[PDF] Invariance in Feature Detection

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Lecture 06: Harris Corner Detector

Robert Collins. Harris Corner Detector: Basic Idea. C.Dyer UWisc. Harris corner detector gives a mathematical approach for determining which case holds.

Notes on the Harris Detector Harris corner detector

Notes on the Harris Detector from Rick Szeliski's lecture notes. CSE576

An Analysis and Implementation of the Harris Corner Detector

The Harris corner detector [9] is a standard technique for locating interest points on an image. Despite the appearance of many feature detectors in the last 

Question 1 - Harris Corner Detection (20 points)

C) Compute the Harris cornerness score for . What do. C et(H) k trace(H). = d. ?. 2 .04 k = 0 we have here? A corner? An edge? Or a flat area? Why?

6.2 Harris Corner Detector

Harris Corners. 16-385 Computer Vision (Kris Kitani) How do you find a corner? ... The Harris detector not invariant to changes in …

Invariance in Feature Detection

Harris corner detection - recap. • Key idea: distinctiveness Harris Detector [Harris88] ... How does the output of Harris corner detector change?


Chris Harris & Mike Stephens texture and isolated features a combined corner and edge detector based on the local auto-correlation function is.

A Comparative Between Corner-Detectors ( Harris Shi-Tomasi

Available online: 01/ 09/2019. Keywords: Harris Detector . Shi-Tomasi Detector

The Harris Corner Detector

The Harris Corner Detector. Konstantinos G. Derpanis kosta@cs.yorku.ca. October 27 2004. In this report the derivation of the Harris corner detector [1] is 

A Comparative Study between Moravec and Harris Corner Detection

Adaptive wavelet thresholding approach is applied for the same. Keywords - Wavelet De-noising

Notes on the Harris Detector - University of Washington

Harris Detector: Mathematics ( ) [ ] u E u v u v M v ? Intensity change in shifting window: eigenvalue analysis ?1 ?2 – eigenvalues of M direction of the slowest change direction of the fastest change (?max)-1/2 (?min)-1/2 Ellipse E(uv) = const Harris Detector: Mathematics ?1 ?2 “Corner” ?1 and ?2 are large ?1 ~ ?2; E

Harris corner detector - Wikipedia

The Harris Corner Detector • What methods have been used to find corners in images? • How do you decide what is a corner and what is not? 1

The Harris Corner Detector - Electrical Engineering and

In this report the derivation of the Harris corner detector [1] is presented The Harris corner detector is a popular interest point detector due to its strong invariance to [3]: rotation scale illumination variation and image noise The Harris corner detector is based on the local auto-correlation function of a sig-

Keypoint Detection: Harris Operator

Harris Corner Detector Algorithm steps: Compute M matrix within all image windows to get their Response scores Find points with large corner response (Response > threshold) Take the points of local maxima of Response (search local neighborhoods e g 3x3 or 5x5 for location of maximum response)

Searches related to harris detector PDF

CMU School of Computer Science

What is a Harris corner detector?

The Harris corner detector is a corner detection operator that is commonly used in computer vision algorithms to extract corners and infer features of an image. It was first introduced by Chris Harris and Mike Stephens in 1988 upon the improvement of Moravec's corner detector.

What is the difference between Harris detector and Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi detector?

These two popular methodologies are both closely associated with and based on the local structure matrix. Compared to the Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi corner detector, the Harris corner detector provides good repeatability under changing illumination and rotation, and therefore, it is more often used in stereo matching and image database retrieval.

How does the Harris-Laplace detector work?

We use a procedure similar to the one in the Harris- Laplace detector. The initial points converge toward a point where the scale and the second moment matrix do not change any more.

What are the Harris scale and invariant detectors based on?

Our scale and af?ne invariant detectors are based on the following recent results: (1) Interest points extractedwiththeHarrisdetectorcanbeadaptedtoaf?netransformationsandgiverepeatableresults(geometrically stable).

Invariance in Feature Detection

Invariance and equivariance•Second criterion of corner detection: repeatability•Suppose Image is transformed in some way•Image translation•Image rotation•Scaling of intensity•How shouldthe corners change?•Location?•Whether a corner is detected or not?•How doesthe output of Harris corner detector change?

Image transformations•GeometricRotationScale•PhotometricIntensity change

How should photometric transformations affect corner detection?•Corner location:•Should not change!•Probability of detection•Should not change

Harris corner detector invariance to photometric transformations•Let us assume affine intensity change•!"=$!+&•What happens to image derivatives?•!′(=$!(•!′)=$!)•What happens to the second moment matrix?•*′=$+*•What happens to eigenvalues & cornernessresponse function?•,′-=$+,-,/"=$+/•Does this change probability of detecting a corner?•Yes, because of thresholding (last step)!•What happens if no scaling (i.e., a = 1)?RxthresholdRx

Harris corner detector invariance to photometric transformations•Harris corner detector (both locations and probability of corner detection) is invariant to additive changes in intensity•changes in overall "Brightness"•It is not invariant to scaling of intensity•Changes in "Contrast"

