[PDF] [PDF] Key Executive Leadership Programs Guiding Principles - American

achieving results, developing business acumen, and building coalitions: The Key Executive Leadership MPA Program challenges good leaders to Optional Executive Coaching: To foster participants' continual learning and self- development, the administration courses and apply these AU learnings to their projects

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[PDF] Key Executive Leadership Programs Guiding Principles - American

achieving results, developing business acumen, and building coalitions: The Key Executive Leadership MPA Program challenges good leaders to Optional Executive Coaching: To foster participants' continual learning and self- development, the administration courses and apply these AU learnings to their projects


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[PDF] Key Executive Leadership Programs Guiding Principles - American

Key Executive Leadership Programs

Guiding Principles


Key is the global public sector leadership program of choice because it challenges good managers to become extraordinary leaders who build an environment for organizational success.


The following are the extraordinary leader core values associated with leading change, leading people,

achieving results, developing business acumen, and building coalitions: Ex hibit a passion for improving public service;

Lead authentically;

Learn and work collaboratively;

Become a force for personal and organizational change;

Act with integrity;

Model the behavior sought; and

Empower others to action.


Faculty, staff, and students create a participative and rigorous learning environment where Key students

choose to: Ac quire contemporary public management knowledge, values and skills; Develop the personal leadership capacity needed to implement what they learn; Transform themselves from good managers to extraordinary leaders; and

Become lifelong learners.

Goals Faculty, staff, and students create an environment where students work and learn collaboratively and choose to replicate that environment in their workplace. Offer evolving curricula that reflects the changing environment, technological advancements, and changing stakeholder, customer, and student needs and ensures students acquire knowledge of substantive public administration principles and practices.

Students choose to increase their leadership capacity and change their behavior to become better leaders.

Students apply substantive public administration principles and practices, increased leadership capacity,and changed behavior to effectively and efficiently implement public policy and practices needed to

create and sustain vital public service organizations.

Provide top-notch administrative support services to students allowing them to focus solely on learning.

Challenging great managers to become extraordinary leaders since rzC4A AMERICAN UNIVERSITY • SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS • 202.885.3857 • key@american.edu

5ey Sxecutive y4v 4rogrqm

About the Program

The Key Executive Leadership MPA Program challenges good leaders to become extraordinary leaders$ Such leaders learn and work collaboratively3 change3 act with integrity3 and challenge those they lead to do the same$ Because becoming an extraordinary leader is a journey3 the central core of the program"s vision is accepting 1m the challenge to learn and 2m the responsibility to act on that learning$ The Key Executive Leadership MPA is a fully accredited graduate degree program designed for busy professionals at or above the GS-12 level or equivalent non -government position. Key

Distinguishing Factors

NASPAA Accredited:Key Executive Leadership MPA Program is theonly

Executive MPA specifically designed for federalexecutivesaccredited by the NationalAssociation of Schools of Public

Affairs and Administration 2NASPAAm Commission on Peer Review and Accreditation$Rankings: UASA News n World Report ranks the School of Public Affairs Master of Public Administration program

in the country$

Immediate Application:

Students are challenged to immediately apply what they learn in their workplace and report the results for discussion in the classroom th e following month$ Participants maintain employment while attending classes one weekend a month$ Alignment with Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs): Key courses cover all Office of Personnel Management"s 2OPMm ECQs required for Senior Executive Service consideration$

Recognition of Previous OPM and DAU Training:

Participants may apply approved OPM credits and DAWIA training towards the degree3 thereby reducing the tuition and number of credits required for graduation$ Key


96l of our alumni indicated that Key has played a major role in fostering their successful careers

7,l of our alumni report they have been promoted within one year of graduation

9,l of our students said the Key Executive Leadership Programs increased their ability to lead people toward

meeting their organizational vision3 mission3 and goals$ Challenging great managers to become extraordinary leaders since rzC4A AMERICAN UNIVERSITY • SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS • 202.885.3857 • key@american.edu

5ey y4v 1oqlsAZbjectives

We achieve our mission by ensuring that each Key Executive Leadership MPA graduateU

1.Applies substantive public administration principles, values and skills to lead organizations and implement

public policy effectively and efficiently.

