[PDF] Epi Info™ 7 User Guide – Chapter 2 – Form Designer

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Création de formulaire Microsoft Word

Création de formulaire Microsoft Word. Par : Patrick Kenny. 8 mars 2005 Description des boutons de la barre d'outils formulaire : .

Créer un formulaire à remplir Sommaire

MICROSOFT WORD. Office 365 2010


Objectif : créer un formulaire dans Microsoft Word en ajoutant des contrôles de contenu comme des cases à cocher


Savoir structurer un document créé dans Microsoft. Word®. ? Maitriser les différentes étapes d'un publipostage. ? Créer des documents de type formulaires 

Guide rapide de Foxit PDF Editor

d'outils de MS Word permettant de créer un fichier PDF de répondre aux liens de remplir des formulaires et de lire des fichiers multimédias. La.

Créer un formulaire dans Word

Module "LES FORMULAIRES". Cours de Gentiane DIRKSEN. 3. GENERALITES. 1. INTRODUCTION. Ce tutorial va aborder la création d'un formulaire sous MS Word.

(Tutorial Creer un formulaire dans Word)

Un tel document créé sous MS Word ne va pas convenir pour créer une source de données pour un publipostage pour une base de données comme ACCESS. Il ne servira 

Créer un document modifiable (= formulaire à compléter) avec MS

14-Apr-2020 Créer un document modifiable (= formulaire à compléter) avec MS Word. Activer l'onglet développeur dans le menu.

6. Les formulaires.

Avant de commencer la création de ce formulaire vous devez vérifier la présence de la applications Microsoft sous Windows et notamment Microsoft Word.

Epi Info™ 7 User Guide – Chapter 2 – Form Designer

Epi Info™ 7 normally uses the Microsoft Access database format. Epi Info™ allows the creator of the questionnaire or survey to guide the data entry ...

Epi Info™ 7 User Guide – Chapter 2 – Form Designer 2

Form Designer2.


Figure Error! No text of specified style in document..Project Organization Fields added to a page can be any of a variety of field types corresponding to the type of GHIMXOP VHPPLQJV ROHQ QHR SURÓHŃPV MUH ŃUHMPHG GMPM MUH VPRUHG LQ POH SURÓHŃP·V MS 2 $ŃŃHVV GMPM ILOH OMYLQJ MQ ´BPGNµ H[PHQVLRQ. (SL HQIRŒ 7

Navigate the Form Designer Workspace

Create Forms Œ

Tools Figure Error! No text of specified style in document..Create Forms Menu Option 2 Figure Error! No text of specified style in document..Form Designer

1. The M

The Project Explorer

The Canvas

Open a Recent Project





File > Recent Projects.

2 A list of recently opened projects is shown in the menu. Even though this may be the first Figure Error! No text of specified style in document..Opening a Recent Project 2 After selecting the Sample project, Form Designer opens to the first page of the first form ² Figure Error! No te.Form Designer First Page of Project 2

Create a New

Every Œ

From the Epi Info main menu, select Create Forms Tools from the

Click the New Project File. The

Figure Error! No text of specified style in document..New Project dialog box 2

3. EnterProject. Project names cannot contain spaces, or

Set the desir

Provide a description of the project.

Select Data Repository

If you selected Microsoft SQL Server for the Data Repository, then click the Figure Error! No text of specified style in document..SQL Server Database dialog box

8. Click OK.

Tab to, or select the Form Name

EnterForm Name.

Use only letters

Do not start a form name with a number.


Do not use any spaces.

Click OK.

Before You Begin

Decide on a Naming Convention

B HQIRΠRLOO MPPHPSP PR VXJJHVP M ILHOG QMPH NMVHG RQ POH TXHVPLRQ RU prompt, in many cases these suggestions are too lengthy or cumbersome

Keep field names short.

Capitalize words within field names to help improve their readability.

Use a prefi

Customize the Form Designer

One of the most helpful things you can do before

What Font do you want the

You specify the fonts in


How far apart should fields be spaced?

Format > Grid

Will the form need to be printed? If so, what size paper will likely be used?

Format >

What page orientation should be used, Portrait or Landscape?

Format >

2 Would you prefer the Question or Prompt to appear above the

Format > Page SetupaVertical Horizontal.

What screen resolution will likely be used for data entry? If the anticipated 2 Set a S

Default Prompt Font

1. Format > Set Default Prompt Font.

Select a fontand .

