[PDF] Distribution plan for educational products Work Package 5

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Distribution plan for educational products Work Package 5

2 Distribution plan for educational products The e-learning program will be presented and demonstrated, and the Best Practice Manual and Draft Certification Program handed out to the participants of the CamCon stakeholder seminar in

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Deliverable D5.2.1

Distribution plan for educational products


Distribution plan for educational products

The e-learning program will be presented and demonstrated, and the Best Practice Manual and Draft Certification Program handed out to the participants of the CamCon stakeholder seminar in

Copenhagen April 14th 2015.

Following this presentation, the Manual and Program will be sent as hard copies with the cover letter to all members of the distribution list below.

Distribution list



Wech Geflügel, Lavanttal, www.wech.at


Gradus, Stara Zagora, www.gradus.bg


Vindija Group, Varazdin, www.vindija.hr

Czech Republic

Agrofert Holding, Vodnany, www.agrofert.cz


Danpo, Farre, www.danpo.dk

HKScan Denmark, Vinderup, www.rosepoultry.dk


HKScan, Turku, www.hkscan.com


Duc, Chailly, www.duc.fr

Euralis, Maubourget, www.euralis.fr

Fermiers du Sud-Ouest, Saint Sever, www.fermiers-so.fr

Gastronome, Ancenis, www.gastronome.fr

Groupe Agrial, Caen, www.agrial.com

Groupe Doux, Chateaulin, www.doux.com

Groupe Glon, Pontivy, www.groupe-glon.com

LDC, Sable sur Sarthe, www.ldc.fr

Tilly-Sabco, Guerlesquin, www.tilly-sabco.com

Triskalia, Landerneau, www.triskalia.fr



Gebrüder Stolle, Visbek, www.stolle.de

PHW Group, Visbek, www.phw-gruppe.de

Sprehe Gruppe, Cloppenburg, www.sprehe.de

Velisco, Rot am See, www.velisco.de


Pindos, Rodotopi Ioannina, www.pindos-apsi.gr


Master Good, Kisvarda, www.mastergood.hu

Italy Agricola Italiana Alimentare (AIA), San Martino Buon Albergo, www.aia-spa.it

Amadori, San Vittore di Cesena, www.amadori.com


KG Group, Kaunas, www.www.kauna-grudai.lt


2 Sisters Storteboom, Cuijk, www.storteboom.com

Nutreco, Amersfort, www.nutreco.com

Plukon Royale Group, Wezep, www.plukon.nl


Nortura, Oslo, www.nortura.no


Cedrob, Ciechanow, www.cedrob.com.pl

Drobex, Solec Kujawski, www.drobex.com.pl

Drobimex, Szczecin, www.drobimex.pl

IKO Kompania Drobiarska, Wielichowo, www.iko-kompania.com.pl

Indykpol Capital group, Olsztyn, www.indykpol.pl


Interaves, Abrigada, www.interaves.pt


Agricola International Romanian, Bacau, www.agricola.ro 4 Spain

Coren, Santa Cruz de Arrabalde, www.coren.es

Grupo Fuertes, Alhama de Murcia, www.grupofuertes.com

Grupo Sada, Madrid, www.sadagroup.com

Uvesa, Tudela, www.uvesa.es

Vall Companys Grupo, Lleida, www.vallcompanys.es


Kronfågel Holding, Stockholm, www.kronfagel.se

Scandi Standard, Stockholm, www.scandistandard.com

United Kingdom

2 Sisters Food Group, West Bromwich, www.2sfg.co.uk

Banham Poultry Ltd., Attleborough, www.banhampoultryuk.com Bernhard Matthews Holdings, Norfolk, www.bernhardmatthews.com Cargill Meats Europe, Hereford, www.cargill.com/company/businesses/cargill-meats- europe/index.jsp

Crown Chicken, Norwich, www.crownchicken.co.uk

Faccenda Group, Brackley, www.faccenda.co.uk

Moy Park Ltd., Craigavon, www.moypark.com


a.v.e.c. (Association of Poultry Processors and Poultry Trade in the EU countries), Brussels, www.avec-poultry.eu COPA-COGECA (Committee of Professional Agricultural Organisations in the European Union and the General Confederation of Agricultural Co-operatives in the European Union), Brussels, www.copa-cogeca.be


DG SANCO, Brussels, http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/health_food-safety

EFSA, Parma, www.efsa.europa.eu


CVOs of EU Member States

CVOs of Iceland, Norway and Switzerland

5 (Cover Letter) April 2015

From science to industry

I 2010 a research project on Campylobacter control in primary poultry production was launched,

financially supported by the European Union's Seǀenth Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 244547. The project - with the acronym CamCon - aims to improve the control of Campylobacter in primary

poultry production in ǀarious parts of Europe and thereby enable the production of ͞low-risk broilers"

with respect to contamination with Campylobacter. It is carried out by a consortium of 10 participants

from seven countries, including national diagnostic laboratories, institutions providing research and

advisory services, and universities.

The project places great emphasis on ensuring rapid and effective dissemination of scientific

achievements to end-users, in particular the EU poultry industry. As the project is now close to

completion we are pleased to share with you some of the outcomes of the CamCon project that are targeted at the poultry industry. Two of these - a Best Practice Manual and a Draft Certification Program - are enclosed. Biosecurity

forms a central part of the procedures for Campylobacter prevention at poultry farms. The Best

Practice Manual aims at highlighting and explaining these procedures in a way that can be

implemented directly by the poultry industry. It is important to stress that this manual cannot stand

alone, but should be integrated in existing producer guidelines and quality programs for poultry meat

production. The Draft Certification Program should be seen as a help to quality managers and farm advisors of poultry producing companies that have intentions of introducing and documenting farm measures to reduce the risk of Campylobacter. A third output from the project is a comprehensive e-learning program on Campylobacter and biosecurity that may be used by poultry producers and poultry advisors to train and educate farm staff. This tool is available at the CamCon website www.camcon-eu.net where you may find other useful information from the project as well.

It is our hope that you may find these tools useful in your work with food safety in the production of

poultry meat.

On behalf of the project

Merete Hofshagen Mogens Madsen

Project Coordinator Work Package Leader
