[PDF] Martin Prchal Chair of the Board MusiQuE - Music Quality

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Programmes du collège

Aug 28 2008 Connaître la musique

MusiQuE Standards for Pre-College Music Education

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Martin Prchal Chair of the Board MusiQuE - Music Quality

In January 2019 the College of Music

ÉDUCATION MUSICALE Référentiels pour la construction des

Préambule du programme éducation musicale pour le cycle 4 – Bulletin officiel spécial n°11 du 26 novembre 2015. Page 2. eduscol.education.fr/ressources-2016 - 

Bulletin officiel spécial n° 6 du 28 août 2008

Aug 28 2008 quatrième et troisième de collège. Sommaire. Programme de l'enseignement d'arts plastiques et d'éducation musicale pour les classes de.

Programmes de l’enseignement d’éducation musicale

Le programme de l’éducation musicale au collège s’organise autour des deux champs de compétences précédents : percevoir et produire Pour chacun d’entre eux une présentation des enjeux puis des objectifs de formation introduit l’énoncé des principes pédagogiques indispensables à leur mise en œuvre

Programmes de l’enseignement d’éducation musicale

Connaître la musique c’est avant tout l’écouter et la pratiquer Une architecture nouvelle Le programme de l’éducation musicale au collège s’organise autour des deux champs de compétences précédents : percevoir et produire Pour chacun d’entre eux une présentation des enjeux puis des

Programmes de l’enseignement d’éducation musicale

Connaître la musique c’est avant tout l’écouter et la pratiquer Une architecture nouvelle Le programme de l’éducation musicale au collège s’organise autour des deux champs de compétences précédents : percevoir et produire Pour chacun d’entre eux une présentation des enjeux puis des

Comment fonctionne l’éducation musicale au collège ?

Le programme de l’éducation musicale au collège s’organise autour des deux champs de compétences précédents : percevoir et produire. Pour chacun d’entre eux, une présentation des enjeux puis des objectifs de formation introduit l’énoncé des principes pédagogiques indispensables à leur mise en œuvre.

Quels sont les objectifs de l’éducation musicale au collège ?

1. Un ensemble de séquences Tirant parti des connaissances, capacités et attitudes construites progressivement depuis l’école primaire, l’éducation musicale au collège développe durant quatre années un parcours de formation dont les objectifs généraux ont été présentés dans les chapitres précédents.

Qu'est-ce que l'éducation musicale au collège ?

En prise avec l’univers sonore et musical de la société contemporaine, l’éducation musicale au collège accompagne les élèves dans une approche maîtrisée de ces réalités en mouvement. Elle veille parallèlement à les inscrire dans une histoire et une géographie jalonnées de repères culturels essentiels.

Quelle est la durée d’un programme de musique ?

Ce programme de Musique d’une durée de quatre sessions peut donner accès au programme collégial 551.A0 Techniques professionnelles de musique et de chanson.

Martin Prchal Chair of the Board MusiQuE - Music Quality

Martin Prchal

Chair of the Board

MusiQuE - Music Quality Enhancement

Dr Narong Prangcharoen


College of Music

Mahidol University Salaya Campus

25/25 Phutthamonthon Sai 4 Road Salaya,

Phutthamonthon Nakhonpathom

73170 Thailand

Brussels, 20 May 2020

Subject: Outcome of the accreditation procedure of the Master of Arts and Master of Music degree programmes offered by

the College of Music, Mahidol University

Dear Dr Prangcharoen,

In January 2019, the College of Music, Mahidol University (CoM) requested from MusiQuE Music Quality Enhancement to organise a

procedure for the accreditation of its two Master Degree programmes, Master of Arts and Master of Music programme. MusiQuE

coordinated the organisation of the accreditation procedure and carried out the review of the programme. On behalf of the Board of

MusiQuE, I have pleasure in writing to you concerning the outcomes of the accreditation procedure. Stages of the procedure and Review Team composition The accreditation procedure followed a three-stage process:

1. CoM wrote a self-evaluation report (SER) based on, and structured according to, the MusiQuE Standards for Programme


2. An international Review Team studied the self-evaluation report and conducted a site visit at CoM from 21st 23rd November

2019. This comprised of meetings with the CoM Dean, Associate Deans, Assistant Deans, Program Chairs, members of the

Board of Directors, Senior Administrative Officers from Academia and Administration, Students, Teachers, former Students,

Representatives from the Profession and Regional Partners from the sector, as well as a guided tour on campus and to a

campus for the general public, several music performances and a concert of the Thailand Philharmonic Orchestra. The

Review Team used the MusiQuE Standards for Programme Review noted above as the basis of its investigations.

3. The Review Team produced a report, structured following the MusiQuE Standards for Programme Review.

The international Review Team that visite the College of Music was composed of: - Peter Tornquist (Chair of the Review Team) - Norwegian Academy of Music, Norway - Ankna Arockiam (student peer) - Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, UK - Raf de Keninck (peer) - Fontys University of the Arts, the Netherlands - Mary Lennon (Secretary, acting as a peer) - TU Dublin Conservatoire, Ireland - Hannie van Veldhoven (peer) - HKU University of the Arts Utrecht, the Netherlands Outcome of the procedure and consideration of the report by the Board

In line with the MusiQuE rules and regulations as described in the MusiQuEs Internal Regulations and Guidelines for Institutions and

gistration on the European Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education (EQAR), the

MusiQuE Board grants the accreditation to programmes based on the proposal of the review team which has studied the

documentation provided by the institution, executed the site-visit and written a report with proposals on the accreditation for the

programme. The Board scrutinized the report produced by the review team, which can be found attached, during its meeting in April

2020 to ensure its compliance and consistency with the MusiQuE standards and procedures. Following this scrutiny, and, following

further adjustments to the report requested by the Board, the Board can confirm that the procedure has been undertaken in line with

the standards and procedures.

Consecutively, based on the proposal of the Review Team as expressed in the review report, the Board has unanimously decided to

grant accreditation of the Master of Arts and Master of Music programmes, offered by the College of Music at Mahidol

University. The accreditation of the two programme will be valid until 31 May 2026.

MusiQuE Follow-up Processes

Please note that, in order to assist the visited institutions in the post-site-visit process and to enable MusiQuE to assess its impact, a

peer-reviewed follow-up process is provided to institutions and programmes in the framework of the MusiQuE Review procedures. You

will, therefore, find attached the Template for MusiQuE Follow up Procedures, which lists in its first column the issues pointed out by

the Review Team as elements to be further developed. We would like to recommend that your institution makes use if this opportunity

of a follow-up process provided by MusiQuE and fills in the second column of the template by 31 May 2021, with short reports of the

actions undertaken for each element of improvement and each recommendation. One or more members of the Review Team which

visited your institution in November 2019 will then be asked to study the template filled in by the institution, as well as the evidence

provided, and to fill in the third column of the Follow-up Template with comments and, if appropriate, further recommendations.

Publication of the report on MusiQuE website and MusiQuE logo for reviewed institutions

Please note, that the report will be published in full version on the MusiQuE website under the section Completed reviews and on the

Database of External Quality Assurance Results (DEQAR). In addition, the present letter entitles you to publish on your website the

attached MusiQuE logo together with the text: Master of Arts and Master of Music programmes offered by the College of Music,

Mahidol University has been reviewed according to the MusiQuE standards in 2019 As the periodicity of MusiQuE review procedures

is six years, the logo and text above may be published until 31 May 2026.

I would like to thank you and your colleagues for your hard work in relation to the formulation of the self-evaluation report and the

excellent organisation of the site-visit. Please accept my congratulations on the outcomes of the outcomes of the accreditation

procedure on behalf of the entire MusiQuE Board.

Yours faithfully,

On behalf of the MusiQuE Board

Martin Prchal, Chair

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