Click OK.


1. Format > Set Default Input Font.

Select a fontand .

Click OK.

Change Grid Settings

Use the Format s

From the Form Designer toolbar, select Format. The drop

Select Format>Grid Settings

Figure Error! No text of specified style in document..Grid Settings Check the Snap to Grid box to force fields in the form to snap to the grid 2

Check the Show Grid box to see the grid as the

Use the up and down arrows

Select the Snap prompt to grid Snap entry field to grid Click OK. The Form Designer page appears with new settings.

Set the

T Figure Error! No text of specified style in document..Page Setup

1. On the Form Designer menu, select Format > Page Setup.


2. Set the page size to be

Figure Error! No text of specified .Page Size Setup

3. Set the preferred page orientation ²

Portrait orientation is good for data entry forms

Landscape orientation is better for forms

2 Figure Error! No text of specified style in document..Page Setup dialog showing Default Label

Insert a B

1. From the Form Designer toolbar, select Format. The Background

2 Figure Error! No text of specified style in document..Background Format

2. To set a background image, use

Choose Image. The Background Image box opens.

Locate the image file. Click Open. The selected image appears in the Background

Use the Ima None,

From the Image and Color section, use the Apply to all pages

Apply to the current page only.

Click OK. The image appears in the form.

To rClear Image from the Background Image box.

To set a background color, Change Color. The Color dialog box opens.

Select a background color Define Custom Colors to

Click OK. The selected color previews in the background box. From the Image and Color section, use the Apply to all pages

Apply to the current page only.


12. Click OK. The color appears in the form as a background.

To remove the color, sClear Color from the Background Color box.

Create a

Another way to create a new project is to use a pre (SL HQIRΠ7


Select File > New Project from Template.

Select the desired project template.

Confirm the name and location of the new project,

Click OK.

Create a New Form in an Existing P

1. Select Fileor

Add Form. The form dialog box opens.

Type a Form Name.

Click OK. The new form appears in the


There are two ways to open an existing project.

File >

and select


Open Project File.

Sproject Œ



Click Open. The project appears on the canvas.

Close Project

1. Click Close Project File >.

The project closes.

Note: Epi InfoŒ


Add a Page

The Add Page function will add a blank page at the end of the form.

Add Page

Insert Page Ad

Figure Error! No text of specified style in document..Add a Page Enter a page name in the Set Page Name OK. The blank page Figure Error! No text of specified style in document..Set Page Name 2

Insert Page

The Insert Page function will add a blank page immediately before the current page

Insert Page Insert

Figure Error! No text of specified style .Insert Page

Name a Page

1. Right click on a page in the Rename Page

Figure Error! No text of specified style in document..Rename Page

2. The Page Name

2 Figure Error! No text of specified style in document..Set Page Name

3. Click OK. The page name appears in the list of pages.

Delete a Page

From the Delete

Edit > Delete Page

Figure Error! No text of specified style in document..Delete Page Note: 2 Figure Error! No text of specified style in document..Primary Page cannot be Deleted

Otherwise, a Yes. Th

Figure Error! No text of specified style in doc.Delete Page Confirmation dialog

Undo / Redo

Most actions performed on the canvas, such as moving fields, copying and pasting fields,

Undo Ctrl + Z

Re Ctrl +


Form Designer only remember

Redo can only reinstate actions that were un³it

Check Code


Check Code

Enter Data

Enter Data



POH SMUHQP IRUP·V relate button to access the child form.


(SL HQIRŒ 7 P\SHV POMP GRQ·P receive any data such as Label Fields and Command Buttons.

New Field.

2 Figure Error! No text of specified style in document..New Field

Field Attributes

Fields have properties or attributes that help control how or if they receive data


Use With Caution!

·s r


Read Only ²

Retain Image Size ²

Range ²

·V Required

Repeat Last ²


Pattern ²

Prompt Font the font for the text entered in the Question or Prompt

Field Font the font for the

Figure Error! No text of specified style in document..Font dialog box 2

Field Type Required Read



Image Size

Range Repeat


Pattern Web Survey



for Mobile


Label/Title X X

Text X X X X X

Test (Uppercase)


Multiline X X X X X



Number X X X X X X X


Number X X X X

Date X X X X X X

Time X X X X X

Date-Time X X X

Checkbox X X X X

Yes-No X X X X X

Option X X


Button X

Image X X



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