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La présente convention règle les rapports de l'organisme d'accueil avec l'établissement d'enseignement et le stagiaire. Article 2 - Objective of Internship. The 

Convention européenne des droits de lhomme

Seules les versions anglaise et française de la Convention font foi. Cour européenne des droits de l'homme. Conseil de l'Europe. 67075 Strasbourg cedex.

La convention de stage (en anglais)

La présente convention règle les rapports de l'organisme d'accueil avec l'établissement d'enseignement et le stagiaire. Article 2 - Objective of Internship. The 

11. Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of

CONVENTION RELATIVE AU CONTRAT DE TRANSPORT INTERNATIONAL. DE MARCHANDISES PAR ROUTE anglaise et française les deux textes faisant égale- ment foi.

convention entre la france et le royaume-uni de grande-bretagne et

Désireux de conclure une Convention en vue d'éviter les doubles Fait à Paris le 21 juin 1963


Le tuteur de stage désigné par l'organisme d'accueil dans la présente convention est chargé d'assurer le suivi du stagiaire et d'optimiser les conditions de 

No. 18232

Convention de Vienne sur le droit des traités (avec annexe). Conclue à Vienne le 23 mai 1969. Textes authentiques : anglais français

2. Convention relating to the Status of Refugees Geneva 28 July 1951

les textes anglais et français de la Convention qui font également foi. II. La Conférence a décidé

Les conventions dacquisition en anglais soumises au droit français

22 janv. 2020 1192 : On ne peut interpréter les clauses claires et précises à peine de dénaturation. Page 6. 6. Comment aborder en anglais les spécificités du ...

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Fait à Londres le 19 juin 2008

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CONVENTION DE STAGE ETUDIANT en ANGLAIS • Instructions relatives aux conventions de stage • Convention de stage en 3 exemplaires


This agreement governs relations among/ Cette convention règle les relations entre: accord est écrit en anglais et en français En cas de conflit 

[PDF] p 1 Langue originale: anglais SC62 Doc 464 CONVENTION SUR


[PDF] convertion-de-stage-en-frpdf - UVLF

La présente convention règle les rapports de l'organisme d'accueil avec l'établissement d'enseignement et le stagiaire Article 2 - Objective of Internship The 

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« L'anglais des affaires » Nature de l'action : enseignement de la langue adapté au poste de travail et aux objectifs du stagiaire Objectifs : Modalités de 

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This Agreement governs the host organization's relationship with the educational institution and the intern Article 1 – Objet de la convention La présente 

Avenant à la convention de stage version bilingue français-anglais

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[PDF] Les conventions dacquisition en anglais soumises au droit français

22 jan 2020 · 1192 : On ne peut interpréter les clauses claires et précises à peine de dénaturation Page 6 6 Comment aborder en anglais les spécificités du 




• Instructions relatives aux conventions de stage • Convention de stage en 3 exemplaires • Fiche d'évaluation par le maître de stage SERVICE DE LA SCOLARITE CELLULE STAGES 45, Rue d'Ulm 75230 PARIS Cedex 05



(en scolarité)


• la convention de stage doit être complétée en 3 exemplaires. • L'ordre des signatures est le suivant :

1°) Votre signature.

2°) Signature et cachet du représentant de l'organisme d'accueil.

3°) La signature du responsable des études de votre département

ou de votre tuteur.

4°) Décision et signature de la Direction de l'École.

• Vous devez nous retourner les documents au minimum 15 jours avant le départ pour la 4 e et dernière signature.

• La Cellule Stages vous retournera deux exemplaires originaux (un pour vous, un pour l'organisme

d'accueil) avant votre départ.

• Si l'organisme d'accueil exige que la convention soit signée préalablement par la Directrice de

l'École normale supérieure, elle devra délivrer à l'intéressé (e) un accord de principe qui sera

joint à la convention.

