[PDF] TreatySeries Recueil des Traites

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TreatySeries Recueil des Traites

1. Le Gouvernement s'il n'est pas d~jA tenu de le faire


Treaties and international agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations


Recueil des Traites

Traite's et accords internationaux

enregistrs ou classes et inscrits au repertoire au Secrtariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

United Nations e Nations Unies

New York, 1967

Treaties and international agreements registered

or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations

VOLUME 552 1966 I. Nos. 8047-8064


Treaties and international agreements

registered trom 21 January 1966 to 7 February 1966 Page

No. 8047.




and Poland: Basic Agreement for the provision of technical advisory assistance. Signed at Warsaw, on 20 July 1965, and at Copenhagen, on 26 August 1965 ...3 No. 8048. Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua: Charter of the Organization of Central American States (OCAS). Signed at Panama City, on 12 December 1962 ........ ......... ... 15 No. 8049. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and India: Guarantee Agreement-Sixth Industrial Credit and Investment Project (with annexed Loan Regulations No. 4 and Loan Agreement between the Bank and the Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Limited). Signed at Washington, on 28 May 1965 .... ............... ....39

No. 8050. Poland and Brazil:

Cultural Agreement. Signed at Brasilia, on 19 October 1961 ........ ... 75

No. 8051. Poland and German Democratic Republic:

Agreement concerning cultural co-operation. Signed at Warsaw, on 6 October

1964 .............. .............................. 89

No. 8052. Poland and Mongolia:

Consular Convention. Signed at Warsaw, on 28 October 1964 ....... ... 115

No. 8053. Poland and Romania:

Agreement concerning cultural and scientific co-operation. Signed at Warsaw, on 26 November 1964 ........ ...................... ...157

Traites et accords internationaux enregistres

ou classes et inscrits au r'pertoire au Secr6tariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

VOLUME 552 1966 I. N-' 80474064



Traitds at accords internationaux

enregistrds du 21 janvier 1966 au 7 /dvrier 1966 Pages No 8047. Organisation mondiale de la santi et Pologne: Accord de base concernant la fourniture d'une assistance technique de carac- tere consultatif. Signd & Varsovie, le 20 juillet 1965, et & Copenhague, le 26 aofit 1965 ......... ............................. 3 No 8048. Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras et Nicaragua: Charte de 1'Organisation des ttats d'Am6rique centrale (ODECA). Signde & Panama, le 12 ddcembre 1962 ...... ................... .... 15 No 8049. Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le diveloppement et Inde: Contrat de garantie -Sixi~me projet relatif au crddit et aux investissements industriels (avec, en annexe, le R~glement no 4 sur les emprunts et le Con- trat d'emprunt entre la Banque et 1'Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Limited). Sign6 h Washington, le 28 mai 1965 ..39

NO 8050. Pologne et Br6sil:

Accord de cooperation culturelle. Sign6 it Brasilia, le 19 octobre 1961 ...75 No 8051. Pologne et Ripublique dimocratique allemande: Accord de cooperation culturelle. Sign6 Varsovie, le 6 octobre 1964 ....89

No 8052. Pologne et Mongolie:

Convention consulaire. Signfe A Varsovie, le 28 octobre 1964 ........ ...115

No 8053. Pologne et Roumanie:

Accord de cooperation culturelle et scientifique. Sign6 A Varsovie, le 26 no- vembre 1964 .......... .......................... ... 157

IV United Nations -Treaty Series 1966

Page No. 8054. Poland and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Agreement concerning the use of water resources in frontier waters. Signed at Warsaw, on 17 July 1964 ....... ................... ...175 No. 8055. United Nations Development Programme (Special Fund) and


Agreement concerning assistance from the United Nations Development Pro- gramme (Special Fund). Signed at New York, on 26 January 1966 ..201 No. 8056. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Jamaica: Agreement for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income. Signed at London, on 2 April

1965 ........... .............................. ... 219

No. 8057. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Jordan: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement concerning an interest-free loan during the financial year ending 31 March 1966. Amman, 8 June

