[PDF] English to French Words This Online Dictionary contains general

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English to French Words

This Online Dictionary contains general words and phrases restaurant words and phrases and a huge section on food related items. Please remember to be 

Useful vocabulary and expressions in english

Ressembler cela ressemble à From my perspective. De mon point de vue. In my experience. D'après mon expérience. Other Linking Words. Additionally.


Le glossaire de la microfinance a une entrée alphabétique : il comprend la traduction de l'anglais vers le français (et du français vers l'anglais) de plus 

English - French legal glossary

LEGAL VOCABULARY. ENGLISH/FRENCH. Author Unknown. Glossary Provided Courtesy of the State of Maryland. Administrative Office of the Courts.

A Frequency Dictionary of French

Also a focus on function words may be equally rewarding – 60 per cent of speech in English is composed of a mere 50 function words. We also hope that the 

Physics vocab in English

Physics vocab in English. Quelques détails importants : — Les noms de scientifiques ne sont pas anglicisés : l'Eratosthène francisé devient en an-.

Calabash NC

Medical English and French international and pseudo. 1000s of useful French words phrases for travellers to France. They use latin dictionary: multiple 

Drawing a distinction between false Gallicisms and adapted French

23 nov. 2017 Gallicisms in English. Words have been searched for and selected manually in the American. Heritage Dictionary (AHD) and in three ...

Misused English words and expressions in EU publications EN 2016

25 mai 2016 5 http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/contract meaning 4. 6 An example of good practice in this field comes from a Court draft report on ...

A statistical approach to French/English translation

(3) Arrange the words of the target fixed locutions into a sequence forming the target sentence. We have developed statistical techniques facilitating both the 

European Odyssey 2006 Survival Skills and Language Aids

Basic English / Italian translations Greetings and Goodbyes English 1 Mister or Sir 2 Mrs or Ma'am 3 Miss 4 Good day or Good morning 5 Good afternoon 6 Good evening 7 Good night 8 Hello 9 Welcome 10 Goodbye 11 Untillater 12 Until tomorrow 13 Have a good trip 14 How are you? 15 Very well Italian 1 Signer 2

  • Tips For Mastering French Vocabulary

    1) Consider some good online courses

  • French Vocabulary Words For Survival in France

    Before traveling to France it would be a great idea to get a grasp of basic survival words. Here are a few words and phrases you absolutely must learn.

  • A Few Useful Phrases

    There are some phrases you absolutely must know. I’ve listed out the bare essentials here with explanations. This page offers an extensive list of French expressions.

What is the vocabulary of English and French?

About English and French Vocabulary. The English and French languages use some of the same words. Keep in mind that in the two languages, there are thousands of words that are similar or identical to each other. Since a large number of words are similar, it is easier for native English speaking people to learn French.

How many French vocabulary word lists are there?

The following table offers over 100 French vocabulary word lists: Become an expert in French vocabulary! Our friend, Camille, at Frenchtoday.com has also done a wonderful job covering French vocabulary. One of the major benefits is that her French vocabulary lists provide audio samples as well as cultural tips.

Is there a French clothing vocabulary list in PDF format?

Below the audio files, there are also a video and the French clothing vocabulary list in PDF format that you can print. I hope this lesson was useful for you, you can also watch it in video if you prefer.

Is there a French vocabulary book for GCSEs?

Vocabulary book - Word version GCSE 09 French Vocabulary book Version- Draft 1 Edexcel GCSE 2009 French Vocabulary Book Edexcel are pleased to provide this free vocabulary book freely to support learners following the Edexcel GCSE 2009 Specification in French.

European Odyssey 2006

Survival Skills and Language Aids

English to French Words

This is your easy to use list of English to French words and phrases to use while traveling in France or in a

French speaking country. These are some of the most popular English words and phrases to French words

and phrases, together with pronunciation guides, that you'll use on your trip. This Online Dictionary

contains general words and phrases, restaurant words and phrases and a huge section on food related items.

Please remember to be courteous and say hello to people before you ask your question and to say thank you

or you're welcome -- in French! The French language is a very formal language, and the French appreciate

it when you speak, or at least try to speak even a little French to them. Bon voyage and bonne chance avec

votre français! Basic English/French translations


Do you speak English?