• Pour un stage au sein d'un département de l'ENS : renseigner uniquement la " Fiche de

stage » (seul le stagiaire, le laboratoire d'accueil, et le tuteur signent, mais pas la direction de

l'École). • Pour tout départ :

- remplir un certificat de prise en charge en 3 exemplaires, uniquement dans le cas d'un

remboursement, en partie ou en totalité, des frais de transport et/ou d'hébergement, par votre département de rattachement - vérifier votre couverture assurance maladie

- l'ENS a contracté une assurance responsabilité civile - rapatriement vous couvrant en cas

d'accident. N'hésitez pas à demander une attestation et une carte d'assistance intermutuelle à la

Cellule Stages (cf. article 4-4 de la convention). • Pour un stage à l'étranger, n'oubliez pas de :


- vérifier s'il est nécessaire de prendre une assurance complémentaire sur place, comme par

exemple pour les Etats-Unis ; sachez que les taux de remboursement des frais médicaux en cas de maladie ne sont pas les mêmes que sur le territoire français. - effectuer les démarches nécessaires pour le visa le cas échéant

- faire établir par notre service, le cas échéant, un certificat de scolarité en anglais.


Si vous rencontrez des difficultés relationnelles ou pédagogiques lors de votre stage, n'hésitez pas à

contacter la Cellule Stages, si possible dès les premiers jours. Nous vous aiderons dans la résolution

de vos conflits.

III/ A LA FIN DU STAGE - Cf. Article 5.3.

A - Rapport pédagogique

Vous devez remettre un rapport pédagogique au responsable encadrant de l'ENS. Ce rapport aura

été préalablement visé par le responsable de l'organisme d'accueil pour s'assurer du respect de

l'article 4.6.

B - Rapport administratif

Vous devez témoigner de votre expérience dans un rapport administratif à l'attention de la Cellule

Stages ; celui-ci pourra être communiqué aux différents partenaires ainsi qu'aux autres élèves et

étudiants de l'ENS.

Après une brève introduction présentant l'organisme d'accueil et les contacts qui vous ont aidés dans vos recherches,

vous aborderez les points suivants : l'accueil dans l'organisme d'accueil l'accueil par le responsable de stage la présentation de vos activités la conformité du stage à vos attentes l'intérêt professionnel du stage l'intérêt pédagogique et universitaire du stage le bilan du stage


* Stage en entreprise : la nouvelle loi (art. 9 de la loi sur l'égalité des chances du 31 mars 2006) impose une durée

maximum de un an pour les stages obligatoires et de 6 mois pour les stages non obligatoires. Par ailleurs, les stages en

entreprise d'au moins trois mois devraient être rémunérés dès le 1 er mois. * La " charte des stages étudiants en entreprise » est consultable sur Intranet.

* Afin de vous aidez à remplir l'article 3.2 de la convention, sachez que si vous ne connaissez pas le temps moyen de travail

effectif, vous pouvez noter 38,5 h pour un temps plein.

Pour tout autre renseignement



Mme GËOLIER-VAISMAN Valérie - Tél. : 01 44 32 31 10 - mail : cellulestages@ens.fr

Part 1: the undersigned

The present agreement determines the relationship between: The École normale supérieure, hereafter designated as the ENS, French "Établissement public à caractère scientifique, culturel et professionnel" (Scientific, cultural and professional public organization) Whose official address is: 45, rue d'Ulm - 75005 Paris - France Represented here by Mister Marc MEZARD, its director, AND

The host organization: .............................................................................................................................................

Whose official address is: ..........................................................................................................................................

Represented by: .........................................................................................................................................................

Regarding the internship of the student,

First name - Last name: ............................................................................................................................................

Group/ class of : ................................................. Department: ..................................................................................

Current cursus: L3 M1 M2 ENS Diploma Other: .......................................................................

Personal address: ......................................................................................................................................................

hereafter called the "intern".

Part 2: The internship

Article 2.1 - Internship dates

from to .........................

Therefore for a length of: ..........................................................................................................................

Article 2.2 - Subject of the internship

The host organization will give the intern tasks and responsibilities in relation to his/her qualification level so that his/her activities are a complement

to those performed at the ENS.

Article 2.3 - Internship program

The internship will be supervised by one or several tutors, under conditions agreed upon by the intern's tutor in the host organization and

the ENS studies supervisor as defined in article 3.4.

École normale supérieure

Service de la scolarité

Cellule des stages


Fax +

Mail :



Agreement with allowance Agreement without allowance (see art. 3.5 hereafter)

Internship agreement

for students Part 3: Internship modalities Article 3.1 - Nature of the internship Mandatory internship Recommended internship Internship requested by the intern

Article 3.2 - Time frame

Weekly duration of the internship: .........................................................................................................................................