1965 ........... .............................. ... 251

No. 8058. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and


Agreement concerning certain overseas officers serving in Sabah and Sarawak. Signed at Kuala Lumpur, on 7 May 1965 .... .............. ... 259 No. 8059. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Swit- zerland: Agreement for co-operation in the peaceful uses of atomic energy. Signed at Berne, on 11 August 1964 ...... ..................... ....271 No. 8060. United Nations, International Labour Organisation, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, International Civil Aviation Organization, World Health Organization, Inter- national Telecommunication Union, World Meteorological Or- ganization, International Atomic Energy Agency and Universal

Postal Union and Singapore:

Exchange of letters constituting an agreement concerning the assumption by the Government of Singapore of the obligations under the Agreement signed at Kuala Lumpur on 21 May 1959, and at Bangkok on 29 May 1959, for the provision of operational and executive personnel, and the Standard Agreement concerning technical assistance, signed at Kuala Lumpur on

1 March 1962. Singapore, 13 December 1965, and Kuala Lumpur, 31 De-

cember 1965 .......... .......................... ...292

1966 Nations Unies -Recueil des Traite's V

Pages No 8054. Pologne et Union des Republiques socialistes soviitiques: Accord relatif i l'hydro6conomie des eaux frontires. Sign6 6. Varsovie, le

17 juillet 1964 ......... .......................... ...175

No 8055. Programme des Nations Unies pour le d~veloppement (Fonds sp6cial) et Mongolie: Accord relatif A une assistance du Programme des Nations Unies pour le d6ve- loppement (Fonds special). Sign6 A New York, le 26 janvier 1966 ...201 No 8056. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et Jamalque: Convention tendant I 6viter la double imposition et k pr~venir 1'6vasion fiscale en mati~re d'imp6ts sur le revenu. Signe 't Londres, le 2 avril 1965 ..219 No 8057. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et Jordanie: tchange de notes constituant un accord relatif k l'octroi d'un pr~t sans int6r~t pendant 1'exercice se terminant le 31 mars 1966. Amman, 8 juin 1965 .251 No 8058. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et Malaisie: Accord relatif & certains fonctionnaires d'outre-mer en poste au Sabah et au Sarawak. Sign6 k Kuala-Lumpur, le 7 mai 1965 .. ........... ....259 No 8059. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et Suisse: Accord de coop6ration pour l'utilisation de 'dnergie atomique h des fins paci- fiques. Sign6 I Berne, le 11 aofit 1964 ....... ............... 271 No 8060. Organisation des Nations Unies, Organisation internationale du Travail, Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et ragriculture, Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'Mducation, la science et la culture, Organisation de raviation civile internationale, Organisation mondiale de la sant6, Union internationale des t6l- communications, Organisation m~t~orologique mondiale, Agence internationale de l'nergie atomique et Union postale universelle et Singapour: tchange de lettres constituant un accord concernant la succession du Gouver- nement de Singapour aux obligations d6coulant de l'Accord r~gissant

1'envoi de personnel d'administration et de direction, sign6 A Kuala-

Lumpur le 21 mai 1959 et i Bangkok le 29 mai 1959, et de l'Accord type d'assistance technique, sign6 A Kuala-Lumpur le ler mars 1962. Singa- pour, 13 d6cembre 1965, et Kuala-Lumpur, 31 d6cembre 1965 ....... 293

VI United Nations -Treaty Series 1966

Page No. 8061. United Nations Development Programme (Special Fund) and


Exchange of letters constituting an agreement concerning the assumption by the Government of Singapore of the obligations incurred in connexion with approved Special Fund projects in Singapore under the Agreement of 25 July 1961 between the Special Fund and the Government of the Federation of Malaya. Singapore, 13 December 1965, and Kuala Lumpur,

