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113: The Integral Test

n3 converges (like 4=n2) Careful with this one{the higher order terms in the numerator cancel out 6 X1 n=1 (n+ 2)2 n2 n2 diverges (like 1=n) 7 X1 n=1 3 + 2sin(n2) n2 converges (like 3=n2) 8 X1 n=1 ln(n)2 n2 converges (we will cover this more on Friday, but since ln2 n< p nfor large n, the series can be compared to p n=n 2= 1=n3=) 9 X1 n=1

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Tests for Convergence of Series 1) Use the comparison test to con rm the statements in the following exercises 1 P 1 n=4 1diverges, so P 1 n=4 3 diverges Answer: Let a n = 1=(n 3), for n 4

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n=0 2n 3n+ n3: Answer: Since 3 n+ n3 >3 for all n 1, it follows that 2n 3n+ n3 < 2n 3n = 2 3 n: Therefore, X1 n=0 2n 3n+ n3 < X1 n=0 2 3 n = 1 1 2 3 = 3: Hence, the given series converges 2 Does the following series converge or diverge? Explain your answer X1 n=1 n 3n: Answer: Use the Ratio Test: lim n1 n+1 3n+1 n 3n = lim n1 n+ 1 3n+1 3n n

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11.3: The Integral Test

Wednesday, February 25

Recap: Sequences

Order the following sequences by their growth rate asn! 1: n;ln(n);pn;1:01n;pn

3+ 2;n!;50;n2;n100;2n;50n;ln(n)30;n1:001


3+ 2< n2< n100<1:01n<2n<50n< n!

Find the limits of the following sequences:

1. lim

n!1n 52
n: 0

2. lim



3. lim

n!1e nn!: 0

4. lim


10n!: 0

5. lim

n!11:01npn :16. lim n!1ln(n)e n: 0

7. lim



7+ 5: 0

8. lim


9. lim

n!1e n+p7n+ 2ln(n) +n!: 010. lim n!1n

4+ ln(n)3n3+ 4n2+n+ 1:1

11. lim


7+ 2en: 0

12. lim

n!1p2n3+ 53npn1 + ln(n): p2 3

Recap: Geometric Series

Formula for the sum of a geometric series whenjrj<1: 1 X n=0ar n=1X n=1ar n1=a1r

Writing out the individual terms, we can get

a+ar+ar2+:::=a(1 +r+r2+:::) =a1r

So one way to nd the sum is to write the rst two terms of the sequence, then factor out the rst term and

use 1 +r+r2+:::=11r.


1X n=132 n+2= 3=8 + 3=16 +:::=38 (1 + 1=2 +:::) =38

111=2= 3=4.

1. 1X n=11=3n= 1=3 + 1=9 +:::= 1=3(1 + 1=3 +:::) =13

111=3= 1=2.

2. 1X n=15=8n= 5=8 + 5=64 +:::= 5=8(1 + 1=8 +:::) =58

111=8= 5=7.

1 3. 1X n=03 n+2=4n1= 36(1 + 3=4 +:::) = 36113=4= 144. 4. 1X n=02 n+3=3n+2= 8=9(1 + 2=3 +:::) =89

112=3= 8=3.

5. 1X n=152n=3n+1= 10=9(1 + 2=3 +:::) =109

112=3= 10=3.

6. 1X n=172n+2=5n= 56=5(1 + 2=5 +:::) =565

112=5= 56=3:

The Integral Test

1. For a positive decreasing (or eventually decreasing) sequenceanand corresponding functionf, the

seriesP1 n=1anconverges if and only ifR1


2. Rn




3. Ifs=Panandsnis the nth partial sum, thenZ

1 n+1f(x)dxRn=ssnZ 1 n f(x)dx.

Example:Sincean= 1=nis decreasing andR1

11x dxdiverges, the harmonic series diverges. Decide whether the following series are convergent or divergent by using the integral test: 1. 1X n=11=ndiverges 2. 1X n=11=n2converges 3. 1X n=11=pndiverges 4. 1X n=11nln(n)diverges (R1xlnx= lnlnx) 5. 1X n=11nln(n)2converges (R1xln2x=1=lnx) 6. 1X n=11=n3converges 7. 1X n=111 +n2converges (R1=(1 +x2) = arctan(x)) 8. 1X n=1n1 +n2diverges (Rx=(1 +x2) = ln(1 +x2)) 2 9. 1X n=11n

2+ 3n+ 2converges

lim n!1Z n 11x

2+ 3x+ 2= limn!1Z


11(x+ 1)(x+ 2)

= lim n!1Z n

11x+ 11x+ 2

= lim n!1ln(x+ 1)ln(x+ 2)jn1 = ln(3)ln(2) + limn!1ln(n+ 1)ln(n+ 2) = ln(3)ln(2) + limn!1ln(n+ 1n+ 2) = ln(3)ln(2) + ln( limn!11 +1n+ 2) = ln(3)ln(2)

Decide whether the followng integrals are convergent or divergent by using the integral test. You do not

have to compute the integral. 1. 1X n=1n 2+pn n

3+ lnndiverges (like 1=n)

2. 1X n=1n 6n5n

4+n3+ sin(n)diverges (liken2)

3. 1X n=1(n+ 1)3n

5+ 7converges (like 1=n2)

4. 1X n=1(n+ 1)3n2+nn

2+ lnndiverges (liken)

5. 1X n=1(n+ 2)2n2n

3converges (like 4=n2). Careful with this one{the higher order terms in the numerator

cancel out! 6. 1X n=1(n+ 2)2n2n

2diverges (like 1=n)

7. 1X n=13 + 2sin(n2)n

2converges (like 3=n2)

8. 1X n=1ln(n)2n

2converges (we will cover this more on Friday, but since ln2n can be compared to pn=n

2= 1=n3=2)

9. 1X n=1(n+ lnn)2n

3+nlnndiverges (like 1=n)


More and Extra

1. Why does the integral test not directly apply to the series

1X n=11 + sin(n)n

2? Do you think that this

integral converges or diverges? Due to the oscillation of sin(n) the sequence is not decreasing. The integral converges.

2. Using one of the formulas above, get an estimate for


n=11=n. Z




n=11=n1 +Z


1 1=xdx ln(10;000)10;000X n=11=n1 + ln(10;000)



3. Find

P5 n=11=n2. Compute an integral to estimate the remainderR5=P1 n=61=n2. Z 1 n+11=x2dxR5Z 1 n


1=(n+ 1)Rn1=n

P 5 n=11=n2= 5269=36001:4636. From the above derivation forRn, we get 1=6Rn1=5

4. Use your answer to the above problem and the fact that

P1 n=11=n2=2=6 to put upper and lower bounds on.



5+ 1=62=6s5+ 1=5