How should geometric transformations affect corner detection?•Corner location should move as the underlying pixel moves•Thus corner location should be equivariant to geometric transformations•Corner detection probability should be unaffected by geometric transformations•Thus invariant to geometric transformations

Harris corner detection and translation•What happens if image is translated?•Derivatives, second moment matrix obtained through convolution, which is translation equivariant•Eigenvalues based only on derivatives so cornernessis invariant•Thus Harris corner detection location is equivariant to translation, and response is invariant to translation

What about rotation?•Now every patch is rotated, so problem?•Recall properties of second moment matrix•Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of M•Define shift directions with the smallest and largest change in error•!"#$= direction of largest increase in E (across the edge)•%"#$= amount of increase in direction !"#$•!"&'= direction of smallest increase in E (along the edge)•%"&'= amount of increase in direction !"&'xminxmax

What about rotation?•What happens to eigenvalues and eigenvectors when a patch rotates?•Eigenvectors represent the direction of maximum / minimum change in appearance, so they rotate with the patch•Eigenvalues represent the corresponding magnitude of maximum/minimum changeso they stay constant•Corner response is only dependent on the eigenvalues so is invariant to rotation•Corner location is as before equivariant to rotation.

What about scaling?•What was one patch earlier is now many All points will be classified as edgesCornerNot invariant to scaling

Scale invariant detectionSuppose you're looking for cornersKey idea: find scale that gives local maximum of cornerness•in both position and scale•One definition of cornerness: the Harris operator

Slide from Tinne TuytelaarsLindeberg et al, 1996Slide from Tinne TuytelaarsLindeberget al., 1996

Implementation•Instead of computing ffor larger and larger windows, we can implement using a fixed window size with a Gaussian pyramid

Feature descriptors

Matching feature pointsWe know how to detect good pointsNext question: How to match them?Two interrelated questions:1.How do we describe each feature point?2.How do we match descriptions??

Feature descriptor!"!#$"$#

Feature matching•Measure the distance between (or similarity between) every pair of descriptors!"!#$"%('(,*()%('(,*,)$#%(',,*()%(',,*,)

Invariance vs. discriminability•Invariance:•Distance between descriptors of corresponding points should be small even if image is transformed•Discriminability:•Descriptor for a point should be highly unique for each point (far away from other points in the image)

Simple baseline descriptors•Simplest descriptor: a constant 0•What's this invariant to?•Is this discriminative?•Next simplest descriptor: the color of the pixel•What's this invariant to?•Is this discriminative?

The "Patch" descriptor•Take a window around the corner•Write out colors of pixels in the window as a descriptor•How does this affect discriminability? Invariance?

Matching "Patch descriptors" using SSD•Match descriptors using euclideandistance•!",$=||"-$||(Descriptor distance. Blue is low, yellow is highSecond imagePatch around corner

SSD on a slightly harder examplePatch around cornerSecond imageDescriptor distance. Blue is low, yellow is high

SSD on an even harder examplePatch around cornerSecond imageDescriptor distance. Blue is low, yellow is high

NCC -Normalized Cross Correlation•Lighting and color change pixel intensities•Example: increase brightness / contrast•!"=$!+&•Subtract patch mean:invariance to &•Divide by norm of vector: invariance to $•'′='-<'>•'′′=,"||,"||•similarity = '""⋅/′′

NCC -Normalized cross correlation

Basic correspondence•Image patch as descriptor, NCC as similarity•Invariant to?•Photometric transformations?•Translation?•Rotation?

•Find dominant orientation of the image patch•This is given by xmax, the eigenvector of Mcorresponding to lmax(the largereigenvalue)•Rotate the patch according to this angle•Figure: line represents xmax, box represents patch we take as feature descriptorRotation invariance for feature descriptorsFigure by Matthew Brown

•Take 40x40 oriented square window around detected feature•Scale to 1/5 size (using prefiltering)•Rotate to horizontal•Sample 8x8 square window centered at feature•Intensity normalize the window by subtracting the mean, dividing by the standard deviation in the windowCSE 576: Computer VisionMultiscale Oriented PatcheSdescriptor8 pixels40 pixelsAdapted from slide by Matthew Brown

Scale invariance for feature descriptors•Recall that corner detector searches over scales for maximum response: record scale which gives maximum response•Use a patch of the same scale, then resize it to a fixed size

Multiscale Oriented PatcheSdescriptorCSE 576: Computer Vision8 pixels40 pixelsAdapted from slide by Matthew Brown•Take 40x40 oriented square window around detected feature at appropriate scale•Scale to 1/5 size (using prefiltering)•Rotate to horizontal•Sample 8x8 square window centered at feature•Intensity normalize the window by subtracting the mean, dividing by the standard deviation in the window

Detections at multiple scales

Feature matchingGiven a feature in I1, how to find the best match in I2?1.Define distance function that compares two descriptors2.Test all the features in I2, find the one with min distance

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