[PDF] Detailed review of implementation of Agenda 21

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United Nations Conference on Environment & Development

http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/agenda21.htm. Reproduction and dissemination of the document - in electronic and/or printed format - is encouraged 


Transforming+our+world:+the+2030+Agenda+for+Sustainable+Development+. +by+the+concrete+policies+and+actions+as+outlined+in+the+outcome+document+of+the+.

Olympic Movements Agenda 21

14 June 1992 It is in the light of the above that the United Nations Environment. Programme (UNEP) welcomes the Olympic Movement's Agenda 21 document that ...

Agenda 21 for culture

United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) adopted the Agenda 21 for culture as a reference document for its programmes on culture and assumed the role of 

Agenda 21 for culture

United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) adopted the Agenda 21 for culture as a reference document for its programmes on culture and assumed the role of 

Report ofthe UnitedNations Conference on Environment and

Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures. on Environment and Development Agenda 21 and the Non-legally.

Local Agenda 21

pdf [Accessed 26. May 2006]. This document contains a very good discussion on LA21 issues in. Australia. Hornsby Shire Council Local Action 21 www.hornsby.nsw.


Transforming+our+world:+the+2030+Agenda+for+Sustainable+Development+. +by+the+concrete+policies+and+actions+as+outlined+in+the+outcome+document+of+the+.

Chapter 13 of Agenda 21

Agenda 21 is the global plan of action that was adopted at the United Nations. Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro.

Detailed review of implementation of Agenda 21

Implementation of Agenda 21 and progress in implementation of the Rio The template is outlined in more detail below. ... document.354.aspx.pdf p. 39.

[PDF] Agenda 21 de Rio 1992 - Association Adéquations

1 jan 2016 · Agenda 21 de Rio 1992 Principe 3 Le droit au développement doit être réalisé de façon à satisfaire équitablement les besoins relatifs au

[PDF] United Nations Conference on Environment & Development

In the implementation of the relevant programme areas identified in Agenda 21 special attention should be given to the particular circumstances facing the 

Action 21

Action 21 A/CONF 151/26/Rev 1 Chapitre 21 · Chapitre 22 · Chapitre 23 · Chapitre 24 · Chapitre 25 · Chapitre 26 · Chapitre 27 · Chapitre 28 · Chapitre 29

[PDF] Quest-ce quun Agenda 21 ? Cest un projet de développement

L'agenda 21 est à la fois un diagnostic partagé une stratégie sur la base d'enjeux clairement identifiés et durable et agendas 21 locaux (PDF - 127 Ko)

[PDF] contribution du fem à action 21 - GEF

Réponse du FEM à Action 21 : Aperçu général 5 Financement de la protection de l'environnement mondial Actions et premières répercussions

[PDF] agenda21pdf - Inspirer le monde

Ce document présente les principes la vision les orientations et le plan d'action de l'Agenda 21 local de Baie-Saint-Paul Il a été élaboré par le comité A 21 

[PDF] Agenda 21

o Capacité de l'environnement à répondre à nos besoins Convention de Rio: Agenda 21 un programme d'actions pour le 21ème siècle: Agenda 21


18 avr 2016 · Il regroupe les différents acteurs du territoire pour assurer un développement en faveur de tous les acteurs qui le composent Il vise à mettre 

[PDF] Agenda 21 du Mouvement olympique - Olympics

veille à ce que les Jeux Olympiques se déroulent dans des conditions qui prennent en compte d'une manière responsable les problèmes d'environnement et encourage 

Agenda 21pdf

30 juil 2016 · Taille du document: 1 6 Mo (26 pages) Confidentialité: fichier public Aperçu du document 30/07/2016 Jimmy Bernier Cherchez des personnes 

  • Qu'est-ce que l'Agenda 21 PDF ?

    ? Qu'est-ce qu'un Agenda 21 ? C'est un projet de développement durable pour un territoire, une démarche globale initiée par une collectivité locale, conduite avec la population et les acteurs locaux, avec l'ambition collective de faire du développement durable le nouveau modèle de développement du territoire.
  • Quels sont les 27 principes de l'Agenda 21 ?

