[PDF] Maintenance Plan Document FINAL Draft - ncmhousingorg

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Exploitation et maintenance (O&M) des centrales photovoltaïques

centrale PV les indicateurs de performance

Nom de lapplication : Budget et plan financier indicateur (Excel)

Personnes de contact (support et maintenance). Francis Gasser Ewald Gruber et Pascal Bagnoud

Mise en place dun plan de maintenance préventive sur un site de Mise en place dun plan de maintenance préventive sur un site de

1 sept. 2014 L'indicateur MTTR est calculé en additionnant les temps actifs de maintenance ainsi que les temps annexes de maintenance le tout divisé par le.

Développement dun tableau de gestion de la maintenance par la Développement dun tableau de gestion de la maintenance par la

7 févr. 2011 EXCEL était utilisé. Ainsi les chefs ... Le recensement de ces fiches peut être considéré comme un indicateur de performance de la maintenance.


Cette disponibilité propre est un indicateur de gestion technique spécifique à la maintenance. Elle suppose la prise en compte de « micro défaillances 


3 avr. 2009 Berrah L. L'indicateur de performance : concepts et applications

Annexe 1 : Mode demploi du tableur de maintenance préventive 1

Pour les indicateurs ISO 9001 il faut copier R3 pour coller sur R5 et copier excel. Lors de la maintenance dans les services

Création dun planning informatisé pour la réalisation des

Tout abord le tableur Excel existant comporte deux types de feuille. Le premier type donne le taux de maintenance pour tous les services : Bilan de la 

Indicateurs et tableaux de bord pour la prévention des risques en

30 avr. 2013 maintenance pour la sureté des installations nucléaires. Il existe aussi de nombreuses appellations pour ces types d'indicateurs. Elles sont ...


3 juil. 2015 • suivi d'indicateurs « internes » (taux d'utilisation des CPU ... La maintenance applicative diffère de la maintenance évolutive en ce que.

Mise en place dun plan de maintenance préventive sur un site de

16 fév. 2011 commencement pour atteindre une stratégie de maintenance optimale nous verrons dans la dernière partie quels indicateurs sont nécessaires ...

Chapitre 1

Indicateurs et Tableaux de Bord pour la prévention des risques en Santé-Sécurité au Travail maintenance pour la sureté des installations nucléaires.


I.8 La relation entre la fiabilité et la maintenance. 23. Chapitre II: Lois de fiabilité I.3 Indicateurs de fiabilité (?) et (MTBF) :.

Le tableau de bord avec Microsoft Excel

piocher de-ci de-là des informations en les gratifiant du qualitatif d'indicateurs pour se dire : « Ça y est moi aussi

MémoireSDARRAZ VF31082010

Développement d'indicateurs de suivi de l'activité de maintenance par missions consistait à répertorier au fur et à mesure sur un tableau EXCEL toutes.

Développement dune application de gestion de lactivité FX à laide

l'activité FX à l'aide de VBA sous Excel. Travail de diplôme réalisé en vue de l'obtention du diplôme HES. Par : Priscilla THENARD.


3 juil. 2015 Étude des marchés d'infogérance ou de tierce maintenance applicative ... Évaluer la pertinence des indicateurs de qualité et de performance.

Création dun planning informatisé pour la réalisation des

par exemple dans le suivi de ces indicateurs sur son taux de maintenance GMAO puis les retranscrire sur Excel avec plusieurs filtres à activer.


- Comment peut-on influencer la performance globale par la maîtrise de l'activité maintenance ? - Quels sont les indicateurs de performance permettant la 

Useful Key Performance Indicators for Maintenance

The key performance indicators (KPIs) that you use ought to help you to understand what Maintenance is doing what it is achieving for the business and what more it can do to improve operational performance Maintenance performance can be improved by making it more effective and more efficient


This paper focuses on defining key performance indicators for the maintenance function not the maintenance organization Figure 3: The Asset Reliability Process identifies what's required to manage the maintenance function The maintenance function can involve other departments beyond the maintenance organization

Maintenance Staffing Calculator User Guide

1 To measure how your current maintenance staffing levels compare with agencies in your peer group who were part of the E-10 staffing study 2 As a planning tool to determine necessary staffing levels for your particular maintenance operation based on existing factors such as the number of buses in

