[PDF] new york state design standards for intermediate sized wastewater

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new york state design standards for intermediate sized wastewater

Mar 5 2014 Standards) are being updated by NYSDEC to meet the needs not ... Required Minimum Horizontal Separation Distances per Public Health Law.


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new york state design standards for intermediate sized wastewater A ndrew M. Cuomo, Governor Joe Martens, Commissioner







MARCH 5, 2014

N ew York State

Department of Environmental Conservation

Division of Water

625 Broadway

Albany, New York 12233



T he Clean Water Act (CWA) was enacted to restore and maintain the chemical, physical, and biological

integrity of the nation's surface waters. This was to be done by reducing direct pollutant discharges into

waterways, financing municipal wastewater treatment facilities, developing technology necessary to eliminate the discharge of pollutants, and by managing polluted runoff. I n New York State, Article 17 of the Environmental Conservation Law (ECL), "Water Pollution

Control," was enacted to protect and maintain both surface and groundwater resources. It authorized the

creation of the State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES)

Program to protect New York's

water resources. On-site Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS) may discharge to either surface water or groundwater. P

ursuant to Article 17 Title 7 of the ECL all OWTSs, without the admixture of industrial or other waste,

and with a groundwater discharge of 1,000 gallons per day or greater or a surface water discharge of any

size, must be covered by a SPDES permit issued by the New York State Department of Environmental

Conservation (NYSDEC).

D esign standards for large Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs) have been updated independently by the Great Lakes-Upper Mississippi River Board of State and Provincial Public Health and Environmental Managers (GLUMRB) and the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC). Design standards for small individual residential systems are updated by the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH), local county health departments, or watershed organizations. These Design Standards for Intermediate

Sized Wastewater Treatment Systems (Design

Standards) are being updated by NYSDEC to meet the needs not addressed by the large and small systems design standards (refer to Appendix A for the applicable technical standard). Over the last 20

years OWTS technologies have increased in the level of treatment provided and in complexity of design

and operation. It is appropriate that the Design Standards are updated now to remain current with the needs of the wastewater treatment system design professionals. N umerous references to the GLUMRB's Recommended Standards for Wastewater Facilities, (Ten States Standards), 2004 and NEIWPCC's Guides for the Design of Wastewater Treatment Works -Technical Report-16, 2011 (TR-16), appear in this manual. Ten States Standards has been adopted by NYSDEC as

New York State's official standards for municipal wastewater treatment and collection facilities according

to 6 NYCRR Part 750-2.10.g.1. Ten States Standards may be viewed at: http://10statesstandards.com,

and is available in print from Health Education Service, Inc., P.O. Box 7126, Albany, New York 12224,

518-439-7286. Health Education Services (HES) may be accessed online at

http://www.healthresearch.org. TR-16 is also an acceptable design standard for municipal systems of any

size, or any non municipal, intermediate sized systems that treat only sanitary wastewater. TR-16

addresses standards for alternative collection systems such as vacuum sewers, low pressure/grinder pump

sewers, septic tank effluent (pump) and septic tank effluent (gravity) sewers (STEP/STEG). NYS DOH regulations for residential wastewater treatment systems discharging less than 1,000 gpd are entitled "Appendix 75-A, Wastewater Treatment Standards - Residential Onsite Systems." Design guidance for residential onsite systems are published under the title

Residential Onsite Wastewater

Treatment Systems Design Handbook. The NYSDOH Design Handbook is available from HES, Inc. http://www.healthresearch.org). Both documents are on the NYSDOH website. ii

Table of Contents

Foreword ........................................................................ ................................................................................ i List of Acronyms ........................................................................ ............................................................... viii List of Tables ........................................................................ ..................................................................... xiii List of Figures ........................................................................ .................................................................... xiv Disclaimer ........................................................................ ....................................................................... xv Introduction ........................................................................ ................................................................ Intro - 1

Purposes of These Design Standards: ........................................................................

.................... Intro - 1

How to Use These Design Standards: ........................................................................

.................... Intro - 2

A. Facility Planning and Permitting........................................................................

............................. A - 1 A.1 Introduction ........................................................................ ..................................................... A - 1

A.2 Planning and Permit Application Process ........................................................................

....... A - 1

A.3 Obtaining a SPDES Permit for a Wastewater Discharge ........................................................ A - 3

A.4 State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) ........................................................................

A - 5 A.5 Asset Management ........................................................................ .......................................... A - 5 B. Project Evaluation ........................................................................ ................................................... B - 1 B.1 Introduction ........................................................................ ..................................................... B - 1 B.2 Site Evaluation ........................................................................ ................................................ B - 1 B.3 Separation Distances ........................................................................ ....................................... B - 1

B.4 Soil Evaluation for Subsurface Discharge ........................................................................

