[PDF] Religious Education Curriculum Policy Document. Grades 9 -

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Curriculum Policy Document. Grades 9 - 12. Religious. Education. 2016 sources such as the Bible (NRSV) the Catechism of the Catholic Church


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Ontario Catholic Secondary

Curriculum Policy Document

Grades 9 - 12









Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario

prepared by

Institute for Catholic Education


Published by:

Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario

Ontario Catholic Secondary Curriculum Policy Document for Religious Education,

Grades 9-12

ISBN # 978-0-9916874-2-8

© 2016, Assembly of Catholic Bishops of Ontario

90 Eglinton Avenue East, Suite 810, Toronto

Printed in Canada


PREFACE ..................................................................................................................................................... 1

Secondary Schools For The Twenty-First Century ................................................................................... 1

Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 3

The Vision And Goals Of The Religious Education Curriculum ............................................................. 3

Ideas Underlying The Religious Education Curriculum ........................................................................... 4

The Five Big Ideas For Secondary School Religious Education Courses ............................................ 5

Roles And Responsibilities In The Religious Education Program ......................................................... 13

The Program In Religious Education .......................................................................................................... 21

Overview Of The Program ...................................................................................................................... 21

Curriculum Expectations ........................................................................................................................ 22

Strands In Religious Education ............................................................................................................... 24

Our Hopes For Our Students In Religious Education ............................................................................. 29

Assessment And Evaluation Of Student Achievement ............................................................................... 31

Basic Considerations ............................................................................................................................... 31

Content Standards And Performance Standards ................................................................................. 32

The Achievement Chart For Religious Education, Grades 9-12 ............................................................. 35

The Achievement Chart: Religious Education, Grades 9-12 .............................................................. 38

Some Considerations For Program Planning In Religious Education ........................................................ 40

Instructional Approaches ........................................................................................................................ 40

A Differentiated Approach to Teaching and Learning ....................................................................... 40

Planning Religious Education Programs For Students With Special Education Needs.......................... 43

Program Considerations For English Language Learners ...................................................................... 46

Environmental Education And Religious Education .............................................................................. 49

Healthy Relationships And Religious Education .................................................................................... 50

Equity And Inclusive Education In Religious Education ....................................................................... 51

Financial Literacy In Religious Education .............................................................................................. 53

Literacy, Mathematical Literacy, And Inquiry/Research Skills .............................................................. 54

Critical Thinking And Critical Literacy In Religious Education ............................................................ 56

The Role Of The School Library In Religious Education....................................................................... 58

The Role Of Information And Communications Technology In Religious Education ........................... 59

The Ontario Skills Passport: Making Learning Relevant And Building Skills....................................... 61

Education And Career/Life Planning Through The Religious Education Curriculum ........................... 62

Cooperative Education And Other Forms Of Experiential Learning ...................................................... 63

Planning Program Pathways And Programs Leading To A Specialist High Skills Major...................... 64

Ethics In Religious Education ................................................................................................................. 64

Curriculum Strands .................................................................................................................................. 66

Scope and Sequence ................................................................................................................................ 66

Scripture Strand .................................................................................................................................. 66

Profession of Faith Strand ................................................................................................................... 67

Christian Moral Development ............................................................................................................. 67

Prayer and Sacramental Life ............................................................................................................... 68

Family Life .......................................................................................................................................... 69

Catholic Social Teachings by Grade ....................................................................................................... 70

Grade 9 Discipleship and Culture ........................................................................................................... 71

SC. SCRIPTURE .................................................................................................................................... 79

PF. Profession of Faith ............................................................................................................................ 82

CM. Christian Moral Development ........................................................................................................ 85

PS. Prayer and Sacramental Life............................................................................................................. 88

FL. Family Life ....................................................................................................................................... 91

RI. Research and Inquiry Skills .............................................................................................................. 96

Grade 10 Christ and Culture ................................................................................................................. 100

SC. Scripture ......................................................................................................................................... 105

PF. Profession of Faith .......................................................................................................................... 109

CM. Christian Moral Development ...................................................................................................... 113

PS. Prayer and Sacramental Life........................................................................................................... 118

FL. Family Life ..................................................................................................................................... 123

RI. Research and Inquiry Skills ............................................................................................................ 128

Grade 11 Faith and Culture: World Religion ..................................................................................... 132

SC. Scripture ......................................................................................................................................... 139

PF. Profession of Faith .......................................................................................................................... 143

CM. Christian Moral Development ...................................................................................................... 147

PS. Prayer and Sacramental Life........................................................................................................... 151

FL. Family Life ..................................................................................................................................... 155

RI. Research and Inquiry Skills ............................................................................................................ 159

