[PDF] RECURSIVE BST OPERATIONS with more Java generics

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CMSC 838T Lecture

Trees & Binary Search Trees. Department of Computer Science Tree Traversal. Goal. Visit every node in binary tree ... Using a Polymorphic Binary Tree.

RECURSIVE BST OPERATIONS with more Java generics

Let's implement a BST class avoiding iteration. This will give us more practice with trees

Topic 19 Binary Search Trees

A binary search tree is a binary tree in which every simple insertion algorithm). A. O(logN) ... use structural recursion and polymorphism. Binary ...

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Polymorphic Functions with Set-Theoretic Types. Part 2: Local Type

26 nov. 2014 in C# and Java type parameters for polymorphic/generic method calls ... A red and black tree is a colored binary search tree in which all ...

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Polymorphic Functions with Set-Theoretic Types

in C# and Java type parameters for polymorphic/generic method calls can A red and black tree is a colored binary search tree in which all nodes are ...

Polymorphic Lists & Trees

Polymorphic Binary Search Trees Second approach to implement BST What do we mean by polymorphic? Implement two subtypes of Tree EmptyTree NonEmptyTree Use EmptyTreeto represent the empty tree Rather than null Invoke methods on tree nodes Without checking for null (IMPORTANT!) Polymorphic Binary Tree Implementation Interface Tree {

Search in a Binary Search Tree - LeetCode

Polymorphic Binary Search Trees •Second approach to implement BST •What do we mean by polymorphic? •Implement two subtypes of Tree • EmptyTree • NonEmptyTree •Use EmptyTreeto represent the empty tree • Rather than null •Invoke methods on tree nodes • Without checking for null (IMPORTANT!)

Binary Search Trees - Princeton University

Binary Search Trees Reference: Chapter 12 Algorithms in Java 3 rd Edition Robert Sedgewick Binary search trees Randomized BSTs 2 Guaranteeing Performance Symbol table: key-value pair abstraction Insert a value with specified key Search for value given key Delete value with given key Challenge 1: guarantee symbol table performance

42 Binary Search Trees - Princeton University

A BST is a binary tree in symmetric order A binary tree is either: ¥Empty ¥Two disjoint binary trees (left and right) Symmetric order Each node has a key and every nodeÕs key is: ¥Larger than all keys in its left subtree ¥Smaller than all keys in its right subtree 2 Binary search trees right child of root a left link a subtree root

Binary Trees - Stanford University

Binary Search Tree Niche Basically binary search trees are fast at insert and lookup The next section presents the code for these two algorithms On average a binary search tree algorithm can locate a node in an N node tree in order lg(N) time (log base 2) Therefore binary search trees are good for "dictionary" problems where the code

Searches related to polymorphic binary search tree java filetype:pdf

Binary Search Trees in Java A BST is a reference to a node A Node is comprised of four fields: A key and a value A reference to the left and right subtree private class Node { Key key; Val val; Node l leftr; smaller Key and Val are generic types; Key is Comparable right larger 51 root 14 68 12 54 79 5

How to search in a binary search tree?

    Search in a Binary Search Tree - LeetCode Search in a Binary Search Tree - You are given the root of a binary search tree (BST) and an integer val. Find the node in the BST that the node's value equals val and return the subtree rooted with that node. If such a node does not exist, return null.

What is the running time complexity of a binary search tree?

    The running time complexity is O (log (n)) time; the characteristics that distinguish a binary search tree from a basic binary tree are as follows – 1. The nodes of the left subtree are all smaller than the root node. 2. The nodes of the right subtree are all greater than the root node.

What is a binary tree in Java?

    In Java, we will have a BinaryTree object that contains a single root pointer. The root pointer points to an internal Node class that behaves just like the node struct in the C/C++ version. The Node class is private -- it is used only for internal storage inside the BinaryTree and is not exposed to clients.

What is a binary tree OOP?

    With this OOP structure, almost every operation has two methods: a one-line method on the BinaryTree that starts the computation, and a recursive method that works on the Node objects. For the lookup() operation, there is a BinaryTree.lookup() method that the client uses to start a lookup operation.


with more Java generics 1

Let"s implement a BST class, avoiding iteration.This will give us more practice with trees, and with recursion.It will also give us a chance for a continued example with more ofthe "gener-

ics" introduced in Java 1.5. We"ll supply comments on genericswhere we need to do something more complicated than usual. Here are some points about generics that might be helpful: •"class Foo" introduces a class with atype parameterT. •"" introduces a type parameter that is required to be a descendant of the classBar- withBaritself a possibility. In a type parameter, "extends" is also used to mean "implements". •"" is a type parameter that can be any class that extends Bar. The difference between this and the previous type parameteris that in the previous one we were going to useTlater, whereas here we"ll never mention the type again. •"" is a type parameter that can be any class that is an ancestor ofBar(including, again,Baritself). •You can also have genericmethods(as well as generic classes). Oddly, the type parameter for a generic method goesbeforethe return type in the method header, like this: public static void methName(T data) { ... 2

Interface for our BST Class

Our BST is a tree, and thus can be implemented in a number of ways. so we make BST an interface. A BST holds its elements in order, so we useComparableas the type of those elements. Then we can build BSTs containing any orderable type of object. interface BST> { // The element type in a BST must be Comparable, so that we can // run searches. However, it may have inherited the compareTo(), // so it"s Comparable, not just Comparable. /** Insert k into me, if it"s not already there. */ public void insert(E k); /** Delete k from me, if it"s there. */ public void delete(E k); /** Print the contents of me, in order. */ public void inorderPrint(); /** Return whether I contain k. */ public boolean contains(E k); 3

