[PDF] OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE Topic: Recognition of Prior Learning

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OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE Topic: Recognition of Prior Learning

Certification If the certification is not yet completed, the assessor must, as a minimum, have completed ED3280 – Educational Assessment Have completed a RPL orientation program as designated by the Department 4 3 Restrictions Only those designated by the Division will be authorized to conduct prior learning assessments

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Apprenticeship and Trades Certification Procedure 7 1

Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Division


Topic: Recognition of Prior Learning

Provincial Apprenticeship and Certification Board (PACB)

Related Policy: PACB Policy # 6

Procedure No: 7 Effective Date: January, 2013

Version No: 2013.03


The Provincial Apprenticeship and Certification Board (PACB), through legislative authority, shall determine the process by which apprentices and potential apprentices receive credit for learning acquired from other forms of formal training and from work and life experiences. The purpose of this procedure is to identify the criteria and process for the awarding of credit through the recognition of prior learning. This process will only be applied to occupations which have been designated for apprenticeship training. The Division herein refers to the Apprenticeship and Trades Certification Division of the Department of Advanced Education and Skills. The Board or PACB herein refers to the Provincial

Apprenticeship and Certification Board.

The term Assessor refers to individuals selected by schools and designated by the Division as

Prior Learning Assessors.

Apprenticeship and Trades Certification Procedure 7 2


Credential Recognition of academic or professional qualifications achieved Recognition at another training institution, in another jurisdiction or another country. Credit Transfer Awarding of credit or advanced standing for formal credits achieved in a training program other than the training program the applicant is currently enrolled in. Prior Learning: Learning acquired through previous experiences. Sources of learning include any learning experience not associated with institutional study and courses taken at an institution that are not recognized through a credit transfer arrangement/agreement. Prior Learning Evaluation and Recognition of non-formal, informal or

Assessment and experiential learning.

Recognition (PLAR)

Recognition of Prior A process used to evaluate learning acquired through formal and Learning (RPL) informal learning experiences for the purpose of assigning academic credit.


Prior learning assessment is available as an alternative path to achieve course credit for apprentices, and those taking pre-apprenticeship skilled trades training programs. Those identified in 3.1 are not required to participate in Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) in their apprenticeship. Those identified in 3.2 must participate in a PLA process to begin or continue their path to certification:

3.1 Those not required to participate in PLA

ƒ Students beginning block 1 (entry level) training ƒ Apprentices returning for advanced (block 2 & above) training ƒ Apprentices who have not yet completed block 1 training - commonly referred to as direct entry apprentices. Apprenticeship and Trades Certification Procedure 7 3

3.2 Those required to participate in PLA

ƒ Graduates of non-accredited block 1 trades training programs within Newfoundland and Labrador. ƒ Graduates of an entry level trades training program which utilized a plan of training which is no longer current (more than 1 generation old). ƒ Trade Qualifiers who were able to achieve endorsement of at least 80% - but not all - of their workplace skills in each skill category by a certified journeyperson. Skills achieved through self verification via affidavit will require assessment. The final decision to grant PLA based on the endorsed skills will be at the discretion of the PDO. ƒ Foreign credentialed workers seeking recognition of their learning / credentials.


4.1 Designation of Assessors

Educational Agencies will be responsible for nominating to the Division individuals on their staff who they wish to have designated as Prior Learning Assessors, through the use of form PL-300. Those meeting the qualifications identified in 4.2 will be designated by the Division as an assessor for their specific occupation or content area. Designation as an assessor will not expire as long as the assessor continues to meet the qualifications in 4.2. If an individual wishes to become an assessor for a different occupation, they must be re-designated by the

Division for their new occupation.