Grade 11 Faith and Culture: World Religions ..................................................................................... 163

SC. Scripture ......................................................................................................................................... 170

PF. Profession of Faith .......................................................................................................................... 174

CM. Christian Moral Development ...................................................................................................... 179

PS. Prayer and Sacramental Life........................................................................................................... 183

FL. Family Life ..................................................................................................................................... 187

RI. Research and Inquiry Skills ............................................................................................................ 191

Grade 12 Church and Culture ............................................................................................................... 194

Course Description ................................................................................................................................ 194

SC. Scripture ......................................................................................................................................... 199

PF. Profession of Faith .......................................................................................................................... 202

CM. Christian Moral Development ...................................................................................................... 205

PS. Prayer and Sacramental Life........................................................................................................... 208

FL. Family Life ..................................................................................................................................... 211

RI. Research and Inquiry Skills ............................................................................................................ 214

Grade 12 Church and Culture ............................................................................................................... 218

SC. Scripture ......................................................................................................................................... 224

PF. Profession of Faith .......................................................................................................................... 230

CM. Christian Moral Development ...................................................................................................... 236

PS. Prayer and Sacramental Life........................................................................................................... 243

FL. Family Life ..................................................................................................................................... 249

RI. Research and Inquiry Skills ............................................................................................................ 255

Glossary of Terms ................................................................................................................................. 259

Links ..................................................................................................................................................... 279

Works Cited .......................................................................................................................................... 280

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................................................. 283




The new evangelization calls for personal involvement on the part of the baptized. Every Christian is challenged, here and now, to be actively engaged in evangelization; indeed, anyone who has truly exper out and proclaim that love. Every Christian is a missionary to the extent that he or she has d (120)

Pope Francis, Apostolic Exhortation,

Evangelii Gaudium (Joy of the Gospel) (2013)

The first revision of this religious education policy document occurred in 2006, a time when the Church,

the People of God, was beginning to more fully appreciate the implications of St.

new evangelization. Since that time, our world, indeed our Church, has continued to change, to challenge

and to be challenged by political, economic, social and ecological crises which have exploded around the

world with increasing regularity, complexity and severity. XVI is surely to what we stand for, as a community of faith, had never been clearer as this third millennium has been unfolding.

Today, in the emerging era of Pope Francis, we find a vision of the new evangelization characterized by

mercy and compassion in all of our relationships. Quite simply, how we witness to the gospel, in order

that it is found compelling by others, is as essential as any intellectual presentation of the contents of that

faith tradition. Indeed, the joy of the one to whom we are faithful, the person of Jesus, must inform and

inspire any efforts to share the Good News. These things I have spoken to you so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be made complete. (John 15.11) This policy revision builds upon the themes and pedagogy outlined in the Ontario Catholic Elementary Curriculum Policy Document, Grades 1 8 for Religious Education (ICE, 2012) as well as the Ontario Catholic Elementary Curriculum Document, Grades 1 8 for Family Life Education (ICE, 2012). While

it is understood that every student enrolled in a Catholic secondary school is not necessarily a graduate of

a Catholic elementary school, nonetheless, the principles that have guided catechetical strategies for the

home, parish and school remain the same. To that end, the themes and principles outlined in the Vatican

document, the General Directory for Catechesis (GDC, 1997) remain foundational to the development of

religion programs in all settings. Furthermore, the important Canadian resource, Criteria for Catechesis:


Infancy to Age 18 (CCCB, 2015), will provide those engaged in the creation of courses useful guidelines

for the development of specific topics. Catholic education addresses the fundamental human search for meaning: desire of the person to understand human life as an integration of body, mind, and spirit. Rooted in this vision, Catholic education fosters the search for meaning as a lifelong spiritual and academic quest. The expectations guiding the journey of learning for all students in Catholic schools, therefore, are described not only in terms of knowledge and skills, but necessarily in terms of values, attitudes and actions informed by reason and faith. Institute for Catholic Education, Ontario Catholic School

Graduate Expectations (2011) p. 13

The religious education curriculum, rooted as it is in Sacred Scripture, the Catechism of the Catholic

Church and creedal statements, is a kind of map of the rich treasury which is the deposit of faith. Study

it; analyze it; know it all that we may live it and that map remains but a description of the spiritual

journey in which we have been invited to participate. As a Church, sharing in the one baptism in Christ,

we have a serious, if not sacred, responsibility to ensure that we preserve and share this faith map that is

our tradition. Nonetheless, it is even more important that, in cooperation with the Holy Spirit, we entice

those with whom we share our faith to undertake and continue ever deeper on that journey themselves. At

the end of the day, each person must utter his or her

must rejoice when our teaching and our witness contribute to the transformation of a human life, now and

for eternity. 3




The religious education program exists for the sake of [these] students and their ultimate happiness which can only be found in Christ. Institute for Catholic Education, Ontario Catholic Secondary Curriculum Policy Document: Religious Education (Revised) (2006)

Ultimate happiness a noble and lofty pursuit! Such is the promise of Christ; the fulfillment of the

an inherent dignity of the human person rooted in our very essence and image of God (imago Dei); and to

Come, follow me (Matthew 4.19).

