[PDF] Exact solution of the quartic matrix model and application to 4D

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Exact solution of the quartic matrix model and application to 4D

partition function Z[J] = ? D? exp(?S[?] + V tr(?J)). Raimar Wulkenhaar (Münster). Exact solution of the quartic matrix model and application to 4D NCQFT 

Exact solution of the quartic matrix model

and application to 4D noncommutative QFT

Raimar Wulkenhaar

Mathematisches Institut, Westf

¨alische Wilhelms-Universit¨at M¨unster

joint work with Harald Grosse (Vienna) (based on arXiv:1205.0465v4, arXiv: 1306.2816)

Raimar Wulkenhaar (M¨unster)Exact solution of the quartic matrix model and application to 4D NCQFT

IntroductionSolution of quartic matrix modelMoyalφ44-theory in batrix basisPosition spaceOutlookAppendix

Matrix models

12D quantum gravityis theenumeration of random

triangulations of surfaces.

Its asymptotic behaviour is captured by thematrix

model partition function Z=? dMexp? -N? nt ntr(Mn)? ,M=M??MN(C) ForN → ∞, this series in(tn)is evaluated in terms of theτ-function for the

Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) hierarchy.

22D topological quantum gravityhas correlation functions

which are intersection numbers of complex curves. They can be arranged into a generating functional with series parameters(tn). [Witten, 1990] conjectured that both(tn)-series are the same.

Raimar Wulkenhaar (M¨unster)Exact solution of the quartic matrix model and application to 4D NCQFT

IntroductionSolution of quartic matrix modelMoyalφ44-theory in batrix basisPosition spaceOutlookAppendix

The Kontsevich model

[Kontsevich, 1992] computed the intersection numbers in terms of weighted sums over ribbon graphs. He proved these graphs to be generated from theAiry function matrix model (Kontsevich model)

Z[E] =?


2tr(EM2) +i6tr(M3)??



,M=M??MN(C) forE=E?>0 andtn= (2n-1)!!tr(E-(2n-1)). LimitN → ∞ofZ[E]gives the KdV evolution equation, thus proving Witten's conjecture.

Raimar Wulkenhaar (M¨unster)Exact solution of the quartic matrix model and application to 4D NCQFT

IntroductionSolution of quartic matrix modelMoyalφ44-theory in batrix basisPosition spaceOutlookAppendix

A matrix model inspired by noncommutative QFT

The simplestQFT on a 4D noncommutative manifoldcan be written as a matrix model

Z[E,J,λ] =?

dMexp?-tr(EM2) +tr(JM)-λ




whereE=E??MN(C)is the 4D Laplacian,λ≥0 and

J?MN(C)generates correlation functions.

In joint work withHarald Grosse[arXiv:1205.0465v4] we achieved the exact solution ofZ[E,J,λ]forN → ∞and after renormalisation ofE,λ

Schwinger functionsdescribe acommutative 4D QFT

[arXiv:1306.2816]. "Particles" interact without momentum transfer. There are non-trivial topological sectors.

Raimar Wulkenhaar (M¨unster)Exact solution of the quartic matrix model and application to 4D NCQFT

IntroductionSolution of quartic matrix modelMoyalφ44-theory in batrix basisPosition spaceOutlookAppendix

Field-theoretical matrix models

classical scalar fieldφ? C0(Rd)? B(H), withm2? R ddxφ2(x) translates totr(φ2)<∞, i.e.nc scalar field is

Hilbert-Schmidt compact operator

on Hilbert spaceH=L2(I,μ) realise as integral kernel operators:M= (Mab)?L2(I×I,μ×μ) product:(MN)ab=?


trace:tr(M) =?


adjoint:(M?)ab=Mba action= non-linear functionalSforφ=φ?in volumeV:

S[φ] =Vtr(Eφ2+P[φ])

E- unbounded positive selfadjoint op. with compact resolvent, P[φ]- polynomial inφwith scalar coefficients partition functionZ[J] =?