Excuse me/sorry

Fine thanks and you?

Glad to meet you


Good evening

Good morning/good day

Hello Here

How are you?

I don't understand

I'm sorry

My name is

No Ok

Pardon me


Pleased to meet you

Please speak slowly


Thank you

That's ok


Very well


What is your name? When


You' re welcome


par-lay voo zon-glay ex-koo-zay mwah bee-ehn mer-see ay voo? on-shohn-tay oh ruh-vwar bon-swar bon-zhoor sah-loo ee-see kom-mohn tah-lay voo jhuhn kom-prohn pah day-zoh-lay/pahr-dohn juh mah-pell nohn dah-core pahr-dohn seel voo play ohn--shahn-tay par-lay lehn-ta-mohn kum-see, kum-sah mare-see dah ree-ehn lah treh bee-ehn kom-mohn kom-mohn voo-za-peh-lay voo kohn oo dah ree-ehn French

Parlez-vous anglais?


Merci et vous?


Au revoir

Bon soir

Bon jour

Salut Ici

Comment allez-vous?

Je ne comprends pas


Je m'appelle

Non d'accord Pardon

S'il vous plaît


Parlez lentement

Comme ci, comme ça


De rien

Très bien


Comment vous appellez-vous?

Quand Où

De rien


General Words and Phrases


Do you have:

A map?


The time?

Fill the tank

Go straight ahead

I don't speak French

I get off at___

I'm going to ____

Turn to the right, left

What day is it?

It is Monday

It is Tuesday

It is Wednesday

It is Thursday

It is Friday

It is Saturday

It is Sunday

What month is it?

It is January

It is February

It is March

It is April

It is May

It is June

It is July

It is August

It is September

It is October

It is November

It is December

What time is it?

It is 5 a.m.

Where is it?

It is over there

It is there

It is to the left, right

Where is the Bistro?




Ah-vay voo

Ewn Kart?

Uhn bek?


Leh plahn seel-voo-play

Ah-lay too-dwah

Jehn parl pah frahn-say

Jhe day-sehn ah _____

Jhe vayz ah _____

Ah-lay ah drwah, ah goo-sh

Kel jhoor sum noo?

Say lahn-dee

Say mahr-dee

Say mare-kruh-dee

Say zhuh-dee

Say vahn-druh-dee

Say sahm-dee

Say dee-mahnsh

Kel mwah sommes nous

say zhan-vee-ay say fey-vree- ay say marz say ah-vril say may say zhwahn say juh-wee-yay say oat say sep-tohm-bruh say ahk-toh-bruh say noh-vawm-bruh say day-sawm-bruh

Kel uhr ay-teel

Ill ay sank uhrs dew ma-tahn


Say la-bah

Say lah

Say tah goash, ah dwaht

Ooh-ay leh beez-troh?

kah-fay res-tah-rahn?



Une carte?

Un bec?


Le Plein, s'il vous plaît

Allez tout droit

Je ne parle pas français

Je descende à ____

Je vais à ____

Allez à droit, à gauche

Quel jour sommes-nous?

C'est lundi

C'est mardi

C'est mercredi

C'est jeudi

C'est vendredi

C'est samdi

C'est dimanche

Quel moi sommes-nous?

c'est janvier c'est février c'est mars c'est avril c'est mai c'est juin c'est juillet c'est août c'est septembre c'est octobre c'est novembre c'est décembre

Qu'elle heure est-il?

Il est cinq heures du matin

Où est-il?

C'est là-bas

C'est là

C'est à gauche, droite

Où est le Bistro?



Beverages Words & Phrases


beer, dark beer, light beer, tap champagne


lah bee-yehr brewn lah bee-yehr blohnd lah bee-yehr ah lah pres-see-ohn lah shahm-pahn-yuh


la bièr brune la bièr blonde la bièr à la pression la champagne


coffee with cream coffee with milk coffee /ice-cream / cream coffee with liqueur coffee, black coffee, decaffeinated coffee, iced drinks: espresso liqueur milk milk, chocolate orange juice orange juice, fresh tea tea with lemon tea with lemon and sugar tea with sugar tea, herbal tea, iced water water, tap water, mineral, carbonated water, mineral, non-carb wine, red wine, roséquotesdbs_dbs24.pdfusesText_30
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