Being a Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event,

a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction. (217)

Pope Benedict XVI, Encyclical Letter,

Deus Caritas Est (God is Love) (2005)

To this encounter, the cooperation of the Catholic school in the evangelizing mission of the Church

remains vital. As such, all curricula participate in this proclamation, but nowhere is this witness more

explicit than in the religious education programs. Here, language is critical. deposit of the faith is one thing... the way it is expressed is a faithful, in listening to completely orthodox language, take away something alien to the authentic Gospel of Jesus Christ, because that language is alien to their own way of speaking to and understanding one another. With the holy intent of communicating the truth about God and humanity, we sometimes give them a false god or a human ideal which is not really Christian. In this way, we hold fast to a formulation while failing to convey its substance. This is the greatest dan these forms of expression becomes necessary for the sake of transmitting to the people of today the Gospel message in its unchanging meaning. (41)

Pope Francis, Apostolic Exhortation,

Evangelii Gaudium (Joy of the Gospel) (2013)

And again Pope Francis exhorts:

4 We should not think, however, that the Gospel message must always be communicated by fixed formulations learned by heart or by specific words which express an absolutely invariable content. This communication takes place in so many different ways that it would be impossible to collective subject. If the Gospel is embedded in a culture, the message is no longer transmitted solely from person to person. (129)

Pope Francis, Apostolic Exhortation,

Evangelii Gaudium (Joy of the Gospel) (2013)

Herein lay the essential challenges to our Catholic secondary schools, challenges which this policy revision seeks to address. IDEAS UNDERLYING THE RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CURRICULUM

Five Big Ideas

All courses in Religious Education are characterized by the following five big ideas: Religious Knowledge and Literacy includes teaching, understanding and using appropriately the language of the faith and Tradition Catholic-Christian Anthropology includes the understanding of the Catholic Tradition regarding what it means to be human/a person Theological Reflection includes the Christian/human search for meaning and understanding of life in the context of our relationship with God Living Moral Lives includes developing sound moral choices and judgments in both the personal and social spheres of life can be made Celebrating in the Faith Community includes the various ways the Church expresses its faith in presence in the world These five big ideas are described in more detail in the chart on page 5. 5 The Five Big Ideas for Secondary School Religious Education Courses


Knowledge and





Reflection Living Moral Lives

Celebrating in

the Faith


Growing in Faith


- religious literacy starts with Scripture (and the key stories), creed, the Tradition, facts, terms, and definitions - an interpretation of

Scripture with an

emphasis on exegesis that is consistent with Catholic teaching

Understanding the

Faith - comprehending literary forms, genres, authors and audience, critical approaches to reading and understanding

Scripture (contextual

approach) - students are expected to communicate questions, observations and understanding, both orally and in written work

What Does it Mean

to be Human/a person? - to be uniquely human/a person means to be created in the image and likeness of our

Triune God, to

respect the inherent dignity of the human body, to know we are spiritual beings; relational/social beings; emotional beings; moral beings; and intellectual beings

Who Are We in the

Eyes of the


- we are people of the

Covenant, which

means we are in relationship with God and consequently there are responsibilities in that relationship (stewardship, love of

God, love of

neighbour) - our call to holiness and our destiny is to return to God and be united with God eternally in heaven

Developing Critical-

Thinking Skills

- theological reflection includes skills such as identifying questions, making connections, analyzing, evaluating, applying information, and making reasonable judgments and decisions in the complementarity of fides et ratio (faith and reason)

Critical Analysis of

Our Culture

- we are shaped by our culture (family, the secular, community, school, media, technology, etc.) - our students need to be able to critically reflect on our culture through the lens of the Gospel message - students need to be able to express their faith after they have critically reflected upon the connections they make between the truths of our faith (Scripture, the

Tradition) and their


Being Disciples of

Jesus Living in the

World - express in word and action Gospel values and Christian virtues - evangelizing as missionary disciples (Evangelii Gaudiem)

Catholic Social


- at the heart of

Catholic social

teaching is the dignity of the human person,quotesdbs_dbs50.pdfusesText_50
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