Dφexp(-S[φ] +Vtr(φJ))

Raimar Wulkenhaar (M¨unster)Exact solution of the quartic matrix model and application to 4D NCQFT

IntroductionSolution of quartic matrix modelMoyalφ44-theory in batrix basisPosition spaceOutlookAppendix

Topological expansion

Connected Feynman graphs in matrix models areribbon graphs Viewed as simplicial complexes, they encode thetopology (B,g) of agenus-gRiemann surface withBboundary components (or punctures, marked points, holes, faces).

Thekthboundary component carries acycle



ofNkexternal sources,Nk+1≡1. ExpandlogZ[J] =?1SV2-BG|p1...pN1|...|q1...qNB|JN1p1...pN1···JNBq1...qNB according to the cycle structure.

Raimar Wulkenhaar (M¨unster)Exact solution of the quartic matrix model and application to 4D NCQFT

IntroductionSolution of quartic matrix modelMoyalφ44-theory in batrix basisPosition spaceOutlookAppendix

Ward identity

Unitary transformationφ?→UφU?leads toWard identity 0=? Dφ


exp(-S[φ] +Vtr(φJ)) that describes howE,Jbreak the invarianceof the action. ...chooseE(but notJ) diagonal, useφab=∂


Proposition [Disertori-Gurau-Magnen-Rivasseau, 2006] The partition functionZ[J]of the matrix model defined by the external matrixEsatisfies the|I| × |I|Ward identities 0=? n?I? (Ea-Ep)V∂ ForEof compact resolvent we can always assume that m?→Em>0 is injective!

Raimar Wulkenhaar (M¨unster)Exact solution of the quartic matrix model and application to 4D NCQFT

IntroductionSolution of quartic matrix modelMoyalφ44-theory in batrix basisPosition spaceOutlookAppendix

We turn the Ward identity forEinjective into formula for? n?I∂2Z[J] ∂Jan∂Jnp. TheJ-cycle structure in logZcreates singular contributions≂δap regular contributionspresent for alla,p

Theorem (Ward identity for injectiveE)

n?I∂ 2Z[J] ∂Jan∂Jnp=δap?V? (K)J


SK? n?IG |an|P1|...|PK|+G|a|a|P1|...|PK| r≥1? q




V2? (K),(K?)J



Z[J] +V


n?I? J

Raimar Wulkenhaar (M¨unster)Exact solution of the quartic matrix model and application to 4D NCQFT

IntroductionSolution of quartic matrix modelMoyalφ44-theory in batrix basisPosition spaceOutlookAppendix

How to use the Ward identity


a,b(Ea+Eb)φabφba+VSint[φ]. Functional integration yields, up to irrelevant constant,

Z[J] =e-VSint[∂V∂J]eV2?J,J?E,?J,J?E:=?

m,n?IJ mnJnmEm+En


G |ab|=1



J=0 1


∂Jbae-VSint?∂V∂J?∂ ∂JabeV2?J,J?E? J=0 1





∂(-VSint) ∂φabcontains, for anyP[φ], the derivative? n∂2∂Jan∂Jnp

Raimar Wulkenhaar (M¨unster)Exact solution of the quartic matrix model and application to 4D NCQFT

IntroductionSolution of quartic matrix modelMoyalφ44-theory in batrix basisPosition spaceOutlookAppendix

Schwinger-Dyson equations (forSint[φ] =λ4tr(φ4)) The previous formula lets the usually infinite tower of

Schwinger-Dyson equations collapse:

after genus expansionG...=?∞g=0V-2gG(g)...:

1. Aclosed non-linear equation forG(0)

ab(planar+regular): G(0) |ab|=1Ea+Eb-λV(Ea+Eb)? p?I? G(0) |ab|G(0) |ap|-G(0) |pb|-G(0) |ab|Ep-Ea?

2. Forevery otherG(g)


1...aNan equation which only depends on

G(g) G(h) this dependence is linear in the top degree(N,g)

SomeG...need renormalisationofE,M, andλ!

Raimar Wulkenhaar (M¨unster)Exact solution of the quartic matrix model and application to 4D NCQFT

IntroductionSolution of quartic matrix modelMoyalφ44-theory in batrix basisPosition spaceOutlookAppendix

Exact solution forφ=φ?

