[PDF] Local Agenda 21 pdf [Accessed 26. May 2006].

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United Nations Conference on Environment & Development

http://www.un.org/esa/sustdev/agenda21.htm. Reproduction and dissemination of the document - in electronic and/or printed format - is encouraged 


Transforming+our+world:+the+2030+Agenda+for+Sustainable+Development+. +by+the+concrete+policies+and+actions+as+outlined+in+the+outcome+document+of+the+.

Olympic Movements Agenda 21

14 June 1992 It is in the light of the above that the United Nations Environment. Programme (UNEP) welcomes the Olympic Movement's Agenda 21 document that ...

Agenda 21 for culture

United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) adopted the Agenda 21 for culture as a reference document for its programmes on culture and assumed the role of 

Agenda 21 for culture

United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) adopted the Agenda 21 for culture as a reference document for its programmes on culture and assumed the role of 

Report ofthe UnitedNations Conference on Environment and

Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures. on Environment and Development Agenda 21 and the Non-legally.

Local Agenda 21

pdf [Accessed 26. May 2006]. This document contains a very good discussion on LA21 issues in. Australia. Hornsby Shire Council Local Action 21 www.hornsby.nsw.


Transforming+our+world:+the+2030+Agenda+for+Sustainable+Development+. +by+the+concrete+policies+and+actions+as+outlined+in+the+outcome+document+of+the+.

Chapter 13 of Agenda 21

Agenda 21 is the global plan of action that was adopted at the United Nations. Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro.

Detailed review of implementation of Agenda 21

Implementation of Agenda 21 and progress in implementation of the Rio The template is outlined in more detail below. ... document.354.aspx.pdf p. 39.

[PDF] Agenda 21 de Rio 1992 - Association Adéquations

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[PDF] United Nations Conference on Environment & Development

In the implementation of the relevant programme areas identified in Agenda 21 special attention should be given to the particular circumstances facing the 

Action 21

Action 21 A/CONF 151/26/Rev 1 Chapitre 21 · Chapitre 22 · Chapitre 23 · Chapitre 24 · Chapitre 25 · Chapitre 26 · Chapitre 27 · Chapitre 28 · Chapitre 29

[PDF] Quest-ce quun Agenda 21 ? Cest un projet de développement

L'agenda 21 est à la fois un diagnostic partagé une stratégie sur la base d'enjeux clairement identifiés et durable et agendas 21 locaux (PDF - 127 Ko)

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o Capacité de l'environnement à répondre à nos besoins Convention de Rio: Agenda 21 un programme d'actions pour le 21ème siècle: Agenda 21


18 avr 2016 · Il regroupe les différents acteurs du territoire pour assurer un développement en faveur de tous les acteurs qui le composent Il vise à mettre 

[PDF] Agenda 21 du Mouvement olympique - Olympics

veille à ce que les Jeux Olympiques se déroulent dans des conditions qui prennent en compte d'une manière responsable les problèmes d'environnement et encourage 

Agenda 21pdf

30 juil 2016 · Taille du document: 1 6 Mo (26 pages) Confidentialité: fichier public Aperçu du document 30/07/2016 Jimmy Bernier Cherchez des personnes 

  • Qu'est-ce que l'Agenda 21 PDF ?

    ? Qu'est-ce qu'un Agenda 21 ? C'est un projet de développement durable pour un territoire, une démarche globale initiée par une collectivité locale, conduite avec la population et les acteurs locaux, avec l'ambition collective de faire du développement durable le nouveau modèle de développement du territoire.
  • Quels sont les 27 principes de l'Agenda 21 ?

    L'Agenda 21 est composé de 27 principes, parmi lesquels on retrouve le développement durable, le lien entre droit au développement et protection de l'environnement, les besoins particuliers des pays en développement, la nécessaire participation des citoyens ou encore le rôle des femmes.
  • Qui a créé l'Agenda 21 ?

    Mais qu'est-ce qu'un Agenda 21 ? Réponse « Agir local, penser global » Cette formule a été prononcée au sommet sur l'environnement en 1972 par René DUBOIS (agronome et biologiste fran?is). Depuis le sommet de la Terre de Rio de Janeiro en 1992, les territoires sont au cœur du développement durable.
  • Traitant de sujets aussi divers que la protection de l'environnement, la lutte contre la pauvreté, la promotion de la santé, de l'éducation ou encore la gestion durable des ressources, l'Agenda 21 implique particulièrement les collectivités territoriales.
Local Agenda 21 Education for Sustainability in Local Government: Handbook 51

Local Agenda 21

Key questions addressed by this section:

What is the purpose of this section?..........................................................52What is Local Agenda 21?...........................................................................52What will it mean for Local Agenda 21 to enter a new stage, Local Action

21?.................................................................................................................54How does Local Agenda 21 link with Education for Sustainability?....

