[PDF] Selected Bibliography on Augustines Confessions

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Augustine was baptized by Ambrose at Milan during Eastertide, A D 387 A short time later his mother, Monica, died at Ostia on the journey back to Africa A year later, Augustine was back in Roman Africa living in a monastery at Tagaste, his native town In 391, he was ordained presbyter in the church of Hippo Regius (a small coastal town nearby)

The Confessions of Saint Augustine

The Confessions of Saint Augustine by St Augustine, Translated by Edward B Pusey, D D This document has been generated from XSL (Extensible Stylesheet Language) source with RenderX XEP Formatter, version 3 7 3 Client Academic

AUGUSTIN - samizdat

t S’appuyant sur l’etexte de domaine public: Les confessions, par Augustin d’Hippone (dont la rédaction fut terminé vers 400 ap JC) Traduction M Moreau 1864, édition numérique réalisée par l’abbaye Saint Benoit

Autobiography and Perspective in the Confessions of St Augustine

The Confessions of St Augustine 2 Les Confessions de Saint Augustin dans la traditio littiraire (Paris, 1963), pp 11 ff 210 AUTOBIOGRAPHY AND ST AUGUSTINE

Selected Bibliography on Augustines Confessions

Saint Augustin, Confessions, trans Pierre de Labriolle, Collection des Universités de France (Paris: Société d’édition “Les Belles Lettres”, 1925) Dixième Tirage: 1969


ST AUGUSTINE AND THE PRESENCE OF GOD 339 present the facts which we have comprehended,"24 Augustine portrays the various ways in which different categories of men visualize God as the most excellent and sublime being Because the passage is a syn­ thesis of some deeper thoughts on the approach of men to God, Augus­


17ÙP Courcelle makes this connection in Recherches sur les Confessions de Saint Augustin (Paris: Boccard, 1968) 272–273 18ÙAugustine The Usefulness of Belief 1 2 (cited from J H S Burleigh, Augustine: Earlier Writ-ings [Philadelphia: Westminster, 1953]) 19ÙIbid 20ÙAugustine Happy Life 4 21ÙFrend, “Tradition” 23

Becoming Gods by Becoming God’s: Augustine’s Mystagogy of

15 Pierre Courcelle, Recherches sur les Confessions de saint Augustin (Paris: Boucard, 1950) 98– 103, argues that Augustine was present to hear Ambrose’s preaching on Genesis and would have there picked up on the triadic structure of creation Drawing from Paul’s a quo, per quem, in quo

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