[PDF] Convex Optimization 4 sept. 2009 Boyd &

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Convex Optimization

This book is about convex optimization a special class of mathematical optimiza- tion problems

Optimisation convexe

convexe et des algorithmes plus spécifiquement des algorithmes proximaux de l'optimisation de fonctions convexes différentiables la seconde de l' ...

Eléments danalyse et doptimisation convexe.

Dans ce chapitre nous présentons quelques propriétés remarquables des fonctions convexes. Elle permettront de construire des algorithmes de minimisation dans 

Optimisation et analyse convexe

OPTIMISATION. ET. ANALYSE CONVEXE. Exercices et problèmes corrigés avec rappels de cours. Jean-Baptiste Hiriart-Urruty. Collection dirigée par Daniel Guin.

Convex Optimization

4 sept. 2009 Boyd & Vandenberghe Convex Optimization

Convex Optimization – Boyd and Vandenberghe

surprisingly many problems can be solved via convex optimization. Introduction. 1–8 convex and y is a random variable with log-concave pdf then.

Optimisation des fonctions convexes

Optimisation des fonctions convexes D7 : Une fonction réelle f définie sur C convexe est dite convexe si pour tout (a

Convex Optimization Basics

Is this convex? What is the criterion function? The inequality and equality constraints? Feasible set? Is the solution unique when: • n 

COURS OPTIMISATION Cours en Master M1 SITN Ionel Sorin

La fonction f est convexe (donc toute combinaison linéaire avec des coefficients stric- tement positifs de fonctions convexes est convexe). 2. Si au moins l'une 

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sition of similarity and regularisation term into two convex optimisation steps. This approach enables non-parametric registration with billions.

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In our opinion convex optimization is a natural next topic after advanced linear algebra and linear programming (Stephen Boyd and Lieven Vandenberghe) 

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On dit que f est strictement convexe si l'inégalité ci-dessus est stricte pour x = y t ?]01[ Rappelons que toute fonction convexe possède une régularité 

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Pour les fonctions convexes différentiables on pourra consulter [12] Cha- pitre IV Section 4 par exemple * Exercice I 1 Soit f : Rn ?? R continûment 

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1 1 1 Généralités 1 1 2 Convexité dans les espaces de Hilbert 5 1 3 Convexité et convergence faible 12 2 Fonctions convexes

  • Comment montrer qu'un problème est convexe ?

    Théorème 2.1 Un fonction f est convexe si et seulement si, pour tout (x, y) ? (dom(f))2 et ? ? 0 tels que y + ?(y ? x) ? dom(f), f satisfait : f(y + ?(y ? x)) ? f(y) + ?(f(y) ? f(x)).19 fév. 2020
  • Comment la convexité permet d'optimiser certains marchés économiques ?

    C'est un concept utile dans le cadre du trading sur obligations car la comparaison des durées des obligations peut permettre aux investisseurs d'anticiper le degré de variation du cours d'une obligation suite à un changement de taux d'intérêt.
  • Comment montrer qu'une fonction est fortement convexe ?

    Une fonction f : K ?? R est dite fortement convexe ou uniformément convexe ou ?-convexe ou ?-elliptique s'il existe ? > 0 tel que, pour tous (x, y) ? K2, t ? [0,1], f(tx + (1 ? t)y) ? tf(x) + (1 ? t)f(y) ? ? 2 t(1 ? t)x ? y2.
  • La fonction f est convexe sur I si sa dérivée f ' est croissante sur I, soit f ''(x) ? 0 pour tout x de I. La fonction f est concave sur I si sa dérivée f ' est décroissante sur I, soit f ''(x) ? 0 pour tout x de I. Soit la fonction f définie sur R par f (x) = 1 3 x3 ?9x2 + 4.
Convex Optimization

Convex Optimization

Lieven Vandenberghe

University of California, Los Angeles

Tutorial lectures, Machine Learning Summer School

University of Cambridge, September 3-4, 2009


•Boyd & Vandenberghe,Convex Optimization, 2004

•Courses EE236B, EE236C (UCLA), EE364A, EE364B (Stephen Boyd, Stanford Univ.)