    L'Agenda 21 est composé de 27 principes, parmi lesquels on retrouve le développement durable, le lien entre droit au développement et protection de l'environnement, les besoins particuliers des pays en développement, la nécessaire participation des citoyens ou encore le rôle des femmes.
  • Qui a créé l'Agenda 21 ?

    Mais qu'est-ce qu'un Agenda 21 ? Réponse « Agir local, penser global » Cette formule a été prononcée au sommet sur l'environnement en 1972 par René DUBOIS (agronome et biologiste fran?is). Depuis le sommet de la Terre de Rio de Janeiro en 1992, les territoires sont au cœur du développement durable.
  • Traitant de sujets aussi divers que la protection de l'environnement, la lutte contre la pauvreté, la promotion de la santé, de l'éducation ou encore la gestion durable des ressources, l'Agenda 21 implique particulièrement les collectivités territoriales.
Detailed review of implementation of Agenda 21 Study prepared by the Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future

January 2012Sustainable Development in the 21

st century (SD21)

Detailed review of implementation of Agenda 21

Review of implementation

of Agenda 21

Design by formatoverde.pt

All photographs by © United Nations


This study is part of the Sustainable Development in the 21
st century (SD21) project. The project is implemented by the Division for Sustainable Development of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs and funded by the European Commission - Directorate-

General for Environment - Thematic Programme for

Environment and sustainable management of Natural

Resources, including energy (ENRTP).

The study was done by Stakeholder Forum for a

Sustainable Future (SF), under the supervision of

David Le Blanc (UN-DESA). Within SF, Nicholas

Allen, Jack Cornforth, Hannah Stoddart, and Farooq

Ullah participated in the editorial team. Outside

contributors on individual chapters of the report were Margaret Araujo Dantas, Beth Harrison, Paul

Heigl, Emma Mullins, Brittany Murales, Emma

Norris, Andy Shaw, Jan-Gustav Strandenaes, Sara

Svensson, and Farooq Ullah. Claire Fellini (UN-DESA) prepared the manuscript. This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of the United nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs and can in no way be taken to reect the views of the European Union. Acknowledgements | Review of Implementation of Agenda 21 PAGE III


Introduction ........................................................................ .............. 1 Implementation of Agenda 21 and progress in implementation of the Rio principles ............ 1 Implementation of Agenda 21 ........................................................................ ............................................... 1 Methodology ........................................................................ ........ 2

Section 1: Social and Economic Dimensions ........................................................................

......................... 5 Chapter 2: International Cooperation to Accelerate Sustainable Development in

Developing Countries & Related Domestic Policies ........................................................................

...... 6


........ 6


.. 6 Challenges and Conicts ........................................................................ ........................................................... 8

Way Forward

....... 10

Chapter 3: Combating Poverty ........................................................................

............................................. 11


........ 11


.. 11 Challenges and Conicts ........................................................................ ........................................................... 14

Way Forward

....... 16

Chapter 4: Changing Consumption Patterns ........................................................................

................... 17


........ 17


.. 17 Challenges and Conicts ........................................................................ ........................................................... 22

Way Forward

....... 23

Chapter 5: Demographic Dynamics and Sustainability ...................................................................... 25


........ 25


.. 25 Challenges and Conicts ........................................................................ ........................................................... 29

Way Forward

....... 30

Chapter 6: Protecting & Promoting Human Health ........................................................................

..... 32


........ 32


.. 32 Challenges and Conicts ........................................................................ ........................................................... 34

Way Forward

....... 36

Chapter 7: Promoting Sustainable Human Settlement Development ............................................. 38


........ 38


.. 38 Challenges and Conicts ........................................................................ ........................................................... 42

Way Forward

....... 44

Chapter 8: Integrating Environment & Development in Decision-Making .................................. 46


........ 46


.. 46 Challenges and Conicts ........................................................................ ........................................................... 51

Way Forward

....... 53 Section 2: Conservation and Management of Resources for Development ....................................... 55

Chapter 9: Protection of the Atmosphere ........................................................................

......................... 56


........ 56


.. 56 Challenges and conicts ........................................................................ ............................................................ 60

Way Forward

....... 62

Review of Implementation of Agenda 21

Contents PAGE IV

Chapter 10: Integrated Approach to the Planning & Management of Land Resources........... 64


........ 64


.. 64 Challenges and Conicts ........................................................................ ........................................................... 66

Way Forward

....... 68

Chapter 11: Combating Deforestation ........................................................................