Maximizing Maintenance Operations for Profit Optimization

The Maintenance Excellence Institute Maximizing Maintenance Operations for Profit Optimization – Page 3 Initiate a Maintenance Excellence Index:Our approach has been to help clients create a Maintenance Excellence Index (MEI) that includes 10 to 15 key performance indicators with agreed upon weighted values

Maintenance Plan Document FINAL Draft - ncmhousingorg

Normal Maintenance Response System-Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) 4 Maintenance Plan Narrative 5 Work Order Management 6 SECTION 2 – MAINTENANCE SCHEDULES AND CHECKLISTS 7 Routine Maintenance Schedule and Checklist 1 Preventive Maintenance Schedule and Checklist 11 Inspection Schedule - Buildings Grounds and Units 19

Searches related to indicateur maintenance excel filetype:pdf

predictable costs such as depreciation and scheduled maintenance Adding a labor element to an operation brings in three dimensions of variable costs First operators have different wage rates Second operators may earn premium wages such as overtime during production Finally a difference

What are the key performance indicators for a maintenance organization?

    The key performance indicators for the maintenance organization may include key performance indicators for other areas of accountability such as health and safety performance, employee performance management, training and development, etc. The management of physical asset performance is integral to business success.

What is maintenance staffing calculator?

    Maintenance Staffing Calculator is designed to allow for easy input of current data and the ability to revise the current data. It also side by side comparisons of the provides revised staff levels to staff levelsexisting and calculated necessary staff levels.

What is the product of maintenance?

    The product of maintenance is reliability. A reliable asset is an asset that functions at the level of performance that satisfies the needs of the user. Reliability is assessed by measuringfailure. The primary function of maintenance is to reduce or eliminate the consequences of physical asset failures.

What is a performance measurement for maintenance?

    Since performance measurements for maintenance must include both results metrics and metrics for the process that produces the results, this document presents a representation for the business process for maintenance.

MaintenancePlanDocumen t

(FINALDraf t)


SLIDE - MP Handout

TheMa intenancePlan(MP)Document

Documentconsistso f

The MaintenancePlanSummary

Pages1to6 of theMPDo cumen t

The MaintenanceSchedulesandCh ecklists

Pages7to2 4o ftheMPD ocume nt


SLIDE - MP Handout

¾Pages1to 6of theMP Doc um ent

The MaintenancePlanSumm ary

SLIDE - 03MP Handout

¾Pages7to 24of theMP Do cu ment.

¾doesnot have aMP

¾doesha veaMP

The MaintenancePlanChec klista ndSchedules

SLIDE - 04MP Handout

¾ForLH Ause. Notrequir edtob esubmittedt oDHCD

¾Fillabledocume nts(Word,Excel)


¾DevelopmentInforma tion


¾MajorR enovation,UnusualFeatures



¾Appendix4(Word )

¾SamplePolic yDocument

SLIDE - 05MP Handout


(FINALDraft )

Revised04- 24-2018


SLIDE - 06MP Handout

TableofCon tentsPage#

¾HousingAuth orityGeneralMaintenan ce&RepairState mentofPriorities1 ¾EmergencyResponseS ystem-StandardOp eratingProcedure(SOP)(2page s)2 ¾NormalMa intenanceResponseSyste m-StandardOper atingProcedure(SOP)4

¾MaintenancePlanNarra tive5

¾WorkOrd erManagement6

¾RoutineMaintena nceScheduleandCheck list1

¾PreventiveMaintenance ScheduleandChecklis t11

¾InspectionSchedule -Buildings,Grounds an dUnits19

¾Appendix1-Deve lo pm entInformation2

¾Appendix2-Deve lo pm entRenovationDetails,Unu sualFeatures6

¾Appendix3-Build in gS ystems8

¾Appendix4-Mainte na nc ePolicy18

SLIDE - 07MP Handout

M ai nt en an ce Pl an Do cu me nt -D es cr ip ti on ,I ns tr uc ti on s M ai nt en an ce Pl an Do cu me nt -D es cr ip ti on an dI ns tr uc ti on s