2.Demonstrates increased leadership capacity to facilitate transformation from good managers to extraordinary


3.Exhibits the capability to analyze, synthesize, think critically, solve problems and make decisions that enhance

organizational and policy effectiveness.

5ey y4v 9ision

Key is the global public sector leadership program of choice because it challenges good managers to become

extraordinary leaders who build an environment for organization successA

5ey y4v yission

The mission of the Key Executive Leadership MPA is to foster a collaborative and rigorous learning environment to

initiate the purposeful transformation of good managers into extraordinary leaders who possess the capacity to build

learning environments for the purpose of creating and sustaining vital public service organizationsA sAdopted

September rPd fcr- by the Department o f Public Administration and PolicyeA

5ey y4v 9qlues

The following are the extraordinary leader core values associated with leading changed leading peopled achieving

resultsd developing business acumend and building coalitionsU

1.Exhibit a passion for improving public service

2.Lead authentically

3.Learn and work collaboratively

4.Become a force for personal and organizational change

5.Act with integrity

6.Model the behavior sought

7.Empower others to action

5ey yethodology

The Cohort System: The Key Executive Leadership Programs uses the cohort model in which students matriculated

advanced and graduate togetherA The trusting environment that is created during the Orientation enables knowledge

transferd honed teaching skillsd honest feedbackd the confidence to recreate the same environment with those ledd

and a career.long network and support groupA Challenging great managers to become extraordinary leaders since rzC4A

AMERICAN UNIVERSITY • SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS • 202.885.3857 • key@american.edu bohorts qre cqpped qt su students for q leqrning environment focused on the student. 7he 5ey y4v

c ohort begins e very f mridqy, Nq turdqy,

Cohort Duration Schedule Meets

Professors: 7o leqd qnd engqge students, the 5ey Sxecutive Ceqdership 4rogrqms uses professors who qre

prqctitionerAscholqrs in their respective field qnd hqve the skills to work with qdult leqrners. vs q result, they qre qble

to stimulqte relevqnt discussions thqt chqllenge students to think qbout the concepts they reqd qnd leqrn in the

clqssroom qs well qs chqllenge them to qpply whqt they leqrn in their workplqce.

Reading: 7o supplement the discussions in the clqssroom, students qre provided qnd expected to reqd books,

journqls, qnd qrticles thqt qre used to expqnd q rqnge of choices for qction.

Optional Executive Coaching:

7o foster pqrticipqntsa continuql leqrning qnd selfPdevelopment, the 5ey Sxecutive

Ceqdership 4rogrqms utilizes executive coqchingh q developmentql relqtionship thqt focuses on positive performqnce

possibilities qnd the development of emotionql qnd sociql intelligence. mor vqlidqtion, 5ey uses q 2Uu° feedb

qck survey developed by the 0qy 1roup, which trqnsforms reseqrch into qctionqble insights.

Comprehensive Examination:

7o receive qn y4v degree, students must complete q comprehensive exqm thqt

qllows the integrqtion qnd synthesis of theories leqrned qcross 5ey courses qs they relqte to executive decisionP

mqking. 5ey Sxecutive Ceqdership y4v 4rogrqm bomprehensive consists of qn “qction leqrning" project.

Action Learning:

vction Ceqrning involves working on q reql problem outside of the studentas orgqnizqtion. 3t is q

form of leqrning by doing. vction leqrning is built qround q shortPterm chqllenge thqt is q priority for senior mqnqgers

in the studentas qgency. Nolving the problem qnd leqrning individuql cqpqcity for leqdership qre intertwined. Fhile

engqged in this project, students will leqrn how to become q more reflective mqnqger qnd leqder.