...... B - 5 B.4.a Deep Soil ........................................................................ ..................................................... B - 7 B.4.b Percolation Testing ........................................................................ ..................................... B - 8

B.5 Locating Facility Relative to Flood Plains ........................................................................

.... B - 10 B.6 Design Criteria ........................................................................ .............................................. B - 12

B.6.a Wastewater Characterization ........................................................................

.................... B - 12

B.6.b D

e sign Flow ........................................................................ .............................................. B - 15

B.6.c Infiltration, Inflow, Non-Sanitary and Prohibited Flows .................................................. B - 20

iii B

.6.d Treatment Considerations and Effluent Limits ................................................................. B - 22

B.7 Groundwater Monitoring and Monitoring Well Requirements for Systems Greater than 30,000 gpd ........................................................................ ...................................................................... B - 24

C. Sewers and Sewage Pumping Stations ........................................................................

.................... C - 1 C.1 Introduction ........................................................................ ..................................................... C - 1 C.2 Building Sewers ........................................................................ .............................................. C - 1

C.3 Conventional (solids handling) Gravity Sewers, Manholes and Pump Stations ..................... C - 2

C.3.a Conventional Gravity Sewers ........................................................................

..................... C - 2

C.3.b Conventional Sewer Manholes ........................................................................

................... C - 4

C.3.c Sewage Pumping Stations ........................................................................

........................... C - 5 C.4 Effluent Sewers ........................................................................ ............................................... C - 9

C.4.a Septic Tank Effluent Gravity (STEG) Sewers .................................................................. C - 13

C.4.b Septic Tank Effluent Pump (STEP) Sewers ...................................................................... C - 15

C.4.c Septic Tank Effluent Manholes and Cleanouts ................................................................. C - 16

C.5 Conventional Force Mains ........................................................................

............................ C - 17 C.6 Small Diameter Solids Carrying Sewers: Low-Pressure Grinder Pump (minimum 2" diameter)

and Vacuum (minimum 3" diameter) Sewers ........................................................................

........... C - 19

C.6.a Grinder Pump (Low-Pressure) Sewers ........................................................................

...... C - 19 C.6.b Vacuum Sewers........................................................................ ......................................... C - 24

C.7 Water Supply Line and Sewer Separation ........................................................................

.... C - 26 C.8 Creek Crossings ........................................................................ ............................................ C - 27 C.9 Instruction Manuals ........................................................................ ...................................... C - 27

D. Preliminary and Primary Treatment, Flow Measurement and Appurtenances ............................... D - 1

D.1 Introduction ........................................................................ ..................................................... D - 1

D.2 Preliminary Treatment Devices ........................................................................

...................... D - 1 D.

3 Flow Equalization ........................................................................

........................................... D - 1 D.4 Flow Measurement ........................................................................ .......................................... D - 2

D.5 Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) Removal and Grease Interceptors............................................. D - 3

iv D.

6 Septic Tanks ........................................................................

.................................................. D - 13

D.7 Effluent Screens / Filters (for septic tanks and grease interceptors) ..................................... D - 21

D.8 Dosing Stations ........................................................................ ............................................. D - 22

D.9 Distribution Boxes / Flow Splitters ........................................................................

............... D - 22

D.10 Wastewater Dumping Station ........................................................................

....................... D - 23 D.11 Holding Tanks ........................................................................ ............................................... D - 24

D.12 Source Separation and Graywater Irrigation Systems .......................................................... D - 25

E. Subsurface Treatment and Discharge ........................................................................

..................... E - 1 E.1 Introduction ........................................................................ ..................................................... E - 1 E.2 Application Rates ........................................................................ ............................................ E - 2

E.3 Nitrate Advisory for Groundwater Discharge ........................................................................

. E - 5 E.4 Distribution Networks ........................................................................ ..................................... E - 5

E.5 Pressurized Distribution System ........................................................................

................... E - 10

E.6 Design of Dosed Distribution Systems (pump to gravity) .................................................... E - 12

E.7 Reserve Area ........................................................................ ................................................. E - 15

E.8 Absorption Trenches/Beds ........................................................................

............................ E - 17

E. 9 Shallow Absorption Trenches ........................................................................

....................... E - 21

E.10 Aggregate and Alternative Aggregate ........................................................................

........... E - 23

E.11 Gravelless (Aggregate-Free) Absorption Systems ................................................................ E - 24

E.11.a Allowance for Reduction in Field Size for Renovations on Existing Properties .............. E - 24

E.11.b Specifications for Gravelless (Aggregate-Free) Absorption Systems ............................... E - 24

E.12 Cut-and-Fill Systems ........................................................................ .................................... E - 26 E.13 Raised Systems ........................................................................ ............................................. E - 29 E .14 Mound Systems ........................................................................ ............................................. E - 33

E.15 Artificially Drained Systems ........................................................................

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