Weekly schedule: ..................................................................................................................................................................

NB: If necessary, specify if the intern will have to stay on site of internship at night, on Sundays and/or during the holidays.

Article 3.3 - Internship location (if different from the site of the organization)

Institution: ..............................................................................................................................................................................

Department / service / laboratory: .........................................................................................................................................

Address: ................................................................................................................................................................................

City: ............................................................ Zip code: .............................................. Country: ..............................................

The intern needs to inform the Internship Office of the ENS of any travel during the internship.

Article 3.4 - Internship supervision

A) ENS studies supervisor (representing the intern's department of affiliation)

Name: ................................................................................... Function: .................................................................................

: ................................................................. Fax: ...................................................... @: ..................................................

B) Tutor in the host organization

Name: ................................................................................... Function: .................................................................................

: ................................................................. Fax: ...................................................... @: ..................................................

Article 3.5 - Compensation and allowance

The intern maintains his/her status at the ENS.

He/she can receive:

• Compensation for room and board, transportation, and/or reimbursement of costs induced by the internship.

• A further allowance, the amount of which of must be specified in the present agreement.

It is up to the intern to comply with the French regulation concerning social security contribution and income tax.

Total payment amount*: ..................................................................................................... euros

* Check the appropriate box on top of page 1. Part 4: Statutory rules Article 4.1 - Student status during the internship

The intern keeps his/her status as a student and remains under the responsibility of the ENS throughout the duration of the internship.

Article 4.2 - Rights and obligations of the intern

During his/her stay in the host organization, the intern shall conform to all internal regulations of the host organization in matters of organization of

work, working hours, hygiene and security and medical examinations.

The intern may be allowed to leave his/her internship location to attend classes at the ENS. He/she will

beforehand inform the host organization of the dates of these classes. The intern has to abide by the internship dates as defined by the present agreement. Article 4.3 - Rights and obligations of the host organization

The host organization commits itself to provide the intern with the necessary means to carry out his/her missions. Through an adequate

supervision, it contributes to the intern's professional training.

In case of serious misconduct or breach of discipline, the head of the host organization may terminate the internship, after he/she has

informed the director of the ENS.

Article 4.4 - Responsibility and insurance

The intern is covered during the internship for civil liability, physical injury and repatriation by the ENS insurance (N° sociétaire MAIF n°2930209


In case of any accident affecting the intern either during working time, or on the way between the home and the work-place, the representative of the

host organization commits himself/herself to send all relevant information to the Director of the ENS in a timely manner, using the accident form(s)

that should be requested from the ENS.

The host organization shall maintain commercial general liability insurance to cover the intern's activities, within the scope of the internship, or as

authorized by the host organization's representative, for property damage or injury occurring to the intern due to the host organization.

Article 4.5 - Medical coverage

During the internship, the intern remains affiliated to the students' medical coverage and is therefore covered for medical expenses. If

applicable, benefits for children are also maintained. If required, the intern must subscribe to additional coverage in the host country.

The organization and the ENS will informed each other, as soon as possible, of any absence of the intern for medical reasons.

Article 4.6 - Confidentiality and software

The intern is bound to professional secrecy. He/she may not disclose or communicate to anyone, under any form, the scientific or

technical information of which he/she might have knowledge during his/her internship as long as this information is not in the public

domain or as long as he/she has not received the written authorization of the host organization to do so.

The intern commits himself/herself not to make any illicit copy of software and not to install any software of external sources into the

host organization's internal system.

Article 4.7 - Intellectual property

The results obtained by the intern during the internship, whether or not patentable, and including software, will be the full property of the

host organization. In order to protect possible inventions the host organization can apply for patent in its name, during or after the work

performed during the internship.

The host organization commits itself, if the intern is the inventor, to mention his/her name in the patent application.

Part 5: Evaluation

The evaluation concerns both the intern's work and the educational quality of the internship.

Article 5.1 - Internship certificate

The head of the host organization will give the intern an "Internship certificate" indicating the nature, the program and the duration of the


Article 5.2 - Internship evaluation

The intern's activity will be evaluated according to criteria defined by the supervisors. The information will be collected in an "evaluation


Moreover, the tutor in the host organization will return the "observation sheet" provided by the Internship Office of the ENS.