Realityimplies invariance under orientation reversal empty forG|ab| cancellations in(Ea+Eb1)Gab1b2...bN-1-(Ea+EbN-1)GabN-1...b2b1

Theorem (universal algebraic recursion formula)


= (-λ)N-2 2? l=1G (Eb0-Eb2l)(Eb1-EbN-1) V N-1? k=1G (Eb0-Ebk)(Eb1-EbN-1) Last line increases the genus and is absent inG(0) |b0b1...bN-1|

Raimar Wulkenhaar (M¨unster)Exact solution of the quartic matrix model and application to 4D NCQFT

IntroductionSolution of quartic matrix modelMoyalφ44-theory in batrix basisPosition spaceOutlookAppendix

Further observations

Non-planar contributions with genusg≥1 are suppressed byV-2g. In limitV→ ∞, full function and its restriction to planar sector satisfy the same equations.


G (0) |ab|=1


p?I? G(0) |ab|G(0) |ap|-G(0) |pb|-G(0) |ab|Ep-Ea? is not algebraic and to be solved case by casefor givenE. Divergent index sumscan possibly be renormalised by Pattern extends toB≥2 boundary components: Equation for (N1+...+...NB)-point functions


1universally algebraic if oneNi≥3

The coefficients are known by induction.

Raimar Wulkenhaar (M¨unster)Exact solution of the quartic matrix model and application to 4D NCQFT

IntroductionSolution of quartic matrix modelMoyalφ44-theory in batrix basisPosition spaceOutlookAppendix

Renormalisation theorem

The renormalisation leaves algebraic equations invariant:


Given a real scalar matrix model withS=Vtr(Eφ2+λ4φ4)and m?→Eminjective, which determines the set


of (N1+...+...NB)-point functions. E a?→Z(Ea+μ2


Then all functions with one


1are finitewithout further need of a renormalisation ofλ, i.e.

all renormalisable quartic matrix models have vanishing


2aregiven by algebraic recursion formulaein terms of

Raimar Wulkenhaar (M¨unster)Exact solution of the quartic matrix model and application to 4D NCQFT

IntroductionSolution of quartic matrix modelMoyalφ44-theory in batrix basisPosition spaceOutlookAppendix

Graphical realisation(B=1,g=0)

Gb0b1b2b3= (-λ)Gb0b1Gb2b3-Gb0b3Gb2b1(Eb0-Eb2)(Eb1-Eb3)=-λ?• G b0...b5=λ2? b i bj=Gbibjleads tonon-crossing chord diagrams; these are counted by the

Catalan numberCN


b ibj=1Ebi-Ebjleads torooted treesconnecting theevenorodd vertices, intersecting the chords only at vertices Open Problem (Combinatorics):Which trees arise for a given chord diagram?

Raimar Wulkenhaar (M¨unster)Exact solution of the quartic matrix model and application to 4D NCQFT

IntroductionSolution of quartic matrix modelMoyalφ44-theory in batrix basisPosition spaceOutlookAppendix

φ44on Moyal space with harmonic propagation

Moyal product(f?g)(x) =?

R d×Rddx dk(2π)df(x+12Θk)g(x+y)ei?k,y?


d (x) renormalisable as formal power seriesinλ[Grosse-W., 2004] (renormalisation of


means: well-defined perturbativequantum field theory

Langmann-Szabo duality (2002): theories atΩandΩ?=1Ωare the same; self-dual caseΩ =1ismatrix model

β-function vanishes to all ordersinλforΩ =1 [Disertori-Gurau-Magnen-Rivasseau, 2006] means: almost scale-invariant

Is the self-dual (critical) model integrable?