...55How is Local Agenda 21 progressing in Australia?..................................56 Where can I find out more about Local Agenda 21?.........................

.................................60Some text taken from Neil H, Sansom G, Porter J and Wensing E (2002) Australian Local

Sustainability Initiative: An Achievement Recognition Matrix Environment Australia

www.deh.gov.au/esd/la21/framework/framework.html [Accessed 18 May 2006] and also fromthe ARIES portal www.aries.mq.edu.au.

Local Agenda 21 is a process which facilitates sustainable development a t community level. It is an approach based on participation which respects the socia l, cultural, economic and environmental needs of the present and future citizens of a community in all its diversity and which relates that community and its future to the regional, national and international community of which it is a part. Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government's 'Sustaina ble

Development, A Strategy for Ireland' (1997)

Education for Sustainability in Local Government: Handbook 52

What is the purpose of this section?

To introduce:

• the key themes of Local Agenda 21 • Local Action 21 as the new motto for Local Agenda 21 • the links between

LA21 and Education for Sustainability

• the issues associated with LA21 processes in Australia.

What is Local Agenda 21?

Local Agenda 21 is a policy tool for implementing local sustainable development and at the same time it is also a learning process for both the community and local government. It was first described in Agenda 21, the global blueprint for sustainability that was agreed at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992 (the Rio Earth Summit). Chapter 28 of Agenda 21 identifies local authorities as the sphere of governance closest to the people, and calls upon all local authorities to consult with their communities and develop and implement a local plan for sustainability - a 'Local Agenda 21'. By 2001 more than 6,400 local governments in

113 countries worldwide were developing and implementing LA21s.

One of the main supporters of the LA21 process is ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability, an international association of local governments and national and regional local government organisations that have made a commitment to sustainable development. See their website at www.iclei.org. Local Agenda 21 (LA21) promotes a participatory, long-term, strategic planning process that helps municipalities identify local sustainability priorities and implement long-term action plans. 1 Local Agenda 21 processes aim at involving all stakeholders in the community in decision-making in sustainability planning and management at the local level. These processes offer great opportunities for participatory learning as groups debate their future direction based on working in partnership with government, industry and other community groups. Guides abound, aiming to support the community to integrate environmental, economic and social development in a long term strategic action plan that integrates existing policies a nd programs.

Local Agenda 21 ...

promotes a participatory, long-term, strategic planning process that hel ps municipalities identify local sustainability priorities and implement lo ng-term action plans.

Source: ICLEI

Education for Sustainability in Local Government: Handbook 53
A number of international frameworks for evaluating LA21 provide a useful starting point for developing an LA21 framework. Key aspects common to all the frameworks are: • the integration of social, environmental and economic issues • the participation of a range of stakeholders from the community, non- government and government sectors • a long-term commitment to LA21 • the formation of partnerships for developing, implementing and assessing progress. Our Community: Our Future, A Guide to Local Agenda 21 2 is the latest Australian guide to LA21 and was published by the Commonwealth Government in 1999. It was intended to provide practical guidance on how to develop a LA21. The guide identifies five action areas for developing a LA21 process.

Local Agenda 21 as a learning process

The consultation and consensus building should be seen as a two-way learning process. Firstly, councils 'learn from citizens and from local, civic, communit y, business and industrial organisations and acquire the information needed for formulating the best strategies.' Secondly, it is intended that the proc ess of consultation 'increase household awareness of sustainable development issues'.

Source: Chapter 28, Agenda 21

Education for Sustainability in Local Government: Handbook 54
In 1999, the South Australian Government and the Local Government Association, in consultation with the South Australian Partnership for Local Agenda 21, produced

Local Agenda 21 The South Australian Experience


These guidelines also outline a

process for developing an LA21 program and are based around the experiences of South Australian Councils involved in LA21. In 2000 a further document The South Australian Partnership for LA21 - Identifying Future Directions Discussion Paper 4 was published which provides a good overview of the LA21 issues faced in Aus tralia. What will it mean for Local Agenda 21 to enter a new stage,

Local Action 21?

In August 2002 during the Local Government Session at the World Summit in Johannesburg, local government leaders from around the world joined ICLEI in launching Local Action 21 as the next phase of Local Agenda 21 (LA21). Local Action

21 was launched as a motto for the second decade of LA21. It is a mandate to local

authorities worldwide to move from agenda to action and ensure an accelerated implementation of sustainable development. ICLEI suggest that moving from Local Agenda 21 to Local Action 21 will m ean: ¥ Pro-actively creating sustainable communities and cities Through Local Action 21 communities will be assisted to go beyond general sustainability planning and to address specific factors that prevent a great number of them from becoming sustainable, such as poverty, injustice and exclusion, unhealthy environment and vulnerability.

