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Physics 116AWinter 2010

The complex inverse trigonometric and hyperbolic functions In these notes, we examine the inverse trigonometric and hyperbolic functions, where the arguments of these functions can be complex numbers. These are all multi-valued functions. We also carefully define the corresponding single-valued principal values of the inverse trigonometric and hyperbolic functions following the conventions of

Abramowitz and Stegun (see ref. 1).

1. The inverse trigonometric functions: arctan and arccot

We begin by examining the solution to the equation z= tanw=sinw cosw=1i? eiw-e-iweiw+e-iw? =1i? e2iw-1e2iw+ 1?

We now solve fore2iw,

iz=e2iw-1 e2iw+ 1=?e2iw=iz+ 11-iz=i-zi+z. Taking the complex logarithm of both sides of the equation, we can solve forw, w=1


The solution toz= tanwisw= arctanz. Hence,

arctanz=12iln?i-zi+z? Since the complex logarithm is a multi-valued function, it follows that the arctangent function is also a multi-valued function. We can define theprincipal valueof the arctangent function (denoted with a capitalA) by employing the principal value of the logarithm,


We now examine the principal value of the arctangent for real-valued arguments.

Settingz=x, wherexis real,





+iArg?i-xi+x?? 1

Noting that????i-x

i+x????2 =?i-xi+x?? -i-x-i+x? =?1 +x21 +x2? = 1, it follows that



Since-π 2

Indeed, if we write

i-x i+x=e2iθ=?2θ= Arg?i-xi+x? ,where-π <2θ≤π, and solve forx, then one obtainsx= tanθ, or equivalentlyθ= Arctanx.

Starting from

z= cotw=cosw sinw=i?eiw+e-iweiw-e-iw? =i?e2iw+ 1e2iw-1? an analogous computation yields, arccotz=12iln?z+iz-i? The principal value of the complex arccotangent function isgiven by


Using the definitions given by the boxed equations above yield: arccot(z) = arctan?1 z? ,(1)

Arccot(z) = Arctan?1

z? .(2) Note that eqs. (1) and (2) can be used asdefinitionsof the inverse cotangent function and its principal value. We now examine the principal value of the arccotangent for real-valued arguments.

Settingz=x, wherexis real,



2 The principal interval of the real-valued arccotangent function is:

2 It is instructive to derive another relation between the arctangent and arccotangent functions. First, we first recall the property of the multi-valued complex logarithm, ln(z1z2) = ln(z1) + ln(z2),(4) as a set equality. It is convenient to define a new variable, v=i-z i+z,=? -1v=z+iz-i.(5)

It follows that:

arctanz+ arccotz=1 2i? lnv+ ln? -1v?? =12iln?-vv? =12iln(-1). Since ln(-1) =i(π+ 2πn) forn= 0,±1,±2..., we conclude that arctanz+ arccotz=12π+πn,forn= 0,±1,±2,... To obtain the corresponding relation between the principalvalues, we compute

Arctanz+ Arccotz=1


Lnv+ Ln?

-1v?? 1 2i?

Ln|v|+ Ln?1|v|?

+iArgv+iArg? -1v?? 1 2?

Argv+ Arg?

-1v?? .(6) It is straightforward to check that for any non-zero complexnumberv,

Argv+ Arg?

-1 v?

π,for Imv≥0,

-π ,for Imv <0.(7)

Using eq. (5), we can evaluate Imvby computing

i-z i+z=(i-z)(-i- z) (i+z)(-i+z)=1- |z|2+ 2iRez|z|2+ 1 + 2Imz.

Writing|z|2= (Rez)2+ (Imz)2in the denominator,

i-z i+z=1- |z|2+ 2iRez(Rez)2+ (Imz+ 1)2. 3



i+z? =2Rez(Rez)2+ (Imz+ 1)2.

We conclude that

Imv≥0 =?Rez≥0,Imv <0 =?Rez <0.

Therefore, eqs. (6) and (7) yield:

Arctanz+ Arccotz=???1

2π ,for Rez≥0,


2π ,for Rez <0.

(8) ?CAUTION!! Many books do not employ the definition for the principal value of the inverse cotangent function given above. Instead, they choose to define:


2-Arctanz .(9)

Note that with this definition, the principal interval of thearccotangent function for real valuesxis

0≤Arccotx < π ,

instead of the interval quoted in eq. (3). One advantage of this latter definition is that the real-valued inverse cotangent function, Arccotxis continuous atx= 0, in contrast to eq. (8) which exhibits a discontinuity atx= 0.?On the other hand, one drawback of the definition of eq. (9) is that eq. (2) is no longer respected. Additional disadvantages are discussed in refs. 2 and 3, where you can find a detailed set of arguments (from the computer science community) in supportof the conventions adopted by Abramowitz and Stegun (ref. 1) and employed in these notes.

2. The inverse trigonometric functions: arcsin and arccos

The arcsine function is the solution to the equation: z= sinw=eiw-e-iw 2i. ?In our conventions, the real inverse tangent function, Arctanx, is a continuous single-valued function that varies smoothly from-1

2πto +12πasxvaries from-∞to +∞. In contrast, Arccotx

varies from 0 to-1

2πasxvaries from-∞to zero. Atx= 0, Arccotxjumps discontinuously

up to 1

2π. Finally, Arccotxvaries from12πto 0 asxvaries from zero to +∞. Following eq. (8),

Arccot 0 = +π/2, although Arccotx→ -1

2πasx→0-(which means asxapproaches zero from

the negative side of the origin). 4

Lettingv≡eiw, we solve the equation

v-1 v= 2iz . Multiplying byv, one obtains a quadratic equation forv, v

2-2izv-1 = 0.(10)

The solution to eq. (10) is:

v=iz+ (1-z2)1/2.(11) Sincezis a complex variable, (1-z2)1/2is the complex square-root function. This is a multi-valued function with two possible values that differby an overall minus sign. Hence, we do not explicitly write out the±sign in eq. (11). To avoid ambiguity, we shall write v=iz+ (1-z2)1/2=iz+e1




By definition,v≡eiw, from which it follows that w=1 ilnv=1iln? iz+|1-z2|1/2ei


The solution toz= sinwisw= arcsinz. Hence,

arcsinz=1iln? iz+|1-z2|1/2ei


The principal value of the arcsine function is obtained by employing the principal value of the logarithm and the principle value of the square-root function (which corresponds to employing the principal value of the argument). Thus, we define




We now examine the principal value of the arcsine for real-valued arguments. Settingquotesdbs_dbs2.pdfusesText_2