x) and cos(x) as subplots within the same window.(i)10:10: Save your plot as a file.quotesdbs_dbs21.pdfusesText_27
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