The five Action Areas in an LA21 process

identified in 'Our Community: Our Future'

Action Area 1: Preparing the ground

- identify council structures, strategies and resources to be used to develop a Local Agenda 21 with th e support of the council, staff (including senior management) and the community. Action Area 2: Building partnerships - establish an understanding of the community and develop ways and means of extending awareness and involvement in LA21. Action Area 3: Determining vision, goals, targets and indicators - set out what the council and the community wish to achieve, ideally broken down into goals with indicators and targets. Action Area 4: Creating a local action planning document - prepare a statement of actions that the council will undertake in order to realise each target; this includes timeline, budget and responsible officers for each action. Action Area 5: Implementing, reporting, monitoring and reviewing - consider whether the actions are helping to achieve the targets, whether progress is being made towards the goals and whether any aspect of the

LA21 needs changing.

Source: Cotter and Hannan (1999)

Education for Sustainability in Local Government: Handbook 55
• Protecting global common goods Local Action 21 will reduce cities' further contribution to the worldwide depletion of resources and environmental degradation, which have severe repercussions on cities and their inhabitants. • Participatory governance and municipal sustainability management Thirdly, Local Action 21 will ensure unwavering implementation of sustainable development action plans. ICLEI see the way forward in anchoring principles, policies and practices, and mechanisms in participatory governance and municipal sustainability management. For more information on Local Action 21 see www.localaction21.org/ and www.iclei- europe.org/.

How does Local Agenda 21 link with Education for


LA21 can be thought of as a collaborative process of Education for Sustainability. Much of the process and content of EfS is clearly mirrored in an LA21 pr ocess. In an LA21 program the community and local government work together to develop a vision for a sustainable local community and then critically reflect on the changes and actions required to move towards that future. The process is about dialogue and consensus-building between stakeholders. The process requires systemic thinking in order to identify the barriers to change for sustainability and linking local issues to global ones. The cycle of action and reflection is a learning process for both the community and the local government involved in the process. LA21 processes seek to build stronger partnerships and networks between local government and their communities and to engage the community in cooperatively working towards solutions to sustainability issues. These participation and partnership approaches form some of the key principles of EfS. Various types of partnerships can be adopted in the LA21 process. ICLEI supports partnerships that are voluntary, multi-stakeholder, democratic and mutually beneficial, whilst the Australian Government recognises three types of partnerships found in LA21 programs across Australia 5

1. Community driven LA21 programs with resources from local government

2. Community as an equal partners with local governments

3. Community involved strategically or on a case by case basis.

Education for Sustainability in Local Government: Handbook 56

How is Local Agenda 21 progressing in Australia?

Throughout Australia it seems that there has been widespread uncertainty about the meaning, scope and value of the term 'Local Agenda 21'. One of the difficulties identified with the acronym 'LA21' is that its extrapolation doesn't mean anything without further explanation. Some councils have chosen, for a variety of reasons, not to call their initiatives 'LA21'. In addition LA21 has largely been perceived as an environmental initiative rather than a cross-cutting strategy for embedding sustainability. If that perception is to be broadened to clearly embrace economic, social and cultural dimensions, it requires a better understanding of what sustainability is about and a 'whole of council/community' focus. In Australia, federal and state government endorsement of LA21 has been offered primarily through environmental agencies and, with the exception of South Australia, there has not been a rounded program for its implementation. However, this is not to say that LA21 is not happening within Australia. On the contrary there is Local Agenda 21 activity in every state and territory 6 and many councils are working on projects that have at their core the processes of LA21, although they may not necessarily be using that terminology. A survey of Australian councils in 1998 found that around 200 were involved in LA21, local ESD or other sustainable development initiatives (Cotter 1999). The highest level of commitment has been in South Australia where 34 councils (50% of the total) are undertaking an

LA21 program.

Key outcomes common to both LA 21 and EfS processes • stronger community and local government partnerships • a more informed and pro-active community with increased skills for sustainability • ongoing active community participation in decision makingprocesses for sustainability

• integrated decision making which takes all foreseeable economic,social and environmental considerations into account