Implementation Decisions

Data Structure

We use objects and references to represent the nodes and edges of a tree. Because which node is the root of a tree can change, we make two classes: one for tree nodes, and one to refer to the root. (We used the same approach with linked lists.) For the nodes, we can use the sameBSTNodeclass as on an earlier slide. class BSTNode { // Unlike BST, BSTNode does not require its data to be Comparable, // and we expect all the BSTNodes in any actual tree to be of the // same type, so the type parameter is simply T. public T key; public BSTNode left; public BSTNode right; public BSTNode(T key) { this.key = key; Because of our implementation, we call the class that acts as the tree


4 Data MembersWe need only one data member inside ourLinkedBSTclass. public class LinkedBST> implements BST { // Notice that we have to implement BST, and not just BST. private BSTNode root; /** Insert k into me, if it"s not already there. */ public void insert(E k) { ... } /** Delete k from me, if it"s there. */ public void delete(E k) { ... } /** Print the contents of me, in order. */ public void inorderPrint() { ... } /** Return whether I contain k. */ public boolean contains(E k) { ... } ... maybe others ... 5


What is our "basic strategy" (step 1 from "Writing a Recursive Method")?

What is the "flow of information"?

The method that searches asubtreemust know the root of that subtree. There are (at least) two ways to implement this method:

1. As a static method inLinkedBST, passing the rootBSTNodeas a parameter.

2. As an instance method inBSTNode, calling it on the rootBSTNode.

We take the first approach.

Thecontainsmethod inBSTdoesn"t have a node parameter since that"s an implementation detail. So we make a helper method.

Now, develop the code using the remaining steps.

6 The code/** Return whether I contain k. */public boolean contains(E k) { return contains(root, k); /** Return whether k is in the tree rooted at t. */ private static > boolean contains(BSTNode t,

T k) {

// Notice the type parameter, which is independent of the class parameter E. if (t == null) { return false; } else if (k.compareTo(t.key) == 0) { return true; } else if (k.compareTo(t.key) < 0) { return contains(t.left, k); } else { // k.compareTo(t.key) > 0 return contains(t.right, k); Question:Why did we makecontains(BSTNode, T)static, but notcontains(E)? Question:Can this be written elegantly with only iteration? Exercise:Writecontainswithout using anifstatement. 7



We insert an element at the point where we 'fall off" the tree looking for it.

To insertkinto treet:

•Iftis empty, replacetby a tree consisting of a single node with valuek. •Ifthaskat its root,kis already int. Return without modifyingt. •Ifkis less than the value at the root oft, insertkinto the left subtree oft. •Ifkis greater than the value at the root oft, insertkinto the right subtree oft. Inserting a node requires a change to its parent. In our recursion, we"ll pass information back to the parent so it can change itself. 8 The code/** Insert k into me, if it"s not already there. */public void insert(E k) { root = insert(root, k); /** Insert k into the tree rooted at t, and * return the root of the resulting tree. */ private static > BSTNode insert(BSTNode t,

T k) {

if (t == null) { t = new BSTNode(k); } else if (k.compareTo(t.key) < 0) { t.left = insert(t.left, k); } else if (k.compareTo(t.key) > 0) { t.right = insert(t.right, k); } // else equal, don"t do anything to t. return t; 9


•Why does the statement "t = new BSTNode(k)" have an effect? •We pass and return the referencet. How often during the recursion does it actually change in-between pass and return?


•Write a non-recursive insertion method for binary search trees. •Write a recursive version that doesn"t return aBSTNode, but instead looks ahead to see if there"s a child. •Write a recursive version that doesn"t return aBSTNode, but instead passes information about the parent to the child in the recursive call. 10

The Delete Operation


•Find the node you wish to delete (if it is there). •If the node is a leaf, delete it. •If the node has exactly one child, delete the node by making itsparent refer to that child directly. •If the node has two children, replace the value in the node by the value in its successor and then delete the successor.


In a binary search tree, where is the successor of a node with a rightchild? The successor node has no left child. How do we know?

Must the successor be a leaf?

11 Our code fordeleteis slightly shorter than our strategy suggested. Can you see how it differs, and why it still works? /** Delete k from the tree rooted at t (if there) * and return the root of the resulting tree. */ private static > BSTNode delete(

BSTNode t, T k) {

if (t == null) { // k not in tree; do nothing. } else if (k.compareTo(t.key) < 0) { t.left = delete(t.left, k); } else if (k.compareTo(t.key) > 0) { t.right = delete(t.right, k); } else { // Found it; now delete it. if (t.right == null) { // t has at most one child, on the left. t = t.left; } else { // t has a right child. Replace t"s value // with its successor value.

T successor = min(t.right);

t.key = successor; // Delete that successor. t.right = delete(t.right, successor); return t; 12 /** Delete k from this BST, if it is there. */public void delete(E k) { root = delete(root, k); * Return the minimum value in t. * Requires: t != null private static > T min(BSTNode t) { // To find the min, go left as far as possible. if (t.left == null) { return t.key; } else { return min(t.left); Questions:What is inefficient about our code in the two-children case? How could it be sped up? 13quotesdbs_dbs19.pdfusesText_25
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