The hassep arate forth eMaint enancePlan

Summaryand theMain tenanc eSchedulesandChecklists. 1. a. xDefinitionsofEmergency, Vacancy Refurbishment,Pre ventiveM aintenance,Programmed

Maintenance,RequestedM aintenance.

b. xHowth eHousing Authorityrespondstoanem ergenc ycall andhowtheStaffa nd Residentsareinfor medab outwhatconst itutesanEm ergency. c. xHowth eHousing AuthorityrespondstoaRegu larMai nt enanceCall( anon-emergency) andh owtheS taffan dResidentsare informe daboutwhatconstit utes aRegular


d. xA summaryofBu dgets andDeferredMa intenan ce. e. xHowWor kOrders aremanagedbyth e. 2. a. xA ScheduleandChec klisto fvariousMaintenan ceand Inspectionsit ems. xTheCh ecklistitemsandthe Schedule( whenwo rkisperf ormed)arebot heditablebyt he tos uitspecific localcondit ionsandproc edures. i.Appendix1-Dev el op mentInformation(667,689 ,or705). Thisfor mwouldbeu sedtosummari zewh atexists ateachD evelopment(66 7-1,667- 2,689-1, or

705-1).Informa tionwouldbecollected onadevelo pment -by-developmentbasis.

ii.Appendix2-Ren ova ti onDetailsandUnusual Features iii.Appendix3-Bui ldi ng Systems Thisisfo ru sebyMain tenan ceto allowforcollectionofi nform ationspe cificto each development. Thein formationcouldbefiled ina3-ringbi nder withwarrant yand ot herdocument ationofthe (firealar m,heating,h otwater,elevators ,elect rical)atea choftheHAs developments. iv.Appendix4-Mai nt en ancePolicy(Sample;Worddocu ment)

Thisshou ldbeeditedb ythe


MP Handout



1.L HAsshould reviewandcomple tethisdocume ntby providingthein formation


2.T hecompl eteddocumentshouldbek eptonfilebyth eLHAandsu bmitt ed

as partofth eA nnualPla nsubmission ¾LHAss houldreviewa ndcompletet hedocum entbyprovidingth e informationrequested. ¾Submitthec ompleted documenttoDHCDaspa rtoftheAnnual Plan


¾AnnualPlanSu bmission commenceduringFYE DEC2019(det ailsviaPHN)


MP Handout

M ai nt en an ce Pl an Su mm ar y

H AG en er al Ma in te na nc e& Re pa ir (P ri or it ie sS ta te me nt )P ag e1 |2 4 HousingAuthor ityGeneralMaintena nce&RepairStat ementofPriorities I.- Emergenciesareonlythos econ ditionswh ichare tot helifeor safetyof ourres idents,st aff,orstructures. x II. - Worknec essarytomakeempt yunit sreadyfor newtenants. xAftereme rgenciestherefurbishmen tofvacanc iesforimmediatere-occupancy hasth ehighestpriorit y forstaff assignm ents. . x

III. - Workwhich mustbed oneto ofv arious

elementsofyour physic alproperty andavoidemergen cysituations. xA thoroughPreventiv eMaintenancePrograma ndSchedulethatdealswithallel ementsofthep hysical propertyisprov ide dlaterinthedocu ment. xThePrev entiveMaintenanceP rogramisreviewedandupdate dannuallyand as newsystemsand facilitiesareinstalle d. IV. - Workwhich isimpor tan tandiscompletedtoth egre ate stextentpossible withintim eandbudg etconst raint.Programme dmaintenanceisgroup edandscheduledtomake their completionasefficienta sp ossible.Sourc esof programmedmainten anceinclude:

1.RoutineWorkin cludest hosetasksthat needtobe doneonaregula rbasistoke epourphy sicalp ropert y

ing oodshape.( Mopping,M owing,Raking,Trash,e tc.)