31 December 1965 ........ ........................ ... 299

No. 8062. Israel and Democratic Republic of the Congo: Exchange of letters constituting an agreement concerning the abolition of visas for holders of diplomatic and service passports. Leopoldville, 19 Novem- ber 1963 and 14 April 1964 ......... .................... 305

No. 8063. Greece and Yugoslavia:

Convention on plant protection. Signed at Athens, on 11 September 1956 311

No. 8064. Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia:

Agreement concerning co-operation in the matter of plant protection (with an- nexes). Signed at Belgrade, on 16 June 1965 ... ............ ... 325 ANNEX A. Ratifications, accessions, prorogations, etc., concerning treaties and international agreements registered with the Secretariat of the United


No. 449. American Treaty on Pacific Settlement (Pact of Bogota). Signed at Bogota, on 30 April 1948: Ratification by Brazil ............. .................. 360 No. 928. Agreement between the Government of Ireland and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland relating to air services to, in and through their respective territories.

Signed at London, on 5 April 1946:

Modification of the annex to the above-mentioned Agreement ... ....... 361 No. 1151. Trade Agreement between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Ire- land. Signed at Dublin, on 31 July 1948: Exchange of notes (with annex) constituting an agreement amending the above-mentioned Agreement. London, 17 June 1953 .... ........ 362 No. 4789. Agreement concerning the Adoption of Uniform Conditions of Ap- proval and Reciprocal Recognition of Approval for Motor Vehicle Equipment and Parts. Done at Geneva, on 20 March 1958: Amendments to Regulations Nos. 1 and 2 annexed to the above-mentioned Agreement ............ ........................... 370

1966 Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitds VII


No 8061. Programme

des Nations

Unies pour le d~veloppement

(Fonds special) et Singapour: Ichange de lettres constituant un accord concernant la succession du Gouver- nement de Singapour aux obligations d6coulant des projets du Fonds sp6- cial approuv6s pour Singapour conform6ment I 'Accord du 25 j uillet 1961 entre le Fonds special et le Gouvernement de la F6d~ration de Malaisie. Singapour, 13 d6cembre 1965, et Kuala-Lumpur, 31 d6cembre 1965 ..299 No 8062. Israel et Rpublique dimocratique du Congo: tchange de lettres constituant un accord dispensant de 'obligation du visa les titulaires d'un passeport diplomatique ou de service. Lhopoldville,

19 novembre 1963 et 14 avril 1964 ..... ................. ... 305

No 8063. Gr~ce et Yougoslavie:

Convention pour la protection des plantes. Sign6e L Ath~nes, le 11 sep- tembre 1956 ......... ........................... ..311

No 8064. Tchcoslovaquie et Yougoslavie:

Accord de cooperation pour la protection des v6g~taux (avec annexes). Sign6 i Belgrade, le 16 juin 1965 .......... ..................... 325 ANNEXE A. Ratifications, adhesions, prorogations, etc., concernant des traitds et accords internationaux enregistris au Secrdtariat de I'Organisation des

Nations Unies

No 449. Trait6 am~ricain de riglement pacifique (Pacte de Bogota). Sign6 i

Bogota, le 30 avril 1948:

Ratification du Br6sil ......... ........................ ... 360 NO 928. Accord entre le Gouvernement irlandais et le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord relatif aux services a~riens As destination, it I'int~rieur et en transit au-dessus de leurs territoires respectifs. Sign6 it Londres, le 5 avril 1946: Modification de l'annexe g 'Accord susmentionn6 ... ............ .361 NO 1151. Accord commercial entre le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et le Gouvernement irlan- dais. Sign6 a Dublin, le 31 juillet 1948: tchange de notes (avec annexe) constituant un avenant & l'Accord susmen- tionn6. Londres, 17 juin 1953 ....... ................... ...363 NO 4789. Accord concernant 'adoption de conditions uniformes d'homologation et la reconnaissance riciproque de I'homologation des 6quipements et pices de v~hicules it moteur. Fait i Genive, le 20 mars 1958: Amendements aux R~glements nos 1 et 2 annexes l'Accord susmentionn6 371 vii United Nations -Treaty Series 1966

No. 5040. Air Transport Agreement

between Ireland and the Federal Republic of Germany. Signed at Bonn, on 12 June 1956: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to the above-mentioned Agreement. Dublin, 24 March 1958 ..... ................ ...412 No. 6330. International Convention relating to the arrest of seagoing ships.