4.2 Qualifications

To be designated as a Prior Learning Assessor, an individual must meet the following requirements (exceptions may be granted at the discretion of the director): ƒ Be a holder of a current Certification of Qualification as a journeyperson with a Red Seal (or blue seal for provincially designated occupations) endorsement in the occupation being assessed. ƒ Be currently employed as a full time or part time instructor in an accredited program for the occupation. ƒ Haǀe a minimum of 2 years' edžperience as an instructor in the occupation. ƒ Have completed, be completing, or be exempted from, Post- Secondary Instructor Certification. If the certification is not yet completed, the assessor must, as a minimum, have completed ED3280 - Educational Assessment. ƒ Have completed a RPL orientation program as designated by the Department. Apprenticeship and Trades Certification Procedure 7 4 ƒ Hold a diploma or degree in a related content area. ƒ Be currently employed as a full time or part time instructor for the Essential Skills (Related) Courses, in an accredited program. ƒ Haǀe a minimum of 2 years' edžperience as an Essential Skills (Related) course instructor. ƒ Have completed, be completing, or be exempted from, Post- Secondary Instructor Certification. If the certification is not yet completed, the assessor must, as a minimum, have completed ED3280 - Educational Assessment. ƒ Have completed a RPL orientation program as designated by the Department.

4.3 Restrictions

Only those designated by the Division will be authorized to conduct prior learning assessments. Assessments completed by an individual not designated by the Division will not be accepted.


5.1 Scope of curriculum available for assessment.

Unless specifically noted in a plan of training, all courses are eligible for the granting of credit through the RPL process. This includes both core trades courses and the academic essential skills (related) courses.

5.2 Language

An applicant for assessment must ensure that all documentation not in English be translated to English by a qualified, un-biased 3rd party who can certify that the copy is a true and accurate translation of the original. Original documents or certified copies of same must still be submitted.

5.3 Assessment of informal learning

Assessment of prior informal learning will be challenge based, on a course by course basis. Credit will be awarded for whole courses only, not for partial courses. When relevant learning has been identified for assessment, the learning will be evaluated through the use of theory and practical evaluation tools of the same quality and testing the same competencies as those used for students who complete full training in the course. ƒ Assessment tools may be existing items used to test students enrolled in apprenticeship training, or they may be created specifically for PLAR use. ƒ Where a course consists of both theoretical and practical learning objectives, evaluation must take place on both. Apprenticeship and Trades Certification Procedure 7 5 ƒ Work completed prior to the formal assessment cannot be used as evidence of practical skills. All practical learning must be demonstrated in a school shop environment, under the supervision and observation of the designated assessor.

5.4 Assessment of formal learning (Canada)

When an applicant has completed prior formal learning, assessment will involve a comparison of the learning outcomes/objectives of the learning received at the sending institution to the outcomes/objectives of the course in the current receiving NL curriculum. ƒ To be considered for credit, a course in the sending curriculum must have commonality in objectives (theoretical and practical) of at least 80% with the course in the current receiving curriculum. ƒ To be considered for credit, the grade received in the sending course must be at least 80%.
ƒ Credit will not be granted for courses which were themselves granted for credit through a PLA or similar process at another institution or in another jurisdiction. ƒ When a receiving course in NL contains practical objectives, the sending curriculum must also contain practical objectives. ƒ Prior formal learning must have been completed (at the program level) no more than 10 years from the date of application for the current apprenticeship. Any learning completed before this period can only be assessed informally, and should be supported by recent work experience. ƒ Success in prior formal learning must be verified through the use of certified transcripts from a recognized educational institution, along with supporting documentation which identifies the learning objectives and outcomes of the courses being recognized, as well as the evaluation methods used.

5.5 Assessment of courses identified as compatible through the Interprovincial Program

Guide (IPG) system.