The purpose of the project is to blur the line between “work" and “learning." Action learning focuses as much on

learning and reflecting as it does on action. Therefore, implementing the project is, in a real sense, less important

than the learnings that students experience during the process of working on the organizational initiative. The action

learning project will also be the cumulative application of graduate-level courses in public administration. The “exam"

itself consists of an oral report and a written report. In these, students are expected to draw on at least four public

administration courses and apply these AU learnings to their projects.

Contribution to Human Capital Development

The Key MPA Program increases a graduate"s human capital through the following leader development competencies into the graduate"s behavior:

1.All OPM ECQs,

2.The domains of emotional intelligence,

3.Regular periods of self reflection to better understand themselves, and the world in which they lead, and

4.A commitment to life long learning.

Challenging great managers to become extraordinary leaders since rzC4A AMERICAN UNIVERSITY • SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS • 202.885.3857 • key@american.edu C hallenging great managers to become extraordinary leaders since rzC4A A MERICAN UNIVERSITY • SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS • 202.885.3857 • key@american.edu T he Key MPA Program also increases a graduate"s human capital through the following substantive skill development competencies:

1.An understanding of current technology and its challenges, together with how to lead significant

technological change

2.The ability to develop a change management marketing program and communicate strategically

3.The skill to understand a statistical analysis to enhance decision making

4.Becoming an active participant in budget development and implementation

5.Understand how to use the results of a Program Analysis to increase program efficiency and effectiveness

6.Understand the role of the US Constitution in providing and limiting US government authority to act

7.Understanding of the interrelated role of agencies, OMB, political appointees, Congress, CongressionalOversight, and stakeholders in the creation and implementation of public policy

8.An understanding of microeconomics and its roll in leader decision making

9.The ability to exercise influence in the award and implementation of the acquisition cycle

10.The role and responsibility of a leader to actively participate in the creation of human resource policy

11.The role of ethics and ethical behavior in decision making

12.The ability to design and effectively implement an organizational change effort that results in changesbehavior.

C ourse Descriptions

Cinked to the Z4y SbHs, eqch 5ey Sxecutive Ceqdership y4v course is highly relevqnt to the complex roles qnd tqsks

of public sector teqm leqders, mqnqgers, qnd executives.

PUAD 611: Managing in the Information Age 7his course covers the use of informqtion technology in public service

organizations. Topics covered include basic concepts and terminology, government and non -profit applications, the

systems approach to organizational processes, database concepts, web-engineering, decision support, user

involvement, methodologies for developing operating systems, and future trends.

PUAD 62,: Marketing and Strategic Communications 4rinciples of mqrketing qnd strqtegic communicqtion used by

government agencies to identify features of government performance relevant to citizens; market government

services; bringing about changes in citizen behavior; and enhancing the image of government agencies are covered.

Also includes marketing techniques such as focus groups and surveys to identify the causes of social behavior as well

as citizen preferences and needs.

PUAD 621: Topics in Executive Management: Language of Statistics 7his course will cover q number of techniques

and strategies designed to enhance analytic and decision making skills. The primary objective is to equip the student

to interpret statistics that are widely used in statistical reports, studies, evaluation, etc., with a focus on how these

statistics can aid management policy and decision making and problem solving

PUAD 622: Leadership f or Key Executives Ty focusing on the leqdership skills of clqss members, this course is

designed to sharpen the capabilities of executives to lead and manage others. Students examine their own

Challenging great managers to become extraordinary leaders since rzC4A AMERICAN UNIVERSITY • SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS • 202.885.3857 • key@american.edu

mqnqgeriql style, methods of communicqtion, techniques of motivqtion, delegqtion of work, qnd qpproqches to group

leqdership. blqss exercises qre used to illustrqte reseqrch findings from the behqviorql sciences.

PUAD pf9U Executive Problem Solving 3n this course students study methods for gqthering qnd qnqlyzing informqtion

in ways that lead toward more effective and accurate decisions. Specific techniques for analyzing public policies and

evaluating agency performance are examined. Each student develops a prospectus for analyzing a program or activity within his or her own agency.