Signed at Brussels, on 10 May 1952:

No. 6331. International Convention on certain rules concerning civil jurisdic- tion in matters of collision. Signed at Brussels, on 10 May 1952: No. 6332. International Convention for the unification of certain rules relating to penal jurisdiction in matters of collision or other incidents of navigation. Signed at Brussels, on 10 May 1952: Application of the above-mentioned Conventions to Sarawak, British Guiana, Fiji, Gibraltar, Hong Kong, Mauritius, North Borneo, Seychelles, British Virgin Islands and Bermuda ......... ................... 414 No. 6465. Convention on the High Seas. Done at Geneva, on 29 April 1958: No. 6466. Optional Protocol of Signature concerning the Compulsory Settle- ment of Disputes. Done at Geneva, on 29 April 1958: Ratification by Yugoslavia ........ ...................... ... 418 No. 6524. Agreement between the United Nations, the International Labour Organisation, the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the International Civil Aviation Organization, the World Health Organization, the International Telecommunication Union, the World Meteorological Organiza- tion, the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Universal Postal Union and His Majesty's Government of Nepal concerning technical assistance. Signed at Kathmandu, on 14 February 1963:
Amendment ........... ............................ ...419 No. 6861. Customs Convention on the temporary importation of packings.

Done at Brussels, on 6 October 1960:

Ratification by Turkey ........ ........................ ... 420 No. 6864. Customs Convention on the A.T.A. carnet for the temporary admis- sion of goods (A.T.A. Convention). Done at Brussels, on

6 December 1961:

Accession by Hungary ......... ........................ ...421

1966 Nations Unies -Recueil des Traits IX

NO 5040. Accord entre 'Irlande et la Rpublique

f~d~rale d'Allemagne relatif Pages aux transports a~riens. Sign6 i Bonn, le 12 juin 1956: tchange de notes constituant un accord relatif l'Accord susmentionn6. Dublin, 24 mars 1958 ........ ...................... .. 413 No 6330. Convention internationale pour i'unification de certaines r~gles sur la saisie conservatoire des navires de mer. Sign~e i Bruxelles, le

10 mai 1952:

No 6331. Convention internationale pour l'unification de certaines r gles rela- tives i la competence civile en mati~re d'abordage. Sign6e A Bruxel- les, le 10 mai 1952: No 6332. Convention internationale pour runification de certaines rigles rela- tives i la competence p~nale en mati~re d'abordage et autres ivinements de navigation. Sign~e i Bruxelles, le 10 mai 1952: Application des Conventions susmentionn6es aux territoires suivants: Sara- wak, Guyane britannique, Fidji, Gibraltar, Hong-kong, Ile Maurice, Borneo du Nord, Seychelles, Iles Vierges britanniques et Bermudes. ..415 No 6465. Convention sur la haute mer. Faite it Genive, le 29 avril 1958: No 6466. Protocole de signature facultative concernant le rglement obligatoire des diffrends. Fait A Genive, le 29 avril 1958: Ratification de la Yougoslavie ..... ..................... ...418 No 6524. Accord d'assistance technique entre l'Organisation des Nations Unies, l'Organisation internationale du Travail, l'Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture, l'Organisa- tion des Nations Unies pour l'&lucation, la science et la culture, r'Organisation de l'aviation civile internationale, l'Organisation mondiale de la sant6, l'Union internationale des t~lcommunications, l'Organisation mit~orologique mondiale, 'Agence internationale de i'6nergie atomique et l'Union postale universelle, d'une part, et le Gouvernement royal du Npal, d'autre part. Sign6 A Khat-quotesdbs_dbs43.pdfusesText_43
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