[PDF] ordonnances - ILO

What does the ILO do?

Established by the Versailles Peace Treaty in 1919, the ILO's primary task is to develop, adopt and promote labour standards The list of International Labour Organization Conventions contains 190 codifications of worldwide labour standards.

Why does the ILO ratify the 4 conventions?

The ILO Governing Body has also designated another four Conventions as governance (or priority) instruments, thereby encouraging member States to ratify them because of their importance for the functioning of the international labour standards system.

Where can I find ILO publications?

ILO publications can be obtained through major booksellers or ILO local offices in many countries, or direct from ILO Publications, International Labour Office, CH-1211 Geneva 22, Switzerland. Catalogues or lists of new publications are available free of charge from the above address.

How does the International Labour Organisation protect the right to organise?

PROTECTION OF THE RIGHT TO ORGANISE Each Member of the International Labour Organisation for which this Convention is in force undertakes to take all necessary and appro- priate measures to ensure that workers and employers may exercise freely the right to organise.

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15 juil. 2021 I- LOIS & ORDONNANCES. Loi n° 2021-10 modifiant certaines dispositions de la loi n° 93-09 du 18 janvier 1993 modifiée


15 août 2018 I – LOIS & ORDONNANCES. Loi n° 2018-023 portant incrimination de la discrimination. L'Assemblée Nationale a adopté ;.

I – Lois & Ordonnances

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