PUAD pf-U Budgeting and Financial Management Jse of the executive budget qs q device for mqnqgement plqnning

and control is the focus of this course. Key executives develop their skills in understanding different budgetary

systems, the elements of budget review and execution, and various strategies and tactics in the budgetary process.

PUAD pf4U Analysis and Evaluation 7his course covers the broqd set of reseqrch qctivities essentiql for designing,

implementing, and appraising the usefulness of government programs. Students assess the effectiveness and

efficiency of innovative initiatives, as well as programs already in place, gaining skills critical in implementing the

Government Performance and Results Act.

PUAD pfpU Legal Issues in Public Administration 7his course deqls with the legql bqsis of government quthority qnd

the ways in which legal processes authorize yet limit executive action. Using statute and case law, students study the

delegation of legislative power, rule-making, administrative appeals and judicial review. Attention is focused on the

legal issues in which Key executives are most likely to become involved.

PUAD pfCU Politicsd Polic ymaking and Public Administration 5ey executives exqmine the relqtionship of the

legislative process, congressional oversight, and EOP/OMB review and app roval to the administration of government

policy. They study response to pressure groups, clientele groups, and the general public. Executives also address

their relationship to political executives, the political basis of government organization and the difficulties of

interagency coordination. This course can also be taken abroad.

PUAD pfPU Executive S kill ModuleU Executive ClarityU Thinking and Writing 7his skill module focuses on the elements

of effective writing and covers subjects such as organizing concepts and pre-writing, wordiness, parallel structure,

paragraphing, subordination, passive voice, transition, report structure, nominalizations, prepositional decay,

proofreading, and document design and layout.

PUAD p9cU Public Manag erial Economics yicroeconomic theory is used qs q frqmework for understqnding the

problems of public managers. Resource scarcity, consumer behavior, production, cost, economics of efficient

management, operation of product markets under competition and monopoly, labor markets, market failure, and public goods are covered.

PUAD p9-U Acquisiti on Management 7his course provides students with the requisite understqnding to exercise

leverage in both the award and administration phases of the acquisition cycle, including how to influence outcomes

that further programmatic goals that support public policy objectives. Basic rules, regulations, laws, and directives

and ethical considerations are covered with respect to both competitive and sole source acquisitions.

PUAD p9PU Strategic Human Resource Management for Executives 7his course looks qt executive exercise of

discretion in the application of human resource policy to enhance organizational effectiveness. Subjects covered

include labor/management relations, merit-based staffing, performance management, employee selection, EEO,

Challenging great managers to become extraordinary leaders since rzC4A

AMERICAN UNIVERSITY • SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS • 202.885.3857 • key@american.edu employee relqtions qnd other workplqce issues.


639: Ethics for Public Managers 7his course explores ethicql philosophy qnd its implicqtions for executive

qction qnd decisionPmqking, including conceptions of the public trust, conflicting interests, ends qnd meqns,


personql integrity, work plqce civility, qnd the need for government to keep its promises. Jsing cqse

studies, students exqmine the ethicql implicqtions of qlternqtive courses of qction. PUAD 654:


Diagnosis s Change vlternqtive theories qnd methods of intervention designed to bring qbout

effective orgqnizqtion chqnge qre covered. Ntudents develop skills by qpplying theories qnd models to

orgqnizqtion cqses. The Key

MPA Applicant

7he successful cqndidqte for the 5ey y4v progrqmd

typicqlly holds q 1NPgs oor qbove level or equivqlent ;1Z, privqte sector, or leqdership experienceh

possesses mqnqgement experienceh demonstrqtes significqnt leqdership potentiqlh qnd, hqs q pqssion for improving public service.

Application Requirements

bompleted grqduqte online qpplicqtion

4qyment of the nonPrefundqble JNe-- qpplicqtion fee. 7his pqyment is wqived for current studentsh vJ

qlumnih J.N. 9eterqnsh former 443vA3344 pqrticipqntsh 4eqce borps pqrticipqntsh vmeriborps pqrticipqntsh

7eqch for vmericq pqrticipqntsh mvyJ scholqrsh qnd yc;qir scholqrs.

vcqdemic record or scqnned unofficiql trqnscript.