Article 5.3 - Internship report

A) Scientific report The intern gives a scientific report to the studies supervisor at the ENS. This report will have been submitted to the head of the host organization, who

will verify the compliance with article 4.6.

B) Administrative report

The intern gives an account of his/her experience in an administrative report addressed to the Internship Office of the ENS. This report may be

communicated to the different partners as well as to the students of the ENS.

After a brief introduction about the host organization and the contacts which helped him/her in his/her research, the intern will deal with the following

topics: Reception in the organization Internship's professional interest Reception by the internship tutor Internship's scientific and academic interest Presentation of activities Internship's overall assessment Level of satisfaction of the intern's expectations

Established in 3 copies, on

"No internship agreement can be signed to replace an employee who is absent, whose contract is suspended or who is dismissed, to perform a task

corresponding to a regular position, to supply for a temporary increase in the company activity or to fill a seasonal employment" (art. 6 of decree n° 2006-

1093 of August,8

th -2006). »

The intern

"Read and acknowledged"

For the host organization - Name and function

(signature and stamp) "Read and acknowledged"

For the ENS Department

The studies supervisor The École Normale Supérieure For the Director of the ENS and through delegation,

The direction of studies

Part 1: the undersigned

The present agreement determines the relationship between: The École normale supérieure, hereafter designated as the ENS, French "Établissement public à caractère scientifique, culturel et professionnel" (Scientific, cultural and professional public organization) Whose official address is: 45, rue d'Ulm - 75005 Paris - France Represented here by Mister Marc MEZARD, its director, AND

The host organization: .............................................................................................................................................

Whose official address is: ..........................................................................................................................................

Represented by: .........................................................................................................................................................

Regarding the internship of the student,

First name - Last name: ............................................................................................................................................

Group/ class of : ................................................. Department: ..................................................................................

Current cursus: L3 M1 M2 ENS Diploma Other: .......................................................................

Personal address: ......................................................................................................................................................

hereafter called the "intern".

Part 2: The internship

Article 2.1 - Internship dates

from to .........................

Therefore for a length of: ..........................................................................................................................

Article 2.2 - Subject of the internship

The host organization will give the intern tasks and responsibilities in relation to his/her qualification level so that his/her activities are a complement

to those performed at the ENS.

Article 2.3 - Internship program

The internship will be supervised by one or several tutors, under conditions agreed upon by the intern's tutor in the host organization and

the ENS studies supervisor as defined in article 3.4.

École normale supérieure

Service de la scolarité

Cellule des stages


Fax +

Mail :



Agreement with allowance Agreement without allowance (see art. 3.5 hereafter) Internship agreement for students Part 3: Internship modalities Article 3.1 - Nature of the internship Mandatory internship Recommended internship Internship requested by the intern

Article 3.2 - Time frame

Weekly duration of the internship: .........................................................................................................................................

Weekly schedule: ..................................................................................................................................................................

NB: If necessary, specify if the intern will have to stay on site of internship at night, on Sundays and/or during the holidays.

Article 3.3 - Internship location (if different from the site of the organization)

Institution: ..............................................................................................................................................................................

Department / service / laboratory: .........................................................................................................................................

Address: ................................................................................................................................................................................

City: ............................................................ Zip code: .............................................. Country: ..............................................

The intern needs to inform the Internship Office of the ENS of any travel during the internship.

Article 3.4 - Internship supervision

A) ENS studies supervisor (representing the intern's department of affiliation)

Name: ................................................................................... Function: .................................................................................

: ................................................................. Fax: ...................................................... @: ..................................................

B) Tutor in the host organization

Name: ................................................................................... Function: .................................................................................

: ................................................................. Fax: ...................................................... @: ..................................................

Article 3.5 - Compensation and allowance

The intern maintains his/her status at the ENS.

He/she can receive:

• Compensation for room and board, transportation, and/or reimbursement of costs induced by the internship.

• A further allowance, the amount of which of must be specified in the present agreement.

It is up to the intern to comply with the French regulation concerning social security contribution and income tax.

Total payment amount*: ..................................................................................................... euros

* Check the appropriate box on top of page 1. Part 4: Statutory rules Article 4.1 - Student status during the internship

The intern keeps his/her status as a student and remains under the responsibility of the ENS throughout the duration of the internship.