2.Inspectionsaretheot hers ourceofp rogrammedmai ntenance.

condition. V. - Workwhich is , doesnotf allintoany categ ory above,andsho uldbe accomplishedas time andfundsareavailable. xRequestsfromre sidentso rothersformainte nanc eworkwhichdoesn otfallint ooneoftheother categorieshasthel owestpri orityfor staffassignment . x


MP Handout

M ai nt en an ce Pl an Su mm ar y

E me rg en cy Re sp on se Sy st em -S OP P ag e2 |2 4 EmergencyResponse System-StandardO peratingProcedure(SOP)(2pages) x1)S ystemforresp ondingt oEmergencies:There exists anafter-hoursoncallsystemtore spondtoemerg ency maintenancerequests24h oursadayand thesy stemdocum en tsthere sultsoft hatrespo nse. x2)D istributedDefinitionof WhatanEmergencyis: LHAm aintainsa list(se elistbelow)ofitem st hatare

consideredanemerg en cy.Residents,staffandcall serviceshouldhaveacle ardefinitio nofw hatan emergency


1.D oesyourL HAhavea24 hoursy stemfor re spondin gtoemerg encies?


2.L istofEm ergen cies.

Thefo llowingisalistofm atte rst hatDHCDan dthe StateSanitaryC odethe [LHA]d eems anEmerg ency.Ifyouh ave

anyq uestionsregardingthis listorotherma tterst hatmayco nstitu teanEmergenc y,pleasecontactt he[LHA ]main


Firesofan ykind

Gasle aks

Electricpowe rfailures

Elevatorstoppa ge

Brokenwat erpipes

Sewerbloc kage

Roofdra inblockage

Roofle ak

Securitylockfailu re

Lockout s

Noh eat


Snoworic estor m

Other/WriteIn(forthe ad ditionofanyad ditionalit ems)


MP Handout

M ai nt en an ce Pl an Su mm ar y

E me rg en cy Re sp on se Sy st em -S OP P ag e3 |2 4


FaucetDripp ingA Holeinth eW all

ClosetDooroffT rackTheDo orSqueaks

ScreenHsH oleinit Thereare CobWeb sintheCo rner

StoveBurne risnotWorkin gThePain tisPee ling

3.H owcante nant sgetincontactwi ththeL HA iftheyhaveanEmergencyatan ytim edayorni ght?

(Completeallthat app lyandfillin theacco mpanyin gdetails)


Can TextPhon eNumberduri ngfollowing


123-456-7890XXA MtoX XPM

Can Call(A nsweringService)atPhon e


123-456-7890XXA MtoX XPMan dXXP MtoX XAM

Can CallLH AatP honeNumber 123-456-7890XXA MtoX XPM Can SubmitOnlin eatWebsitewww.anytownhousing.comXXA MtoX XPM Can EmailtoFo llow ingEmailName.name@domain.comXXA MtoX XPM

4.H asLHAd istribute dthisEmergencyContact proced ureto:




AnsweringService(if applicable)

MP Handout

M ai nt en an ce Pl an Su mm ar y

N or ma lM ai nt en an ce Re sp on se Sy st em -S OP P ag e4 |2 4 NormalMaint enanceResponseSystem-S tandardOperating Procedure(SOP) x1)S ystemforResp ondingt o: Thereexists acontact syst emtorespondto maintenancerequeststhe systemdocume ntsthe resultsofthat response.

1.D oesyourL HAhaveasy stemfor respondin gt onormalmaint enance ()?

2.H owcante nant sgetincontactwi ththeL HA iftheyhaveaata nytime dayornight ?

(checkallth atapp lyandfillinth eaccomp anyi ngde tai ls)

Can TextPhon eNumberduri ngfollowing


123-456-7890XXA MtoX XPM

Can Call(A nsweringService)atPhon e


123-456-7890XXA MtoX XPMa ndXX PMto XX

AM Can CallLH AatP honeNumber 123-456-7890XXA MtoX XPM Can SubmitOnlin eatWebsitewww.anytownhousing.comXXA MtoX XPM Can EmailtoFo llow ingEmailName.name@domain.comXXA MtoX XPM

3.H asLHAd istribute dthisContactproceduret o:



AnsweringService(if applicable)


MP Handout

M ai nt en an ce Pl an Su mm ar y

M ai nt en an ce Pl an Na rr at iv eP ag e5 |2 4

MaintenancePlanNarrati ve

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