IPG's are used by many jurisdictions to facilitate recognition of formal learning for apprentices who transfer between jurisdictions. When an applicant successfully completes a course which has been identified as equivalent to an IPG Unit in a sending jurisdiction, the applicant will be awarded credit for any course identified as being equivalent to that same IPG unit of instruction in a NL program, provided that the sending course contains practical requirements with at least 80% commonality to the practical requirements in the NL course. In the event that the sending course does not contain practical requirements, the applicant must be assessed on the practical requirements only contained in the NL course, and must achieve a combined minimum of 70% on the assessment tools used. The practical requirements will be assessed according to methods identified in 5.2 and 6.0 of this procedure. Apprenticeship and Trades Certification Procedure 7 6

5.6 Assessment of entry level graduates from non-accredited training programs in

Newfoundland and Labrador

A non-accredited training program, for the purposes of this procedure, is defined as a program (at the campus level) delivered by an educational institution which:

ƒ Has been delivered for 2 academic years and

ƒ Has not been submitted for program accreditation or

ƒ Has been denied program accreditation or

ƒ Has had it's program accreditation expired for 6 or more months Graduates of a non-accredited program wishing to begin an apprenticeship in their chosen occupation will be required to attend an assessment block at a training institution with an accredited training program for the occupation. The graduates learning will be assessed for evidence that the training received at the non-accredited institution meets the standards established in the provincial curriculum. Depending on the results of the assessment, further blocks of training may be required to address any identified gaps.

5.7 Assessment of Trade Qualifiers

A Trade Qualifier (TQ) is an individual who has accumulated significant work experience in a chosen occupation, and wishes to challenge the Red Seal (or provincial where appropriate) certification exam to obtain journeyperson status. These individuals are required to have documented work experience exceeding the normal total apprenticeship hours for their occupation, usually by 1800 hours. The total number of hours will vary by occupation. They are also required to have specific workplace skills verified and endorsed by a journeyperson in the occupation who is familiar with their work. In the event that a trade qualifier has attained the required work hours and is not able to have all of their workplace skills endorsed by a journeyperson, but is able to self-endorse the remaining skills through an affidavit, they will have to complete a prior learning assessment session to determine if they are eligible to challenge the certification exam. This session will include practical, and possibly theoretical, assessments on the workplace skills which were not endorsed by a journeyperson.

5.8 Assessment of Foreign Credentials

The PACB acknowledges that education and credentials acquired outside of Canada have value and could be recognized for partial or complete credit in a Skilled Trades apprenticeship program. Because of the varied nature of prior learning through foreign sources, it is not practical to establish specific credit transfer standards for any one program of study, foreign credential or jurisdictional standard. As a result, a Foreign Credentialed Worker (FCW) seeking Apprenticeship and Trades Certification Procedure 7 7 recognition of their foreign credentials is required to follow a modified Trade Qualifier (TQ) assessment path. A FCW who has completed formal training in a designated occupation and /or served a partial apprenticeship in a foreign jurisdiction may qualify to enter an apprenticeship program with advanced standing as a direct entry apprentice, pending assessment of their credentials. A FCW who holds a designation equivalent to a journeyperson designation in a foreign jurisdiction may be able to receive an equivalent designation in Canada, pending assessment of their credentials and completion of a certification exam.

The following guidelines apply;

ƒ A FCW will be required to submit original credential documents or certified copies of same for assessment. These documents include, but are not limited to; diplomas/degrees/certificates; transcripts; and professional licences / certificates of qualification. ƒ Additionally, a FCW must submit verifiable documentation which attests to the; o Recognition of the issuing educational institution within its jurisdiction. o Recognition of the certifying body within its jurisdiction in the case of professional licensing and journeyperson designation. o Content (theoretical and practical learning objectives/outcomes, evaluation methods) of all courses or units of instruction in formal learning used to support the credentials being submitted for assessment. ƒ A FCW seeking journeyperson designation must provide verification of work experience (skills and hours) in the occupation equal to that required for a domestic TQ in the same occupation. In the event that a FCW has attained the required work hours and is not able to have all of their workplace skills endorsed by a journeyperson, but is able to self-quotesdbs_dbs12.pdfusesText_18