Convex optimization - MLSS 2009


•mathematical optimization, modeling, complexity

•convex optimization

•recent history


Mathematical optimization


•x= (x1,x2,...,xn)are decision variables

•f0(x1,x2,...,xn)gives the cost of choosingx

•inequalities give constraints thatxmust satisfy a mathematical model of a decision, design, or estimation problem


Limits of mathematical optimization

•how realistic is the model, and how certain are we about it? •is the optimization problem tractable by existing numerical algorithms?

Optimization research

•modelinggeneric techniques for formulating tractable optimization problems •algorithmsexpand class of problems that can be efficiently solved


Complexity of nonlinear optimization

•the general optimization problem is intractable •even simple looking optimization problems can be very hard


•quadratic optimization problem with many constraints

•minimizing a multivariate polynomial


The famous exception: Linear programming

minimizecTx=n? i=1c ixi •widely used since Dantzig introduced the simplex algorithm in 1948 •since 1950s, many applications in operations research, network optimization, finance, engineering,. . . •extensive theory (optimality conditions, sensitivity, . . . ) •there exist very efficient algorithms for solving linear programs


Solving linear programs

•no closed-form expression for solution

•widely available and reliable software

•for some algorithms, can prove polynomial time •problems with over105variables or constraints solved routinely


Convex optimization problem

minimizef0(x) f •includes least-squares problems and linear programs as special cases •can be solved exactly, with similar complexity as LPs •surprisingly many problems can be solved via convex optimization



•1940s: linear programming


•1950s: quadratic programming

•1960s: geometric programming

•1990s: semidefinite programming, second-order cone programming, quadratically constrained quadratic programming, robust optimization, sum-of-squares programming, . . .


New applications since 1990

•linear matrix inequality techniques in control

•circuit design via geometric programming

•support vector machine learning via quadratic programming •semidefinite programming relaxations in combinatorial optimization •?1-norm optimization for sparse signal reconstruction •applications in structural optimization, statistics, signal processing, communications, image processing, computer vision, quantum information theory, finance, . . .



Interior-point methods

•1984 (Karmarkar): first practical polynomial-time algorithm •1984-1990: efficient implementations for large-scale LPs •around 1990 (Nesterov & Nemirovski): polynomial-time interior-point methods for nonlinear convex programming •since 1990: extensions and high-quality software packages

First-order algorithms

•similar to gradient descent, but with better convergence properties •based on Nesterov"s 'optimal" methods from 1980s •extend to certain nondifferentiable or constrained problems



•basic theory

-convex sets and functions -convex optimization problems -linear, quadratic, and geometric programming

•cone linear programming and applications

-second-order cone programming -semidefinite programming •some recent developments in algorithms (since 1990) -interior-point methods -fast gradient methods 10

Convex optimization - MLSS 2009

Convex sets and functions


•basic examples and properties

•operations that preserve convexity


Convex set

contains line segment between any two points in the set x

Examples: one convex, two nonconvex sets

Convex sets and functions12

Examples and properties

•solution set of linear equationsAx=b(affine set) •solution set of linear inequalitiesAx?b(polyhedron) •set of positive semidefinite matricesSn+={X?Sn|X?0} •image of a convex set under a linear transformation is convex •inverse image of a convex set under a linear transformation is convex

•intersection of convex sets is convex

Convex sets and functions13

Example of intersection property

wherep(t) =x1cost+x2cos2t+···+xncosnt


t p(t) x1 x2 C -2-1012-2-1012 Cis intersection of infinitely many halfspaces, hence convex

Convex sets and functions14

Convex function

domaindomfis a convex set and (x,f(x))(y,f(y)) fis concave if-fis convex

Convex sets and functions15

Epigraph and sublevel set

a function is convex if and only its epigraph is a convex set epif f the sublevel sets of a convex function are convex (converse is false)

Convex sets and functions16


•expx,-logx,xlogxare convex

•quadratic-over-linear functionxTx/tis convex inx,tfort >0 •geometric mean(x1x2···xn)1/nis concave forx?0 •logdetXis concave on set of positive definite matrices

•log(ex1+···exn)is convex

•linear and affine functions are convex and concave

•norms are convex

Convex sets and functions17

Differentiable convex functions

differentiablefis convex if and only ifdomfis convex and f(y)≥f(x) +?f(x)T(y-x)for allx,y?domf (x,f(x))f(y) f(x) +?f(x)T(y-x) twice differentiablefis convex if and only ifdomfis convex and

