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INDUSTRY BULLETIN for Florida’s Elevator Industry SUBJECT: ELEVATOR ALTERNATE POWER Number:2006-03 Date: 2006/07/19 This bulletin is provided to aid in compliance with Florida law, and is not intended as legal advice


The footnotes can be found at the end of the bulletin Avertissement Les indices de la production industrielle ne sont plus publiés dans ce bulletin, mais paraissent maintenant dans une nouvelle publication mensuelle intitulée «Indicateurs conjoncturels de l'industrie», disponible auprès des Bureaux de vente mentionnés au

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Union Européenne de l’Industrie des Lubrifiants OEM BULLETIN BMW The Union of the European Lubricant Industry (UEIL) is the umbrella association of the European Lubricants Industry, representing their members and, in particular, the interests of SMEs and independent lubricant companies

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UEIL asbl

Avenue des Arts 46 | B-1000 Brussels ʹ Belgium

Tel. +32 2 504 90 03 | secretariat@ueil.org | www.ueil.org

Union of the European Lubricants Industry


BMW The Union of the European Lubricant Industry (UEIL) is the umbrella association of the European

Lubricants Industry, representing their members and, in particular, the interests of SMEs and

independent lubricant companies. To date, the UEIL represents more than 450 lubricant companies, who manufacture and distribute lubricant products under their own various trademarks throughout the European Union. With members in more than 22 European Countries and a unique collective

experience of lubricants and the lubricants market, UEIL is the sole representative body for

independent manufacturers of lubricants in Europe and has been recognised as such by the European and national laws.

Points of discussion

BMW launched a new " release procedure for BMW Longlife engine oils » in November 2018.

UEIL had several concerns regarding some provisions of this new procedure, notably about the

obligation to provide some information and about requirements concerning trademarks and trade names.


UEIL contacted BMW on this issue in June 2019 and found an amicable solution with the OEM in

October 2019.

First, BMW has accepted to limit the information requested from the applicants as follows : - " lt would be sufficient to upload one label per product group of the applicant. ln case of bulk sales, the applicant would have to upload to BFAS the technical data sheet containing the BMW claim. » - " With regard to container sizes and sales regions, we would greatly appreciate the cooperation of the applicants in providing these details, however, the applicants are free to only enter generic information (as it is the case already today). At least, the applicants must provide BMW with the information upon request in case of technical issues. » Secondly, BMW has committed to revise the wording of its documentation related to trademarks. Consequently, the release procedure for BMW longlife engine oils will be updated by the OEM to take into account UEIL concerns.

UEIL asbl

Avenue des Arts 46 | B-1000 Brussels ʹ Belgium

Tel. +32 2 504 90 03 | secretariat@ueil.org | www.ueil.org

Union of the European Lubricants Industry


UEIL would like to thank BMW for its reactivity and its constructive cooperation on this issue.

Brussels, October 2019