Article 4.2 - Rights and obligations of the intern

During his/her stay in the host organization, the intern shall conform to all internal regulations of the host organization in matters of organization of

work, working hours, hygiene and security and medical examinations.

The intern may be allowed to leave his/her internship location to attend classes at the ENS. He/she will

beforehand inform the host organization of the dates of these classes. The intern has to abide by the internship dates as defined by the present agreement. Article 4.3 - Rights and obligations of the host organization

The host organization commits itself to provide the intern with the necessary means to carry out his/her missions. Through an adequate

supervision, it contributes to the intern's professional training.

In case of serious misconduct or breach of discipline, the head of the host organization may terminate the internship, after he/she has

informed the director of the ENS.

Article 4.4 - Responsibility and insurance

The intern is covered during the internship for civil liability, physical injury and repatriation by the ENS insurance (N° sociétaire MAIF n°2930209


In case of any accident affecting the intern either during working time, or on the way between the home and the work-place, the representative of the

host organization commits himself/herself to send all relevant information to the Director of the ENS in a timely manner, using the accident form(s)

that should be requested from the ENS.

The host organization shall maintain commercial general liability insurance to cover the intern's activities, within the scope of the internship, or as

authorized by the host organization's representative, for property damage or injury occurring to the intern due to the host organization.

Article 4.5 - Medical coverage

During the internship, the intern remains affiliated to the students' medical coverage and is therefore covered for medical expenses. If

applicable, benefits for children are also maintained. If required, the intern must subscribe to additional coverage in the host country.

The organization and the ENS will informed each other, as soon as possible, of any absence of the intern for medical reasons.

Article 4.6 - Confidentiality and software

The intern is bound to professional secrecy. He/she may not disclose or communicate to anyone, under any form, the scientific or

technical information of which he/she might have knowledge during his/her internship as long as this information is not in the public

domain or as long as he/she has not received the written authorization of the host organization to do so.

The intern commits himself/herself not to make any illicit copy of software and not to install any software of external sources into the

host organization's internal system.

Article 4.7 - Intellectual property

The results obtained by the intern during the internship, whether or not patentable, and including software, will be the full property of the

host organization. In order to protect possible inventions the host organization can apply for patent in its name, during or after the work

performed during the internship.

The host organization commits itself, if the intern is the inventor, to mention his/her name in the patent application.

Part 5: Evaluation

The evaluation concerns both the intern's work and the educational quality of the internship.

Article 5.1 - Internship certificate

The head of the host organization will give the intern an "Internship certificate" indicating the nature, the program and the duration of the


Article 5.2 - Internship evaluation

The intern's activity will be evaluated according to criteria defined by the supervisors. The information will be collected in an "evaluation


Moreover, the tutor in the host organization will return the "observation sheet" provided by the Internship Office of the ENS.

Article 5.3 - Internship report

A) Scientific report The intern gives a scientific report to the studies supervisor at the ENS. This report will have been submitted to the head of the host organization, who

will verify the compliance with article 4.6.

B) Administrative report

The intern gives an account of his/her experience in an administrative report addressed to the Internship Office of the ENS. This report may be

communicated to the different partners as well as to the students of the ENS.

After a brief introduction about the host organization and the contacts which helped him/her in his/her research, the intern will deal with the following

topics: Reception in the organization Internship's professional interest Reception by the internship tutor Internship's scientific and academic interest Presentation of activities Internship's overall assessment Level of satisfaction of the intern's expectations

Established in 3 copies, on

"No internship agreement can be signed to replace an employee who is absent, whose contract is suspended or who is dismissed, to perform a task

corresponding to a regular position, to supply for a temporary increase in the company activity or to fill a seasonal employment" (art. 6 of decree n° 2006-

1093 of August,8

th -2006). »

The intern

"Read and acknowledged"

For the host organization - Name and function

(signature and stamp) "Read and acknowledged"

For the ENS Department

The studies supervisor The École Normale Supérieure For the Director of the ENS and through delegation,

The direction of studies

Part 1: the undersigned

The present agreement determines the relationship between: The École normale supérieure, hereafter designated as the ENS, French "Établissement public à caractère scientifique, culturel et professionnel" (Scientific, cultural and professional public organization) Whose official address is: 45, rue d'Ulm - 75005 Paris - France Represented here by Mister Marc MEZARD, its director, AND

The host organization: .............................................................................................................................................