2f(x)?0for allx?domf

Convex sets and functions18

Operations that preserve convexity

methods for establishing convexity of a function

1. verify definition

2. for twice differentiable functions, show?2f(x)?0

3. show thatfis obtained from simple convex functions by operations

that preserve convexity

•nonnegative weighted sum

•composition with affine function

•pointwise maximum and supremum




Convex sets and functions19

Positive weighted sum&composition with affine function Nonnegative multiple:αfis convex iffis convex,α≥0 Sum:f1+f2convex iff1,f2convex (extends to infinite sums, integrals) Composition with affine function:f(Ax+b)is convex iffis convex


•log barrier for linear inequalities

f(x) =-m? i=1log(bi-aTix)

•(any) norm of affine function:f(x) =?Ax+b?

Convex sets and functions20

Pointwise maximum

f(x) = max{f1(x),...,fm(x)} is convex iff1, . . . ,fmare convex

Example:sum ofrlargest components ofx?Rn

f(x) =x[1]+x[2]+···+x[r] is convex (x[i]isith largest component ofx) proof:

Convex sets and functions21

Pointwise supremum

g(x) = sup y?Af(x,y) is convex iff(x,y)is convex inxfor eachy? A

Example:maximum eigenvalue of symmetric matrix

max(X) = sup ?y?2=1yTXy

Convex sets and functions22

Composition with scalar functions

composition ofg:Rn→Randh:R→R: f(x) =h(g(x)) fis convex if gconvex,hconvex and nondecreasing gconcave,hconvex and nonincreasing (if we assignh(x) =∞forx?domh)


•expg(x)is convex ifgis convex

•1/g(x)is convex ifgis concave and positive

Convex sets and functions23

Vector composition

composition ofg:Rn→Rkandh:Rk→R: f(x) =h(g(x)) =h(g1(x),g2(x),...,gk(x)) fis convex if g iconvex,hconvex and nondecreasing in each argument g iconcave,hconvex and nonincreasing in each argument (if we assignh(x) =∞forx?domh)


?mi=1loggi(x)is concave ifgiare concave and positive

•log?mi=1expgi(x)is convex ifgiare convex

Convex sets and functions24


g(x) = infy?Cf(x,y) is convex iff(x,y)is convex inx,yandCis a convex set


•distance to a convex setC:g(x) = infy?C?x-y?

•optimal value of linear program as function of righthand side g(x) = infy:Ay?xcTy follows by taking f(x,y) =cTy,domf={(x,y)|Ay?x}

Convex sets and functions25


theperspectiveof a functionf:Rn→Ris the functiong:Rn×R→R, g(x,t) =tf(x/t) gis convex iffis convex ondomg={(x,t)|x/t?domf, t >0}


•perspective off(x) =xTxis quadratic-over-linear function g(x,t) =xTx t •perspective of negative logarithmf(x) =-logxis relative entropy g(x,t) =tlogt-tlogx

Convex sets and functions26

Convex optimization - MLSS 2009

Convex optimization problems

•standard form

•linear, quadratic, geometric programming

•modeling languages


Convex optimization problem

minimizef0(x) Ax=b f

0,f1, . . . ,fmare convex functions

•feasible set is convex

•locally optimal points are globally optimal

•tractable, both in theory and practice

Convex optimization problems28

Linear program (LP)

minimizecTx+d subject toGx?h Ax=b

•inequality is componentwise vector inequality

•convex problem with affine objective and constraint functions

•feasible set is a polyhedron


Convex optimization problems29

Piecewise-linear minimization

minimizef(x) = maxi=1,...,m(aTix+bi) xa T ix+bif(x)

Equivalent linear program

minimizet an LP with variablesx,t?R

Convex optimization problems30

Linear discrimination

separate two sets of points{x1,...,xN},{y1,...,yM}by a hyperplane a

Txi+b >0, i= 1,...,N


Tyi+b <0, i= 1,...,M

homogeneous ina,b, hence equivalent to the linear inequalities (ina,b) a

Convex optimization problems31

Approximate linear separation of non-separable setsquotesdbs_dbs33.pdfusesText_39
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