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Feb 18, 2021 · Forests Aziz Akhannouch at the desalination plant with reverse osmosis technology that the company is developing in the Moroccan region of Agadir This plant, with a capacity to produce 3275,000 m /d of desalinated water, is considered the largest designed for drinking water and irrigation

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Oct 22, 2018 · Dear Mr Aziz Akhannouch and Mr Anas Doukkali, The International Food Additives Council (IFAC) is providing the following comments on the Joint Order of the Minister of Agriculture and Maritime Fisheries and the Minister of Health of Morocco, No 1795-14,

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Aziz Akhannouch, Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries of Morocco Showcase Agriculture and Food Security: The Higher Level Session was attended by H E Mr Aziz

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and nationally” said Aziz Akhannouch, Minister of Agriculture, Seafishing, Country Development, Waters and Forests of Morocco “This is an issue which transcends human and animal health, and we are proud that OIE has recognized the success of our strategy to promote animal health, control disease and stop the spread of AMR ”


Aug 31, 2018 · The Minister of Agriculture and Maritime Fisheries, Aziz AKHANNOUCH The Minister of Health, El Houssaine LOUARDI Morocco: Food Additive Requirements Page 4 ANNEX

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o H E Mr Aziz Akhannouch, Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, Morocco Setting the scene: • Dr Rajendra Pachauri, Chairman, IPCC (Video Message) • H E Dr Akimwumi Adeshina, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development, Nigeria Master of Ceremony: Dr Fatima Denton, ECA 10h30-11h00 Coffee/Tea break Photo Session 11h00-12h30


Monsieur Aziz Akhannouch Ministre de l’Agriculture et de la Pêche Maritime, Président de la Région Souss-Massa-Draa, Administrateur de la Fondation Académia, Membre de la Fondation Mohammed VI, pour la protection de l’Environnement, Maroco Monsieur Didier Doucet Professeur à l'Université et à l'Institut d'Études Européennes,

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Innovative technology solutions for sustainability

The Moroccan Minister of Agriculture

visits the Agadir desalination plant It is the largest desalination plant designed for drinking water and irrigation. It will have the capacity to produce 275,000 m3/d of desalinated water. February, 18th 2021 Abengoa (MCE: ABG/P:SM), the international company that applies innovative technology solutions for sustainability in the infrastructure, energy and water sectors, has received this week, on February 16, the visit of the Moroccan Minister of Agriculture, Sea Fishing, Rural Development and Water and Forests Aziz Akhannouch at the desalination plant with reverse osmosis technology that the company is developing in the Moroccan region of Agadir. This plant, with a capacity to produce 275,000 m3/d of desalinated water, is considered the largest designed for drinking water and irrigation. During the visit, the good progress of the project being built by Abengoa was verified, and it has exceeded, on the one hand, 85% of the construction of the desalination plant and, on the other, 56% of the irrigation network. This visit has been organized to monitor the projects launched within the framework of the Maroc Vert Plan 2020-2030, promoted by the Agriculture, Sea Fishing, Rural Development and Water and Forests Ministry of Morocco, in order to consolidate all the goals achieved in the last Green Morocco Plan, and which has as objective the modernization of the agricultural sector in the country.

Desalination plant and irrigation network.

The public-private partnership contract for the design, construction, financing, operation and maintenance for a period of 30 years (including construction) was awarded to Abengoa in 2017, obtaining in April 2018 the financial closing. This is a single project for the two clients (the Office National able (ONEE) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Sea Fishing, Rural Development and Water and Forests of Morocco) which has been created from the mutualization of two projects. The first one requires a 50% expansion of production capacity under the contract that Abengoa has been developing for ONEE, thereby increasing the plant capacity to 150,000 m3/d of drinking water. And the second project calls for the additional production of 125,000 m3/d of irrigation water as well as the construction of the corresponding irrigation network for a total of 13,600 ha, promoted by the Ministry of Agriculture.


Innovative technology solutions for sustainability Abengoa is a leading company in the international desalination market, with an installed capacity of 1.7 million m3/d, which will increase to 4.3 million when the portfolio is completed. Among its projects in execution, in addition to Agadir, Abengoa is executing the largest reverse osmosis desalination plant in the world, located in the Taweelah power and water generation complex, in the United Arab Emirates, with a production capacity of 909,000 m3/d. On the other hand, the Shuaibah desalination plant in Saudi Arabia has recently completed, with a capacity of 250,000 m3/d, and was officially inaugurated in July 2019, just 21 months after the start of construction works, becoming it a milestone in the sector given the characteristics and size of this plant.

About Abengoa

Abengoa (MCE: ABG/P:SM) applies innovative technology solutions for sustainability in the infrastructure, energy and water sectors. (www.abengoa.com)

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