[PDF] A) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the nouns

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Fiche grammaire

9 since 10 for Exercice 2 1 during 2 during 3 while 4 While 5 Since 6 during 7 during 8 while 9 during 10 while Exercice 3 1 I haven’t had his/her news for two or three years 2 He got arrested while he was driving his colleague’s car 3 She doesn’t like driving while he sleeps/he’s sleeping 4 He didn’t stop calling


S1 - Since, for, ago www famillefutee com 3 CORRECTION 1- a) I lived in Paris since 2000 b) They haven’t seen us since ages c) He died 21 years ago d) We met for the first time 2 years ago e) She woke up during the night 2- a) Since my birthday, I have been waiting for him to contact me b) I received a computer for my birthday


16 The projector broke down twice (for, during) the showing of the film 17 He had been waiting here (during, since) noon 18 I received my bill (to, in) the middle of the month 19 Can you be ready (by, on) six o’clock? 20 We plan to finish this project (around, until) the first of the year

TENSES 1 Put the verb into the correct form, present simple

17 I'd like to see Tina again It's a long time since I saw her / that I didn't see her 18 Bob and Alice have been married since 20 years / for 20 years 3 Put the verb into the most suitable form 1 Who invented (invent) the bicycle? 2 'Do you still have a headache?' 'No, it´s gone / it has gone (it/go) I'm all right now '

5 P resent p erfect sim p le - Oxford University Press

2 W e donÕ t see her since last w eek 3 She pla yed tennis since she w as 8 4 The yÕv e lived in Rome since ages 5 Ho w long ar e you her e? 6 He w ork ed for that company for six year s and no w heÕ s the manager D P re se n t p e rfe c t sim p le v s P a st sim p le 8 Choose the corr ect alter nativ e

A1 Eingangskurs Grammar Exercises - uni-bayreuthde

2 I invited Jeff to come for lunch but he wasn't hungry (he / already / eat / lunch) 3 Jane was late for her exam All the other students were already there

B2 First - Cambridge English

About the exam 5 B2 First is a rigorous and thorough test of English at Level B2 It covers all four language skills – reading, writing, listening

A) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the nouns

IES Vescomtat de Cabrera English Department 10 Patricia’s a really working-hard / hard-working person, isn’t she? A) Complete the sentences with some, any, much, many, little, few, neither, both, none or all

Emergency care in the emergency department (ED)

• During the medical examination the doctor determines neces-sary initial analyses and radiological (X-ray, ultrasound, CT scan) investigations on the basis of the examination After giving analyses and investigations you need to wait for the results for an average of 2 to 3 hours Based on the results of the investi-


Exercice 1 On considère la fonction de variable réelle définie par f (x) = In + Alors, 00, U +00[ f est paire C f n'est ni paire, ni impaire f est impaire dc est égale à : Exercice 2 L 'intégrale Exercice 3 L 'intégrale dc est égale à : - 1) - In(l + VS) Exercice 4 Soit f la fonction définie sur l'intervalle 10; -Fool par f (x)

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