4rofessionql or federql resume detqiling your current qnd pqst work experience, including your title, 1N rqting

or NSN designqtion oor equivqlent , qwqrds, speciql recognitions, qnd qccomplishments.

Ntqtement of purpose describing your pqssion for public service professionql growth qnd leqrning, leqdership

potentiql, qnd commitment to qpply whqt is leqrned in the clqssroom in the workplqce. v sqmple of your written work, such qs q report, memorqndum, or qrticle.

7wo letters of recommendqtion qttesting to your qcqdemic skills qnd executive potentiql.

7uition for

5ey -ϰ is estimqted to be es,Ϭϰϱ per credit. 3ncluded in the tuition qre textbooks, leqrning mqteriqls,

q nd most s tudent f ees. 7 here is no i ncreqse in tuition during the length of the progrqm.

vn qdditionql fee is chqrged for 4JvRPUsD when this course is tqken qbroqd. Ntudents mqy tqke 4JvR UsD

qt vmericqn Jniversity qnd qre not required to trqvel qbroqd.


Me thods


cqn be mqde throughout the semester by course or pqid in one lump sum. Npeciql monthly qrrqngements cqn be mqde qt qn qdditionql fee with the Zffice of Ntudent vccounts for pqrticipqnts funding their own tuition. Challenging great managers to become extraordinary leaders since rzC4A AMERICAN UNIVERSITY • SCHOOL OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS • 202.885.3857 • key@american.edu vmericqn Jniversity qccepts the following methods of pqymentd bheck or money orderh

9isq, yqsterbqrd, or Riscover credit cqrds oq nonrefundqble credit cqrd convenience fee of s.--n will be

chqrged h

Fire trqnsfer pqymentsh

qnd, Ntqndqrd morm g6s.

Financial Aid

minqnciql qid is qvqilqble to qll vmericqn Jniversity students. mor informqtion, go to the Zfficiql of minqnciql vid"s

website http://american.edu/financialaid/graduateprospects.cfm or call (202) 885 -6109. To be eligible for financial

aid, you must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Assistance (FAFSA), which is available electronically

through the

FAFSA website at

http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/. American University"s FAFSA code is ,,1434.

Veterans Benefits

vmericqn Jniversity qccepts 9eterqns qnd 13 Till benefits, qnd is q pqrticipqting &ellow Wibbon school. mor more

informqtion on how to use these benefits, go to www.american.edu/financialaid/veteransbenefits.cfm

For more informationd contactU

Patrick S$ Malone3 PhD


sus.66-.UsDg pmalone@american.edu

Char Ploetz

Key MPA Graduate Advisor

sus.66-.UsU6 cploetz@american.edu Robert Tobias

Business Development


rtobias@american.edu key.american.edu Tuition is estimated. All courses meet from 9am-4pm.C. Ploetz Updated 12/04/2018


"#$%&'()*#+,-'.),&%' $&/0,%'1#0,0"2' ()++'3456'

Orientation Malone, P. August 28 -

PUAD 622 Leadership for Executives Tobias, R.

September 6-8

!@&(C$")G453H)3.0 $6,135 PUAD 628 Executive Clarity Lussos, R. Sep 20-22; October 5 1.5 $3,068

Mindfulness Training Zaplin, R. October 4 0

PUAD 638 Strategic HR Management for Executives Wells, R. November 1-3 1.5 $3,068 PUAD 630 Public Managerial Economics Shapiro, C.

November 15-17




PUAD 623 Executive Problem Solving

Rahaman, A. January 17-19, February 7-9 3.0 $6,135

PUAD 654 Organization Diagnosis & Change

Wagner, R. Feb 21-23, March 13-15 3.0 $6,135

PUAD 627 Politics, Policymaking & Public

AdministrationTMalone, P.

April 17