Whose official address is: ..........................................................................................................................................

Represented by: .........................................................................................................................................................

Regarding the internship of the student,

First name - Last name: ............................................................................................................................................

Group/ class of : ................................................. Department: ..................................................................................

Current cursus: L3 M1 M2 ENS Diploma Other: .......................................................................

Personal address: ......................................................................................................................................................

hereafter called the "intern".

Part 2: The internship

Article 2.1 - Internship dates

from to .........................

Therefore for a length of: ..........................................................................................................................

Article 2.2 - Subject of the internship

The host organization will give the intern tasks and responsibilities in relation to his/her qualification level so that his/her activities are a complement

to those performed at the ENS.

Article 2.3 - Internship program

The internship will be supervised by one or several tutors, under conditions agreed upon by the intern's tutor in the host organization and

the ENS studies supervisor as defined in article 3.4.

Internship agreement

for students

École normale supérieure

Service de la scolarité

Cellule des stages


Fax +

Mail :



Part 3: Internship modalities Article 3.1 - Nature of the internship Mandatory internship Recommended internship Internship requested by the intern

Article 3.2 - Time frame

Weekly duration of the internship: .........................................................................................................................................

Weekly schedule: ..................................................................................................................................................................

NB: If necessary, specify if the intern will have to stay on site of internship at night, on Sundays and/or during the holidays.

Article 3.3 - Internship location (if different from the site of the organization)

Institution: ..............................................................................................................................................................................

Department / service / laboratory: .........................................................................................................................................

Address: ................................................................................................................................................................................

City: ............................................................ Zip code: .............................................. Country: ..............................................

The intern needs to inform the Internship Office of the ENS of any travel during the internship.

Article 3.4 - Internship supervision

A) ENS studies supervisor (representing the intern's department of affiliation)

Name: ................................................................................... Function: .................................................................................

: ................................................................. Fax: ...................................................... @: ..................................................

B) Tutor in the host organization

Name: ................................................................................... Function: .................................................................................

: ................................................................. Fax: ...................................................... @: ..................................................

Article 3.5 - Compensation and allowance

The intern maintains his/her status at the ENS.

He/she can receive:

• Compensation for room and board, transportation, and/or reimbursement of costs induced by the internship.

• A further allowance, the amount of which of must be specified in the present agreement.

It is up to the intern to comply with the French regulation concerning social security contribution and income tax.

Total payment amount*: ..................................................................................................... euros

* Check the appropriate box on top of page 1. Part 4: Statutory rules Article 4.1 - Student status during the internship

The intern keeps his/her status as a student and remains under the responsibility of the ENS throughout the duration of the internship.

Article 4.2 - Rights and obligations of the intern

During his/her stay in the host organization, the intern shall conform to all internal regulations of the host organization in matters of organization of

work, working hours, hygiene and security and medical examinations.

The intern may be allowed to leave his/her internship location to attend classes at the ENS. He/she will

beforehand inform the host organization of the dates of these classes. The intern has to abide by the internship dates as defined by the present agreement. Article 4.3 - Rights and obligations of the host organization

The host organization commits itself to provide the intern with the necessary means to carry out his/her missions. Through an adequate

supervision, it contributes to the intern's professional training.

In case of serious misconduct or breach of discipline, the head of the host organization may terminate the internship, after he/she has

informed the director of the ENS.

Article 4.4 - Responsibility and insurance

The intern is covered during the internship for civil liability, physical injury and repatriation by the ENS insurance (N° sociétaire MAIF n°2930209


In case of any accident affecting the intern either during working time, or on the way between the home and the work-place, the representative of the

host organization commits himself/herself to send all relevant information to the Director of the ENS in a timely manner, using the accident form(s)

that should be requested from the ENS.

The host organization shall maintain commercial general liability insurance to cover the intern's activities, within the scope of the internship, or as

authorized by the host organization's representative, for property damage or injury occurring to the intern due to the host organization.

Article 4.5 - Medical coverage

During the internship, the intern remains affiliated to the students' medical coverage and is therefore covered for medical expenses. If

applicable, benefits for children are also maintained. If required, the intern must subscribe to additional coverage in the host country.

The organization and the ENS will informed each other, as soon as possible, of any absence of the intern for medical reasons.

Article 4.6 - Confidentiality and software

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