................................ 70


........ 70


.. 70 Challenges and Conicts ........................................................................ ........................................................... 76

Way Forward

....... 79 ................................... 82


........ 82


.. 82 Challenges and Conicts ........................................................................ ........................................................... 86

Way Forward

....... 87 Chapter 13: Managing Fragile Ecosystems: Sustainable Mountain Development .................... 89


........ 89


.. 89 Challenges and Conicts ........................................................................ ........................................................... 91

Way Forward

....... 92

Chapter 14: Promoting Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development ................................... 94


........ 94


.. 94 Challenges and Conicts ........................................................................ ........................................................... 98

Way Forward

....... 99

Chapter 15: Conservation of biological diversity ........................................................................

........... 101


........ 101


.. 101 Challenges and Conicts ........................................................................ ........................................................... 103

Way Forward

....... 107

Chapter 16: Environmentally Sound Management of Biotechnology............................................. 110


........ 110


.. 110 Challenges and Conicts ........................................................................ ........................................................... 112

Way Forward

....... 113 Chapter 17: Protection of the Oceans, All Kinds of Seas, Including Enclosed and Semi-Enclosed Seas, and Coastal Areas and the Protection, Rational Use and

Development of Their Living Resources ........................................................................

............................ 114


........ 114


.. 114 Challenges and Conicts ........................................................................ ........................................................... 117

Way Forward

....... 120 Chapter 18: Protection of the Quality and Supply of Freshwater Resources: Application of Integrated Approaches to the Development, Management and Use of Water Resources ........................................................................ .......................................................... 122


........ 122


.. 122 Challenges and Conicts ........................................................................ ........................................................... 127

Way Forward

....... 128

Contents |

Review of Implementation of Agenda 21 PAGE V

Chapter 19: Environmentally Sound Management of Toxic Chemicals, Dangerous Products ........................................................................ ................................................................. 129


........ 129


.. 129 Challenges and Conicts ........................................................................ ........................................................... 131

Way Forward

....... 132 Chapter 20: Environmentally Sound Management of Hazardous Wastes, Including Prevention of Illegal International ................................................. 134


........ 134


.. 134 Challenges and Conicts ........................................................................ ........................................................... 137

Way Forward

....................................... 138 Chapter 21: Environmentally Sound Management of Solid Wastes & Sewage-Related Issues ........................................................................ ............................................................. 139


........ 139


.. 139 Challenges and Conicts ........................................................................ ........................................................... 142

Way Forward

....... 143 Chapter 22: Promoting the Safe and Environmentally Sound Management of Radioactive Wastes ........................................................................ ............................................................. 145


........ 145


.. 145 Challenges and Conicts ........................................................................ ........................................................... 146

Way Forward

....... 148

Section 3: Strengthening the Role of Major Groups ........................................................................

.......... 149 Chapter 23: Preamble ........................................................................ .............................................................. 150


........ 150


.. 151 Challenges and Conicts ........................................................................ ........................................................... 154

Way Forward

....... 156 Chapter 24: Global Action for Women Towards Sustainable & Equitable Development ........................................................................ ............................................................ 158


........ 158


.. 158 Challenges and Conicts ........................................................................ ........................................................... 165

Way Forward

....... 165

Chapter 25: Children and Youth in Sustainable Development ......................................................... 167


........ 167


.. 167 Challenges and Conicts ........................................................................ ........................................................... 172

Way Forward

....... 173 Chapter 26: Recognizing and Strengthening the Role of Indigenous People and Their Communities........................................................................ ............................................. 175


........ 175


.. 175 Challenges and Conicts ........................................................................ ........................................................... 179

Way Forward

....... 180

Review of Implementation of Agenda 21

Contents PAGE VI

Chapter 27: Strengthening the Role of Non-Governmental Organizations

- Partners for Sustainable Development ........................................................................

.......................... 181


........ 181


.. 181 Challenges and Conicts ........................................................................ ........................................................... 184

Way Forward

....... 185

Chapter 28: Local Authorities" Initiatives in Support of Agenda 21 ............................................... 187


........ 187


.. 187 Challenges and Conicts ........................................................................quotesdbs_dbs33.pdfusesText_39
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