Raimar Wulkenhaar (M¨unster)Exact solution of the quartic matrix model and application to 4D NCQFT

IntroductionSolution of quartic matrix modelMoyalφ44-theory in batrix basisPosition spaceOutlookAppendix

Matrix basis and thermodynamic limit

Moyal algebra has matrix basis [Gracia-Bond´ıa+V´arilly, 1988]:


m ,n?N2φ m nfmn(x),fmn(x) =fm1n1(x0,x1)fm2n2(x3,x4) fmn(y0,y1)=2(-1)m?m! n!? 2


n-mLn-mm?2|y|2)θ? e-|y|2


satisfies(fkl?fmn)(x) =δmlfkn(x),? R

4dx fmn(x) = (2πθ)2δmn

previous action becomes forΩ =1

S[φ] =V

m ,n?N2N


4? m,n,k,l?N2Nφ m nφnkφklφlm


2is forΩ =1 thevolumeof the noncommutative

manifold which is sent to∞in the thermodynamic limit. We do this in ascaling limitN⎷V= Λ2μ2=const

Raimar Wulkenhaar (M¨unster)Exact solution of the quartic matrix model and application to 4D NCQFT

IntroductionSolution of quartic matrix modelMoyalφ44-theory in batrix basisPosition spaceOutlookAppendix

Integral equations

Matrix indices become continuous|p|⎷V?→μ2pwithp?[0,Λ2]

Normalised planar 2-point functionGab=μ2G(0)

|ab|,a,b?[0,Λ2] Difference of eqns forGabandGa0cancels worst divergence normalisation conditionsG00=1anddGab db??a=b=0=-(1+Y) Integral equation for H¨older-continuousGabandΛ→ ∞ ?b a+1+λπaHa?







Hilbert transformHa[f(•)] :=1πlim?→0?

?a-? 0 a+?? f(q)dqq-a

Raimar Wulkenhaar (M¨unster)Exact solution of the quartic matrix model and application to 4D NCQFT

IntroductionSolution of quartic matrix modelMoyalφ44-theory in batrix basisPosition spaceOutlookAppendix

The Carleman equation

Theorem [Carleman 1922, Tricomi 1957]

The singular linear integral equation

h(x)y(x)-λπHx[y] =f(x),x?[-1,1] is for h(x)continuous + H¨older near±1 andf?Lpsolved by y(x)=sin(?(x))λπ? f(x)cos(?(x)) +eHx[?]Hx? e-H•[?]f(•)sin(?(•))?


1-x ?(x) =arctan [0,π]?


,sin(?(x)) =|λπ|?(h(x))2+ (λπ)2 where

Cis an arbitrary constant.



Raimar Wulkenhaar (M¨unster)Exact solution of the quartic matrix model and application to 4D NCQFT

IntroductionSolution of quartic matrix modelMoyalφ44-theory in batrix basisPosition spaceOutlookAppendix


angle?b(a) :=arctan[0,π]?


Ga0is solved for?0(a):Ga0=sin(?0(a))|λ|πaeHa[?0(•)]-H0[?0(•)]

Addition theorems and Tricomi's identity

e-Ha[?b]cos(?b(a)) +Ha? e -H•[?b]sin(?b(•)? =1give:






Raimar Wulkenhaar (M¨unster)Exact solution of the quartic matrix model and application to 4D NCQFT

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The self-consistency equation

Given boundary valueGa0,

ab 2Λ 2 0 Gab

Carleman computesGab,

in particular G0b symmetry forcesGb0=G0b

Master equation

The theory is completely determined by the solution of thefixed point equationG=TG


b 0 dt?




Raimar Wulkenhaar (M¨unster)Exact solution of the quartic matrix model and application to 4D NCQFT

IntroductionSolution of quartic matrix modelMoyalφ44-theory in batrix basisPosition spaceOutlookAppendix

Existence proof

The operatorTsatisfies assumptions ofSchauder fixed point theorem . Define



withCλfrom2λP2λ(1+Cλ)eCλPλ=1atPλ=exp(-1λπ2)⎷1+4λ. Then:


2TKλ? Kλ

?TKλis relatively compact inKλby variant of Arzel´a-Ascoli

4T:Kλ→ Kλis continuous

This provides exact solution ofφ4-QFT on 4D Moyal space atθ→∞quotesdbs_dbs14.pdfusesText_20
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