• participatory development, implementation and periodic review of a long term, integrated action plan for sustainability • changes which promote a continual improvement toward sustainability, Adapted from: Cotter & Hannan, Our Community Our Future (1999) Education for Sustainability in Local Government: Handbook 57
It is clear that both Local Agenda 21 and Education for Sustainability processes within local government require a large and specific range of skills inc luding: • change-agent skills • conceptual, systemic and strategic thinking • facilitation and educational expertise • an understanding of council operations and marketing expertise. Some of these skills are uncommon in many councils, particularly small rural shires with limited staff and access to resources and so often these types of processes are contracted out and any project learnings within local government are therefore potentially lost or weakened. In addition to this, the major responsibility for LA21 often lies with an officer whose primary training is in a discipline such as town planning or environmental health/science. In many instances those entrusted with this important role are expected to change corporate culture and mobilise the community 7 Salan suggests that the solution to the skills and experience dilemma is somewhat reliant on creating a demand for the profession through mandatory requirements. In the absence of this there is a clear need for capacity building projects within local government, so that officers have the confidence and ability to design, develop and implement these LA21 and EfS projects. Education for Sustainability in Local Government: Handbook 58

By Gary Eastman (from

Salan R (2002))

8 Education for Sustainability in Local Government: Handbook 59

Where can I find out more about Local Agenda 21?

Cotter B and Hannan K (Environs

Australia) (1999) Our Community, Our

Future: A guide to Local Agenda 21

www.ea.gov.au/esd/la21/manual/index .html

This document contains many links to

LA21 initiatives and relevant


Environment Australia (2002)

Australian Local Sustainability

Initiative: An Achievement Recognition


www.deh.gov.au/esd/la21/framework/f ramework.html

This project undertook a review of

LA21 across Australia and

internationally and recommends the development of an Achievement

Recognition Matrix to monitor progress

in LA21 and sustainability within


Environs Australia, the Australian

Local Government environment

network www.environs.org.au

Government of South Australia

Department of Environment and

Heritage (1999) Guidelines for Local

Agenda 21: The South Australian


http://www.environment.sa.gov.au/sust ainability/pdfs/la21text.pdf

Government of South Australia

Department of Environment and

Heritage (2000) The South Australian

Partnership for Local Agenda 21:

Identifying Future Directions

www.environment.sa.gov.au/sustainab ility/pdfs/la21_future.pdf [Accessed 26

May 2006]

This document contains a very good

discussion on LA21 issues in


Hornsby Shire Council Local Action 21

www.hornsby.nsw.gov.au/environment /index.cfm?NavigationID=955

ICLEI Local Governments for


Institute for Sustainable Futures

(1999) Action Research Project: Policy

Integration, Ecologically Sustainable

Development (ESD) and Local Agenda

21 - Councils in NSW


Joesph Rowntree Foundation What's

in a name? Local Agenda 21, community planning and neighbour- hood renewal, www.jrf.org.uk

Local Action 21


Salan R (2002) Why LA21

professionals are a rare and endangered species Paper presented at the "Sustaining our Communities"

International Local Agenda 21

Conference 2002


South Australian Government website

on LA21 www.environment.sa.gov.au/sustainab ility/la21.html "Sustaining our Communities"

International Local Agenda 21

Conference 2002


WWF UK Mainstreaming Sustainability

Resource Pack

www.wwflearning.org.uk/localmatters/ download-centre/ms-resources/

This resource looks at ways of

mainstreaming sustainability including workshop resources in integration of sustainability in the community planning process, route maps for developing local strategic partnerships and case studies. Although much of the jargon refers to UK policy instruments (e.g. Community

Strategies) there is much of interest

from a strategic perspective. Education for Sustainability in Local Government: Handbook 60



ICLEI Local Governments for


www.iclei.org/index.php?id=798 [Accessed 26 May 2006] 2

Cotter, B. and Hannan, K. (Environs

Australia) (1999) Our Community, Our

Future: A Guide to Local Agenda 21,

Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra


Government of South Australia

Department of Environment and Heritage


Guidelines for Local Agenda 21:

The South Australian Experience

pdfs/la21text.pdf [Accessed 6 July 2006] 4

Government of South Australia

Department of Environment and Heritage


The South Australian Partnership

for Local Agenda 21: Identifying Future


pdfs/la21_future.pdf [Accessed 9 May 2006}

Tilbury, D. and Cooke, K. (2005) A

National Review of Environmental

Education and its Contribution to

Sustainability in Australia: Frameworks for

Sustainability p51. Canberra: Australian

Government Department of the

Environment and Heritage and Australian

Research Institute in Education for



Cotter, B. and Hannan, K. (Environs

Australia) (1999) Our Community, Our

Future: A Guide to Local Agenda 21,

Commonwealth of Australia, Canberra


Salan R (2002) Why LA21 professionals

are a rare and endangered species Paper presented at the "Sustaining our

Communities" International Local Agenda

21 Conference 2002

www.adelaide.sa.gov.au/soc/ 8

Salan R (2002) Why LA21 professionals

are a rare and endangered species Paper presented at the "Sustaining our

Communities" International Local Agenda

21 Conference 2002


Chapter 7: Tools and Techniques for EfS

and Stakeholder Engagement programs quotesdbs_dbs33.pdfusesText_39
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